Tomoe Nasuno Masuo Nakano Hiroyuki Murakami Kazuyoshi Kikuchi Yohei Yamada
公益社団法人 日本気象学会
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.18, pp.88-95, 2022 (Released:2022-05-13)

In this study, we explored the impacts of midlatitude western North Pacific (WNP) sea surface temperature (SST) on tropical cyclone (TC) activity at intraseasonal to seasonal time scales during the 2018 boreal summer. During this period, a positive SST anomaly occurred in the midlatitude WNP and subtropical central Pacific; TC activity was abnormally high under the influence of the strong Asian summer monsoon. We performed sensitivity experiments using a global cloud system-resolving model for global SST (control, CTL) and SST that were regionally restored according to midlatitude WNP climatology (MWNPCLM). TC track density in the eastern WNP was higher in CTL than in MWNPCLM, in association with large-scale atmospheric responses; enhanced monsoon westerlies in the subtropical WNP, moist rising (dry subsiding) tendencies, and reduced (enhanced) vertical wind shear in the eastern (western) WNP. Enhanced TC activity in the eastern WNP was more distinct for intense TCs and during the active phase of intraseasonal oscillation (ISO). These results suggest that the impacts of midlatitude SST anomalies can reach lower latitudes to affect TC activity via large-scale atmospheric responses and ISO, which are usually overwhelmed by the impacts of SST anomalies in the tropics and subtropics.
Masato Sugi Yohei Yamada Kohei Yoshida Ryo Mizuta Masuo Nakano Chihiro Kodama Masaki Satoh
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.16, pp.70-74, 2020 (Released:2020-05-01)

In relation to projections of tropical cyclone (TC) frequency in a future warmer climate, there is a debate on whether the global frequency of TC seeds (weak pre-storm vortices) will increase or not. We examined changes in the frequency of TC seeds by occurrence frequency analysis (OFA) of vortex intensity (vorticity or maximum wind speed). We directly counted the number of vortices with various intensities in high resolution global atmospheric model simulations for present and future climates. By using the OFA we showed a clear reduction of the occurrence frequency of TC seeds and relatively weak (category 2 or weaker) TCs in a future warmer climate, with an increase in the frequency of the most intense (category 5) TCs. The results suggest that the OFA is a useful method to estimate the future changes in TC frequency distribution ranging from TC seeds to the most intense TCs.
Masato Sugi Yohei Yamada Kohei Yoshida Ryo Mizuta Masuo Nakano Chihiro Kodama Masaki Satoh
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
pp.2020-012, (Released:2020-03-19)

In relation to projections of tropical cyclone (TC) frequency in a future warmer climate, there is a debate on whether the global frequency of TC seeds (weak pre-storm vortices) will increase or not. We examined changes in the frequency of TC seeds by occurrence frequency analysis (OFA) of vortex intensity (vorticity or maximum wind speed). We directly counted the number of vortices with various intensities in high resolution global atmospheric model simulations for present and future climates. By using the OFA we showed a clear reduction of the occurrence frequency of TC seeds and relatively weak (category 2 or weaker) TCs in a future warmer climate, with an increase in the frequency of the most intense (category 5) TCs. The results suggest that the OFA is a useful method to estimate the future changes in TC frequency distribution ranging from TC seeds to the most intense TCs.
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.95, no.6, pp.345-368, 2017 (Released:2017-11-14)

By comparison with satellite and field observations, the comprehensive performance and potential utility of near real-time forecasts using Nonhydrostatic Icosahedral Atmospheric Model (NICAM) are demonstrated by exploiting the Cooperative Indian Ocean Experiment on Intraseasonal Variability in the Year 2011 (CINDY2011) / Dynamics of the Madden–Julian Oscillation (DYNAMO) campaign. A week-long forecast was run each day using a regionally stretched version of NICAM, with the finest mesh size of 14 km over the tropical Indian Ocean (IO), throughout the intensive observation period (IOP).  The simulated precipitation time series fairly represented the evolution and propagation of the observed Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) events, although a 30 % overprediction of precipitation over the IO domain (60–90°E, 10°S–10°N) was found on average. Frequencies of strong (> 40 mm day−1) precipitation were overpredicted, while those of weak precipitation were underpredicted against satellite observations. Compared with the field observations at Gan Island, the biases in precipitation frequency were less obvious, whereas the growth of lower to middle tropospheric dry (∼ 1 g kg−1) and warm (∼ 1 K) biases were found. Despite these mean biases, temporal variations of the moisture and zonal wind profiles including the MJO events were reasonably simulated. Using the forecast data the moisture and energy budgets during the IOP were investigated. The diagnosis using the 7-day-mean fields captured the observed features of the MJO events. Meanwhile, significant upward transport of moisture by the grid-resolved high-frequency variability was detected throughout the IOP. The relationship between these high-frequency effects and the simulated MJO or mean biases is also discussed.
Tomoe Nasuno Masuo Nakano Hiroyuki Murakami Kazuyoshi Kikuchi Yohei Yamada
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
pp.2022-015, (Released:2022-04-01)

In this study, we explored the impacts of midlatitude western North Pacific (WNP) sea surface temperature (SST) on tropical cyclone (TC) activity at intraseasonal to seasonal time scales during the 2018 boreal summer. During this period, a positive SST anomaly occurred in the midlatitude WNP and subtropical central Pacific; TC activity was abnormally high under the influence of the strong Asian summer monsoon. We performed sensitivity experiments using a global cloud system-resolving model for global SST (control, CTL) and SST that were regionally restored according to midlatitude WNP climatology (MWNPCLM). TC track density in the eastern WNP was higher in CTL than in MWNPCLM, in association with large-scale atmospheric responses; enhanced monsoon westerlies in the subtropical WNP, moist rising (dry subsiding) tendencies, and reduced vertical wind shear in the eastern (western) WNP. Enhanced TC activity in the eastern WNP was more distinct for intense TCs and during the active phase of intraseasonal oscillation (ISO). These results suggest that the impacts of midlatitude SST anomalies can reach lower latitudes to affect TC activity via large-scale atmospheric responses and ISO, which are usually overwhelmed by the impacts of SST anomalies in the tropics and subtropics.
Masuo NAKANO Teruyuki KATO Syugo HAYASHI Sachie KANADA Yoshinori YAMADA Kazuo KURIHARA
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.90A, pp.339-350, 2012 (Released:2012-06-07)
14 34

A 5-km-mesh nonhydrostatic cloud-system-resolving regional climate model (NHM-5km) has been developed at the Meteorological Research Institute (MRI) of the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) by improving upon the JMA operational mesoscale model (MSM). Three major changes have been made to MSM: the Kain-Frisch convective parameterization scheme has been improved to reduce the incidence of false predictions of rainfall areas along coastlines during the warm season, a spectral nudging method has been introduced to avoid phase-gap between the inner model (NHM-5km) and the outer model, and a Simple Biosphere model has been applied for sophisticated representation of land surface processes. This article presents details of the first two of these modifications.A present-day climate simulation is performed using NHM-5km by nesting within the results of a 20-kmmesh atmospheric global climate model (MRI-AGCM3.2S). Taylor’s skill score is used to compare the performances of NHM-5km and MRI-AGCM3.2S in terms of reproducing the spatial pattern of precipitation-based extreme indices over the Japanese Islands. The comparison shows that NHM-5km yields a significant improvement in reproducing the present-day climatology (e.g., the maximum number of consecutive dry days and the simple daily precipitation intensity index), suggesting that NHM-5km is a reliable tool for accurately predicting future changes in extreme weather at a fine spatial resolution.