Jeonghyun KIM Hiroyuki KIGAMI Taiji ADACHI
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering (ISSN:18809863)
vol.15, no.3, pp.20-00227, 2020 (Released:2020-07-24)

Osteocyte plays a central role as a commander in the bone to modulate bone remodeling processes. While the osteocyte is known to be differentiated from osteoblasts, understanding in mechanism of the osteocyte differentiation remained still poor. The aim of this study is to elucidate the osteocyte differentiation capability using three-dimensional (3D) cell culture technique. We first fabricated a self-organized spheroid reconstructed by mouse osteoblast-like cells by adjusting the number of subcultured cells in the round-bottom well. Compared to a conventional two-dimensional (2D) monolayer model, the 3D spheroid exerted greater osteocyte gene expressions in vitro within 2 days. As a result of the size-dependent experiment, there might be an appropriate cell-cell and cell-ECM interaction for osteoblast-like cells to induce the osteocytogenesis in the form of 3D spheroid culture. Moreover, the present model showed that the spheroid further exerted the prolonged osteocyte differentiation capability after a long period of incubation, 7 days. In conclusion, we characterized the self-organized osteocytic spheroids reconstructed by osteoblast-like cells and further suggested the potential application of the spheroid as a new in vitro tissue-engineered osteocytic model.
Satoru Okuda Yasuhiro Inoue Taiji Adachi
The Biophysical Society of Japan
Biophysics and Physicobiology (ISSN:21894779)
vol.12, pp.13-20, 2015 (Released:2015-08-18)
32 47

During morphogenesis, various cellular activities are spatiotemporally coordinated on the protein regulatory background to construct the complicated, three-dimensional (3D) structures of organs. Computational simulations using 3D vertex models have been the focus of efforts to approach the mechanisms underlying 3D multicellular constructions, such as dynamics of the 3D monolayer or multilayer cell sheet like epithelia as well as the 3D compacted cell aggregate, including dynamic changes in layer structures. 3D vertex models enable the quantitative simulation of multicellular morphogenesis on the basis of single-cell mechanics, with complete control of various cellular activities such as cell contraction, growth, rearrangement, division, and death. This review describes the general use of the 3D vertex model, along with its applications to several simplified problems of developmental phenomena.
永松 敦 足立 泰二 陳 蘭庄 篠原 久枝 宮崎公立大学民俗学演習 Atsushi NAGAMATSU Taiji ADACHI Lanzhuan CHEN Hisae SHINOHARA SEMINAR-MMU FOLKLORE 宮崎公立大学人文学部 宮崎大学 南九州大学 宮崎大学 宮崎公立大学人文学部 Miyazaki Municipal University Faculty of Humanities Miyazaki University Minami Kyushu University Miyazaki University Miyazaki Municipal University Faculty of Humanities
宮崎公立大学人文学部紀要 = Bulletin of Miyazaki Municipal University Faculty of Humanities (ISSN:13403613)
vol.27, no.1, pp.121-200, 2020-03-06

現在、伝統野菜・在来野菜のブームが地域創生との関連で湧き上がっている。特定の地域に根差した食材としての野菜を地域づくりに活用する試みが、全国各地で展開している。ただ、伝統野菜・在来野菜の定義が曖昧なまま広範囲に利用だけが促進されると、逆に、地域文化の改変、及び、損失につながりかねない状況も起こりうる危険性も孕んでいる。本稿では、従来の見解を一度、整理しなおし、宮崎、鹿児島(種子島)の事例を中心に、理想的な伝統野菜・在来野菜利用のあるべき姿を探ってみたい。 末尾に、在来野菜に関する助成事業の報告書3種を添付する。