加藤 聖文
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of The National Institure of Japanese Literature Archival Studies (ISSN:03869377)
no.01, pp.1-27, 2005-03-28

敗戦時に大規模な公文書の廃棄が行われたために、現在の国や地方の行政機関では戦前期の公文書が少ないといった認識が一般的である。しかし、戦前の公文書は、戦後に引き継がれたものと戦後のある時期までに廃棄されたものの二つの系統があり、そして、廃棄されたものは、敗戦前に廃棄されたもの、敗戦時に廃棄されたもの、戦後に廃棄されたものの三つに分けられる。さらに、公文書には大きく分けて普通文書と機密文書の二種類があり、このうち敗戦時の廃棄の中心となったのは機密文書であり、一方、敗戦前と戦後に廃棄されたものは、文書管理規程に基づく通常の廃棄以外では、特殊な理由によって廃棄されたものがあった。本稿では、この通常の公文書のライフサイクルとは異なるかたちで戦時中から戦後までに公文書が大量に廃棄された実態を愛知県庁での事例を中心に検証する。通常のライフサイクルとは異なるかたちとは、敗戦前では、新庁舎の建設に伴う廃棄、戦時中の物資欠乏による廃棄、防空体制の強化による廃棄、文書の疎開に伴う廃棄といった要因が挙げられる。また、戦後では平時になったために戦時に作成された文書の必要性が無くなったことによる廃棄が挙げられる。このようなさまざまな要因によって行われた大規模な文書廃棄を通して見るなかで、すでに敗戦前に多くの文書が失われていたこと、そしてそのような行為を通して見るなかで、行政機関にとって文書の重要性に対する認識が研究者とは全く異なるものであることと、行政組織が生み出す公文書の実像を明らかにし、さらには、現代における公文書の廃棄問題、これからの公文書管理についてのあり方への問題提起を行う。Because a large quantity of official documents were destroyed at the time of defeat, a recognition that only a few prewar documents survive both in the central and local governments has been common. However, this kind of recognition should be reconsidered. Official documents of prewar days were usually treated in two ways. One part is what was taken over to the post war governments, and the other that abandoned before sometime in the postwar period. The latter can be classified into three types, i.e. those which had been abandoned before the end of war, those destroyed at the time of surrender, and those abandoned in the post war period.Furthermore, it should be noted that prewar official documents used to be roughly divided into 'normal documents' and 'secret papers'.The abandonment at the end of war was centered around 'secret papers', while 'normal documents’ were abandoned during the war time and post war periods either by document management regulations regularly or in unusual ways for some reasons.The present paper verifies actual conditions of the abandonment of official documents from the wartime through the postwar period, in which documents were destroyed in unusual ways different from the normal disposal procedure based on the life-cycle concept of records, focusing on the case of Aichi Prefectural Government Office.Unusual disposals of official documents not based on the normal life-cycle procedure were: the abandonment of documents by the construction of a new government building; the abandonment for recycling paper caused by the lack of goods; the abandonment after the office reorganization for strengthening air defense; and the abandonment following the evacuation of documents. Moreover, in the postwar period, the prewar and wartime documents were considered to have lost their business value in peacetime, and were often abandoned.Through the above cases of large-scale abandonment of documents caused by various factors, the author reveals that many documents had already been lost before the end of war and discusses, by seeing such wartime activities of government agencies, that the recognition of government people about the importance of official documents is completely different from that of researchers. Lastly, the author insists of the importance to clarify the real image of official documents produced by administrative organizations, and raises problems to think about the abandonment of official document in the present age as well as about the management of official documents in the future.
安藤 正人
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of The National Institure of Japanese Literature Archival Studies (ISSN:03869377)
no.01, pp.51-61, 2005-03-28

本稿は、20世紀の戦争や植民地支配がアーカイブズに及ぼした影響についての研究の一環として、第二次世界大戦期に在外公館文書の押収等をめぐり日英両国の間に繰り広げられた確執の問題をとりあげるものである。ただし、日本側の史料については、まだほとんど見ていないので、今回はもっぱらイギリス側史料の紹介を中心とし、詳しい分析は次の機会に譲りたい。まず「はじめに」で、外交施設や外交官の記録文書をめぐる国際法について概観したあと、第一章「開戦前におけるイギリスの在外公館文書保護策」では、第二次世界大戦前、イギリス外務省が在外公館に発した指示や規程類のうち、記録文書の保存・廃棄等に触れている主要な指示や規程類を紹介する。開戦時の中心的な規程は、1939年7月31日付外務省回章「戦争指令」である。続いて、開戦前のヨーロッパならびにアジアのイギリス在外公館の状況を、各在外公館との往復文書などから明らかにする。第二章「開戦後における在外公館文書の捜索・押収をめぐる日英の確執」では、日本によるイギリス在外公館文書の捜索・押収の事実と、それをめぐって日英間に繰り広げられた確執に関する史料を中心に紹介する。事例として、在東京イギリス大使館をはじめとする日本国内ならびに日本植民地のイギリス在外公館、ついで上海などの日本軍事占領地、最後に非占領地としてバンコクのイギリス在外公館の状況をそれぞれみる(以上『史料館研究紀要』35号に掲載)。イギリスによる日本在外公館文書の捜索・押収については史料が乏しいが、ロンドン、シンガポール、インド、ベルリンなどの状況について若干の史料紹介を行う(本号)。The present essay deals with the discord issues between Japan and Britain concerning capturing or looting diplomatic and consular archives in the World War II period. Because of the short age of time for consulting Japanese sources, the present essay only introduces British sources avoiding detailed analysis accordingly. After referring the international law regarding the immunity of diplomatic and consular archives briefly, the author introduces some important instructions to the British diplomatic and consular posts a broad issued by the British Foreign Office before the World War II concerning the protection of diplomatic and consular archives at the event of armed conflicts. Then, the conditions of archives at some British diplomatic and consular posts in Europe and Asia before the outbreak of war are revealed by the Foreign Office records such as correspondences. The following chapter is devoted to introduce British sources regarding the looting of British diplomatic and consular archives by the Japanese in the main lands, colonies and occupied territories of Japan, after the outbreak of war. In the last part of the essay, the issue of capturing Japanese diplomatic and consular archives by the British authorities in such places as London, Singapore, India and Berlin, is dealt with.
数野 文明
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of The National Institure of Japanese Literature Archival Studies (ISSN:03869377)
no.01, pp.29-52, 2005-03-28

