阿部 智和 近藤 隆史
Discussion Paper, Series B
vol.105, pp.1-20, 2012-08

木村 泰知 近藤 隆史 門脇 一真 加藤 誠
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会第二種研究会資料 (ISSN:24365556)
vol.2022, no.FIN-029, pp.32-38, 2022-10-08 (Released:2022-10-01)

This paper proposes an Understanding of non-Financial Objects in Financial Reports (UFO) task. The UFO task aims to develop techniques for extracting structured information from tabular data and documents, focusing on annual securities reports. We will provide a dataset based on annual securities reports and organize an evaluation-based workshop for participants. The UFO task consists of two subtasks: table data extraction (TDE) and text-to-table relationship extraction (TTRE). The table data extraction subtask aims to extract the correct entries and values in the tables of the annual securities reports. The text-to-table relationship extraction subtask aims to link the values contained in the tables with the relevant statements in the text. In this paper, we describe an overview of the UFO task.
乙政 佐告 近藤 隆史
管理会計学 : ⽇本管理会計学会誌 : 経営管理のための総合雑誌 (ISSN:09187863)
vol.23, no.1, pp.43-60, 2015-03-10 (Released:2019-03-31)

門脇 一真 木村 泰知 加藤 誠 近藤 隆史 乙武 北斗
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会第二種研究会資料 (ISSN:24365556)
vol.2023, no.FIN-030, pp.100-105, 2023-03-04 (Released:2023-03-04)

我々は,有価証券報告書(有報)に含まれるさまざまなタイプの表の理解を目的に,表構造解析を行うタスクを計画している.有報にはタクソノミがテキストブロックとして定義された箇所があり,特に非財務情報を表現する表には様々なタイプが含まれる.既存研究を参考に有報の表の各セルをヘッダ,属性,データといったクラスに分類した結果,既存研究で分類された関係表,エンティティ表,行列表などのいずれのパターンにも分類されない複雑な構造の表が見られ,さらにそれらの構造がいくつかのパターンに分類できた.本稿ではまず,各セルの分類方法と,その結果発見された表構造のパターンについて報告する.これらのうちセルが正しく分類できた表については,NTCIR-17 UFOタスクの表データ抽出(TDE)サブタスクでアノテーションデータを公開し,評価型ワークショップとして取り組めるようにする予定である.本稿ではこのタスクのデータ形式,評価方法についても取り上げる.
武藤 毅 近藤 隆史 柴田 拓伸 曽根 大紀 藤田 達也 桐生 稔 木越 英夫 小鹿 一 山田 靜之
vol.37, pp.230-235, 1995

Constituents of the Japanese sea hare Dolabella auricularia collected in Mie Prefecture, Japan were examined by using bioassay, and new cytotoxic depsipeptides, dolastatins G (1) and H (14) and isodolastatin H (15) were isolated. Dolastatin G (1) showed cytotoxicity against HeLa-S_3 cells with an IC_<50> of 1.0μg/mL. On the basis of 2D NMR technique, dolastatin G (1) has proved to be a 35-membered cyclic depsipeptide which consists of a hexapeptide and two new hydroxy acids. The absolute stereochemistry of the hexapeptide moiety was determined by the chiral HPLC analysis of amino acids obtained by acidic hydrolysis of dolastatin G (1). The absolute stereochemistry of two hydroxy acid parts was determined by the enantioselective synthesis of two corresponding fragments obtained by degradation of dolastatin G (1). For the purpose of confirming the stereostructure of dolastatin G (1), synthetic studies on dolastatin G (1) have been carried out. Three subunits, 7, 10, and 11, were synthesized, coupling of which gave seco acid 13. The synthesis of dolastatin G (1) from seco acid 13 is in progress. A 1:1 mixture of dolastatin H (14) and isodolastatin H (15) showed potent cytotoxicity against HeLa-S_3 cells with an IC_<50> of 0.00381μg/mL. On the basis of spectroscopic data, dolastatin H (14) has proved to be a linear tetrapeptide which contains two unusual amino acids and is esterified at the C-terminus by the primary hydroxyl group of 3-phenyl-1,2-propanediol. Isodolastatin H (15) is the structural isomer of dolasatin H (15), in which the tetrapeptide is esterified at the C-terminus by the secondary hydroxyl group of 3-phenyl-1,2-propanediol. The absolute stereochemistry of dolastatin H (14) and isodolastatin H (15) was unambiguously determined by the enantioselective total synthesis.
武藤 毅 近藤 隆史 柴田 拓伸 曽根 大紀 藤田 達也 桐生 稔 木越 英夫 小鹿 一 山田 靜之
vol.37, pp.230-235, 1995

Constituents of the Japanese sea hare Dolabella auricularia collected in Mie Prefecture, Japan were examined by using bioassay, and new cytotoxic depsipeptides, dolastatins G (1) and H (14) and isodolastatin H (15) were isolated. Dolastatin G (1) showed cytotoxicity against HeLa-S_3 cells with an IC_<50> of 1.0μg/mL. On the basis of 2D NMR technique, dolastatin G (1) has proved to be a 35-membered cyclic depsipeptide which consists of a hexapeptide and two new hydroxy acids. The absolute stereochemistry of the hexapeptide moiety was determined by the chiral HPLC analysis of amino acids obtained by acidic hydrolysis of dolastatin G (1). The absolute stereochemistry of two hydroxy acid parts was determined by the enantioselective synthesis of two corresponding fragments obtained by degradation of dolastatin G (1). For the purpose of confirming the stereostructure of dolastatin G (1), synthetic studies on dolastatin G (1) have been carried out. Three subunits, 7, 10, and 11, were synthesized, coupling of which gave seco acid 13. The synthesis of dolastatin G (1) from seco acid 13 is in progress. A 1:1 mixture of dolastatin H (14) and isodolastatin H (15) showed potent cytotoxicity against HeLa-S_3 cells with an IC_<50> of 0.00381μg/mL. On the basis of spectroscopic data, dolastatin H (14) has proved to be a linear tetrapeptide which contains two unusual amino acids and is esterified at the C-terminus by the primary hydroxyl group of 3-phenyl-1,2-propanediol. Isodolastatin H (15) is the structural isomer of dolasatin H (15), in which the tetrapeptide is esterified at the C-terminus by the secondary hydroxyl group of 3-phenyl-1,2-propanediol. The absolute stereochemistry of dolastatin H (14) and isodolastatin H (15) was unambiguously determined by the enantioselective total synthesis.
西居 豪 近藤 隆史
公益財団法人 メルコ学術振興財団
メルコ管理会計研究 (ISSN:18827225)
vol.7, no.2, pp.47-60, 2015 (Released:2015-11-27)
