鍋山 隆弘 碓氷 典諒 奥村 基生
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.53, no.2, pp.55-71, 2021-03-31 (Released:2021-04-28)

This study investigates how spatiotemporal conditions of interpersonal distance and timing in movement initiations influenced decision-making and actions for offence and defense in kendo. We also intend to present verifiable data on the problem of how two players separate from tsubazeriai in matches. Participants were top level players in Japanese university kendo clubs. In the experiment, participants were either given the role of “the first player”, who initiates movements, or “the second player”, who initiates movements after the first. The participants performed each trial as if in a real match from distances of 150, 175, 200, 225, 250, and 275 cm. We analyzed two trends in their decision-making and actions, one of which was the “ease of active striking,” meaning that they were able to initiate movements from a strike rather than defense in each trial. The other trend was the “ease of striking”, meaning participants could strike in each trial and were not only confined to defense. The results showed that it was easier for the first players than the second players with regards to “ease of active striking” and “ease of striking”. In both results, the differences between the first and the second players were extremely clear at a distance of 150 cm and were very clear at 175 to 250 cm distances and almost disappeared at 275 cm. In total, the first players also had a greater frequency of striking success (ippon) than the second players. These results indicated that movement initiation distance and timing changed reaction and movement times in both offence and defense, and also changed the degree to which the first and the second players’ decision-making and actions gave them an advantage. This is because the reaction and movement times required for offence and defense became shorter if the two players were closer to each other. In addition, the first players’ active movements caused the second players to react passively making it easier for the first players to initiate an attack.. Therefore, at close distances, offence became easier while defense became more difficult, and the first players gained a advantage while the second players were placed at a disadvantage. It can be concluded that the first players gain an advantage and the second players become disadvantaged in terms of offence when they are at close distances of 150 to 250 cm. These findings should be useful in combat sports such as kendo for the coaching of decision-making and actions, as well as for making the rules fairer on offense and defense.
廣野 準一 藁科 侑希 西田 智 津賀 裕喜 小田 桂吾 大垣 亮 鍋山 隆弘 向井 直樹
運動疫学研究 (ISSN:13475827)
vol.22, no.1, pp.45-53, 2020

<p><b>目的</b>:高校と大学の剣道競技者を対象に競技に関連する疼痛を調査し,年代ごとの有症状況や年代間の違いについて,性差をふまえて検討した。</p><p><b>方法</b>:対象は,福岡県高等学校体育連盟剣道専門部に所属する高校9校327名,全国の学生剣道連盟に所属する大学10校431名の剣道部員とした。質問紙にて,疼痛経験の有無とその詳細,対象者の特徴や練習を調査した。疼痛の定義は,現在の所属に在籍してから質問紙記入時までの剣道部活動中に発症した痛みとした。</p><p><b>結果</b>:有効回答数は高校143名,大学272名であり,有効回答率は54.7%であった。各年代の疼痛有症率は,高校生で60.8%,大学生で33.8%であった。有症率は,大学より高校で,高校年代で男性より女性で有意に高かった。練習時間と頻度は,大学より高校で,練習時間は高校年代で男性より女性で有意に多かった。パフォーマンスに支障のある疼痛は82.4%で,そのうちの受診率は44.1%であった。急性疼痛は慢性疼痛の1/3 以下の有症件数であった。疼痛部位は,高校では足部/足趾,手関節,腰部/骨盤/仙骨,大学では下腿/アキレス腱,足部/足趾,腰部/骨盤/仙骨に多かった。</p><p><b>結論</b>:疼痛有症状況は年代や性別で異なり,練習時間や頻度が影響する可能性が考えられた。また,パフォーマンスに影響するほどの疼痛を抱えながらも,医療機関を受診しない者が多いという現状が示された。</p>
鍋山 隆弘
大学体育研究 (ISSN:03867129)
no.27, pp.35-58, 2005-03

体育センターでは平成14年度に続き、平成15年度も学生から授業評価を受けるためにアンケート調査を行った(資料1)。その結果を踏まえながら授業報告とする。 体育センターの共通体育は、大学会館における種目選択から始まる(1年生は2回の講義後)。剣道は第1希望で受講する学生は少なく、人気のある科目(種目)ではない(図1)。人気科目の定員にもれた学生が集まり、最終的には40名程度の受講者となる。 ...
有田 祐二 武藤 健一郎 土屋 裕睦 鍋山 隆弘 香田 郡秀 佐藤 成明
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.31, no.1, pp.22-29, 1998

The purpose of this study was to examine the psychological state of the top kendo players when they are playing at their peak. The following results were obtained by using the Garfield Clustering Method on leading players and kendo students.<br>1) The psychological state of both leading kendo players and kendo students when they are performing at their peak can be described as "mentally relaxed, " "focused on the present, " and "highly energized".<br>2) The group of leading kendo players felt that they were "highly in control, " but did not report being in a state that could be described as "Confident, " "transcendation of self (unlikelihood)".
酒井 利信 百鬼 史訓 長尾 進 大石 純子 ベネット アレクサンダー 大保木 輝雄 数馬 広二 鍋山 隆弘

本研究は、既に酒井らが有するヨーロッパを中心とした海外ネットワークを駆使して、まずは外国人実践者が日本武道の何を知りたいと望んでいるのかという海外における需要を把握し、これに対応する内容を英語化して、ネット上で発信することにより、世界で初の、海外において誰でも、どこでも、いつでも、知りたいことを知ることができる、武道文化に関するオンデマンド英語教材を開発することを目的とした。最終的な研究成果物としてはバイリンガル・ウェブサイト「Budo World」(http://www.budo-world.org/)を立ち上げ、英語と日本語で情報を発信した。