本井 ゆみ子 松本 博之 千葉 進 野呂 浩史 梁田 由樹子 宮野 良子 兼重 裕
The Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine
リハビリテーション医学 (ISSN:0034351X)
vol.29, no.2, pp.137-143, 1992-02-18 (Released:2009-10-28)

大塚 吉則 藪中 宗之 野呂 浩史 渡部 一郎 阿岸 祐幸
一般社団法人 日本糖尿病学会
糖尿病 (ISSN:0021437X)
vol.37, no.11, pp.827-832, 1994-11-30 (Released:2011-08-04)

環境温度のアルドースレダクターゼ (以下ARと略す) 活性値に与える影響を明らかにする目的で, 水温を変化させて健常人を浸漬し, 末梢血中の赤血球を用いて検討した. AR活性の基礎値は健常人で1.11±0.12 (mean±SEM, U/gHb, n=34), 糖尿病患者で2.07±0.14 (n=45) であった (p<0.0001). またAR活性はHbA1と有意の相関があったが (P<0.01), 空腹時血糖値とは相関しなかった.次に水温の影響を検討したところ, 42℃10分間の水浸でAR活性は37.6%増加し (p<0.01), 39℃, 25℃ではそれぞれ52.2%(p<0.01), 47.0%(p<0.05) 減少した.また, 赤血球ソルビトール濃度は42℃において36.0%の増加を示した (p<0.05). これらのことから, 環境温度により糖尿病性合併症は何らかの影響を受ける可能性のあることが示唆された.
野呂 浩 Hiroshi NORO 東京工芸大学工学部基礎教育研究センター
東京工芸大学工学部紀要. 人文・社会編 = The Academic Reports, the Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Polytechnic University (ISSN:03876055)
vol.24, no.2, pp.30-38, 2001

Scholars of American literature have produced innumerable interpretations on Nathaniel Hawthorne's masterpiece The Scarlet Letter. Notably, each different approach to the work has revealed a different viewpoint hidden within the story. Here, the story is to be analyzed in relation to the lifelong inner angst of author Nathaniel Hawthorne. This new approach shows the main characters to be individuals into whom the depth of Nathaniel Hawthorne's psychological mindset has been projected. Arthur Dimmesdale, a young minister, reflects the author's internal struggle over his ancestor's past involvement in the judgement of witches, including at the Salem witch trial in 1692. Chillingworth, a diabolical man, represents Nathaniel Hawthorne's sense of guilt, and shows his commitment as an artist to observing people's inner souls. Hester's freethinking manner and way of life can be seen as Nathaniel Hawthorne's strong determination to become an independent artist, and one who is never to fall victim to the stains of the past and society. Nathaniel Hawthorne's longing for British culture is reflected in Pearl. The particular end that each character meets can also be interpreted as carrying its own unique message. Nathaniel Hawthorne is very negative about Chillingworth; the author shows no sympathy for his own inevitably sinful fate of peeping into people's inner souls. The implications of Dimmesdale's death after his final confession on the scaffold are somewhat ambiguous. It is uncertain whether he was saved or severely judged. More likely, there is a mixture of both elements, and his death clearly shows us that the sinful lifestyle of Nathaniel Hawthorne's ancestors must end. Hester ultimately returns of her own free will to the puritan society of Boston, after having lived for a while in the Old World with her daughter Pearl. Hester's return tells us that Nathaniel Hawthorne's desire for freedom includes the possibility of serving the puritan society. Pearl is the only character alive at the end of the novel, happily married, and possibly in England. Nathaniel Hawthorne's decision to live as an artist includes aspirations of British heritage. Dimmesdale's inherited strong animal nature is the root of the persecuting spirit in the history of the author's' ancestors. Therefore, the scarlet letter A in the story can be interpreted as the initial letter of the word 'animal.'
野呂 浩 Hiroshi NORO 東京工芸大学工学部基礎教育研究センター
東京工芸大学工学部紀要 (ISSN:03876055)
vol.24, no.2, pp.30-38, 2001

Scholars of American literature have produced innumerable interpretations on Nathaniel Hawthorne's masterpiece The Scarlet Letter. Notably, each different approach to the work has revealed a different viewpoint hidden within the story. Here, the story is to be analyzed in relation to the lifelong inner angst of author Nathaniel Hawthorne. This new approach shows the main characters to be individuals into whom the depth of Nathaniel Hawthorne's psychological mindset has been projected. Arthur Dimmesdale, a young minister, reflects the author's internal struggle over his ancestor's past involvement in the judgement of witches, including at the Salem witch trial in 1692. Chillingworth, a diabolical man, represents Nathaniel Hawthorne's sense of guilt, and shows his commitment as an artist to observing people's inner souls. Hester's freethinking manner and way of life can be seen as Nathaniel Hawthorne's strong determination to become an independent artist, and one who is never to fall victim to the stains of the past and society. Nathaniel Hawthorne's longing for British culture is reflected in Pearl. The particular end that each character meets can also be interpreted as carrying its own unique message. Nathaniel Hawthorne is very negative about Chillingworth; the author shows no sympathy for his own inevitably sinful fate of peeping into people's inner souls. The implications of Dimmesdale's death after his final confession on the scaffold are somewhat ambiguous. It is uncertain whether he was saved or severely judged. More likely, there is a mixture of both elements, and his death clearly shows us that the sinful lifestyle of Nathaniel Hawthorne's ancestors must end. Hester ultimately returns of her own free will to the puritan society of Boston, after having lived for a while in the Old World with her daughter Pearl. Hester's return tells us that Nathaniel Hawthorne's desire for freedom includes the possibility of serving the puritan society. Pearl is the only character alive at the end of the novel, happily married, and possibly in England. Nathaniel Hawthorne's decision to live as an artist includes aspirations of British heritage. Dimmesdale's inherited strong animal nature is the root of the persecuting spirit in the history of the author's' ancestors. Therefore, the scarlet letter A in the story can be interpreted as the initial letter of the word 'animal.'
渡部 一郎 真野 行生 野呂 浩史
The Japanese Society of Balneology, Climatology and Physical Medicine
日本温泉気候物理医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290343)
vol.61, no.3, pp.121-126, 1998-05

High levels of negative ions have been detected in the air in forests, at spas, near waterfalls, and so forth, and there have been reported that they have a favorable effect on human beings' feeling of comfort and their feeling of fatigue. In this study we prepared an experimental room in which it was possible to maintain temperature constant at 25°C and constant humidity, and turn the supply of negative ions on and off, and in addition to assessing comfort level and fatigue level subjectively, we assessed them by means of the -wave component of the EEG, which indicates the degree of relaxation, and by auditory evoked potential P300, which reflects attentiveness and degree of fatigue.<br>Methods: The subjects were 15 healthy physicians and nurses. The experiment was conducted in a room maintained at a constant temperature of 25°C and a constant humidity of 50% during a 2-hour period on different days without informing the subjects of whether the air was loaded with negative ions or not. Constant temperature and humidity were maintained, and the level of negative ions was adjusted by using a shinki genertor (Geochto Ltd.). The parameters measured were determined with a flicker test and P300 (auditory evoked) test, and the α-wave ratio was calculated from the 60-minute closed-eye resting EEG.<br>Results: A higher percentage of subjects reported subjective comfort when the air was loaded with neagtive ions (6/15, 40%) than when it was not (4/15, 27%).<br>Significant difference was not observed in the P300 tests, but the α<sub>2</sub> (10-13Hz) ratio of the EEG and flicker test tended to be higher with negative ion-air than without nagative ion-air.