財津 桂 片木 宗弘 中西 啓子 志摩 典明 鎌田 寛恵 鎌田 徹 西岡 裕 三木 昭宏 辰野 道昭 岩村 樹憲 佐藤 貴子 土橋 均 鈴木 廣一
日本法科学技術学会誌 (ISSN:18801323)
vol.16, no.2, pp.73-90, 2011 (Released:2011-08-12)
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Comprehensive analytical method to identify 11 kinds of synthetic cannabinoids has been investigated by thin layer chromatography (TLC), gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS). The analytes used in this study have already been detected from various herbal-type designer drugs: 8 kinds of aminoalkylindoles (AAIs) (JWH-015, JWH-018, JWH-073, JWH-081, JWH-200, JWH-250, JWH-251 and JWH-398), two kinds of cyclohexylphenols (CPs) (CP 47,497 and Cannabicyclohexanol), and a Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol analog (HU-210).   Although specific color changes were observed for the cannabinoids using Marquis reagent, identification of each analyte based on Rf values was difficult to be obtained by TLC.   On the other hand, GC/MS and LC/MS/MS were appropriate for their qualitative analyses because of their chromatographic and mass spectral differentiation. A semi-polar capillary column DB-5MS showed the best separation and retention properties of the targeted cannabinoids among the tested GC column phases. Also, characteristic fragment ions were observed in each electron ionization-mass spectrum. The observed fragment ions were mainly derived from α-cleavage of ketone and α-cleavage of amine for AAIs, simple cleavage for CPs, and McLafferty rearrangements for HU-210.   Based on the ionization efficiency of the target analytes using LC/MS/MS, electrospray ionization positive mode was selected for AAIs, and negative mode for CPs and HU-210. All analytes were completely separated by gradient elution of ammonium formate aqueous solution-acetonitrile mobile phase on a C18 (ODS) separation column. In addition, characteristic fragment ions were observed in product ion spectra of AAIs and second generation product ion spectra of CPs and HU-210, enabling reliable confirmation.   These results provide useful information not only for simultaneous analyses of the targeted cannabinoids but also for structural assignment of future cannabimimetic compounds that may appear in the illicit drug market.
鈴木 廣一 西尾 元 田村 明敬 宮崎 時子

この研究の契機はABO式血液型(以下ABOと略)遺伝子座でde novoの組換え例を発見したことである。各対立遺伝子の配列からみて、親子のいろいろな型の組み合わせのなかで、de novoの組み換えによって子の表現型に矛盾が生じるというのは特定の組み合わせに限られ、非常に稀なことと考えられる。このことは逆に表現型の矛盾として現れない組換えがかなりの頻度で存在している可能性を示している。このような推察から、一般集団をスクリーニングした結果、組換え体ががなりの頻度(1〜2%)存在していることを明らかにした。これらの組換え体をまとめると、12種類の可能な組み合わせのうち、A1-O1、B-A1、B-O1、B-O1v、O1-O1v、O1v-A1、O1v-Bという7種類の配列構成(例えばA1-O1というのは、遺伝子の5側がA1遺伝子の、3側がO1遺伝子の配列であることを示す)であった。O1v-Aには配列の変換領域が異なるものがあったので、あわせて7種類8個となる。これらはいずれも、エクソン2から7までの間に配列の変換領域をひとつもっていたが、イントロンVとエクソン7の2ケ所に変換領域のあるO1v-B-O1vという配列構成をもった組換え体も見いだした。この組換え体の成因としては交叉よりも遺伝子変換が考えやすい。以上のように、わずか300人足らずの集団調査で、予想される組換え配列12とおりのうち7つを見いだしたことは、ABO遺伝子領域では、新規の組換えを繰り返してきていることを示している。近傍に相同の配列をもった遺伝子などが報告されていないことから、相同遺伝子がタンデムに配列している領域に起こりやすい交叉よりも、遺伝子変換のような機構が関わっている可能性が高く、高等生物における遺伝子変換機構を研究するモデル領域になると考えられる。
原 正昭 永井 淳 田村 明敬 山本 敏充 廣重 優二 小川 久恵 引土 知幸 梅田 光夫 川尻 由美 中山 幸治 鈴木 廣一 髙田 綾 石井 晃

松田 駿太朗 片木 宗弘 西岡 裕 鎌田 寛恵 佐々木 啓子 志摩 典明 鎌田 徹 三木 昭宏 辰野 道昭 財津 桂 坪井 健人 土橋 均 鈴木 廣一
日本法科学技術学会誌 (ISSN:18801323)
vol.19, no.2, pp.77-89, 2014 (Released:2014-07-30)
12 19

Cathinone-type designer drugs are a newly-encountered drug family that has a β-ketophenethylamine skeleton. Recently, the abuse of these drugs has been increasingly common among young adults, and this has caused a serious social problem in many countries. Many of those drugs have become regulated by the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act, and some of them were later banned by the Narcotics and Psychotropics Control Act in Japan, depending on their structures. In this paper, a total of 98 standards of cathinone-type designer drugs were synthesized, and their EI-mass spectra were acquired by GC/MS, with and without trifluoroacetylation. For their free bases, a major fragment ion formed from the α-cleavage of the amine nitrogen was commonly observed. Also, a small fragment ion generated by the α-cleavage of the carbonyl group, followed by the elimination of CO was detectable. For the analogs having an N-alkyl chain longer than methyl group and/or the alkyl side-chain longer than methyl group, a characteristic ion formed from the α-cleavage of the amine nitrogen, followed by the elimination of the olefin moiety was observed. For the trifluoroacetyl derivatives, the intensity of fragment ion formed from the α-cleavage of carbonyl group significantly increased, while that of the fragment ion generated from the α-cleavage of nitrogen decreased, when compared with those of free bases. Also, the ion at m/z 110 was specifically observed for the cathinone analogs having a methylamino group. Those typical fragmentation patterns revealed by analyzing a series of analogs provide useful information for the characterization of cathinone-type designer drugs.