佐々木 啓子 松岡 耕二 ササキ ケイコ マツオカ コオジ Keiko SASAKI Koozi MATUOKA
vol.5, pp.61-67, 2012-02-28

佐々木 啓子
電気通信大学紀要 (ISSN:09150935)
vol.33, no.1, pp.26-35, 2021-02-01

After the Meiji Restoration the Japanese government started to establish a modern system of bureaucracy and an education system. Also it organised the system for professional qualifications, such as lawyers and medical doctors. The government at first shut women out from these specialised professions. However, some women’s activities enabled them to obtain professional licenses, particularly to become medical doctors. Kei Okami entered the Woman’s Medical College of Pennsylvania, USA, in 1885 and graduated as a Doctor of Medicine in 1889, becoming the first Japanese female to obtain a degree in Western medicine from a Western college. After returning to Japan, she was registered as a certified doctor in 1890, and became the head of gynaecology at Jikeikai Hospital. In 1900, Yayoi Yoshioka, Japan’s 27th female doctor after Ginko Ogino, applied to the Governor of Tokyo for accreditation to establish the private Tokyo Women’s Medical School. The school was promoted to a medical college in 1904, and graduated about 700 female medical doctors from 1908 to 1933. The aim of this article is to discuss how to build up women’s status as professions such as medical doctors.
志摩 典明 佐々木 啓子 鎌田 徹 三木 昭宏 片木 宗弘
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.139, no.5, pp.705-713, 2019-05-01 (Released:2019-05-01)
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Hair testing for drugs has been used extensively in the field of forensics since the 1990s as a means of obtaining firm evidence of drug ingestion. In addition to its longer detection windows, hair is the only specimen that can provide chronological information on individual drug use. Illicit drugs and hypnotics account for the majority of substances involved in crimes; they are usually analyzed to prove an addictive use or an exposure to drugs in drug-facilitated crimes. The mechanism of drug incorporation into hair has been intensively investigated to properly interpret the results of hair analysis. However, the exact mechanism remains under much discussion, despite the growing application of hair tests. Recently, the authors have applied matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) imaging and sectional hair analysis of 1-mm segments using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) for single-strand hair, to investigate the incorporation pathways of drugs into hair. Time-course changes in drug distribution along single-strand hair suggest that the incorporation of drugs occurs in two regions of the hair root, the hair bulb and the upper part of hair root, and suggest that incorporation from the hair bulb continues for about 2 weeks. Distribution profiles of different drugs in hair additionally revealed that the main incorporation pathway varies (i.e., via the hair bulb or the upper part of hair root) depending on the properties of the drug/metabolite. These findings should be taken into account upon discussing individual drug-use history based on the results of hair analysis.
佐々木 啓子 松岡 耕二
千葉科学大学紀要 (ISSN:18823505)
vol.5, pp.61-67, 2012-02-28

香川 せつ子 佐々木 啓子 中込 さやか

昨年度から続くコロナ禍による海外渡航制限のため、当初計画していた現地調査は実施できなかった。しかし国内の大学図書館や国会図書館が所蔵する一次資料や先行研究の渉猟およびネット上で公開された海外情報へのアクセスによって実証的研究を進めた。前年度から引き続いて19世紀末から20世紀初頭にイギリスに留学し、帰国後に教育・科学分野で活躍した大江スミ、二階堂トクヨ、黒田チカの軌跡と業績を検証し(香川・中込)、他方では奨学金によるアメリカのブリンマー・カレッジ等への留学が日本の女子高等教育にもたらした貢献(佐々木)ついて検討した。本年度の新たな取り組みとして、研究代表者の香川は実践女子大学創立者の下田歌子の19世紀末におけるイギリス留学について重点的に調査・研究した。『下田歌子と近代日本ー良妻賢母論と女子教育の創出』(共著、2021年9月刊行)では、下田梅子と津田梅子がともに華族女学校在職中に英米に留学していることに着目し、両者の西洋文化受容の過程を比較考察した。また別の論文では、下田と相前後してイギリスに留学した安井てつと下田を比較し、イギリスの女子教育から受けた影響を体育の奨励に着目して比較考察した。本研究課題の特質から、研究成果の海外への発信や海外研究者との交流にも努めた。2021年5月の女性と科学に関する国際研究会(Women and Science in the Twentieth Century)では香川が黒田チカについて報告、6月の国際教育史学会(ISCHE)では香川が二階堂トクヨ、佐々木が藤田たき、中込が大江スミについて報告、11月のイギリス教育史学会(HES)では佐々木が日本女性を対象とした米国留学奨学金について報告した。いずれもオンライン開催であり、海外研究者との対面での交流はならなかったが、頂いた質問やコメントを通して考察を深めることができた。
佐々木 啓子
電気通信大学紀要 (ISSN:09150935)
vol.24, no.1, pp.19-29, 2012-02-01

