青木 光広 林 寿光 若岡 敬紀 西堀 丈純 久世 文也 水田 啓介 伊藤 八次
一般社団法人 日本めまい平衡医学会
Equilibrium Research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.76, no.4, pp.270-276, 2017-08-31 (Released:2017-10-01)

The superior semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome (SCDS), which presents with comprehensive symptoms such as hyperacusis, autophony, and pressure-induced vertigo, has been recently recognized in Japan. Three patients with SCDS, in whom severe vestibular symptoms were unable to be controlled with conservative treatments, underwent capping surgery through the middle fossa approach. The preoperatively air-bone gap (AB gap) in the audiometry, the decreased threshold of cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (cVEMP) and bone dehiscence of the superior semicircular canal could be observed in all patients on CT imaging. All patients suffered from positional vertigo for about one week after the operation. However, their cochlear and vestibular symptoms associated with the SCDS were relieved within a few months after the operation. The capping procedure decreased the AB gaps and increased the thresholds of cVEMP in all patients. We suggest that capping surgery via the middle fossa approach for the SCDS is an efficient procedure without severe side effects.
青木 香織 水田 啓介 山田 南星 青木 光広 伊藤 八次 加藤 博基
口腔・咽頭科 (ISSN:09175105)
vol.22, no.2, pp.199-203, 2009 (Released:2010-07-01)

耳下腺腫瘍では術前に良悪の鑑別や, 悪性の場合には悪性度が問題となる.今回, 我々は耳下腺腫瘍症例の病理検査とMRI画像所見, および見かけの拡散係数 (ADC) 値との関連を検討し, 耳下腺腫瘍の術前診断への有用性を検討した.耳下腺腫瘍81症例を対象として, 病理組織, MRI, 拡散強調画像におけるADC値を検討した.ADC値は, ワルチン腫瘍と癌のADC値は, 多形腺腫のADC値の平均値と比較し, 有意差を認めた. 癌を悪性度に分けてみると, ADC値が1.0未満の低値の症例は, 高悪性度では4例中3例で, 多形腺腫では18例中1例であった. 多形腺腫と高悪性度群の癌との術前の鑑別には有用であると思われた.
若岡 敬紀 水田 啓介 柴田 博史 林 寿光 西堀 丈純 久世 文也 青木 光広 安藤 健一 大西 将美 棚橋 重聡 白戸 弘道 伊藤 八次
一般社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科頭頸部外科学会
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.120, no.3, pp.202-208, 2017-03-20 (Released:2017-04-19)
6 6

頭頸部領域に発生する神経内分泌小細胞癌は比較的まれであるが, 悪性度が高く早期にリンパ行性・血行性に転移を来し予後不良といわれている. またその発生頻度の低さから標準的な治療法は確立されていない. 今回われわれは2006年から2014年までに当科および関連病院で経験した頭頸部原発の神経内分泌小細胞癌8症例の治療法と経過について検討したので報告する. 平均年齢は60.9歳 (38~84歳), 男性3例, 女性5例であった. 原発部位の内訳は, 鼻副鼻腔3例, 耳下腺2例, 中咽頭2例, 下咽頭1例であった. 下咽頭の1例は, 扁平上皮癌が混在した混合型小細胞癌であった. 治療法は小細胞肺癌に準じた化学療法や放射線治療が主体であった. 1次治療の化学療法の内容は4例で白金製剤と VP-16 を使用していたが, 最近では症例を選んで3例で白金製剤と CPT-11 を使用していた. 1次治療終了後完全奏功と判断したのは5例あったがいずれも平均8.4カ月で再発した. 2次・3次治療で手術もしくは放射線治療を行うことができた2例は現在まで非担癌生存中である. 原病死した6例のうち, 所属リンパ節再発が制御できなかったのは1例, 遠隔転移が制御できなかったのは5例であり, 生存期間中央値は16.0カ月, 5年生存率は25%であった. 遠隔転移を制御することが予後の改善につながる可能性があり, そのための治療法の確立が望まれる.
水田 啓介 伊藤 八次 西田 基 秋田 茂樹 加藤 雅也 小塩 勝博 海田 健宏 古田 充哉 宮田 英雄 柳田 正巳 柴田 康成 横山 壽一 松原 茂規 小泉 光 森 芳郎 大野 通敏 近藤 由香 藤宮 大 山田 匡彦 渡辺 英彦 加藤 洋治
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.90, no.12, pp.1399-1407, 1997-12-01 (Released:2011-11-04)

