小林 健二
国文学研究資料館紀要 = National Institure of Japanese Literature (ISSN:03873447)
no.35, pp.55-80, 2009-02-27

劇中に登場する独武者の素性を解明する作業を通して、能《大江山》が酒呑童子諸本の中でも香取本「大江山絵詞」に拠って作られていることを確認し、その独武者が能《土蜘蛛》にも登場することから、能の世界で頼光物として連作されたことを考証した。さらに、「大江山絵訶」絵巻は室町将軍のもとで作成され、その周辺に伺候していた観世座の者によって《大江山》が作劇された可能性について考察した。By clarifying Hitorimusha's identity who appears in the Noh “Oeyama”, this paper proves that this Noh was created by Katoribon of “Oeyama-ekotoba” among various kinds of Shutendoji-monogatari's manuscripts. Since this Hitorimusha also appears in the Noh “Tsuchigumo”, I examine that these Nohs were written as series of Raiko-mono in the world of Noh. Then I consider that the picture scroll of “Oeyama-ekotoba” was made under the patronage of Ashikaga shogun, and there is a possibility that a certain person of Kanze school who was around Shogun composed the Noh “Oeyama”.
中島 和歌子
国文学研究資料館紀要 (ISSN:03873447)
no.28, pp.1-40, 2002-02

『枕草子』には陰陽道に関する記事が少なく、仏教関係のそれの多さ、多様さと対照的である。一方『栄花物語』正篇は、『枕草子』と重なる時代・人物を描く部分を含めて、陰陽道に関する記述が多く、禁忌を重視し陰陽師を信頼する様子が描かれている。『枕草子』には、官人の陰陽師は固有名詞が見えないだけでなく、ほとんど描かれていない。その理由としては、視野の問題もあるが、出産を含む定子の危機そのものを一切記していない為に登場の機会がなかった、実際に道隆が兼家や道長・頼通ほどに禁忌を遵守し陰陽師を重用していなかった、験者や法師ほどには身近でなかった、といったことが考えられる。但し、記事は少ないものの、陰陽師に従う小童部や法師陰陽師、更には式神まで、陰陽師の周辺にいるものは取り上げられていた。これらは院政期の説話などには散見するが、陰陽道関係の記事が多様である『字津保物語』を含め、仮名にはあまり見られない。何かの理由で文学作品に取り上げられなかった風俗や言葉が、『枕草子』によって垣間見える一例である。また、『呪詛』の明記も珍しいが、伊周や高階氏による道長方呪詛の史実を考慮すると、記したことに挑発的意味あいが感じられる。物忌・方違については風俗としてそのまま受け入れる様子が見え、口実として利用することもない。しかし、呪誼、凶会日、物忌札や物忌の描き方においては、禁忌意識は薄い。また、これらの記事は連続して出てくることが多い。特定の物忌は、一条天皇四例、村上天皇・伊周・繁子・清少納言各一例で、定子の物忌は無い。伊周や清少納言の物忌は、定子との心の繋がりの確認の契機となっている。『蜻蛉日記』や『和泉式部日記』と愛情の種類は異なるが、表現方法は同じだと言える。 Not a lot of articles regarding Onmyodo in "Makura-no-soshi"(枕草子) exist. It is in contrast to the varieties of Buddhism ones. On the other hand, in the main part of "Eiga-monogatari"(栄花物語), there were many descriptions about Onmyodo that taboo was taken very seriously and Onmyoji was trusted, included the part which overlaps with the era and the characters of "Makura-no-soshi". Onmyoji who worked for government official were not only seen but also rarely written in "Makura-no-soshi". Possible reasons for it were, the crisis of Teishi including her delivery were not written down at all, therefore there was no opportunity of the appearance, actually compared to Kaneie, Michinaga and Yorimichi, Michitaka had not complied with taboo and had not given Onmyoji to the important position, it was not closer than trained Buddhist Priests and Hoshi. However there were few articles about Kowarawabe who served Onmyoji, Hoshi-onmyoji, furthermore, also Shiki-gami around them were taken up. These occasionally appeared in Setsuwa in Insei period, it was uncommon in kana including "Utsuhomonogatari(うつほ物語)" which had various Onmyodo-related articles in it. This is one example to catch a glimpse of the customs and words which were not referred in some reason by "Makurano-soshi". And specifying imprecation of 'Juso' is also rare and when the historical evidence of cursing Michinaga by Korechika or Takashina-uji were considered, it is possible to feel the provocative implications from there. In regards to Monoimi, Katagae, they were accepted as customs as they were, no use for excuse. However, regarding the way of describe Juso, Kuenichi, Monoimi-fuda, or Monoimi, there was less conscious of the taboos. Also these articles were often written repeatedly. As special Monoimi, four examples for Ichijo-tenno, one for Murakami-tenno, Korechika, Shigeko, Sei-shonagon each of them and none of Teishi's. Monoimi for Krechika or Sei-shonagon became the opportunity to connect with the heart of Teishi. Although the kind of love varied from "Kagero Nikki", (蜻蛉日記)"Izumishikibu Nikki"(和泉式部日記), this might be the same way of expression.
金 時徳
国文学研究資料館紀要 = National Institure of Japanese Literature (ISSN:03873447)
no.35, pp.209-240, 2009-02-27

