土井 和巳
一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
日本原子力学会誌 (ISSN:00047120)
vol.22, no.8, pp.543-550, 1980-08-30 (Released:2009-03-31)

Japan is located on the “Circum-Pacific Arc”, which is a geoscientifically difficult area for selecting sites suitable as repositories for isolating radioactive waste.The writer has analyzed the problems relevant to radioactive waste isolation in this aqueous and active structural territory, with a view to examining the possibility of finding geological formations suitable for such repositories.As a result, cirtain parts in Neogene sedimentary rocks and Palaeozoic calcarious rocks were found to present geological characteristics that appeared favorable for radioactive waste isolation, while, on the other hand, the study indicated that much difficulty would be foreseen in crystalline rocks such as are currently suitable in the U.S. and in Europe for high level radioactive waste isolation.
野口 宏 松井 浩 吉田 芳和
一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
日本原子力学会誌 (ISSN:00047120)
vol.24, no.5, pp.381-389, 1982-05-30 (Released:2010-01-08)

In appropriate evaluation of the internal dose of a population due to radioiodine released from a nuclear power plant during normal operation, it is necessary to clarify behavior of radioiodine in the environment. Sunlight appears to be one of the major factors in the chemical form changes, particularly for radioactive methyl iodide.In the present work, photodissociation of gaseous methyl iodide and production of elemental iodine and other iodine species under the sunlight-simulated white light from a xenon lamp in various atmospheric conditions were studied. Methyl iodide dissociated exponentially with the product of the intensity of light and the irradiation time. The dissociation of methyl iodide produced mainly elemental iodine, and other iodine species (e.g. particulate iodine) up to about 10% in relatively low concentration (less than 10-9g/cm3) of methyl iodide. The effect of relative humidity on the reaction was not observed.
中島 篤之助 高橋 正雄 森下 益孝
一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
日本原子力学会誌 (ISSN:00047120)
vol.3, no.2, pp.104-109, 1961

Two procedures are described for the sensitive spectrographic determination of 0.023 ppm of boron in graphite for nuclear reactor. In the first method, preliminary concentration is carried out by the removal of the graphite by ashing in the presence of La<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>. Then the contents of boron in La<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> are determined by the carrier-distillation method. In the second method, the sample in the form of powder is compressed into pellets with the aid of a phenol-formaldehyde resin as binding medium, and these are arced at 7 A (d.c.). By means of display microphotometry, the peak height of B at 2497.73 &Aring; is compared with that of the NO(&gamma;) band component at 2497.14 &Aring;.
尾本 彰 森脇 正直 杉本 純 中井 良大
一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
日本原子力学会誌 = Journal of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan (ISSN:00047120)
vol.49, no.2, pp.89-111, 2007-02-28
2 2

<p> INPROは, 原子力エネルギーの利用が人類の持続的発展に貢献できることを確実なものにするために, 期待される革新的原子炉および燃料サイクルの開発と導入に向けて考え協力する国際フォーラムで, IAEAが事務局となっている。最近の日本および米国の参加によりメンバー数は現在28を数え, 原子力発電をまだ持たない5ヵ国をも含んだユーザーと技術保有国によるユニークなフォーラムとなっている。これまでのフェーズ1では, 将来に向けて原子力システムが持つべき特性を明確にし, 種々の原子力システムを評価する手法の開発が活動の中心であったが, 2006年7月からフェーズ2に移行し, 手法の改良, 制度的な課題への取組み, 技術開発のコーディネイトの3つの分野を追求する活動計画となっている。</p>
尾本 彰 杉崎 利彦 長坂 秀雄
一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
日本原子力学会誌 (ISSN:00047120)
vol.28, no.10, pp.950-956, 1986

Many integral and separate effect experiments have been carried out cooperatively by the Japanese BWR utilities and vendors. Through these results, various counter-current-flow limitation phenomena occurring inside the BWR core, steam and mist cooling effect, multibundle effect etc. have been identified effectively to cool down the core during LOCA transients.<BR>Based on these findings and with other aids, SAFER code, which can better estimate the thermal-hydraulics of the BWR transient by the simple one-dimentional method, has been developed by the BWR vendors to replace with the existing SAFE-REFLOOD-CHASTE code system. <BR>The new code predicts the peak-cladding-temperature for the standard jet-pump BWR LOCA transients to be as high as 500600&deg;C, which is well below the current regulatory limitation. LOCA/ECCS constraints will be reduced for future BWR core managements and ECCS equipments surveillance etc. by the use of new code.
尾本 彰
日本原子力学会誌 = Journal of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan (ISSN:00047120)
vol.44, no.2, pp.155-157, 2002-02-28
岡 芳明 村尾 良夫 星 蔦雄 尾本 彰 田畑 広明 水町 渉 守屋公 三明 久木 田豊 鈎孝 幸 牧原 義明 玉置 昌義
一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
日本原子力学会誌 (ISSN:00047120)
vol.37, no.9, pp.766-795, 1995

