大下 和茂 萩原 悟一 門間 貴史 津野 天兵 小泉 和史 大山 泰史 山口 恭平 田代 智紀 船津 京太郎
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.60, no.2, pp.539-550, 2015 (Released:2015-12-18)
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The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of experience or inexperience with weight-training under appropriate supervision on knowledge of squatting exercises among university students. A questionnaire-based survey was conducted among university students who exercised regularly (30 or more min per day, 2 or more days per week, and maintaining this for more than 1 year) to clarify the relationships between their experience of weight-training under appropriate supervision, knowledge of squatting exercises, and the frequency with which they perform squatting exercises (n=309). More than half of the students who exercised regularly had never experienced weight-training under appropriate supervision. Approximately 50% of the participants performed squats periodically, even if they did not have any experience with weight-training under appropriate supervision. The participants who lacked experience with weight-training under supervision had made significantly fewer attempts to consciously train their gluteal and knee flexor muscles during squatting exercises than those who had experienced weight-training under supervision. In fact, approximately 50% of the former did not consciously train their gluteal muscles during squatting exercises at all. These results suggest that although the students performed squatting exercises periodically, those who had never experienced weight-training under supervision may not have properly understood the squatting method. Therefore, to enhance the benefits of training, people should be shown the correct method for performing training exercises and given appropriate supervision.
木田 春代 武田 文 門間 貴史 朴峠 周子 浅沼 徹 藤原 愛子 香田 泰子
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.81, no.1, pp.3-14, 2015

Objective : This study investigates whether the working status of mothers results in an unbalanced diet (no acceptance of disliked foods) of their preschool children, and the relationship of the preschool children's unbalanced diet and its relevant factors.<br>Methods : This cross-sectional study was conducted using the responses of 1,145 mothers at 15 public kindergartens in a suburban city located in the Kanto region. A self-rating questionnaire examined mother's age and working, child's age and gender, the unbalanced diet of mother and their child, and eating education provided to child.<br>Results : The unbalanced diet of children were not associated with the working status of their mothers. Among non-working mothers, the causal factors of the unbalanced diet of their children were classified as the unbalanced diet of the mother, neglecting to instruct child not to waste food, not giving to child's meal child disagreeable foods or weak foods. Among working mothers, not engaging their child to help in the preparation of meals was the most prominent cause of children's diet unbalances.<br>Conclusion : It was suggested that although the working status of mothers has no direct effect on the unbalanced diet of their childrens, differences in the factors relating to the unbalanced diet of their childrens depend on whether the mother is employed or unemployed.