本稿は国立国会図書館所蔵『絵本武勇大功記』を翻刻し、注釈と解題を附したものである。本書刊行の背景には、浄瑠璃における天明・寛政年間の太閤記物ブームがある。毛谷村六助が加藤清正(本書では加藤正清)に仕えるまでの事情を描く本書巻上には、浄瑠璃『彦山権現誓助劔』との類似性が見られる。しかし、豊臣秀吉の朝鮮侵略のことを描く本書巻中・下の場合、その直接的な典拠は浄瑠璃ではなく、加藤清正の一代記である『清正記』・『朝鮮太平記』等の朝鮮軍記物の諸作品であることが確認される。一八世紀初期までの朝鮮軍記物の諸作品は軍記『朝鮮太平記』・『朝鮮軍記大全』に集大成され、絵本読本『絵本朝鮮軍記』・同『絵本太閤記』(第六・七篇)は一九世紀の朝鮮軍記物を代表する作品であるが、その間の一八世紀中・後期に著された朝鮮軍記物の数は少ない。本書は、朝鮮軍記物における一八世紀中・後期の空白を埋める作品として意味を持つ。At this paper, I republicated “Ehon Buyu Taikouki” (“The Picture Book on the Brave Taikou Toyotomi Hideyoshi”; possessed by National Diet Library) with annotations and bibliography. The publication of “Ehon Buyu Taikouki” was an extension of the Taikouki (works on Toyotomi Hideyoshi) Boom in Kamigata area (Kyoto and Osaka) in the Temmei and Kansei period. Especially, joruri and kabuki works on Toyotomi Hideyoshi's invasion of Korea had had a major influenced on this book. But, works on Toyotomi Hideyoshi's invasion of Korea, especially works on Katou Kiyomasa and “Ehon Buyu-Taikouki” (“theChronicle of Great Peace in Korea”), were identified as primary sources for the second and third volume of this book, where Toyotomi Hideyoshi’s invasion of Korea was described.
渡辺 守邦
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of The National Institute of Japanese Literature (ISSN:03873447)
no.14, pp.63-123, 1988-03-30

