Shinya KOBAYASHI Yukinari OTA Yayoi HARADA Ayataka EBITA Masami MORIYA Hirokatsu ONODA Kazutoshi ONOGI Hirotaka KAMAHORI Chiaki KOBAYASHI Hirokazu ENDO Kengo MIYAOKA Kiyotoshi TAKAHASHI
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.93, no.1, pp.5-48, 2015 (Released:2015-03-18)
213 3128

The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) conducted the second Japanese global atmospheric reanalysis, called the Japanese 55-year Reanalysis or JRA-55. It covers the period from 1958, when regular radiosonde observations began on a global basis. JRA-55 is the first comprehensive reanalysis that has covered the last half-century since the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts 45-year Reanalysis (ERA-40), and is the first one to apply four-dimensional variational analysis to this period. The main objectives of JRA-55 were to address issues found in previous reanalyses and to produce a comprehensive atmospheric dataset suitable for studying multidecadal variability and climate change. This paper describes the observations, data assimilation system, and forecast model used to produce JRA-55 as well as the basic characteristics of the JRA-55 product. JRA-55 has been produced with the TL319 version of JMA’s operational data assimilation system as of December 2009, which was extensively improved since the Japanese 25-year Reanalysis (JRA-25). It also uses several newly available and improved past observations. The resulting reanalysis products are considerably better than the JRA-25 product. Two major problems of JRA-25 were a cold bias in the lower stratosphere, which has been diminished, and a dry bias in the Amazon basin, which has been mitigated. The temporal consistency of temperature analysis has also been considerably improved compared to previous reanalysis products. Our initial quality evaluation revealed problems such as a warm bias in the upper troposphere, large upward imbalance in the global mean net energy fluxes at the top of the atmosphere and at the surface, excessive precipitation over the tropics, and unrealistic trends in analyzed tropical cyclone strength. This paper also assesses the impacts of model biases and changes in the observing system, and mentions efforts to further investigate the representation of low-frequency variability and trends in JRA-55.
Hirokazu Endo Akio Kitoh Hiroaki Ueda
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.14, pp.57-63, 2018 (Released:2018-04-28)

Recent studies indicate that the view of a general weakening of the monsoon circulation in a warmer climate cannot be simply applied in the Asian monsoon regions. To understand the Asian summer monsoon response to global warming, idealized multi-model experiments are analyzed. In the coupled model response to increased CO2, monsoon westerlies in the lower troposphere are shifted poleward and slightly strengthened over land including South Asia and East Asia, while the tropical easterly jet in the upper troposphere are broadly weakened. The different circulation responses between the lower and upper troposphere is associated with vertically opposite changes in the meridional temperature gradient (MTG) between the Eurasian continent and the tropical Indian Ocean, with a strengthening (weakening) in the lower (upper) troposphere. Atmospheric model experiments to separate the effects of CO2 radiative forcing and sea surface temperature warming reveal that the strengthened MTG in the lower troposphere is explained by the CO2 forcing. On a global perspective, CO2-induced enhancement of the land–sea thermal contrast and resultant circulation changes are the most influential in the South Asian monsoon. This study emphasizes an important role of the land warming on the Asian monsoon response to global warming.
Hirokazu Endo Akio Kitoh Ryo Mizuta
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
pp.2022-010, (Released:2022-03-01)

Future changes in extreme precipitation over the western North Pacific and East Asia (WNP-EA) are investigated using a 20 km mesh atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM). Time-slice simulations are performed under low- and high-emission scenarios using different spatial patterns of changes in sea surface temperature. In the WNP-EA region, future changes in the climatological mean of the annual maximum 1 day precipitation total (Rx1d) are characterized by a large meridional variation, where the higher the latitude, the greater the rate of increase in Rx1d, although this pattern is not so clear under the low emission scenario. This feature probably results from a combination of two factors: a greater warming in high latitudes and a decrease in tropical cyclone (TC) frequency in the subtropics. The future changes in Rx1d climatology for the 20 km AGCM show a marked difference in comparison with those of the lower-resolution AGCM and conventional climate models. Part of this discrepancy may come from differences in model resolution through representation of TCs, suggesting that coarse-resolution models may have some systematic bias in future projections of extreme precipitation in the WNP-EA region.
Takeshi ENOMOTO Hirokazu ENDO Yayoi HARADA Wataru OHFUCHI
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.87, no.1, pp.139-156, 2009 (Released:2009-03-07)
13 14

