鈴木 三郎
公益社団法人 日本獣医学会
vol.1, no.2, pp.81-84, 1922

The broth used as the basis of various culture-media for bacteria does not contain so much protein as to meet the demand of the pathogenic bacteria for nitrogen and a certain amount of peptone should, therefore, be added to it. MARTIN recommended a process of meat digestion with the addition of pepsin while HOTTINGER used pancreatin for the same purpose; they obtained a broth with so much peptone that no addition of commercial peptone was required, but these methods are somewhat complex and require much time.<br>Recently the author devised a very simple method to prepare a broth rich in peptone, obtaining a good result by the use of papain, a vegetable digestive ferment, for the digestion of meat Papain acts most energetically at 85&deg;C, unlike pepsin and trypsin, and its action is complete in a few minutes, disappearing at a temperature of nearly 100&deg;C. The process is as follows:<br>1. For general use. Mix one pound of horse-flesh or beef with one litre of water; add 1.5gr. of papain and boil the mixture over the fire or in KOCH'S steam sterilizer. As the temperature of the mixture passes 85&deg;C, 70% of the protein of the meat will be transformed into peptone. Filter and wash the residue with water; mix the filtrate and the water used in washing the residue; fill up to 3 litres by adding water; add 30gr. of sodium chloride. In the filtrate thus prepared is contained about 2% of peptone.<br>2. For preparing materials for immunization. The process is similar to that just described above, but the quantity of papain should be reduced to 1/3 and the total amount of the broth up to one litre. In this case the protein digested is as much as 40% and the content of peptone in the broth as mounts to about 5, 4%.
鈴木 三郎
公益社団法人 日本獣医学会
vol.6, no.1, pp.52-63, 1927

Raw meat is the essential substance for the preparation of culture media. The cooked meat extracts in the form of broth contains nitrogenous substances insufficient for the multiplication of the cultivated bacteria. The deficiency is supplimented with an additional pepton.<br>The routine method of the preparation of media is first to obtain the extracts by cooking meat and the broth thus obtained contains only 9% soluble protein, while the remaining 91% insoluble part of the nitrogenous compounds is cast away as rubbish. I tried to find a method by which this cast away rubbish might be of any use for the manufacture of media, economically to facilitate the experimental works in the laboratory. I employed papain, a decomosing ferment of vegetable proteins in my experimental work and the results are dealt with in this communication, which can be summalized as follows:<br>1. 450 gr. of the raw meat was boiled by direct heat with an addition of 0.5 gr. of the powder of papain and obtained 30-55% soluble protein of the total protein contents of the material.<br>2. Various species of bacteria multipli in the medium prepared after my method. Moreover, the colonies in it had almost the equal sizes and the total amount of the bacteria was also almost equal to what was obtained by the use of the Teruuchipepton-broth.<br>3. The production of tetanus toxin in my broth was. almost equal to what was obtained by the use of either the Teruuchipepton-broth or the Hida-pepton-broth.
鈴木 三郎
no.10, pp.278-279, 1999
鈴木 三郎
vol.9, no.9, pp.367-368, 1997
渡部 忠興 鈴木 三郎 渡部 正臣 何 騰験
一般社団法人 国立医療学会
医療 (ISSN:00211699)
vol.32, no.5, pp.592-594, 1978

いわゆる早産成熟児というものが, 臨床的に正常期産児, 晩期産児とに比べてどのように優劣の差があるのか検討してみた. 分娩予定日不確実なものや, 多胎, 妊娠中毒症, 骨盤位, 帝王切開など異常分娩を除いて, 昭和41年から昭和50年までの10年間の当院分娩例8890例の中から, 体重2800g以上の成熟児及び3500g以上の過熟児を妊娠38週以前(いわゆる早期産), 妊娠38~42週(いわゆる正常期産), 妊娠42週以降(いわゆる晩期産)の3群について初産, 経産とに区分し, それぞれ胎児体重, 胎盤重量, 胎児胎盤重量比, 前早期破水頻度, 分娩所要時間, 出血量, 児死亡率, Apgar Score, 鉗子吸引分娩率, 生理的体重減少日数, 生理的体重減少重量, 臍帯脱落日について検討した. その結果妊娠38週以前は129例, 妊娠42週以降94例でコントロール群として正常期産例を無差別に抽出したところ, Apgar scoreを除きすべての項目で差を認められなかつた.
木村 隆一 鈴木 三郎 大比賀 直樹
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.79, pp.83-90, 1988

Horn-signal is very important for the safety navigation. When horn-signal is generated by other ship, the direction of signal-source is only judged by sense of hearing. This paper describes the system detecting the signal direction automatically. In this system, when horn-signal is received by three microphones placed in different points, time-lags occurs among the times that signal is caught by each microphones. The direction of signal-source is calculated by the time-lags. As a result, when the signal-source is as much as 1,600 meters distant from measurement place, the direction of signal-source is detected within error value of ±5 [deg].
木村 隆一 鈴木 三郎 今枝 彬郎
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.83, pp.13-19, 1990

Horn-signal is very important information. If the direction of signal-source can be detected by the horn-signal generated from other ship, it would be very useful for the safety navigation. This paper describes the system detecting the signal direction automatically. In this system, we consider a series of process of the sound sampling, data processing, direction detecting, as a sequential operation and examine algorithm which can quickly perform these processing by a personal computer. As a result, the detection takes time of 7 seconds each.
木村 隆一 鈴木 三郎 今枝 彬郎
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.88, pp.11-18, 1993

If direction of horn-signal can be detected, it would be very useful for the safety navigation. The signal which was generated by a ship (Horn-ship) was picked by three microphones placed on the compass deck of another ship (Measurement ship). A series of experiments were carried out for various distance between two ships in the range from 600 to 2000m. In this system, the signal was digitalized with an A/D converter and sent to the microcomputer, and the direction was detected using these data. The error was less than ±15[deg], but the direction could not be detected, when SPL (sound pressure level) of horn-signal was about 50dB.
鈴木 三郎
コムニカチオン (ISSN:13473174)
vol.4, no.4, 1987-12-10