21世紀に予想される後進国での電力需要の急上昇および各国での労働力不足に対処するため,国内外で省力化と人にわかりやすい技術に基づく次世代軽水炉を開発するプロジェクトが進められている。このような状況を踏まえて,次世代軽水炉の開発そして研究状況,そこに使用されている新しい要素技術についてまとめておくことは,会員に最新の情報を提供するという観点から有意義である。本稿では,次世代BWR, PWRおよび他の軽水炉の開発・研究状況および新要素技術について述べる。
服部 禎男 青木 英人 新村 亮
一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
日本原子力学会誌 (ISSN:00047120)
vol.11, no.9, pp.532-538, 1969

As nuclear power generation comes to occupy an ever larger portion of electric energy sources, it should become desirable or rather necessary for the nuclear power plants to have prompt load response characteristics to accommodate the necessary spinning reserve of the power system, even if these plants are to be operated in principle as what is known as "base load plants".<BR>The problem treated here is to find the possibility of realizing prompt load response in narrow range of BWR plants, and not wide range automatic power control.<BR>We have analyzed the load response characteristics of BWR plants by means of extraction flow variation. A decrease of the extraction flow was found to cause the plant power to increase through the following three processes:<BR>(1) Steam flow increase in the turbine<BR>(2) Reactivity increase occasioned by reactor pressure rise<BR>(3) Reactivity increase occasioned by reactor feed water temperature drop
服部 禎男 湊 章男
一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
日本原子力学会誌 (ISSN:00047120)
vol.36, no.10, pp.926-938, 1994

This report describes current status of the design of a 4S (Super Safe, Small and Simple Fast Reactor). The 4S is a fast reactor generating 50MWe electric power, which pursues simple operation system, less maintenance service, higher safety and improved economic features. To satisfy these special characteristics, a new plant concept is produced, where adoption of metallic fuel core and burnup control by annular reflector can ensure negative sodium void reactivity coefficient for the reactor core. The power is controled by the turbine system (water-steam system) alone without any control rod. Complicated fuel handling system and driving mechanism of control rod are eliminated. And the activity of operating service is also eliminated by the application of passive system to the reactor design. The 4S has a substantial safety and is a fast reactor in which fuel is confined for a long time of 10yr as the refueling interval, to realize high proliferation resistance of nuclear material.
服部 禎男
一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
日本原子力学会誌 (ISSN:00047120)
vol.37, no.4, pp.274-282, 1995

10年あまり前に提示されたT.D. Luckey博士の「放射線ホルミシス」の主張に対して,電力中央研究所は科学的真実を求めて調査と動物実験などを始めた。第1フェーズの検討によって多くの興味あるデータを得て,いま全国の大学などの専門家の協力によって,研究はその第2フェーズに入っている。本稿では,これまでの知見と分析から,低レベル放射線と人体のかかわりについて述べる。 <BR>幸運なことにDNAの分析,遺伝子の研究が急激な発展をしつつある時に,ホルミシス研究を立ち上げたためにそのメカニズムの解明が予想外の速度で進展する気配をみせている。生化学,分子生物学,免疫学,がんの機構解明など,従来の放射線基礎医学の先生方に加えて広範囲の先生にご指導を仰いで,生命のメカニズムの本質に触れるような議論も登場している。本年(1995年)秋には,米国NIHやEPAの専門家を含めた国際シンポジウムも計画され,研究の進展によって多くのデータが得られるにつれ,この研究の重要性がいよいよ拡大しつつあるように思われる。
植田 公雄 藤村 亮 中野 才治 平島 浩 久保田 雄 服部 禎男 伊藤 力生 平塚 法夫
一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
日本原子力学会誌 (ISSN:00047120)
vol.29, no.5, pp.428-435, 1987

A slab-type, large-scale fluidized bed reactor has been proposed as a means to obtain an adequate heat transfer area satisfying the limit of critical safe size, for use in the denitration reaction of highly enriched U. More specifically, with respect to the reactor, 120-mm wide, 1, 900-mm long, 4, 000-mm high, capable of 4% U enrichment, 3 t-U/d, examinations were conducted of its fundamental fluidization characteristics and the characteristics thus obtained showed that the reactor can be used with no ploblem and in a more stable manner than the conventional cylindrical reactor. The results are as follows:<BR>(1) It was found possible to approximate the reactor's fluidization initiation gas rate to the values obtainable by Babu's and Leva's formulas.<BR>(2) It was shown that the bed expansion can be approximated to 0.65 as calculated by Babu's formula.<BR>(3) Kato's formula can be applied, with some modifications, to the calculation of the bubble size in the fluidized bed.<BR>(4) An empirical formula was established for measuring the height of "jumping" particles, which is necessary in designing the reactor.<BR>(5) It was also found that the slab-type fluidized bed reactor operates with much less slugging and in a more stable manner than the cylindrical reactor.
服部 禎男
一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
日本原子力学会誌 (ISSN:00047120)
vol.8, no.12, pp.656-659, 1966

The Committee on Fission Products Release is composed of two study groups.<br>Group A deals with fission products behavior in the fuel and release thereof from the fuel.<br>Group B directs its activities toward quantitative evaluation of the physical and chemical behavior of fission products released into the single or mixed phases of water, steam and air in the nuclear power plant.<br>The article presents a brief description of some informative data from a selection of papers taken up and considered in group B.