浅田 徹
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of The National Institute of Japanese Literature (ISSN:03873447)
no.26, pp.81-136, 2000-03-29

藤原定家の下官集は定家仮名遣の基本資料として多くの研究があるが、書誌的な検討がまだ進んでいないように思われる。また、仮名遣史研究と和歌研究との二つの領域の情報交流も十分ではない。本稿は研究史を整理・評価しつつ、下官集諸本として知り得たものを書誌的に記述していくことで、二つの領域の相互交流のための基盤を整備する。また、善本の翻刻を付載して今後の研究に役立てることとする。 There are many studies of Gekanshu by Fujiwarano Teika as a standard document of Teika’s Kana orthography. However the bibliographic investigation does not seem to have yet advanced. Information exchange of the history of use of Kana study and Waka study are also not enough. In this article, while arranging and evaluating the History of Research, the base for mutual interchange between these two ereas was maintained by describing what was able to know as a variant manuscripts of Gekanshu. In addition, a reprinted Zenpon (well-preserved state of manuscripts or printed books) was attached to use for a future study.
本田 康雄
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of The National Institute of Japanese Literature (ISSN:03873447)
no.14, pp.269-295, 1988-03-30

江戸時代以来、草双紙合巻の作成に従事した作者(戯作者)や画工(浮世絵師)は明治七年、難解な新聞記事の中から特に一般庶民に興味のありそうな雑報記事を選び浮世絵師・落合芳幾などを中心として分り易すぐ絵解きして新聞錦絵(木版)を刊行した。その経験を生かして芳幾、高畠藍泉(三世柳亭種彦)は翌明治八年、平仮名絵入新聞を工夫し雑報欄の中央に木版の挿絵(事件の現場のスケッチ)を組みこみ、鉛活字の報道文と組合せて草双紙風の紙面を構成して多くの読者(江戸時代以来の草双紙の読者層)を獲得した。この欄において所謂、三面記事の連載、続報が生じ、これを続き物と称した。この様な小新聞(タブロイド版の大衆紙)の流行をみて新聞ニュースを直ちに草双紙合巻にまとめた『鳥追阿松海上新話』『東京奇聞』『高橋阿伝夜刃物語』が刊行され、末期草双紙界に最期の火花を揚げたが、間もなく新聞の(絵入り)続き物の人気に吸収され、江戸以来の草双紙合巻は明治二十年頃、途絶えた。しかし、この間、戯作者、高畠藍泉、染崎延房(二世為永春水)等は小新聞の続き物の記者として草双紙の文章に基づき報道のための新しい文体を工夫して庶民の読者に読み物を提供し、また浮世絵師はこの三面記事の中央部に事件の挿絵を描いて絵画による情報提供に努めた。この様にして、戯作者と浮世絵師の新聞を媒体とする協力によって続き物は盛行し、続き物の延長上に新聞小説が成立した。国際的に珍らしい日本の新聞小説の形態(絵入り続き物語)は明治のはじめから昭和の今日まで変っていない。 Since the Edo era, the author who engaged in the making of the illustrate “Kusazoshi Gokan(草双紙合巻)and painters (Ukiyoe artists) chose the difficult newspaper articles which seemed to be popular especially for common people in 1874, mainly Ochiai Yoshiiku who was an Ukiyoe artist made explanation by pictures clearly and published Shinbun-Nishikie (xylograph). Using that experience, Yoshiiku, Takabatake Ransen (Ryutei Tanehiko the third) devised the Hiragana-e-iri Shinbun and incorporated illustrations of the xylograph in the center of the general news column in 1875 (sketch of the crime scenes). By constituting the space after Kusazoshi in combination with news sentences printed by lead type, they won many audiences (Audiences of the Kusazoshi since the Edo era). In this column, serialization of so-called local news, further news occurred and named this ‘serial story’. Because such a minor newspaper (a tabloid) was popular, “Torioiomatsukaijoshinwa”(鳥追阿松海上新話), “Tokyokibun” (東京奇聞), “Takahashiodenyashamonogatari”(高橋阿伝夜刃物語)which were collected newspaper news to Kusazoshi Gokan were published promptly and set of the last spark in the closing days of Kusazoshi world. Kusazoshi Gokan since the Edo period was discontinued in about 1887 soon after being absorbed in the popularity of the serial stories. However during those times, the fiction writers such as Takabatake Ransen, Somezaki Nobufusa (Tamenaga Shunsui the second) devised new sentences for the news to offer reading materials to the common people based on the sentence of the Kusazoshi and also Ukiyoe artists drew the illustration of the case on the central part of this local news and tried reporting with pictures. In this way, serial stories became popular with the effort of fiction writers and Ukiyoe artists by means of newspaper. A serial story was established on the extension line of the story in newspaper. Internationally unique form of Japanese serial story in a newspaper (an illustrated serial stories) which does not change from the beginning of the Meiji era up to the present of the Showa.
小川 剛生
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulltein of The National Institute of Japanese Literature (ISSN:03873447)
no.28, pp.83-118, 2002-02-20