In July 2004, torrential rainfalls caused significant damages in parts of Japan, followed by heat waves. Our data analysis shows that both rainfall and heat wave events in late Baiu season were caused by the intensification of the subtropical anticyclone near Japan (Bonin high) and that intensity of the Bonin high was significantly influenced by propagation of Rossby waves along the subtropical jet. Hindcast experiments from 15 July were conducted to study the mechanisms and predictability of these high-impact weather events. On 17-18 July, localized rainfalls at a few locations along the coast of the Sea of Japan including Sakata and Fukui were successfully simulated in a high-resolution (21-km mesh) global hindcast simulation. These rainfall events were found to occur near the leading edge of a filament of moist and warm air advected clockwise. On 20 July, anomalously high temperature was reproduced in the high-resolution hindcast simulation. With a moderate resolution of 83 km, the intensification of the subtropical anticyclone was reproduced although the föhn was much weaker. This result indicates that temperature distribution associated with föhn requires a resolution high enough to resolve major mountains. In order to investigate the predictability of propagation of Rossby waves and intensification of the Bonin high, 25-member ensemble experiments from 1 July 2004 were conducted using the moderate-resolution model. It is shown that the region along the Asian jet has twice as long predictability as the entire Northern Hemisphere. This case study suggests that the intensification of the Bonin high associated with the propagation of Rossby waves along the Asian jet could be predicted a few weeks in advance with an ensemble forecast at a moderate resolution.
Hirokazu Endo Akio Kitoh Ryo Mizuta
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.18, pp.58-64, 2022 (Released:2022-03-29)

Future changes in extreme precipitation over the western North Pacific and East Asia (WNP-EA) are investigated using a 20 km mesh atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM). Time-slice simulations are performed under low- and high-emission scenarios using different spatial patterns of changes in sea surface temperature. In the WNP-EA region, future changes in the climatological mean of the annual maximum 1 day precipitation total (Rx1d) are characterized by a large meridional variation, where the higher the latitude, the greater the rate of increase in Rx1d, although this pattern is not so clear under the low emission scenario. This feature probably results from a combination of two factors: a greater warming in high latitudes and a decrease in tropical cyclone (TC) frequency in the subtropics. The future changes in Rx1d climatology for the 20 km AGCM show a marked difference in comparison with those of the lower-resolution AGCM and conventional climate models. Part of this discrepancy may come from differences in model resolution through representation of TCs, suggesting that coarse-resolution models may have some systematic bias in future projections of extreme precipitation in the WNP-EA region.
Hirokazu Endo
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.7, pp.5-8, 2011 (Released:2011-01-07)
18 18

This study investigates long-term changes in Baiu rainfall in Eastern and Western Japan using daily precipitation records at 37 stations for the years 1901 through 2009, focusing on its seasonal progress. This period is much longer than various data analyzed in previous observational studies. In the early Baiu season (early to mid June), significant long-term decreasing trends are observed in Eastern and Western Japan, accompanying large inter-decadal variation in the former half of the 20th century. In the late Baiu season (mid to late July), in contrast, significant long-term increasing trends are observed on the Japan Sea side of Eastern and Western Japan. No significant trends are recognized either in the mid Baiu season (late June to early July) or in the entire Baiu season (June to July) over all regions. It is interesting to note that the observed tendency of delayed Baiu withdrawal in the last 109 years, when global warming has been in progress, is similar to its future changes projected by climate models.
Yayoi HARADA Hirotaka KAMAHORI Chiaki KOBAYASHI Hirokazu ENDO Shinya KOBAYASHI Yukinari OTA Hirokatsu ONODA Kazutoshi ONOGI Kengo MIYAOKA Kiyotoshi TAKAHASHI
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.94, no.3, pp.269-302, 2016 (Released:2016-07-02)
261 329

This study investigates the quality of the Japanese 55-year Reanalysis (JRA-55), which is the second global reanalysis constructed by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), by comparing it with other reanalyses and observational datasets. Improvements were found in the representation of atmospheric circulation on an isentropic surface and in the consistency of momentum budget based on the mass-weighted isentropic zonal mean method. The representation of climate variability in several regions was also examined. In the tropics, the frequencies of high spatial correlations with precipitation, which were estimated using the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Multisatellite Precipitation Analysis, are clearly higher in JRA-55 than in JRA-25. The results indicate that JRA-55 generally improved the representations of phenomena on a wide range of space-time scales, such as equatorial waves, and transient eddies in the storm track regions, compared with JRA-25 during the satellite era. Moreover, JRA-55 improved the temporal consistency compared with the older reanalyses throughout the reanalysis period. In the stratosphere, we found larger discrepancies between reanalyses for the extra-tropical stratosphere during the Southern Hemisphere (SH) winter. Comparisons with radiosonde temperature revealed that JRA-55 has a smaller bias in temperature than the other reanalyses in the extra-tropical SH winter before 1979. Some issues in JRA-55 were also identified. The amplitude of equatorial waves and Madden-Julian oscillation in JRA-55 are weaker than in the other reanalyses. JRA-55 shows unrealistic strong cooling in South America and Australia, although the spatial distribution of the long-term temperature trends in JRA-55 is the closest to an observational dataset of global historical surface temperature.
Ayataka Ebita Shinya Kobayashi Yukinari Ota Masami Moriya Ryoji Kumabe Kazutoshi Onogi Yayoi Harada Soichiro Yasui Kengo Miyaoka Kiyotoshi Takahashi Hirotaka Kamahori Chiaki Kobayashi Hirokazu Endo Motomu Soma Yoshinori Oikawa Takahisa Ishimizu
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.7, pp.149-152, 2011 (Released:2011-10-06)
289 412

