伊野 陽子 上野 杏莉 舘 知也 大坪 愛実 勝野 隼人 杉田 郁人 兼松 勇汰 吉田 阿希 野口 義紘 堺 千紘 井口 和弘 川上 ちひろ 藤崎 和彦 寺町 ひとみ
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.43, no.10, pp.533-551, 2017-10-10 (Released:2018-10-10)

In recent years, multi-occupational collaboration aiming at patient-centered care is required to provide high-quality medical care. However, there are few studies on collaboration between hospitals or clinics and community pharmacies. In this study, we conducted a questionnaire survey to clarify the present conditions and awareness of hospitals or clinics in Gifu City regarding collaboration with community pharmacies. The following activities with community pharmacies were examined in the survey: “I. Participation in regional care meetings,” “II. Case discussion conferences,” “III. Workshops/study conferences,” “IV. Community service,” “V. Sharing information through medical cooperation network,” “VI. Accompanying community pharmacists at home medical care” and future plans for these items. The percentage of non-implementation was 80% or more in Items I, IV and IV in the hospital and 80% or more in items other than III in the clinics. The percentage of respondents who were not planning to implement Item VI was over 70% in the hospital, and the percentage of respondents who were not planning to implement Items I, IV, VI was over 70% in the clinic. In the comparison between the hospital and the clinic, the proportion of current collaboration is significantly higher for II and III in the hospital. For collaboration in the future, the proportion of respondents who were planning to implement these items other than VI was significantly higher in the hospital. Many hospitals and clinics currently do not collaborate with community pharmacies. And more hospitals are considering collaboration with community pharmacies than clinics.
後藤 千寿 梅田 道 大澤 友裕 甲田 明英 池上 遼 勝野 隼人 大野 佑城 安田 昌宏 水井 貴詞

【目的】ボノプラザンは、カリウムイオン競合型アシッドブロッカーとも呼ばれる、新たな作用機序を有する新しいカテゴリーのプロトンポンプ阻害薬(PPI)である。既存のPPIは、低マグネシウム血症を引き起こすことが報告されているが、ボノプラザンについては報告されていない。今回、ボノプラザンの投与が、既存のPPIと同様に低マグネシウム血症を引き起こすリスク因子であるかについて検討を行ったので報告する。【方法】2016年11月~2018年10月に、岐阜市民病院において血清マグネシウム(S-Mg)の測定がされた患者を対象に、遡及的に調査を行った。調査期間内におけるS-Mgの最低値が施設基準下限値(1.8mg/dL)未満を「未満群」、以上を「以上群」とし、2群間の差の検定にはFisher’s exact testを使用した。さらに、単変量解析においてp<0.2であった因子を独立変数とし、多重ロジスティック回帰分析を行った。なお、いずれもp<0.05の場合を有意差ありと判定した。【結果】対象患者は384名(男性:207名、女性177名)、平均年齢(±SD)は69.4(±17.0)歳であった。多変量解析の結果、「ボノプラザン投与」(オッズ比(OR):2.26、95%信頼区間(CI):1.17 – 4.37、p=0.02)および「マグネシウム製剤投与」(OR:0.42、CI:0.18 – 0.97、p=0.04)において有意差が見られた。【考察】既存のPPIと同様に、ボノプラザンの投与がS-Mg値低下のリスク因子である可能性が示唆された。そのため、新規PPIであるボノプラザンを投与されている患者においても、S-Mg値の低下に注意する必要があると考えられた。
寺町 ひとみ 杉田 郁人 伊野 陽子 林 勇汰 吉田 阿希 大坪 愛実 上野 杏莉 勝野 隼人 野口 義紘 井口 和弘 舘 知也
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.137, no.9, pp.1177-1184, 2017 (Released:2017-09-01)

We analyzed impression data and the scale of communication skills of students using text mining method to clarify which area a student was conscious of in communication in practical training. The results revealed that students tended to be conscious of the difference between practical hospital training and practical pharmacy training. In practical hospital training, specific expressions denoting relationships were “patient-visit”, “counseling-conduct”, “patient-counseling”, and “patient-talk”. In practical pharmacy training, specific expressions denoting relationships were “patient counseling-conduct”, “story-listen”, “patient-many”, and “patient-visit”. In practical hospital training, the word “patient” was connected to many words suggesting that students were conscious of a patient-centered communication. In practical pharmacy training, words such as “patient counseling”, “patient”, and “explanation” were placed in center and connected with many other words and there was an independent relationship between “communication” and “accept”. In conclusion, it was suggested that students attempted active patient-centered communication in practical hospital training, while they were conscious of listening closely in patient counseling in practical pharmacy training.