西野 泰代 若本 純子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.93.20050, (Released:2021-12-25)

This study investigated whether there are differences in bystander behavior when bullying is witnessed. We evaluated the number and types of bystander behaviors by means of the OBVQ, and then examined the psychological characteristics of the different bystander behaviors. 269 Japanese elementary school students and 503 junior high school students completed questionnaires assessing empathic concern, peer conformity, moral disengagement, authenticity and satisfaction in classes, global self-worth, and how they would respond if they observed a peer being bullied. The results of a multinomial logistic regression analysis and ANOVA demonstrated that there would be some types of bystander behavior with common characteristics such as empathic concern and developmental differences. Moreover, the results also showed that two types of behaviors, of which one indicated the most negative psychological state, might be caused by peer conformity. Other behaviors might be caused by moral disengagement and contain some subordinate modes owing to regulatory effects of peer conformity, such as pretending to be unaware of bullying. The practical implications of bystander behavior are discussed.
西野 泰代 若本 純子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.93, no.1, pp.21-31, 2022 (Released:2022-04-25)
3 3

This study investigated whether there are differences in bystander behavior when bullying is witnessed. We evaluated the number and types of bystander behaviors by means of the OBVQ, and then examined the psychological characteristics of the different bystander behaviors. 269 Japanese elementary school students and 503 junior high school students completed questionnaires assessing empathic concern, peer conformity, moral disengagement, authenticity and satisfaction in classes, global self-worth, and how they would respond if they observed a peer being bullied. The results of a multinomial logistic regression analysis and ANOVA demonstrated that there would be some types of bystander behavior with common characteristics such as empathic concern and developmental differences. Moreover, the results also showed that two types of behaviors, of which one indicated the most negative psychological state, might be caused by peer conformity. Other behaviors might be caused by moral disengagement and contain some subordinate modes owing to regulatory effects of peer conformity, such as pretending to be unaware of bullying. The practical implications of bystander behavior are discussed.
西野 泰代 氏家 達夫 二宮 克美 五十嵐 敦 井上 裕光 山本 ちか
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.80, no.1, pp.17-24, 2009 (Released:2012-02-14)
9 5

This study investigated the trajectories and related factors of deviant behavior among students during their three years of junior high school. Data was analyzed from 344 students who completed a questionnaire survey every September. Nineteen categories of deviant behavior were examined, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, bullying, truancy, violence, and stealing. We determined behavioral trajectories from mild deviant behaviors to more serious ones. The data showed that more than half of the children who engaged in serious deviant behaviors in the third year followed a trajectory from mild deviant behaviors. The three factors of “deviant peers”, “attachment to parents” and “achievement” were related to the trajectory into more serious deviant behaviors.
西野 泰代 小林 佐知子 北川 朋子
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.80, no.3, pp.252-257, 2009

This study investigated self-worth as a mediator between socio-environmental experiences and depression. A sample of 255 fifth and sixth grade students completed self-report questionnaires assessing self-worth, depression, and socio-environmental experiences of social support and stressors. Data for both males and females showed a direct effect of "friend support" on depression. However,for males,but not females, self-worth also mediated the influence of "friend support" on depression.