山田 久 高柳 和史
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.61, no.6, pp.895-904, 1995-11-15 (Released:2008-02-29)
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Applicability of the following marine fish species (Sillago japonica, Rudarius ercodes, and Pagrus major) in habitating the Japanese coastal waters as an experimental animal on the bioconcentration of hazardous chemicals has been examined by comparing the bioconcentration of TBTO, TPTC, TBP, HCB, α-HCH, and Co in these fish. These species of fish bioconcentrated these chemicals differently depending on the uptake and elimination rates. The bioconcentration factors of the chemicals in S. japonica were similar to those in P. major. The bioconcentration factors in R. ercodes were slightly different from those in S. japonica and P. major. A large amount of Co was bioconcentrated in R. ercodes. On the other hand, organic chemicals such as TBTO, TPTC, and TBP were not significantly bioconcentrated in R. ercodes. Our results based on the characteristics of bioconcentration suggest that S. japonica and P. major were suitable for the experimental species of fish.
坂田 晴香 中川 耕三 北澤 健二 山本 澪 森 航大 高柳 和史 菊田 昌義 合田 賀彦 立花 義裕
La mer (ISSN:05031540)
vol.59, no.3-4, pp.79-100, 2022 (Released:2022-06-27)

Using data collected from 2004 to 2018, the relationships between fluctuation in water quality and river loads were analyzed in eight areas within Osaka Bay, comprising the A-, B-, and C-type areas as designated by the chemical oxygen demand(COD)environmental quality standards. Different trends were confirmed in each area, related to their location in the bay. Decreasing COD concentrations were observed around the Muko River mouth, while concentrations near the Yodo River mouth, near the Yamato River mouth, and in areas at the center of the bay remained unchanged. These stable trends might be attributable to the high COD concentrations in the inflow water at the inner part of the bay, as well as the in situ COD production in the center of the bay. In summary, changes in water quality reflecting river loads were observed in the inner part of the bay, but the effect decreased toward the center of the bay where in situ production might be greater. Therefore, for the future restoration plan in Osaka Bay, different approaches will be required, depending on the characteristics of the individual sea areas.
阿保 勝之 坂見 知子 高柳 和史
公益社団法人 土木学会
海岸工学論文集 (ISSN:09167897)
vol.49, pp.1211-1215, 2002-10-10 (Released:2010-03-17)

アサリ増殖場造成地において現地調査に基づく窒素・リンの収支計算を行い, アサリによる造成地の水質浄化機能 (懸濁態N・P除去量) を明らかにした. アサリ生息数の少ない現状では, アサリによる懸濁物除去よりも一次生産の方が大きく, 造成地は懸濁態窒素, リンの供給源となっていた. また, アサリの摂餌, 代謝, 排泄を数値モデル化することにより, アサリの稚貝放流, 増殖, 漁獲に伴う懸濁態窒素の除去量を定量的に評価した. 造成事業計画に従って放流・漁獲を行った場合, 海水中からの窒素除去量は年平均で41mgN/m2/dayあると見積もられた.