谷口 律子 錦織 淳美 川崎 博己 黒崎 勇二 荒木 博陽 五味 田裕
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.30, no.4, pp.246-254, 2004-04-10
12 13

It is important for students to acquire the skills of pharmaceutical care with respect to patients. However, clinical pharmacy education in Japan is still not fully developed and teachers at faculties of pharmacy generally teach students by means of lectures, which is too passive for students. Since such a lecture-based system will not help them to acquire pharmaceutical care skills, there should also be training that simulates the provision of pharmaceutical care in the clinical situation. To address this issue, the authors tested problem-based learning (PEL) on students, with the objective of developing problem solving skills and student independence. In the PEL, students gained an understanding of the principles of pharmacotherapy and drew up hypothetical schemes for pharmaceutical care, worked out the problems and discussed them together in small groups. They also practiced role-playing, which was intended to help them learn communication skills. Afterwards, the authors conducted a questionnaire survey to evaluate the student's impressions of the PEL and they evaluated it highly, particularly with regard to learning communication and problem-solving skills. These results suggest that it would be useful to introduce PEL in clinical pharmacy education in Japan.
山尾 忠直 中上 博秋 古濱 和久 小野寺 威 黒崎 勇二 中山 太二 木村 聰城郎
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (ISSN:09186158)
vol.17, no.5, pp.691-695, 1994-05-15 (Released:2008-04-10)
6 6

The pharmacokinetics of tolbutamide (TB) following intravenous and oral administration was compared between normal rats and rats with experimentally-induced obstructive jaundice (OJ). The plasma concentration-time curve of i.v. administered TB was lower in rats with OJ, in comparison with normal rats. The result of the pharmacokinetic analysis showed no change in the elimination rate constant, but a significant increase in the volume of distribution in the OJ state. The increase in the volume of distribution of TB could be explained by the decreased protein binding in plasma. In the case of oral administration, the elevation of the plasma concentration was slow and the plasma concentration profile was remarkably low in rats with OJ. The rate of TB disappearance from the small-intestinal lumen was delayed in the OJ state, and its marked accumulation in the tissues of the small intestine and the liver was observed. This retarded uptake by the small-intestinal mucosa and subsequent pre-systemic accumulation might, at least in part, be the reason for the slow appearance in the systemic plasma in the OJ state.
塩尻 容子 黒崎 勇二 川崎 博巳 柳澤 一恵 荒木 博陽 五味田 裕 小田 慈 竹田 芳弘 平木 祥夫
一般社団法人 日本医療薬学会
病院薬学 (ISSN:03899098)
vol.24, no.6, pp.677-682, 1998-12-10 (Released:2011-08-11)
1 3

Improving the patient's QOL is an important matter for guaranteeing proper pharmacotherapy. Lugol's solution (LS, iodine content: I2 3.4%, KI 6.6%) for internal use is a useful drug for the inhibition of radioiodine uptake to the thyroid gland. However, it is difficult for patients, especially children to take this agent or ally due to its unpleasant taste, terrible smell, and peculiar color. The present study was conducted to improve both the taste and the smell of LS, by using soft drinks containing ascorbic acid. Iodine (I2) molecules in LS are reduced to iodide (F) by ascorbic acid, and the peculiar color of LS thus vanished. The amount of L (+)-ascorbic acid (VC) required to remove the color was in good agreement with the rational value. The improvement in the taste, smell, stimulation on the tongue, and the overall ease in taking the following four LS preparations, i.e., the control LS (LS-I), added by Simple Syrup solution (LS-II), by VC solution (LS-III), and by POCARISWEAT® (LS-IV), were then evaluated in the ten healthy adult volunteers. LS-II, -III and -IV, significantly improved all the elements compared with LSI, and eight volunteers selected LS-IV as the easiest preparation. The inhibitory effect of LS-IV to the radioiodine uptake to the thyroid gland was also confirmed in a patient with neuroblastoma based on a clinical diagnosis using 131I-metaiodobenzyl-guanidine scintigraphy. These results suggest that the medication method for taking LS with soft drinks containing VC improves the compliance and QOL of these patients.