The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) started the second Japanese global atmospheric reanalysis project named the Japanese 55-year Reanalysis (JRA-55). It covers 55 years, extending back to 1958, when the global radiosonde observing system was established. Many of the deficiencies found in the first Japanese reanalysis, the Japanese 25-year Reanalysis (JRA-25), have been improved. It aims at providing a comprehensive atmospheric dataset that is suitable for studies of climate change or multi-decadal variability, by producing a more time-consistent dataset for a longer period than JRA-25.Production of JRA-55 started in 2010, and computations for more than 16 years have been completed as of August 2011. The entire JRA-55 production will be completed in early 2013 and thereafter JRA-55 will be continued as a new JCDAS on real time basis. This paper is a brief report to introduce the JRA-55 reanalysis project. The data assimilation and prediction (DA) system used in JRA-55 is introduced and compared to that used in JRA-25. Early results of JRA-55 are presented and discussed, showing general improvements.
Akio KITOH Hirokazu ENDO
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.97, no.1, pp.141-152, 2019 (Released:2019-02-06)

Future changes in precipitation extremes and role of tropical cyclones are investigated through a large ensemble experiment, considering 6,000 years for the present and 5,400 years under +4 K warming, using a 60-km mesh Meteorological Research Institute atmospheric general circulation model version 3.2. As in the previous findings of the authors, the annual maximum 1-day precipitation total (Rx1d) is projected to increase in the warmer world in the future almost globally, except in the western North Pacific where a projected decrease of tropical cyclone frequency results in only small change or even reduction of Rx1d. Furthermore, a large ensemble size enables us to investigate the changes in the tails of the Rx1d distribution. It is found that 90- and 99-percentile values of the Rx1d associated with tropical cyclones will increase in a region extending from Hawaii to the south of Japan. In this region, the interannual variability of the Rx1d associated with tropical cyclones is also projected to increase, implying an increasing risk of rare heavier rainfall events because of global warming.
Ryo Mizuta Osamu Arakawa Tomoaki Ose Shoji Kusunoki Hirokazu Endo Akio Kitoh
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.10, pp.167-171, 2014 (Released:2014-10-23)
83 140

Climate changes for the end of the 21st century projected by Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 5 (CMIP5) models are classified into three clusters by a cluster analysis of annual-mean tropical sea surface temperature (SST) change patterns. The classified SST change patterns are featured by the zonal gradient of the change in the equatorial Pacific and inter-hemispheric contrast of the warming. Precipitation and atmospheric circulation responses are composited for the clusters, and their relationships to the SST changes are examined. Precipitation increase is larger where SST warming is larger than surroundings and vice versa. Common precipitation and atmospheric circulation responses for each cluster are found also over tropical lands and the extratropics as well as in the tropical oceans, suggesting that some remote effects of the tropical SST change patterns could be one reason for less agreement among CMIP5 models in climate changes.
Chiaki Kobayashi Hirokazu Endo Yukinari Ota Shinya Kobayashi Hirokatsu Onoda Yayoi Harada Kazutoshi Onogi Hirotaka Kamahori
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.10, pp.78-82, 2014 (Released:2014-05-14)
6 51

As a subset of the Japanese 55-year Reanalysis (JRA-55) project, the Meteorological Research Institute of the Japan Meteorological Agency is conducting a global atmospheric reanalysis that assimilates only conventional surface and upper air observations, with no use of satellite observations, using the same data assimilation system as the JRA-55. The project, named the JRA-55 Conventional (JRA-55C), aims to produce a more homogeneous dataset over a long period, unaffected by changes in historical satellite observing systems. The dataset is intended to be suitable for studies of climate change or multi-decadal variability. The climatological properties deduced from the early results of the JRA-55C are similar to those of the JRA-55 in the troposphere and lower stratosphere, except for high southern latitudes. On the basis of forecast skill, the quality of the JRA-55C is inferior to that of the JRA-55, but the JRA-55C has better temporal homogeneity than the JRA-55. The skill of the latter changes during the JRA-55 period. We have completed 85% of the entire JRA-55C calculation as of February 2014. We expect that the JRA-55C will contribute to a much better understanding of the impact of changes in observing systems on climate trends and variability estimated from the JRA-55.