林 剛 舘 知也 髙岡 みらい 野口 義紘 寺町 ひとみ
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.140, no.9, pp.1151-1164, 2020-09-01 (Released:2020-09-01)

Pharmacists working in collaboration with doctors are mainly involved in proposals and inquiries of prescription. At such times, belief conflicts are expected to deteriorate teamwork and induce stress. However, there is no strong evidence for this. To clarify factors resulting in belief conflicts, we conducted a survey among 594 pharmacists working at medical institutions in Gifu City and belonging to Gifu Pharmaceutical Association or Gifu Prefectural Society of Hospital Pharmacists between January 2019 and April 2019. The items of the survey were gender, place of employment, pharmacist working experience (years), awareness of “professional competencies for pharmacists” stated in Model Core Curriculum for Pharmacy Education —2015 version—, whether each item of “professional competencies for pharmacists” is applicable to himself/herself or not, whether teamwork deteriorates and stress occurs due to proposals and inquiries of prescription or not, and Assessment of Belief Conflict in Relationship-14 (ABCR-14). The recovery rate of the questionnaire was 50.3% and the valid response rate was 77.6%. Multiple logistic regression and Bayesian network analyses revealed that “I can empathize with a patient's feelings and emotions, but I experience difficulty with unfair criticism” commonly resulted in teamwork deterioration due to proposals of prescription. “Pharmacist working experience years (more than 10 years)” and “The other staff make unreasonable demands of me in the work” commonly resulted in stress. Thus, belief conflicts in therapeutic relationships result in teamwork deterioration and stress in prescription proposals.
舘 知也 野口 義紘 寺町 ひとみ
Japanese Society of Drug Informatics
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.20, no.1, pp.1-11, 2018 (Released:2018-06-16)

Objective: A medication notebook is developed in order to unitedly manage medication information of patients and is used by writing medication information such as history of ethical drugs, over-the-counter drugs and health foods, anamnesis, history of adverse events and allergy.  Adverse events, interaction and duplication of drugs can be prevented by showing a medication notebook to doctors and pharmacists.Data Sources·Study Selection·Data Extraction: In this article, we reviewed literatures regarding preceding studies on the utilization of medication notebooks comprehensively.Results·Conclusion: In our review, we could comprehend literature on medication notebooks systematically and could summarize a lot of evidences that confirm the usefulness of medication notebooks.  We need to produce further evidences on medication notebooks to spread medication notebooks.
伊野 陽子 上野 杏莉 舘 知也 大坪 愛実 勝野 隼人 杉田 郁人 兼松 勇汰 吉田 阿希 野口 義紘 堺 千紘 井口 和弘 川上 ちひろ 藤崎 和彦 寺町 ひとみ
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.43, no.10, pp.533-551, 2017-10-10 (Released:2018-10-10)

In recent years, multi-occupational collaboration aiming at patient-centered care is required to provide high-quality medical care. However, there are few studies on collaboration between hospitals or clinics and community pharmacies. In this study, we conducted a questionnaire survey to clarify the present conditions and awareness of hospitals or clinics in Gifu City regarding collaboration with community pharmacies. The following activities with community pharmacies were examined in the survey: “I. Participation in regional care meetings,” “II. Case discussion conferences,” “III. Workshops/study conferences,” “IV. Community service,” “V. Sharing information through medical cooperation network,” “VI. Accompanying community pharmacists at home medical care” and future plans for these items. The percentage of non-implementation was 80% or more in Items I, IV and IV in the hospital and 80% or more in items other than III in the clinics. The percentage of respondents who were not planning to implement Item VI was over 70% in the hospital, and the percentage of respondents who were not planning to implement Items I, IV, VI was over 70% in the clinic. In the comparison between the hospital and the clinic, the proportion of current collaboration is significantly higher for II and III in the hospital. For collaboration in the future, the proportion of respondents who were planning to implement these items other than VI was significantly higher in the hospital. Many hospitals and clinics currently do not collaborate with community pharmacies. And more hospitals are considering collaboration with community pharmacies than clinics.
舘 知也 伊野 陽子 島内 あかり 野口 義紘 堺 千紘 井口 和弘 加納 亜紀 寺町 ひとみ
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.139, no.2, pp.327-339, 2019-02-01 (Released:2019-02-01)

