藤井 透
社会学部論集 = Journal of the Faculty of Sociology (ISSN:09189424)
no.61, pp.35-55, 2015-09

本稿は,19 世紀後半のイギリスの経済学者であるアーノルド・トインビー(1852-1883)に関する,従来の諸外国の研究をサーベーして,次のようなことを論じた。トインビーに関する研究は,その死から両大戦間期まで,第二次大戦後から1970 年代まで,1980 年代,そして,その後から現代までと,おおまかに四つの時期に分けることができる。そして,本稿は,それぞれの時期を,トインビー「神話」の誕生,「神話」から研究へ,研究の深化と発展,あたらしい「神話」か?と特徴づけた。結論として,トインビーに関するもっとも豊かな研究成果が現れたのが1980 年代で,それを部分的に受け入れて,トインビー個人ではなく,かれの『産業革命』を現代イギリス研究にとって重要なテキストであるとみなしているのが,今日の研究の特徴だとした。アーノルド・トインビー歴史学派経済学産業革命オックスフォード大学
藤井 透
土地制度史学会(現 政治経済学・経済史学会)
土地制度史学 (ISSN:04933567)
vol.43, no.3, pp.19-27, 2001

Social reform and imperialism were the greatest political questions in Britain at the turn of the century. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the difference between the new liberalism and Fabianism of the time by comparing how J.A. Hobson and the Webbs understood the relations between them. In this paper, I point out that the difference between Hobson and the Webbs derives from their respective methods of study. Hobson's method was based on deduction while the Webbs' method was based on induction, and this led to the different ways in which they evaluated social policy. Since Hobson evaluated individual policies from the standpoint of deduction, he showed little attachment to implementing any particular policy. On the other hand, the Webbs conceptualized the notion of the National Minimum on the basis of how to guarantee a minimum standard of living for the workers in the context of trade unionism. The Webbs propagated the philosophy and policy of the National Minimum based on their faith that this method, the newest to appear in history, was the most effective policy for the future. On the other hand, although this has been neglected in the past, there are many points in common between Hobson and the Webbs. First, they had a common awareness of the need to address the social problems that had become apparent at the end of the nineteenth century. Second, they believed that specific social problems were the "diseases" of capitalism or social institutions. Third, they had a shared aspiration to an economics which emphasized the consumer. Finally, since Hobson opposed the Anglo Boer War while the Webbs supported the war, it may seem that they held different views of imperialism. However, a close reading of Hobson's Imperialism and the Fabian Society's Fabianism and the Empire reveals a common "racist" stance. In other words, both parties opposed self government by "lower races" or "colored natives".
藤井 透
佛教大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:13405942)
no.2, pp.236-240, 1995-03-14

This book first deals with the formative process of housing policy in Japan which had not been studied. It is also a document which inquired of the persons concerned through the method of oral history. According to the author' view point that "The housing policy is social policy", this review summarizes the features of this book and estimates it. In the first place this book brings home to me that post war Japanese government consistently put emphasis on the preparation of the industrial basis and neglected the housing in constructive administration again. It shows me that housing policy thoroughly adopted the owner-occupation policy and the "number priority" policy too. Therefore I realize in historical cities, such as Kyoto, centralized housing policy doesn't assure the building of the new houses fitted the historical landscape. However her method of oral history can't explain that there is a wide gap between the consciousness of the bureaucracy who tackled the housing problem and the serious conditions many people suffered from housing. As to her view point that "The housing policy is social policy", the theoretical ground needs because the former social policy theory didn't contain the housing policy in Japan.
佐々木喜一郎 藤井透
vol.2012, no.1, pp.5-6, 2012-03-06

藤井 透 大窪 和也
一般社団法人 日本接着学会
日本接着学会誌 (ISSN:09164812)
vol.40, no.2, pp.66-73, 2004-02-01 (Released:2015-08-31)