南北朝時代の文芸・学問に、四書の一つである『孟子』が与えた影響について探った。『孟子』受容史は他の経書に比し著しく浅かったため、鎌倉時代後期にはなお刺激に満ちた警世の書として受け止められていたが、この時代、次第にその内容への理解が進み、経書としての地位を安定させるに至った。この時代を代表する文化人、二条良基の著作は、そうした風潮を形成し体現していたように見える。良基の連歌論には『孟子』の引用がかなりあり、これを子細に分析することで、良基の『孟子』傾倒が、宋儒の示した尊孟の姿勢にほぼ沿うものであったことを推定し、もって良基の文学論に与えた経学の影響を明らかにした。ついで四辻善成の『河海抄』から、良基の周辺もまた尊孟の潮流に敏感に反応していたことを確認し、『孟子』受容から窺える、この時代の古典学の性質についても考察した。 Regarding the influence that "Moshi"(孟子), one of Yonsho(四書) had an influence on literature and studies in Period of Northern and Southern Courts was explored. Because the History of Reception was extremely superficial compared to other conficianism, it was accepted as a sensational book which rebuked society in the late Kamakura period. The understanding to the contents gradually advanced and came to stabilize the position as the Classics of those days. Writings of Nijo Yoshimoto who was a culture representing of this period seemed to form such a trend and embody it. Renka-ron of Yoshimoto considerably had a quotation of "Moshi". By analyzing this closely it was assumed that his admiration for "Moshi" was almost compiled with an attitude to respect Moshi, then it showed the influence of Confucianism on the literary criticism of Yoshimoto. Next, it was confirmed that the people around Yoshimoto were also reacted to a tide of admiration for "Moshi" sensitively from "Kakaisho"(河海抄) by Yotsutsuji Yoshinari. Also the property of classic studies of this time that was indicated from "Moshi" reception was considered.
堀川 貴司
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of The National Institute of Japanese Literature (ISSN:03873447)
no.29, pp.37-52, 2003-02-28

平安鎌倉期の漢詩作品を取り巻く状況を考察する一環として、詩懐紙について、その作法、特に詩本文の書様を概観する。鎌倉前中期に次第に六行三字に統一されていくこと、南北朝期を境に七言律詩から七言絶句に変わり、三行三字に書かれることを、懐紙の遺例や記録に書き留められた例、作詩作法書などに基づいて確認し、「文書」としての機能についても考える。 As a part to consider the situation surrounding Chinese poetries in Heian-Kamakura period, A survey of the system of versification, especially the way of writing of the text about Shi-kaishi was made. The way have been united to 6 lines and 3 characters during the early to middle Kamakura period and it was changed from Shichigon-risshi(七言律詩) to Shichigon-zekku(七言絶句) with 3 lines and 3 characters were confirmed based on the example which was written down in historic evidence and record or words courtesy books, then the function as ‘Documents’ is also considered.
松野 陽一
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of TheNational Institute of Japanese Literature (ISSN:03873447)
no.16, pp.155-205, 1990-03-25

