近藤 祉秋
文化人類学 (ISSN:13490648)
vol.76, no.4, pp.463-474, 2012-03-31

This paper aims to discuss the human-animal continuity through theoretical and ethnographic perspectives on the relationship between humans and animals in Japan. Pamela Asquith and Arne Kalland proposed a nature continuum in which humans perceive and act upon nature in two opposite directions: on one hand, domesticated nature, whose beauty is cherished, and on the other, wild nature, that must be tamed by human interventions. However, the model of nature continuum proposed by Asquith and Kalland is not necessarily compatible with theories of the human-animal relationship in Japan. John Knight argued that Japanese people show enmity toward wild animals that feed on the crops they have grown, but also mentioned that interactions with pests give them an opportunity to realize a continuity between humans and animals. Kenichi Tanigawa likewise stressed the fact that the human-animal (-spirit) continuity is based on competitions among them. While Asquith and Kalland assumed the existence of two perceptions of "nature" among the Japanese, and stressed the human intervention that transforms wild nature into a domesticated one, Knight and Tanigawa's discussions called for a more sophisticated analysis on human-wildlife continuity that can even accommodate rivalry between the two. Moreover, as I try to demonstrate in the discussion to follow, the model of nature continuum proposed by Asquith and Kalland cannot explain the seemingly "cultural" characteristics that cats in Oki Islands were said to possess, leaving the impression that this model has limited applicability for studying the human-animal relationship. Based on the case study of the human-cat relationship in the Oki Islands, I argue that humans and cats share "one culture," in that both compete for fish, have a linguistic capacity, engage in dancing and singing with other fellows, formulate stable marital bonds with another individual of the same species, sometimes try to modify their environments through manipulation, and do "sumo wrestling" between the two species. It is then suggested that the human-cat relationship in the Oki Islands can be understood in terms of a human-animal continuity based not only on human-animal competition over the same food, but also on the sharing of "one culture" between the two species. I then argue that Amerindian "multinaturalism," a term proposed by Eduarudo Viveiros de Castro as a possible cosmological model of Amerindians, has an analogy with the human-cat relationship in the Oki Islands, in that humans and non-humans share "one culture" in both cases. Since Viveiros de Castro mentioned the sharing of "one culture" as "animism," it is suggested that the human-cat relationship in the Oki Islands can be characterized as "animism" in his sense. In spite of the abovementioned similarity, there exists an important contrast in those two examples: the "many natures" in Amerindian "multinaturalism," and the Japanese human-animal continuity that is revealed through human-animal competition over common staples, a point already mentioned by John Knight and Kenichi Tanigawa in their studies on human-animal relationship in Japan. Therefore, the tentative conclusion of this paper is that the human-animal relationship in Japan should be analyzed with the two interconnected dimensions of the human-animal continuity in mind, and that recent discussions on "animism" should offer valuable insights to an investigation of the topic.
近藤 祉秋
日本文化人類学会研究大会発表要旨集 (ISSN:21897964)
vol.2016, 2016

近藤 祉秋
北海道立北方民族博物館研究紀要 (ISSN:09183159)
vol.28, pp.7-31, 2019-03-29 (Released:2019-08-19)

In this paper, I describe a history of indigenous salmon fishing technologies and management issues in the Upper Kuskokwim region, Alaska, U.S.A. As a traditional food, salmon has been an important part of culture for the Upper Kuskokwim Athabascan people. Intensive contacts with non-Natives in the early 20th century brought some changes to Upper Kuskokwim people’s subsistence technologies including fishwheels, which made it possible to obtain large amount of salmon efficiently in siltladen main streams of the Upper Kuskokwim tributaries. Conflicts with non-Native wildlife management regime began after Alaska's statehood when the State banned salmon fishing technology which involves blocking the entire width of a river or stream. As a result, Upper Kuskokwim people were forced to abandon their fishing weirs and fences at Salmon River since the late 1960s. After a decade or so, subsistence salmon fishing with rods and reels resumed at Salmon River. Nowadays, Salmon River Culture Camp has been organized by Nikolai Village Council to revitalize their fishing traditions. Since the 2010s, severe decline of king salmon populations in Alaska and Yukon has become a serious issue in indigenous societies of the areas. Local people think that commercial fishing (including bycatch) in high sea negatively affects the king salmon populations, while some others point out that increased activities by beavers and low-level of water in interior rivers might have been causing disruption of salmon's upstream migration. Through my observation of people's activities in salmon spawning areas, I argue that making a small opening to beaver dams (instead of totally destroying them) may actually benefit spawning salmon populations.
近藤 祉秋
文化人類学 (ISSN:13490648)
vol.86, no.1, pp.096-114, 2021-06-30 (Released:2021-09-23)

野口 泰弥 近藤 祉秋
北海道立北方民族博物館研究紀要 (ISSN:09183159)
vol.26, pp.1-30, 2017

Hokkaido Museum of Northern Peoples (thereafter, HMNP) has so far collected two copper knives with a Y-shaped handle, which are attributed to Athabascan/ Dene cultures. In this paper, we compare them with similar items housed in other museums and examine the distribution and usage of such knives. The materials we use in our analysis include historical records, drawings and photographs during the period between the end of l8th centu1y and early 20th century. We point out the possibility that the Hare Indian may have used knives with a Y-shaped handle. We also discuss such knives as prestige goods in addition to their practical advantage as a hunting implement. Researchers of indigenous North American metallurgy have already suggested that both practicality and prestige were attributed to Athabascan copper artifacts in general until the former half of the 20th century. The prior studies tend to focus on copper as trade items when they discuss prestige of such materials. In this paper, we argue that Athabascan copper knives can be considered as practical-yet・prestigious goods not only because copper was considered precious trade items but also because it enabled people to hunt grizzly bears and other potentially dangerous animals. In Athabascan societies, where hunting and fishing are primary modes of subsistence, traditional spear hunting of grizzly bears used to bring a fame to successful hunters, and it was the Y-shaped handle of Athabascan copper knives that ensured the bear hunters safety. In the last chapter, we analyze one of the knives housed in HMNP to shed light on its uniqueness among other Athabascan knives.
近藤 祉秋
vol.2018, 2018

近年、日本の各地でニホンジカ(<i>Cervus nippon</i>)による獣害が問題とされるようになってきたことを受けて、国や地方自治体はシカ個体数の調整を喫緊の課題と見なすようになってきた。その動きを受けて、シカ肉の商品化が各地で試みられている。本発表では、九州山地のある「ジビエ」事業を事例として、ヘザー・パクソンが提唱したmicrobiopolitics概念をたよりとして、マルチスピーシーズ民族誌の観点から分析する。
近藤 祉秋
文化人類学 (ISSN:13490648)
vol.86, no.1, pp.96-114, 2021

近藤 祉秋
vol.2010, pp.69, 2010