Construction of regional inclusive care system is being promoted and pharmacists are required to implement multidisciplinary collaboration in order to provide appropriate pharmaceutical care to patients. However, there are few studies on collaboration between medical facilities and community pharmacies. In this study, we conducted a questionnaire survey of community pharmacies in Gifu City, which assessed the experience and attitudes regarding collaboration with other medical facilities. The survey items are: I. Participation in regional care meetings, II. Case discussion conferences, III. Joint workshops/study conferences, IV. Community service, V. Sharing information through medical cooperation network, and VI. Accompanying community pharmacists at home medical care. For the implementation of collaboration, the percentage of “not implemented” were as high as 70% or more in II, IV, V and VI. Regarding the attitudes toward collaboration, more than half of pharmacies answered that they wanted to implement in all items. In the comparison by the number of pharmacists, pharmacies with two or more pharmacists had significantly higher implementation ratios than pharmacies with one pharmacist in IV and V. Regarding the attitudes toward collaboration, pharmacies with two or more pharmacists had significantly higher ratios of considering implementation than pharmacies with one pharmacist in I and VI. Based on the results of this survey, there were many items that were not implemented as collaboration with other medical facilities at community pharmacies. However, many community pharmacies are planning to collaborate with other medical facilities in the future.
山下 修司 野口 義紘 窪田 傑文 井口 和弘 青木 慎也 多根井 重晴 中村 光浩 寺町 ひとみ 杉山 正
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.41, no.3, pp.198-204, 2015-03-10 (Released:2016-03-10)
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Light emitting diodes (LEDs) are widely used in lighting applications. In this study, we examined the differences in the degree of the color change of various medicines between LED lighting and fluorescent lighting. The degree of the color change of the medicines was evaluated subjectively, by the observation of the evaluator, as well as objectively, using a colorimeter. Noticeable color changes were observed in the Lasix® 20-mg Tablet(Tab), Fluitran® 2-mg Tab, and Phenobal® powder after exposure to either LED lighting or fluorescent lighting. Interestingly, the color change of the Lasix® 20-mg Tab was smaller for the LED lighting than for the fluorescent lighting.
野口 義紘 齊藤 康介 江崎 宏樹 臼井 一将 加藤 未紗 舘 知也 寺町 ひとみ
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.17, no.4, pp.192-198, 2016 (Released:2016-03-19)

Objective: Antiplatelet therapy is useful for infraction prevention.  But, in elderly patients, adverse events are easily observed, owing to the decrease in metabolism and excretion of drugs.  Furthermore, applying guidelines for medical care of each disease does not necessarily result in good conclusions.  Therefore, we used Japanese Adverse Drug Event Report database and assessed safety signals with signal detection about adverse events developed by the antiplatelet therapy in the elderly patients.Methods: We analyzed all adverse events reported on ticlopidine hydrochloride that should be carefully administered, and clopidogrel, bisulfate and aspirin that are recommended as the alternative drugs.  We used the proportional reporting ratio for a safety index of drugs.Results: While some adverse events were expressed in only ticlopidine hydrochloride, bleeding signal was detected in all the subject agents.  In addition, onset risk of ticlopidine hydrochloride was found to be the lowest value.  Moreover, adverse events expressed in clopidogrel bisulfate and aspirin were of a wide-variety compared with ticlopidine hydrochloride.Conclusion: It is necessary to carefully administer not only ticlopidine hydrochloride but also the alternative drugs to the elderly patients as indicated, and there is a need to pay careful attention to administration of the alternative drugs.
林 剛 舘 知也 野口 義紘 杉岡 まゆ子 青山 智 田中 和秀 安田 昌宏 後藤 千寿 山田 浩司 水井 貴詞 寺町 ひとみ
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.47, no.9, pp.464-476, 2021-09-10 (Released:2022-09-10)