泉州信田の葛の葉狐の子が、母と生き別れて、天文博士に出世する安倍の童子の物語は、源を『簠簋抄』に発する。この話は、むしろ浄瑠璃、歌舞伎に入って以降おもしろみを倍増するのであるが、本稿は、反対に、この話を育んだ、暦数書の仮名注の世界を俳徊してみようとするものである。本題に入る前に、断っておかなければならないことがある。それは書名の読み。「簠簋」と書いて、〈ホキ〉と読む。『論語』公冶長篇に「瑚璉」の語があって、朱子の注に、宗廟に供える黍稷を盛る器、夏に〈瑚〉、商に〈璉〉、周に〈簠簋〉と称した、とする。本来は祭器である。が、貴重品を運んだり、納めておく器具とも考えられたらしく、次のような言い伝えもある。すなわち、釈迦如来像が百済から海を渡って本朝に運ばれたとき、簠簋に入れられて来た、それゆえ、釈迦をホトケと呼ぶ、ホトケはホキの転である―と。『法華経直談鈔』に載る名義譚。早くも話が中世説話の世界に入ってしまったようだ。 A story of Abe no doji who is a child of Kuzunoha (a name of white fox in legend) in Shinoda of Senshu, succeeded as a master of astrology after separating from mother came from "Hokisho"(簠簋抄). This story rather became twice as much as interesting after being taken up as a theme of Joruri and Kabuki, this article tries to wonder around the world of the kanchu (written in kana) of the Rekisusho (the number of years book) that created this story. Before getting to the main point, it is enough for me to say about the reading of the title of a book. "簠簋"is pronounced as "Hoki". There is a word "Koren"(瑚璉)in "The Analects of Confucius" edited by Koyacho, and it was explained: a container to pile millet to offer in the ancestral mausoleum, "Ko" for Hsia, "Ren" for Shang, "Hoki" for Zhou in a note of Shushi. It is originally ceremonial implement. However it seemed to be thought as an appliance which carry and put the valuables, there is the following legend, that is to say, when statue of Shaka Nyorai was put in "Hoki" and carried to our country across the sea from Kudara,that is why we refer to "Shaka" as "Hotoke". "Hotoke" is derivative of "Hoki". This is a "Myogitan" (名義譚)appears in "Hokkekyojikidansho" (法華経直談鈔). The story seems to have already entered the world of the narration in the Middle Ages.
渡辺 守邦
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of The National Institute of Japanese Literature (ISSN:03873447)
no.15, pp.135-165, 1989-03-25

むかし、祖母の語った安倍の童子の咄は、歳月のベールに隔てられて、記憶もおぼろげである。それゆえであろうか、かすかな太棹の三味の音を伴って甦ってくる。この一話の世上への伝搬に『蘆屋道満大内鑑』のはたした功績の大きかったことは疑いないが、それだけではなかった。江戸時代を通じて、演劇とは双子の関係にあった小説の分野にあっても取り上げられ、数々の作品の刊行をみている。また、明治の御代にいたるまで盛んに行われた、仏教講釈の演目の内にも含まれていた、という。暦数書の注釈に発した清明伝承が、さまざまなジャンルに文芸化されたありさまと、作品相互の間の関りについて調べてみることは、われわれの持つ清明像の依ってきたる所以を明らかにすることにもなるはずである。 A memory of a story of Abe-no-doji (childhood name of Abe no Seimei) which my grandmother told me long time ago is vague separated by a veil of time. That may be why it is associated in my memory with the faint sounds of Futozao (broad-neck) shamisen. There is no doubt about the great achievements that "Ashiya Doman Oouchikagami"(蘆屋道満大内鑑)produced as for propagation of this story to a public, however this was not all. It was taken up for the field of novels which had a twin-like relation with field of the Dramatic Arts, many works were published. In addition, it is said to be included on the program of a Buddhism lecture carried out actively up to the reign of the Emperor Meiji. To investigate the state that a legend of Seimei which had its beginnings in explanatory notes of the Rekisusho (the number of years book) was changed into literary arts in various genres and to try to investigate about the mutual relation with each work should be going to clarify the reason of the image of Seimei that we have.
浅田 徹
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of The National Institute of Japanese Literature (ISSN:03873447)
no.27, pp.47-93, 2001-03-29

藤原定家の下官集について、その内容を検討する。本書は草子の書き方を中心とした伝書で、文学の内容そのものとは直接関わらないため、和歌研究者からのまとまった考察がない。しかしその記述を考証していくことで、顕註密勘・三代集之間事・僻案抄といった歌学書群、あるいは定家本三代集の校訂作業などと同じ基盤を有していることを指摘できるのではないかと考える。従来の研究(国語学の分野からのもの)は仮名遣い規定に集中し、それ以外の部分は詳しい注釈も行われずにきているので、本稿ではまず全文を改めて検討することから始める。同時にそこに一貫する定家の姿勢を「他者と自分との差異を提示して、それを一つずつ根拠付けていく」ものと捉え、最終的にそれを歌道家当主としての自己定位の営みを象徴するものとして読むことを試みる。また、他者としての六条家の存在はここでも作品形成の一つの契機となっていただろう事を示す。 This is consideration of contents regarding Gekanshu by Fujiwarano Teika . This is a book called densho(伝書)mainly about how to write Soshi. There is no definite consideration of waka researchers, because it did not associate directly with the very contents of literature. However to study its description, it seems that it is possible to point out that it has the same substrate as “Kagaku-sho” group such as “Kenchumikkan”(顕註密勘), ”Sandaishu-no-aida-no-koto”(三代集之間事), “Hekian-sho”(僻案抄) or the textual collation of Teikabon-sandai-shu. At first the whole sentence was reviewed in this paper because the conventional study ( from field of the Japanese literature) concentrate Japanese grammar and others had not be written an extended comment. At the same time, it was considered that the consistent attitude of Teika as -Show a difference with others and oneself and based on it one by one-. An attempt was made to read it symbolizing his position as the head of the art of Waka poetry in the end. Then it was shown that the existence of Rokujo-ke as others would be one opportunity of the work formation here.
渡辺 守邦
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of The National Institute of Japanese Literature (ISSN:03873447)
no.14, pp.63-123, 1988-03-30

