谷口 律子 錦織 淳美 川崎 博己 黒崎 勇二 荒木 博陽 五味 田裕
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.30, no.4, pp.246-254, 2004-04-10
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It is important for students to acquire the skills of pharmaceutical care with respect to patients. However, clinical pharmacy education in Japan is still not fully developed and teachers at faculties of pharmacy generally teach students by means of lectures, which is too passive for students. Since such a lecture-based system will not help them to acquire pharmaceutical care skills, there should also be training that simulates the provision of pharmaceutical care in the clinical situation. To address this issue, the authors tested problem-based learning (PEL) on students, with the objective of developing problem solving skills and student independence. In the PEL, students gained an understanding of the principles of pharmacotherapy and drew up hypothetical schemes for pharmaceutical care, worked out the problems and discussed them together in small groups. They also practiced role-playing, which was intended to help them learn communication skills. Afterwards, the authors conducted a questionnaire survey to evaluate the student's impressions of the PEL and they evaluated it highly, particularly with regard to learning communication and problem-solving skills. These results suggest that it would be useful to introduce PEL in clinical pharmacy education in Japan.
鴻海 俊太郎 末丸 克矢 川崎 博己 町支 臣成 日比野 俐 荒木 博陽
藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
vol.129, no.2, pp.197-201, 2009-02-01

The rate of smoking in patients with schizophrenia is higher than that in the general population. Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR) are involved in the sensorimotor gating deficits in schizophrenia. We have revealed that nicotine ameliorates the disruption of the PPI, a model of sensorimotor gating, which is induced by apomorphine, a dopamine receptor agonist, but is not effective for the disruption of the PPI induced by phencyclidine, a glutamine NMDA receptor antagonist, in rats. Furthermore, the ameliorating effect of nicotine is antagonized by methyllycaconitine, a selective α_7 nAChR antagonist. The effect of nocitine was also investigated in the stereotyped behavior induced by apomorphine, however, nicotine was found to have no significant effect. Considering these results, the ameliorating effect of the disruption of the PPI via α_7 nAChR is therefore thought to be involved in dopaminergic systems. The dopaminergic systems involved in α_7 nAChR may be different from the systems involved in stereotypy. In addition, this review describes the effects of the α_7 nicotinic receptor agonists.
鴻海 俊太郎 末丸 克矢 川崎 博己 町支 臣成 日比野 俐 荒木 博陽
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.129, no.2, pp.197-201, 2009-02-01 (Released:2009-02-01)
2 2

The rate of smoking in patients with schizophrenia is higher than that in the general population. Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR) are involved in the sensorimotor gating deficits in schizophrenia. We have revealed that nicotine ameliorates the disruption of the PPI, a model of sensorimotor gating, which is induced by apomorphine, a dopamine receptor agonist, but is not effective for the disruption of the PPI induced by phencyclidine, a glutamine NMDA receptor antagonist, in rats. Furthermore, the ameliorating effect of nicotine is antagonized by methyllycaconitine, a selective α7 nAChR antagonist. The effect of nocitine was also investigated in the stereotyped behavior induced by apomorphine, however, nicotine was found to have no significant effect. Considering these results, the ameliorating effect of the disruption of the PPI via α7 nAChR is therefore thought to be involved in dopaminergic systems. The dopaminergic systems involved in α7 nAChR may be different from the systems involved in stereotypy. In addition, this review describes the effects of the α7 nicotinic receptor agonists.
川崎 博己 山本 隆一 占部 正信 貫 周子 田崎 博俊 高崎 浩一朗
公益社団法人 日本薬理学会
日本薬理学雑誌 (ISSN:00155691)
vol.98, no.5, pp.345-355, 1991

新規抗うつ薬,milnacipran hydrochloride(TN-912)の脳波および循環器に対する作用をimipramine(IMP)およびmaprotiline(MPT)の作用と比較した.TN-912(10~100mg/kg)の経ロ投与は無麻酔・無拘束ラットの自発脳波と音刺激による脳波覚醒反応に対して,著明な変化を示さなかったが,IMP(10~100mg/kg)およびMPT(10~100mg/kg)の高用量投与は自発脳波の徐波成分の増加傾向と脳波覚醒反応の軽度抑制を生じた.無麻酔-無拘束ラットの循環器に対して,TN-912(10~100mg/kg)の経ロ投与により平均血圧の軽度上昇と高用量において心拍数減少がみられた.IMP(10~100mg/kg)とMPT(10~100mg/kg)により,用量依存性の血圧上昇と心拍数増加が認められた.麻酔イヌにおいてTN-912(1~30mg/kg),IMP(0.3~10mg/kg),MPT(1~10mg/kg)静脈内投与は,血圧下降を生じた.心拍数に対してTN-912は一定の作用を示さなかったが,IMPおよびMPTは用量依存的な増加を生じた.大腿動脈血流量はTN-912の30mglkgにより減少,IMPおよびMPTの低用量により減少,MPTの高用量により増加,IMPの高用量により著明に減少した.心電図に対して,TN-912(1~30mg/kg)によりS波の増大と高用量においてT波の増高がみられた.IMPは,投与直後・過性のRとS波振幅の減少,T波の増高,PQ間隔の延長を生じた.MPTは高用量においてR波振幅の減少,著明なT波の増高,PQ間隔の延長を生じた.モルモット摘出心房標本においてTN-912は高濃度の10<SUP>-4</SUP>Mにおいて軽度の収縮力の増大と律動数の減少を生じた.IMP(10<SUP>-6</SUP>M~10<SUP>-4</SUP>M)およびMPT(10<SUP>-6</SUP>~10<SUP>-4</SUP>M)は濃度依存的な収縮力の減弱と律動数の減少を生じ,10<SUP>-4</SUP>Mにおいて自動運動は停止した.以上,TN-912は既存の抗うつ薬IMPおよびMPTに比べて脳波および循環器に対する影響が少ない抗うつ薬である.
川上 英治 二神 幸次郎 定金 典明 西原 茂樹 荒木 博陽 川崎 博己 五味田 裕
一般社団法人 日本医療薬学会
病院薬学 (ISSN:03899098)
vol.25, no.1, pp.69-75, 1999-02-10 (Released:2011-08-11)

Pharmacists need to have a clear policy for managing investigational drugs under circumstances that are consistent with Good Clinical Practice. We studied the management and support system for the clinical research of investigational drugs based on the management of investigational drugs. We experienced 126 cases of pharmaceutical consultations in 650 prescriptions for investigational drugs from April 1997 to March 1998. Seven cases which might induce a patient to drop out, were included in pharmaceutical consultations. We found it was important to communicate with all investigators regarding giving adequate prior information to having a clearly defined protocol. Our pharmaceutical program for the clinical research of investigational drugs was thus found to be useful in the management of investigational drugs.