IPD® (supratast tosilate) was investigated for its prophylactic efficacy and therapeutic efficacy in the treatment of cedar pollinosis during the 1996 cedar pollen season. The subjects investigated were patients at the Gifu University School of Medicine and its affiliated hospitals, who had a history of cedar pollinosis. The patients were classified into two treatment groups: the prophylaxis group (70 patients), in whom IPD® administration began before the start of cedar pollen dispersion, and the treatment group (49 patients), who underwent IPD® treatment only after cedar pollen dispersion had begun and symptoms of pollinosis had manifested.Results were as follows: (1) The nasal symptoms (sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion) were milder in the prophylaxis group than in the treatment group throughout the cedar pollen season, with the difference being significant during the season's first 2 weeks. (2) In the prophylaxis group, IPD®'s inhibitory effect was rated as excellent in 18.6% of the patients, good in 45.7% and fair in 20.0%. In the treatment group, the improvement in the symptoms was rated as disappearance in 4.2%, excellent in 20.8% and good in 43.8%. (3) When symptom inhibition in the prophylaxis group was investigated as a function of the duration of IPD® administration prior to the start of pollen dispersion, the good + excellent inhibition rate was 57.7% in the subpopulation pretreated for <2 weeks (26 cases), 64.9% with 2 to <4 weeks' pretreatment (37 cases) and 85.7% with 4 to <6 weeks' pretreatment (7 cases). Thus, IPD®'s prophylactic inhibitory rate increased with the length of the pretreatment period. (4) In the prophylaxis groups, the CAP-RAST value was significantly reduced at the time of peak pollen level and at the end of the pollen season compared with the value before IPD® administration.
高木 恭也 村上 力夫 伊藤 八次 五島 桂子 松原 茂規 小島 俊己 宮田 英雄 時田 喬
一般社団法人 日本めまい平衡医学会
Equilibrium Research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.49, no.2, pp.240-248, 1990 (Released:2009-10-13)

To clarify the peculiarities of gait disturbances in patients with labyrinthine, cerebellar and spinal disturbances, head movements and activity of the soleus muscles were studied during walking.The upward-downward (U-D), right-left (R-L) and forward-backward (F-B) movements of the head and activities of both soleus muscles were recorded by a polygraph with the aid of a five-channel telemeter. Head movements were recorded with three accelerometers attached to a helmet that the subject wore. Muscle activities was recorded by EMG with surface electrodes. At the same time the subject's foot-floor contact sequence was measured with electric switches in the shoes. These gait data were recorded on a pen oscillograph.1) In normal subjects, head movement recording revealed regular U-D movement and F-B inclination twice in each walking cycle and regular R-L inclination once in each walking cycle. Each soleus muscle was activated at the stance phase once in each walking cycle.2) A patient with unilateral labyrinthine disorder had head movements with irregular rhythm and ampulitude. L-R inclination of the head was not related to foot contact. The soleus muscle activities increased in the swing phase and decreased in the stance phase.3) A patient with bilateral loss of labyrinthine excitability had small, indistinct head movements with no relation to foot contact or foot raising. The record of the soleus muscle activities indicated plolongation of the active time and overlap of the activities of the two sides.4) A patient with spino-cerebellar degeneration had very irregular, unequal head movements, especially excessive F-B head movement. The active time of the soleus muscles was prolonged.5) A patient with left hemiparesis due to cervical myelopathy had small, irregular U-D and F-B head movements and large, sine wave like sway in R-Lhead movements. The soleus muscle activity of the left side in the stance phase was less than that of the right side. The record of the electric foot switch indicated that the subject often missed foot raising of her left leg.