足立 大育 十代田 朗 津々見 崇
一般社団法人 日本観光研究学会
観光研究 (ISSN:13420208)
vol.33, no.3, pp.145-151, 2021 (Released:2022-06-04)

本研究は 1980 年代にブームとなったまちづくり運動である「ミニ独立国運動」の持続性について調査したものであり、インターネット検索にて現在活動が確認できたミニ独立国 40 か国を対象にアンケート、ヒアリングを行った。本研究の調査より、持続にはミニ独立国運動の特徴である「パロディで楽しくやること」と「地域の一体感を作ること」が重要であり、持続性のためには住民のやる気と自治体の人材・資金を組み合わせる方法が考えられる。ミニ独立国の活動の持続に初期の施策の充実度は関連しないが、活動の派生には施策の充実度が重要であると考えられることが分かった。
荒又 美陽 足立 大育 加納 怜育 菊川 理気 坂本 和大 渋谷 京佑 田嶋 玲 萩原 周太郎 菱沼 航
東洋大学社会学部紀要 = The bulletin of the Faculty of Sociology, Toyo University (ISSN:04959892)
vol.55, no.1, pp.117-133, 2018-01

In recent years, seichi-junrei( pilgrimage to animation settings) has become a popular topic of study. Existing researches have mainly focused on the reaction of targeted areas, understanding seichi-junrei as a kind of tourism, and describing the events or souvenirs that are prepared for guests. Few works, however, have studied how the animations in question have affected the areas' image. This paper uses a methodology of literary studies to analyze nine animations and discuss their effect on the areas in which they are set and how they have led to pilgrimage. Although more systematic research is necessary, our work makes the followingconclusions: 1 ) the pilgrimages tend to be held so that fans can have the same experiences as animations' characters. Fans like to visit the everyday places in animations, including schools and small restaurants. One symbolic place is enough to spark a pilgrimage. 2 )Animations need to accurately reproduce these places, since photos taken by pilgrims must correspond with animation scenes. 3 ) Pilgrimages can bring about relationships between residents and anime fans, but this relationship is not necessarily a motivation for pilgrims. 4 ) Recent anime works tend to portray the idealized human relations, which do not oftenexist in reality. However, many fans may expect those ideals when relating to residents. 5 )It is possible that animation works and any resulting pilgrimage can change the image of regions of anime settings, which can obscure regions' actual history.