近世初中期の江戸雅文壇の歌会資料については『文翰雑編』(山本通春撰。寛文三―元祿十を収録)が活字化されて知られているが、諸藩の江戸藩邸で記録されていた詩歌会資料を綜合的に整理する必要があるかと思われる。水戸藩『文苑雑纂』(慶安四―元禄十三~安永八)、仙台藩『公武詩歌聞書』(元禄十六―寛延)などの資料がそれで、本稿で紹介・翻刻する盛岡南部藩『落穂集』もそうした記録の中からの七ヶ度(元禄元―六)の詩歌会の抄出資料である。南部家江戸藩邸(桜田邸、八戸藩麻布邸)、知足院、金地院を「場」とした、将軍綱吉文化圏の南部重信とその一族、毛利綱元、知足院隆光、金地院崇寛、林大学頭、また専門歌人の清水宗川、岡本道寿(宗好男)らの詠作活動の情況をうかがうこととしたい。 As a material of Edo Gabundan(江戸雅文壇)in the early to middle modern ages, "Bunkanzappen"(文翰雑編)(Selected by Yamamoto Michiharu, Included works 1663-1697) is known by publishing. It is appeared to be necessary to arrange materials of a meeting of poets generally in Edo hantei (a residence maintained by a daimyo in Edo) from each domain. Those materials are "Bunenzassan"(文苑雑纂)(1651-1700~1779) of Mito Domain, "Koubushikakikigaki"(公武詩歌聞書)(1703-Kanen period) of Sendai Domain. "Ochibo-shu"(落穂集)kept by Morioka Nanbu Clan which was introduced and reprinted in this article is also a extraction material of seventh meeting of poets (1688-1693) from those records. I would like to examine the situation of composing activity of Nanbu Edo hantei (Sakurada tei, Hachinohe Clan Azabu tei), Nanbu Shigenobu and his whole families in the General Tsunayoshi cultural sphere who made Chisokuin(知足院)and Konchiin(金地院)as "Location", Mori Tsunamoto, Chisoku Ryuko, Konchiin Takahiro, Hayashi Daigaku no kami and also professional poets Shimizu Sosen, Okamoto Michitoshi (a son of Soko).
小林 健二
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of The National Institute of Japanese Literature (ISSN:03873447)
no.08, pp.141-183, 1982-03-30

「名取熊野縁起」が形成された過程を、本縁起を構成するモチーフを吟味することにより、「道とをし」の熊野神詠譚が、梛の葉や虫喰いの神詠等の諸要素を取り込みながら、陸奥在地の名取老女の熊野勧請説話と結びついて作り出されたこと、また、その成立に紀州熊野三山の先達組織が関与していたであろうことを考察する。 The process when “Natori Kumano Engi”(名取熊野縁起)was formed by examining a motif constituting this Engi (writing about the history) closely, followings were considered that while Kumano Shineitan of ”Michitooshi”(道とをし)taking in elements of a leaf of Nagi and the worm-eaten state Shinei (waka which God wrote), it was created to be tied to the Kanjin-setsuwa of an old woman in Natori in the local area of Mutsu Province and Sendatsu group of Kumano Sanzan (three major shrines, Kumano-Hongu-Taisha, Kumano-Hayatama-Taisha and Kumano-Nachi-Taisha) would participate in the establishment.
相田 満
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of The National Institute of Japanese Literature (ISSN:03873447)
no.26, pp.161-222, 2000-03-29

「やまともろこし、儒仏のもろもろの書どもを、ひろく考へいだして、何事もをさをさのこれるくまなく、解あきらめられたり」(本居宣長『源氏物語玉の小櫛』)とまで評された『河海抄』(四辻善成・撰)は、その博引傍証的性格から、中世以前の学問体系をうかがう資料としても貴重だが、そこに遍在する『職原抄』引用部の分析・調査を行ったところ、『職原抄』の一部分がほぼ重複もなく再構成されるという結果を得た。このことは、『河海抄』の編纂者が、『職原抄』を熟知した上で、『河海抄』編集にその知識を反映させていたことを物語る。また、その引用箇所が「職原抄」の一部分に集中していることから、『河海抄』に取込んだ記事の選別・非選別の基準や意図を、そこから読みとることも可能といえよう。そして、同様の分析手法を重ねるならば、『河海抄』の知識源泉の解明に道を開くのみならず、他の注釈書や類聚編募物についても、その応用が可能であると予想する。 “Kakai-sho”(河海抄) selected by Yotsutsuji Yoshinari which was evaluated as「やまともろこし、儒仏のもろもろの書どもを、ひろく考へいだして、何事もをさをさのこれるくまなく、解あきらめられたり」(In ”Genji-monogatari Tama-no-ogushi” by Motoori Norinaga) is valuable as a document can be seen academic frameworks before the Middle Ages from its character that explains every examples in many documents. To survey and analyze quoted part of “Shokugen-sho”(職原抄), this results showed that it was almost reconstituted without overlapping. This indicates a compiler of Kakai-sho who knows well about “Shokugen-sho” reflected to edit it. It may be said that it is possible to read a standard and an intention of sorting, non-sorting of the article which was taken in “Kakai-sho”, because quotation points were concentrated in the part of ”Shokugen-sho”. It is expected that if the similar method of analysis was done repeatedly, not only opening the way for elucidation of the knowledge source, but also the application will be possible about other commentaries and collection of similar objects.