In this study, we evaluated the effect of risk minimization activities in a risk management plan (RMP) formulated for sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT2) inhibitors using both the Japanese Adverse Drug Event Report database (JADER) and real-world clinical data. We extracted data from the JADER, which is maintained by the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency, from the first quarter of 2004 to the second quarter of 2020. We also used real-world clinical data of the patients who took SGLT2 inhibitors among those who visited or were admitted to Gifu Municipal Hospital from June 2014 to January 2018. We conducted a comparison before and after implementing the risk minimization activities. We compared the reported rate of clinical trials with the reported rate after marketing using the JADER. In addition, we compared the prevalence rate of the clinical trials of SGLT2 inhibitors with that in real clinical data. Furthermore, we compared the onset of side effects (in days) reported in clinical trials recorded in the JADER with that in real clinical data. The pre/post comparison showed a significant increase in the reported rates of increased ketone body, volume depletion, urinary tract infections, and genital infections. A significant decrease in the prevalence rates for hypoglycemia and increased ketone body was also observed. Moreover, the time to onset of side effects was significantly shortened in volume depletion. In conclusion, the risk minimization activities in RMP would contribute to the increased reported rate, decreased prevalence rate, and early detection of side effects.
野口 義紘 林 勇汰 吉田 阿希 杉田 郁人 江崎 宏樹 齊藤 康介 臼井 一将 加藤 未紗 舘 知也 寺町 ひとみ
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.18, no.4, pp.277-283, 2017-02-28 (Released:2017-03-17)

Objective: Elderly patients commonly experience adverse drug events (ADEs) owing to their poor drug metabolizing and excretion ability, and these often cause multiple organ dysfunction syndrome.  Therefore, it is important that we identify the adverse drug events early on during prognosis.  We searched for oral medicines that might exacerbate the prognosis of ADEs in elderly patients.Methods: The objects under analysis were oral medicines that were registered in the Japanese Adverse Drug Event Report database (JADER).  The associations between the elderly/non-elderly patients and exacerbation risk/non-exacerbation risk were analyzed by risk ratios (RR).  The signal detection of exacerbation risk was defined as 95% confidence interval of lower limit of risk ratio>1 and χ2≥4.Results: The oral medicines that might markedly exacerbate the prognosis of ADEs in the elderly patients in comparison with the ADEs of young patients included 84 items, of which 63 have not been described as potentially inappropriate medicines in all guidelines for medical treatment of the elderly patients.Conclusion: In this study, while we could not search for oral medicines having a high risk of ADEs, we were able to search for oral medicines that might exacerbate the prognosis of ADEs in elderly patients.  This result could contribute to the proper use of medicines in the elderly patients.
寺町 ひとみ 齊藤 康介 江﨑 宏樹 加藤 未紗 臼井 一将 野口 義紘 舘 知也 勝野 眞吾
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.41, no.12, pp.870-879, 2015-12-10 (Released:2016-12-10)
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“Education for Medicines” was initiated in 2012, as part of health and physical education (HPE) classes in junior high schools, through the revision of school curriculum guidelines. We conducted a survey that aimed to clarify the status of the implementation of medical education in schools. A questionnaire survey that targeted junior high school teachers in Japan was conducted via mail.The response rate was 48.0% (524/1,091). HPE teachers, school nurses, and school pharmacists were in charge of Education of Medicines in 91.8%, 6.3%, and 8.4% of schools, respectively. The average duration of classes was 49.6 minutes, and 1.2 times (84.2%). On average, 1.1% of schools did not offer Education of Medicines classes, 1.7% held the “odd hour” of classes, and 1.3% held only “drug abuse” classes. The most commonly used educational material was the school textbook (84.9% of schools).With respect to the delivery of Education of Medicines classes, 84.0% of schools responded “yes” to the item, “lectures are delivered by outside lecturers,” and 72.1% responded “yes” to the item, “we hope to introduce workshop participation.”The results of the survey indicate that HPE teachers provided Education of Medicines classes in accordance with the revision of school curriculum guidelines at many junior high schools. However, some schools did not offer the classes. In Japan, it is necessary to enhance Education of Medicines activities in the pharmaceutical field by involving specialists from different areas.
寺町 ひとみ 舘 知也 齊藤 康介 江崎 宏樹 加藤 未紗 臼井 一将 野口 義紘 勝野 眞吾
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.18, no.2, pp.106-113, 2016 (Released:2016-09-27)