The aim of this article is to present the frame of reference of sociological history on the class culture and the education of the upper middle class in pre-war Japan. In modern societies, feudal statuses are substituted for meritocratic positions by new privileged class, that is, public servants, professions or the managerial class. These positions are acquired by licenses or education but not by one's social origin. Generally speaking, upper middle class city people know the importance of the educational background and give their children higher education which is acquired through their class culture. In this way, their meritocratic positions are inherited to their sons or daughters by hidden cultural capital.
掛橋 秀直 志摩 典明 鎌田 寛恵 松田 駿太朗 中野 史保子 和田 美暁 佐々木 啓子 鎌田 徹 西岡 裕 財津 桂 土橋 均 三木 昭宏 片木 宗弘
日本法科学技術学会誌 (ISSN:18801323)
vol.22, no.2, pp.77-90, 2017 (Released:2017-07-27)

Three analogues of 1-phenyl-2-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)pentan-1-one (α-PVP), 1-(4-fluorophenyl)-2-(pyrolidin-1-yl)pentan-1-one (4F-α-PVP), 1-(4-methoxyphenyl)-2-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)pentan-1-one (4MeO-α-PVP) and 2-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)-1-(thiophen-2-yl)pentan-1-one (α-PVT), and their metabolites were determined in users' urine by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry using newly synthesized authentic standards. The identified metabolites indicated that metabolic pathways of three α-PVP analogues include the reduction of the carbonyl group to the corresponding alcohols and the oxidation of the pyrrolidine ring to the corresponding pyrrolidone, and 4MeO-α-PVP and α-PVT have additional metabolic pathways of the O-demethylation and the oxidation of thienyl group respectively. The quantitative analyses of the urinary metabolites suggested that the main metabolic pathways of these α-pyrrolidinophenones (PPs) derivatives could vary largely depending on the aromatic rings or substituent groups on the aromatic ring of PPs.
掛橋 秀直 鎌田 寛恵 石川 亜香里 浅井 龍太郎 新田 篤志 和田 美暁 中野 史保子 松田 駿太朗 佐々木 啓子 志摩 典明 鎌田 徹 西岡 裕 三木 昭宏 片木 宗弘
日本法科学技術学会誌 (ISSN:18801323)
vol.24, no.1, pp.73-78, 2019 (Released:2019-01-31)

N-tert-Butoxycarbonyl-methamphetamine (t-BOCMA), a tert-butoxycarbonyl (t-BOC) derivative of methamphetamine (MA), which has recently been reported in several countries, was seized for the first time in Japan in 2017. It deprotected easily in an acidic condition to result in an illicit MA, and recently became a newly designated drug of the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Act. For drug enforcement, the information of its properties was, therefore, strongly demanded. In this study, we synthesized the t-BOCMA standard, acquired various analytical data, and demonstrated its conversion to MA in high yield in the relatively moderate acidic condition (5% HCl methanol solution, 50℃). Also, the stability of t-BOCMA in simulated gastric juice (0.08 M HCl, 37℃) was explored by using GC/MS. As the result, 19% of t-BOCMA remained even after 120 min incubation, and the T1/2 was calculated to be 50 min. These suggest that the orally ingested t-BOCMA would be absorbed into blood in some degree without conversion to MA.
松田 駿太朗 片木 宗弘 西岡 裕 鎌田 寛恵 佐々木 啓子 志摩 典明 鎌田 徹 三木 昭宏 辰野 道昭 財津 桂 坪井 健人 土橋 均 鈴木 廣一
日本法科学技術学会誌 (ISSN:18801323)
vol.19, no.2, pp.77-89, 2014 (Released:2014-07-30)
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Cathinone-type designer drugs are a newly-encountered drug family that has a β-ketophenethylamine skeleton. Recently, the abuse of these drugs has been increasingly common among young adults, and this has caused a serious social problem in many countries. Many of those drugs have become regulated by the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act, and some of them were later banned by the Narcotics and Psychotropics Control Act in Japan, depending on their structures. In this paper, a total of 98 standards of cathinone-type designer drugs were synthesized, and their EI-mass spectra were acquired by GC/MS, with and without trifluoroacetylation. For their free bases, a major fragment ion formed from the α-cleavage of the amine nitrogen was commonly observed. Also, a small fragment ion generated by the α-cleavage of the carbonyl group, followed by the elimination of CO was detectable. For the analogs having an N-alkyl chain longer than methyl group and/or the alkyl side-chain longer than methyl group, a characteristic ion formed from the α-cleavage of the amine nitrogen, followed by the elimination of the olefin moiety was observed. For the trifluoroacetyl derivatives, the intensity of fragment ion formed from the α-cleavage of carbonyl group significantly increased, while that of the fragment ion generated from the α-cleavage of nitrogen decreased, when compared with those of free bases. Also, the ion at m/z 110 was specifically observed for the cathinone analogs having a methylamino group. Those typical fragmentation patterns revealed by analyzing a series of analogs provide useful information for the characterization of cathinone-type designer drugs.