軽米 克尊 酒井 利信
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.47, no.3, pp.119-138, 2015

The aim of this study is to clarify as much as possible the process of formation of the Jikishinkage-ryū, and by comparing that to the lineage and transmission from after its formation, to show how it has changed. Specifically, we verified whether the lineage and transmission mentioned in the scrolls written after the Jikishinkage-ryū's formation agree with those in the formation process. First, we examined the lineage and transmission in the scrolls written after the formation of Jikishinkage-ryū, and analyzed the formation process to clarify rewritten points in its lineage. We clarified the following six points:<BR>1.Yamada Heizaemon Mitsunori referred to himself as the second generation head of Jikishinseitō-ryū, not Jikishinkage-ryū. Therefore, it is after Naganuma Shirōzaemon Kunisato that Jikishinseitō-ryū was renamed Jikishinkage-ryū. This means there is a discrepancy between the period of the Jikishinkage-ryū's formation and its transmission.<BR>2.Multiple discrepancies regarding names and meanings can be spotted between historical materials written by the people mentioned in the lineage of Jikishinkage-ryū, and the transmission mentioned in the scrolls written after Jikishinkage-ryū was formed. This indicates that parts of the transmission were rewritten after the formation of Jikishinkage-ryū.<BR>3.It is in the "Jikishinkage-ryū Mokuroku Kudensh" (Catalogue of techniques and oral transmission of Jikishinkage-ry) by Naganuma Shirōzaemon Kunisato that Matsumoto Bizen-no-Kami was first recognized as the founder of Jikishinkage-ryū.<BR>4.The Enpi kata of Shinkage-ryū that originates from Kage-ryū can also be confirmed in the catalogue of techniques of Shinshinkage-ryū, although written with different kanji. Therefore, Shinshinkage-ryū can be said to have been affected by Kage-ryū via Shinkage-ryū.<BR>5.The name and meaning of each school (ryū) found in the lineage of Jikishinkage-ryū were interpreted with the consideration that the tradition bestowed by the deity of martial arts was inherited from generation to generation. This was from Matsumoto Bizen-no-Kami, the founder, to Yamada Heizaemon Mitsunori, who changed the name of the school to Jikishinkage-ryū.<BR>6.It is after Naganuma Shirōzaemon Kunisato that the colophon "Kashima Shinden," which shows that the style was bestowed by the deity Takemikazuchi, started to be used. It is also after Kunisato that Takemikazuchi was recognized as the originator of the school.

2 0 0 0 OA 澁川一流柔術

森本 邦生
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.47, no.3, pp.139-146, 2015-03-31 (Released:2016-03-31)
大矢 稔
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.35, no.1, pp.35-52, 2002-07-31 (Released:2012-11-27)

The compilation of the Dainihonteikoku Kendo-Kata has undergone 3 stages of “Sketch-Draft-Codification. ” In this paper, the original texts of these stages are compared and scrutinized concerning when, what and how amendments were added, and furthermore tendencies in the nature of the amendments were discussed, as well as its implications.In the evolution from the sketch to the draft, it seems the chief investigators and the investigators had question-and-answer sessions and exchanged views, and then, based on the results the chief investigators, re-examined the sketch to make amendments.For the purpose of organizing a unified Teikoku-Kendo-Kata transcending schools, organizing work is thought to have been encouraged by placing special emphasis on the basic concept, overall picture and comprehensive constitution of the Teikoku-Kendo-Kata. In addition, because it was governed by the chief investigators' mastery of the art of kendo, theory on techniques, and profound perception of the Teikoku-Kendo-Kata, the details of the sketch were not regarded as matters of particular importance. Consequently, in the work from the sketch to the draft, the Kodachi-Kata was settled on as not to be amended, and a total of 17 items, including 2 of the basic,5 of Tachiai and 10 of Tachi-Kata, as items to be amended.From the draft to the codification, through the deliberations of the Teikoku-Kendo-Kata Investigation Committee,6 amendments were adopted at first. Afterwards, as a result of the chief investigators' and the investigators' practicing the Teikoku-Kendo-Kata, minor differences became regarded as problems and amendments were added owing to the necessity of having more precise explanation for the sake of instruction. Finally, in the process of progression from the draft to codification, amendments were added for the first time to the Kodachi-Kata, and a total of 27 amendment items, containing 4 of the basic,4 of Tachiai,12 of Tachi-Kata and 7 of Kodachi-Kata items plus 6 items by the Teikoku-Kendo-Kata Investigation Committee's decisions, were added before release of the codification by the management office of the Butoku-Kai.
森 俊男 細谷 聡 松尾 牧則
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.21, no.2, pp.67-68, 1988-11-30 (Released:2012-11-27)
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.8, no.2, pp.104-107, 1976-01-30 (Released:2012-11-27)
中嶋 哲也
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.43, no.1, pp.1_9-1_17, 2010-08-31 (Released:2012-08-28)

直心流柔術の系譜に関する主な研究として 1990年に発表された論文,「直信流柔道について 一流名・術技及びその思想一」(以下,当該論文と表記)をあげることができる。当該論文では『直心流柔序』という伝書を使用し,直心流柔術から直信流柔道へ至る系譜について明らかにしようとしている。しかしながら,当該論文では『直心流柔序』の読解が不十分であり,特に直心流柔術の系譜に関する部分については十分な整理がなされていない。したがって,本研究では『直心流柔序』を通して直心流柔術の系譜を検証した。具体的には当時,寺田満英が直心流柔術の流祖とみなされていたかどうかという点について考察した。結果として,直心流柔術では寺田満英が流祖であるとみなされていなかったことが明らかとなった。