本稿は、原爆によるアーカイブズヘの影響について、これまでの「壊滅的被害」という「常識」や「先入観」を再考し、広島におけるアーカイブズ被害の実態について考察したものである。本稿は次の方法によりその課題に迫ってみた。第一に原爆前後で行政文書がどう扱われたのかを、県庁職員への聞き取りと被爆手記により解明し、県庁の文書疎開の実態を明らかにする。第二に戦前期作成された広島県行政文書(とくに県議会文書)についてその履歴と戦後の文書引継ぎ状況を解明する。第三に県以外の国や市の行政機関や民間事業所・団体等における記録の疎開状況を明らかにする。結論は次のようである。広島県庁は被爆で全焼するが、被爆前の昭和20年(1945)6月以降に議会担当の庶務課の重要文書は広島県中部の高田地方事務所へ疎開された。時期不詳だが、広島県西部の廿日市市地御前の教員保養所、広島市内の安芸高等女学校及び盲学校にも文書は疎開された。それらの文書は被爆後回収され業務に利用された。これまで戦後の「収集」文書とみなされてきた県議会文書も、戦時の疎開文書だった。被爆を免れた広島県行政文書は少なくとも1600冊以上あったと考えられ、うち680冊程度は現在確認できない。疎開文書の一部は敗戦時の焼却や戦後の庁舎移転時の廃棄等により失われた。広島市や国の機関は主に昭和20年6月から7月にかけて戸籍や土地台帳、重要書類や江戸期以来の土地租税資料、判決原本、訴訟記録、登記関係書類、刑事事件簿などを広島市や広島市郊外(可部町・中野村・白木町)及び県北部の庄原区裁判所などへ疎開させた。民間事業者・宗教団体も、伝票・過去帳や重要書類を疎開させた。同年6月から7月にかけて、疎開の気運が高まり、組織体の文書・記録や史料が疎開され守られた。原爆により地域の文書・記録は「壊滅」したのではない。むしろ戦後その一部が失われた。This paper investigates the truth about how the atomic bomb affected the archives in Hiroshima. There is a preconceived notion that those archives must have been destroyed at that time and this is regarded as the accepted position. This pre-conception is reconsidered here and the actual damage which the archives suffered in Hiroshima is elucidated.The subject of this paper is approached by the following process: Firstly, interviews with the prefectural office workers and the witness notes of the atomic bomb are examined to clarify how the administration documents were treated before and after the atomic bomb. The actual circumstances of the evacuation of the Hiroshima Prefectural Office are clarified.Secondly, for the wartime period, how the Hiroshima administration documents (especially the Prefectural Assembly documents) were handled is clarified.Thirdly, the circumstances of the evacuation of the records of the governmental agencies other than the Prefecture-the national organization and the city ones, and also those of the private sector organizations are clarified.The conclusions are as follows: Although the Hiroshima Prefectural Office was destroyed, the important documents of the Administrative Affairs Division, which was in charge of the Parliament, had already been evacuated to the Takada local office which was located in the central part of Hiroshima sometime after June in Showa 20 (1945) but before the bombing.At some unknown time, some other important documents of the Hiroshima Prefectural Office were also evacuated to the Teacher's Resort House in Jigozen, (in Hatsukaichi City in the Western part of Hiroshima), the Aki Girls' High School in Hiroshima, and the Hiroshima Blind School. Those documents were gathered together again after the war and used for business.Most of the Prefectural Assembly documents, usually considered the ''collection'' in the post-wartime, were actually ones which were saved by evacuation. It is thought that at least 1600 volumes of Hiroshima administration documents escaped contamination by the atomic bomb. Of these, about 680 volumes cannot now be traced. Some of the evacuated documents could have been lost by incineration at the time of defeat, or by abandonment when the Prefectural Office building was relocated in the post-war period.Mainly during June and July in Showa 20 (1945), Hiroshima City Hall and the organizations of the national government evacuated their important documents including the family registers, the land ledgers, the historical records of the land tax since the Edo era, the original judgments, the law suit records, the registration-related papers, and the criminal casebooks. They were moved to the Hijiyama Hill in the city, to the suburb, Kabe town, Nakano village, and Shiraki town) and the Shobara Court in the northern part of the prefecture. Private enterprises and religious bodies also evacuated their important documents, the slips and the death registers.From June to July in Showa 20, the need for evacuation grew so much that the records of the organizations and historical materials were evacuated and protected. The records of this area were not ''damaged destructively" by the atomic bomb. Rather, some of them were lost after the war.
山田 哲好
史料館研究紀要 (ISSN:03869377)
no.10, pp.p51-84, 1978-03

1 0 0 0 IR 往来手形考

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史料館研究紀要 (ISSN:03869377)
no.29, pp.157-195, 1998-02
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史料館研究紀要 (ISSN:03869377)
no.4, pp.1-30, 1971-03