山下 和彦 野本 洋平 梅沢 淳 宮川 晴妃 川澄 正史 小山 裕徳 斎藤 正男
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.124, no.10, pp.2057-2063, 2004 (Released:2005-01-01)
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There is the increasing concern of the society to prevent the tumbling of the aged. The study of the static, as well as dynamic aspects, such as the muscular strength of the lower-limb and the postural stability, should be developed, especially from the viewpoint of the aged. This paper focuses on the external observation of the foot and toenail, as being correlated to the physical functions of the lower-limb against tumbling. The lower-limb functions are evaluated in terms of the 10 m walking time, the toe-gap force and single-foot standing period. The correlation to the personal tumbling experiences is also examined. It is seen that the groups, which exhibit external abnormalities in the foot and the toenail, generally decline in the muscular strength and postural stability. They also have more frequent tumbling experiences and express in their concern of the danger of tumbling. It seems that those shapes abnormalities can indicate, to some extent, the tumbling danger of the aged.
山下 和彦 野本 洋平 梅沢 淳 高野 千尋 太田 裕治 井野 秀一 伊福部 達 小山 裕徳 川澄 正史
生体医工学 : 日本エム・イー学会誌 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.45, no.1, pp.121-128, 2007-03-10

The aim of this study was to evaluate the postural control ability using stabilogram-diffusion analysis (SDA). Any parameters of SDA were compared with several parameters of body sway derived from recordings of the center of pressure (COP) with the aid of a static force platform. The subjects were 38 elderly healthy volunteers. They quietly stood on a static force plat form with open and closing eyes. As the results, there was a significant correlation between the diffusion constant derived from the parameters of SDA and the parameters of COP with eyes open and closed. The correlation was found to be greater in the closing eye condition than that in the open eye condition. The correlations between diffusion coefficients and the range and mean of anterior-posterior velocity were greater than the correlations between the diffusion coefficients and the range and mean of the lateral velocity. Thus, the muscle of the tibialis anterior and the planter muscles was suggested.
野本 洋平 山下 和彦 滝沢 茂男 家本 晃 斎藤 正男
Biophilia Rehabilitation Academy
バイオフィリア リハビリテーション研究 (ISSN:13475568)
vol.1, no.1, pp.19-22, 2002

高齢社会に伴い, 寝たきりや座りきりといった新しい社会問題が起きている. 2025年には, 虚弱·要介護の痴呆高齢者·寝たきり高齢者を合わせた推計は520万人になると予測され, 脳血管障害や転倒骨折などを経験した高齢者の生活の質(Quality of Life:QOL)の確保や自立支援など早急に解決しなくてはならない課題を抱えている. より効果的にリハビリを行うために, タキザワ式リハビリテーションプログラムが開発され, その中で創動運動が実施されている. 下服運動は下肢リハビリのため, 対象者自ら患側の足を健側の足で動作させるものである. しかしその定量的評価や効果は解析されていない.<BR>そこで本研究では, 創動運動による効果を総合的に検討するために, 筋電図による下肢の筋活動と, 運動力学的側面から対象者の動作を定量的に解析するシステムを開発した.