水田 啓介 伊藤 八次 西田 基 秋田 茂樹 加藤 雅也 小塩 勝博 海田 健宏 古田 充哉 宮田 英雄 柳田 正巳 柴田 康成 横山 壽一 松原 茂規 小泉 光 森 芳郎 大野 通敏 近藤 由香 藤宮 大 山田 匡彦 渡辺 英彦 加藤 洋治
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.90, no.12, pp.1399-1407, 1997-12-01 (Released:2011-11-04)

IPD® (supratast tosilate) was investigated for its prophylactic efficacy and therapeutic efficacy in the treatment of cedar pollinosis during the 1996 cedar pollen season. The subjects investigated were patients at the Gifu University School of Medicine and its affiliated hospitals, who had a history of cedar pollinosis. The patients were classified into two treatment groups: the prophylaxis group (70 patients), in whom IPD® administration began before the start of cedar pollen dispersion, and the treatment group (49 patients), who underwent IPD® treatment only after cedar pollen dispersion had begun and symptoms of pollinosis had manifested.Results were as follows: (1) The nasal symptoms (sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion) were milder in the prophylaxis group than in the treatment group throughout the cedar pollen season, with the difference being significant during the season's first 2 weeks. (2) In the prophylaxis group, IPD®'s inhibitory effect was rated as excellent in 18.6% of the patients, good in 45.7% and fair in 20.0%. In the treatment group, the improvement in the symptoms was rated as disappearance in 4.2%, excellent in 20.8% and good in 43.8%. (3) When symptom inhibition in the prophylaxis group was investigated as a function of the duration of IPD® administration prior to the start of pollen dispersion, the good + excellent inhibition rate was 57.7% in the subpopulation pretreated for <2 weeks (26 cases), 64.9% with 2 to <4 weeks' pretreatment (37 cases) and 85.7% with 4 to <6 weeks' pretreatment (7 cases). Thus, IPD®'s prophylactic inhibitory rate increased with the length of the pretreatment period. (4) In the prophylaxis groups, the CAP-RAST value was significantly reduced at the time of peak pollen level and at the end of the pollen season compared with the value before IPD® administration.
藤宮 大 熊田 貴彦 中村 好克 宮田 英雄 中島 茂 野澤 義則
一般社団法人 日本アレルギー学会
vol.43, no.2, pp.142-151, 1994

ラット好塩基球性白血病(RBL-2H3)細胞を用いて, 抗原刺激による膜リン脂質代謝, カルシウム動態を検討し, 抗アレルギー薬TBX(ペミロラストカリウム)の作用機序の解明を試みた. 抗原刺激による分泌反応を, TBXは濃度依存的(0.01〜10μg/ml)に抑制した. また, TBXは分泌反応を抑制する同等の濃度で, セカンドメッセンジャーであるイノシトール1, 4, 5-トリスリン酸の産生とカルシウムの動員を抑えた. 従って, ホスホリパーゼC(PI-PLC)の活性化を抑制していることが示唆された. PI-PLC の活性化に続く, 主にホスファチジルコリンに由来する1, 2-ジアシルグリセロールとホスファチジン酸の産生も抑制された. さらに, エイコサノイドの前駆体であるアラキドン酸遊離を抑えることから, ホスホリパーゼA_2の活性化抑制も推測された. ホスファチジルコリンの分解, ホスホリパーゼA_2活性化は, イノシトールリン脂質代謝(PI-PLC活性化)が引き金となっていることから, PI-PLC活性化抑制がTBXの作用点として重要であると考えられる.