高嶋 航 藤田 大誠 中嶋 哲也 金 誠 束原 文郎 浜田 幸絵 菅野 敦志 佐々木 浩雄 新 雅史

中嶋 哲也

制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲3202号 ; 学位の種類:博士(スポーツ科学) ; 授与年月日:2011/1/18 ; 早大学位記番号:新5498
中嶋 哲也
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.66, pp.573-590, 2021 (Released:2021-09-01)

The present study aimed to clarify the establishment of Judo etiquette during the wartime and postwar periods. Nakamura (2011) discussed Japanese martial arts etiquette in modern Japan. In his work, however, he dealt largely with Kendo etiquette, and inadequately addressed the history of Judo, as well as overlooking the period of Allied occupation (1945–1952). This article focuses on the reformation of Judo etiquette in that period and clarifies its historical background. It was revealed that, first, the enactment of etiquette in August 1940 was intended to be a criticism of Taro Inaba, who was excommunicated at the Kodokan. Inaba had criticized the Kodokan and the Dai Nippon Butokukwai, stating that when a judoka stands and bows with shizen hontai (natural posture) it reflects disrespect to the emperor. During the war, with the increasing influence of State Shinto, Inaba’s claim could have undermined Judo’s social credibility. Therefore, the Kodokan and Butokukwai abolished shizen hontai and in its place instituted the posture of attention, the basic Shinto posture, and this was also followed by the military and adopted in middle school games; thus, the current system of courtesy was established during this period. Furthermore, the practice of sitting on tatami mats with the left knee and standing up with the right foot was adopted in 1943 to match the postures stipulated in State Shinto. The etiquette established during the war was modified during the Occupation, when bowing to feudal seniors and the kamidana were abolished. In addition, the choice of bowing posture, whether at attention or a natural posture, was left to the practitioners. In this way, it can be said that Judo etiquette was democratized. However, college students’ conduct during Judo bouts was disturbed after the Tokyo Olympics in 1964. Consequently, wartime etiquette was revived. However, the Kodokan did not disclose that its etiquette was influenced by State Shinto and the military. The official line was that the etiquette was based on principles of Judo such as seiryoku-zenyo (maximum use of energy) and jita kyoei (mutual welfare and benefit).
中嶋 哲也
鹿児島大学教育学部研究紀要. 人文・社会科学編 (ISSN:03896684)
vol.66, pp.77-92, 2014

中嶋 哲也
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.59, no.2, pp.721-744, 2014 (Released:2014-12-20)

This study investigates the emergence of the concept of “sportification of judo” in Japan, focusing on the process of “student judo” in relation to the competition between the First Higher School (“Ichikoh”) and the Second Higher School (“Nikoh”) in 1918, up until formation of the Association of Judo by the Four Imperial Universities in 1928. Jigorō Kanō, the father of judo, was dissatisfied that Nikoh had overused ground techniques against Ichikoh in 1918, and in June 1924, Kodokan published a revised set of umpiring rules to control the use of ground techniques in student judo.   However, Tsunetane Oda, the manager of Nikoh judo club, criticized Kanō, and advocated that ground techniques were a valid combat method. Oda finally compromised, because Takeshi Sakuraba, one of Kanō's best pupils, refuted Oda's proposal. However, it was the first time that Kodokan had been publicly criticized by someone concerned with student judo, and this seems to have been a trigger for student judo to become independent from Kodokan.   In parallel with the emergence of the democracy movement after World War I, Judo came to be regarded as extremely outmoded, and judo practitioners began to place more emphasis on theory rather than actual competition. Kanō interceded with the Tokyo Gakusei Judo Rengōkai (Tokyo Student Judo Association, “TGJR”), and in 1924 persuaded the TGJR to let their umpire rules reflect the revised umpire rules. However, the Imperial University of Tokyo (IUT) rebelled against this movement, and left the TGJR. The IUT then appealed to each of the Imperial Universities, and held the Teidai Taikai (the Four Imperial Universities Competition, “FIUC”) to encourage nationwide spread of the Kosen Judo Taikai (National High School and Vocational School Judo Competition, which was hosted by Kyoto Imperial University, “KJT”). The Imperial University Judo Association, which hosted the FIUC, then abandoned the combat characteristics that were advocated by Kodokan, with the aim of representing judo as a “sport”.   One of the reasons why Kibisaburō Sasaki criticized Kodokan was that he had been treated coldly by Kanō and Kyūzō Mifune at the Shūki Kōhaku Shiai (a contest between two Kodokan groups) in November 1922, because he had used ground techniques frequently. Moreover, Sasaki as a member of the IUT judo club had experienced the withdrawal of the IUT from the TGJR, and the holding of the FIUC. Therefore, Sasaki criticized Kodokan while student judo was being organized. Sasaki claimed that “sportification” did not confer any new value on the principles of Kodokan judo. Kanō criticized the over-use of ground techniques by KJT and the FIUC, which lacked a combat system. However, Sasaki considered that Kanō's opinion was a long-established custom, and insisted that the FIUC was a sports competition. Thus, the claim made by Sasaki meant that the FIUC had become independent from Kodokan judo.
中嶋 哲也
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.13097, (Released:2014-10-15)

