工藤 翔二 植竹 健司 萩原 弘一 平山 雅清 許 栄宏 木村 仁 杉山 幸比古
The Japanese Respiratory Society
日本胸部疾患学会雑誌 (ISSN:03011542)
vol.25, no.6, pp.632-642, 1987-06-25 (Released:2010-02-23)

たまたま経験した1症例の経験にもとついて, DPBにたいするエリスロマイシン (erythromycin base, erythromicin ethylsuccinate, 以下EM) の少量 (600mg), 長期 (6ヵ月以上) 投与を試みた. 18例のDPB (H. influenzae 16例, P. aeruginosa 2例) について, 平均19.8ヵ月の投与で, 全例に症状, 検査所見の改善を認めた. 労作時息切れ, 動脈血ガスの改善と寒冷凝集素価, IgM値の低下が, 3ヵ月以降比較的早期にみられ, 体重, 呼吸機能, 胸部X線所見の改善がそれに続いた. これらの改善は投与期間中持続した. 菌交代は1例をのぞいて認めなかった. 副作用として, GOT, GPTの軽度上昇がみられた (5例, 28%) が一過性であった. 投与終了9例について, その後平均11.6ヵ月間観察し, 4例に再然傾向を認めたが, うち2例は再投与にて改善, 全体として最終観察時に有意の悪化はみられなかった.本療法は, DPBの治療上きわめて有用であり, DPBを下気道の持続感染による特異な組織反応と考える立場から, EMの作用機序について考察した.
増山 英則 嶋田 寛子 木下 次子 田尻 貞雄 今村 昌耕 高瀬 昭 江原 直 瀬倉 敬 宮下 脩 許 栄宏 中島 丈夫 山口 智道 徳地 清六
結核 (ISSN:00229776)
vol.68, no.4, pp.301-312, 1993

We studied 130 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis in foreigners residing in Japan to obtain the results as follows;<BR>1. Of the cases of pulmonary tuberculosis in foreigners who are registered and receiving treatment in Japan, 20.3% were treated at three dispensaries of the Japan Anti-tuberculosis Association in Tokyo.<BR>2. The nationality of the cases treated was China in more than half of them, followed by the Republic of Korea.<BR>3. The number of days taken from entry into Japan to the start of treatment was about 11.4 months; 0.9% of the total number of cases examined by chest radiophotography required medical treatment.<BR>4. Their living conditions in Japan according to questionnairing are: 56.2% have jobs in Japan; working hour, 4.99±1.19 hours a day; 64.4% take night work; 57.6% work in food/drink service industry; living space is 12.5 m<SUP>2</SUP>; 52.4% share the same house with other persons, living together with 1.6 persons.<BR>5. As for the type of illness at the start of treatment, GAKKAI classification type III accounted for 90% and spread 1 83.8%. GAKKAI classification type II accounted for 10%, consisting of many relatively mild cases.<BR>6. The defaulter rate was high at 40.8%. The reason for defaulting was broken down to discontinuation on his own 68%, repatriation 15 % and side-effects 19%. The time to default was average 3.2±3.1 months after the start of treatment. They defaulted 1.2±0.4 times on the average.<BR>7. To reduce the defaulter rate to the minimum in treating the foreigners residing in Japan, the following may be needed.<BR>a. To give guidance on the regimen including the need of treatment and iisk associated with discontinuation of treatment at the first visit.<BR>b. Measures to reduce the amount to be born by the individual in the medical expenses.<BR>c. Preparation of a pamphlet for therapeutic guidance in foreign languages.