Objective: Medical education was initiated in 2012 as part of health and physical education (HPE) in junior high schools.  This new measure was a result of a revision of school curriculum guidelines.  In this study, we aimed to clarify the implementation status of medical education in schools.Methods: A questionnaire survey targeting junior high school teachers in Gifu (from 184 junior high schools) was conducted by mail.Results: 60.9% of schools responded (112/184).  HPE teachers and school pharmacists were found to be in charge of providing medical education in 94.6% and 10.7% of schools, respectively.  The average duration of classes was 50 min and the average frequency was 1.2 times a week.  On average, 0.9% of schools stated that implementing medical education was “under contemplation,” 2.7% held “occasional” classes, and 2.7% only held “drug abuse-related” classes.  It was also found that the most commonly used educational material was the school textbook (91.1% of schools).  Additionally, 87.5% of schools responded “yes” to “lectures are delivered by outside lecturers,” and 69.6% responded “yes” to “we hope to introduce workshop participation.”Conclusion: The results of the survey indicated that many junior high schools have provided medical education classes and that HPE teachers were in charge of teaching these classes.  However, some schools have not provided these classes.  It is considered necessary to enhance medical education activities in the pharmaceutical field by involving specialists from different areas.
吉田 阿希 舘 知也 兼松 勇汰 杉田 郁人 野口 義紘 大澤 友裕 安田 昌宏 水井 貴詞 後藤 千寿 寺町 ひとみ
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.44, no.1, pp.49-53, 2018-01-10 (Released:2019-01-10)

Recently, the use of complementary alternative medicine (CAM) has been increasing in Japan. There are few reports on the use of CAM such as health foods and supplements in cancer patients despite the high interest in it. In this study, we performed a retrospective research to elucidate factors influencing the use of health foods and supplements in cancer patients. The objectives were inpatients diagnosed with cancer at Gifu Municipal Hospital between October 1, 2014 and March 31, 2015. Survey items were age, gender, information on cancer, history of chemotherapy and operation, prescription drugs, and health foods and supplements at admission. A multiple logistic regression analysis was conducted to evaluate the influence of survey items on the use of health foods and supplements. Statistical significance was set at P < 0.05. Patients using health foods and supplements were 5.8% (59/1,012). The use rate of health foods and supplements is significantly high in recurrent patients [odds ratio (OR), 4.83; 95% confidence interval (CI), 2.55-9.15; P < 0.001] and is significantly low in patients receiving operation [OR, 0.363; 95% CI, 0.197-0.667; P = 0.001]. In this study, it was clarified that recurrent cancer patients more frequently use health foods and supplements, and that cancer patients undergoing surgery use them less frequently.
寺町 ひとみ 杉田 郁人 伊野 陽子 林 勇汰 吉田 阿希 大坪 愛実 上野 杏莉 勝野 隼人 野口 義紘 井口 和弘 舘 知也
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.137, no.9, pp.1177-1184, 2017 (Released:2017-09-01)

We analyzed impression data and the scale of communication skills of students using text mining method to clarify which area a student was conscious of in communication in practical training. The results revealed that students tended to be conscious of the difference between practical hospital training and practical pharmacy training. In practical hospital training, specific expressions denoting relationships were “patient-visit”, “counseling-conduct”, “patient-counseling”, and “patient-talk”. In practical pharmacy training, specific expressions denoting relationships were “patient counseling-conduct”, “story-listen”, “patient-many”, and “patient-visit”. In practical hospital training, the word “patient” was connected to many words suggesting that students were conscious of a patient-centered communication. In practical pharmacy training, words such as “patient counseling”, “patient”, and “explanation” were placed in center and connected with many other words and there was an independent relationship between “communication” and “accept”. In conclusion, it was suggested that students attempted active patient-centered communication in practical hospital training, while they were conscious of listening closely in patient counseling in practical pharmacy training.