This study investigates the emergence of the concept of “sportification of judo” in Japan, focusing on the process of “student judo” in relation to the competition between the First Higher School (“Ichikoh”) and the Second Higher School (“Nikoh”) in 1918, up until formation of the Association of Judo by the Four Imperial Universities in 1928. Jigorō Kanō, the father of judo, was dissatisfied that Nikoh had overused ground techniques against Ichikoh in 1918, and in June 1924, Kodokan published a revised set of umpiring rules to control the use of ground techniques in student judo.   However, Tsunetane Oda, the manager of Nikoh judo club, criticized Kanō, and advocated that ground techniques were a valid combat method. Oda finally compromised, because Takeshi Sakuraba, one of Kanō's best pupils, refuted Oda's proposal. However, it was the first time that Kodokan had been publicly criticized by someone concerned with student judo, and this seems to have been a trigger for student judo to become independent from Kodokan.   In parallel with the emergence of the democracy movement after World War I, Judo came to be regarded as extremely outmoded, and judo practitioners began to place more emphasis on theory rather than actual competition. Kanō interceded with the Tokyo Gakusei Judo Rengōkai (Tokyo Student Judo Association, “TGJR”), and in 1924 persuaded the TGJR to let their umpire rules reflect the revised umpire rules. However, the Imperial University of Tokyo (IUT) rebelled against this movement, and left the TGJR. The IUT then appealed to each of the Imperial Universities, and held the Teidai Taikai (the Four Imperial Universities Competition, “FIUC”) to encourage nationwide spread of the Kosen Judo Taikai (National High School and Vocational School Judo Competition, which was hosted by Kyoto Imperial University, “KJT”). The Imperial University Judo Association, which hosted the FIUC, then abandoned the combat characteristics that were advocated by Kodokan, with the aim of representing judo as a “sport”.   One of the reasons why Kibisaburō Sasaki criticized Kodokan was that he had been treated coldly by Kanō and Kyūzō Mifune at the Shūki Kōhaku Shiai (a contest between two Kodokan groups) in November 1922, because he had used ground techniques frequently. Moreover, Sasaki as a member of the IUT judo club had experienced the withdrawal of the IUT from the TGJR, and the holding of the FIUC. Therefore, Sasaki criticized Kodokan while student judo was being organized. Sasaki claimed that “sportification” did not confer any new value on the principles of Kodokan judo. Kanō criticized the over-use of ground techniques by KJT and the FIUC, which lacked a combat system. However, Sasaki considered that Kanō's opinion was a long-established custom, and insisted that the FIUC was a sports competition. Thus, the claim made by Sasaki meant that the FIUC had become independent from Kodokan judo.
中嶋 哲也
スポーツ史研究 (ISSN:09151273)
vol.24, pp.27-40, 2011-03-31 (Released:2017-03-18)

The purpose of this paper is to clarify how the ideology of Budo was changed after the Japan-China War in 1937. Specifically the discussion is focused on both Taro Inaba and Yasutaro Fujio's criticisms of Jigoro Kano's opinion of Kodokan. At the "Kodokan Excommunication" case in 1937, Kodokan judo was rejected due to the criticism Inaba, and Fujio was a member of the punishment council. The concept of Kodokan advocated by Kano, "Seiryokuzenyo (the way to use most efficiently the body and spirit of human being)" and "Jitakyoei (the way to live together in mutual prosperity)", aimed to contribute to the international society after World War I. But the concept was criticized by Fujio and Inaba from the standpoint of "Nihon-Seishin (Japanese spirit)". "Nihon-Seishin" as proposed by Fujio and Inaba, emerged in the background of the National Spiritual Mobilization just after the Japan-China War. Kano originally disliked "Nihon-Seishin", but the situation changed in1938 such that Kano held a meeting on "Nihon-Seishin" and was obliged to say in public that he was trying to encourage "Nihon-Seishin". It may be said that the event marked the beginning of a rejection of the character of internationalism in Kodokan as "Jitakyoei" due to the xenophobia nature of "Nihon-Seishin". In conclusion, we comment on how the ideology surrounding Kodokan was henceforth changed.
中嶋 哲也
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.43, no.1, pp.1_9-1_17, 2010-08-31 (Released:2012-08-28)

直心流柔術の系譜に関する主な研究として 1990年に発表された論文,「直信流柔道について 一流名・術技及びその思想一」(以下,当該論文と表記)をあげることができる。当該論文では『直心流柔序』という伝書を使用し,直心流柔術から直信流柔道へ至る系譜について明らかにしようとしている。しかしながら,当該論文では『直心流柔序』の読解が不十分であり,特に直心流柔術の系譜に関する部分については十分な整理がなされていない。したがって,本研究では『直心流柔序』を通して直心流柔術の系譜を検証した。具体的には当時,寺田満英が直心流柔術の流祖とみなされていたかどうかという点について考察した。結果として,直心流柔術では寺田満英が流祖であるとみなされていなかったことが明らかとなった。
中嶋 哲也
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.49, no.2, pp.95-107, 2016-11-30 (Released:2018-03-12)

Only a few historical studies have examined Japan’s martial arts during the Second Sino-Japanese War of 1937-1945. Those studies that do exist tend to focus on the controversy surrounding “sengika,” or the militarization of martial arts. Extant research has documented that sengika was recommended by the Martial Arts Promotion Committee (MAPC), which was instituted by the government as an advisory body in December 1939. Previous research indicates that the commissioners of the MAPC were not universally enthusiastic about sengika. The purpose of this study is to delineate the process by which internal opposition to sengika was transformed into support on the committee.This research has yielded the following results: the commissioners originally critical of the sengika came to concur that martial arts could have useful military applications. They emphasized the combative effectiveness of martial arts that is not evident in sport-oriented practices, and aimed to distinguish between the martial arts and sports with the intention of protecting the uniqueness of Japanese martial arts. This stance, however, prevented them from offering a protest against sengika.One area for further investigation is why those officials intent on preventing the Westernization of martial arts (making them into sports) chose to make the combative effectiveness of martial arts their central issue. Subsequent research on the role of martial arts during wartime will need to address in greater detail this effort to prevent the treatment of martial arts as sport.
菱田 慶文 中嶋 哲也 細谷 洋子
