後藤 實 野口 友昭 渡邊 武
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.78, no.5, pp.464-467, 1958-05-25 (Released:2010-02-19)
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Crude drugs and plants, numbering 229 kinds, were examined for principles having uterus contracting action and it was found that an extract of Lespedeza bicolor var. iaponica NAKAI (family Leguminosae) showed a comparatively strong action. From the result of various tests, the active principle of this plant was assumed to be an alkaloid and the principle was extracted y the usual method, affording white prisms melting at 47-48°. A molecular formula of C12H16N2 was given for this substance from elemental analyticalvalues and molecular weight determination. There has been no report of identification of this kind of a substance fro the Lespedeza sp. and the substance was tentatively named alkaloid L.Ultraviolet absorption spectrum and various tests indicated the alkaloid L to possess an indole ring and a side chain of dimethylaminoethyl group was assumed to be attached to its 3-position. The alkaloid L was therefore derived to its methiodide and it was found that this methiodide was identical with N, N-dimethyltryptamine methiodide in respect to its melting point, elemental analyses, and infrared absorption spctrum. Therefore, the alkaloid L would be N, N-dimethyltryptamine. A dose of 50mγ/cc. of this alkaloid contracted excised uterus of a hamster. The effect of N, N-dimethyltryptamine on the tryptophan demand of Lactobacillus arabinosus, with tryptophan as the essential growth factor, was examined by microbiological assay but no effect was found to be exerted on fungal growth.
堀井 聰 野口 友昭 松井 勇作 渡辺 順明 後藤 実
生薬学雑誌 (ISSN:00374377)
vol.14, no.2, pp.91-94, 1960

In the course of studies on antibiotic components of plants, an antibacterial pigment was isolated from the outer bark of the root of "Tsuru-ume-modoki" (Celastrus orbiculatus THUNB.) after finding that a 50 % methanolic extract of the root of the plant had antibacterial activity. The pigment was identified as celastrol, which had been isolated from the root bark of Celastrus scandens by O. Gisvold. Further the pigment was found to have not only antibacterial but also antifungal and antitumor activities. Investgation was also carried out on some plants of the genera Tripterygium and Euonymus.