泉州信田の葛の葉狐の子が、母と生き別れて、天文博士に出世する安倍の童子の物語は、源を『簠簋抄』に発する。この話は、むしろ浄瑠璃、歌舞伎に入って以降おもしろみを倍増するのであるが、本稿は、反対に、この話を育んだ、暦数書の仮名注の世界を俳徊してみようとするものである。本題に入る前に、断っておかなければならないことがある。それは書名の読み。「簠簋」と書いて、〈ホキ〉と読む。『論語』公冶長篇に「瑚璉」の語があって、朱子の注に、宗廟に供える黍稷を盛る器、夏に〈瑚〉、商に〈璉〉、周に〈簠簋〉と称した、とする。本来は祭器である。が、貴重品を運んだり、納めておく器具とも考えられたらしく、次のような言い伝えもある。すなわち、釈迦如来像が百済から海を渡って本朝に運ばれたとき、簠簋に入れられて来た、それゆえ、釈迦をホトケと呼ぶ、ホトケはホキの転である―と。『法華経直談鈔』に載る名義譚。早くも話が中世説話の世界に入ってしまったようだ。 A story of Abe no doji who is a child of Kuzunoha (a name of white fox in legend) in Shinoda of Senshu, succeeded as a master of astrology after separating from mother came from “Hokisho”(簠簋抄). This story rather became twice as much as interesting after being taken up as a theme of Joruri and Kabuki, this article tries to wonder around the world of the kanchu (written in kana) of the Rekisusho (the number of years book) that created this story. Before getting to the main point, it is enough for me to say about the reading of the title of a book. “簠簋”is pronounced as “Hoki”. There is a word “Koren”(瑚璉)in “The Analects of Confucius” edited by Koyacho, and it was explained: a container to pile millet to offer in the ancestral mausoleum, “Ko” for Hsia, “Ren” for Shang, “Hoki” for Zhou in a note of Shushi. It is originally ceremonial implement. However it seemed to be thought as an appliance which carry and put the valuables, there is the following legend, that is to say, when statue of Shaka Nyorai was put in “Hoki” and carried to our country across the sea from Kudara,that is why we refer to “Shaka” as “Hotoke”. “Hotoke” is derivative of “Hoki”. This is a “Myogitan” (名義譚)appears in “Hokkekyojikidansho” (法華経直談鈔). The story seems to have already entered the world of the narration in the Middle Ages.
高橋 則子
国文学研究資料館紀要 = National Institure of Japanese Literature (ISSN:03873447)
no.31, pp.277-293, 2005-02-28

国文学研究資料館蔵黒本『〔四天王〕』は、『補訂版国書総目録』・『古典籍総合目録』・国文学研究資料館「マイクロ資料・和古書目録データベース」に未載である。これは、宝暦六年(一七五六)刊黒本『頼光 金臣 本未記』ではないかと思われ、現在のところ他での所蔵を見ない。本書の内容は、源頼光の四天王の一代記であり、『前太平記』から直接取材したものと思われる。It is impossible to find the kurohon called Shitennô owned by N.I.J.L in Kokushosômokuroku, Kotensekisôgômokuroku and in the Database of Microfilm and classical books of N.I.J.L. I thought that this book corresponds to the kurohon called Ichidaiki published in 1756 that cannot be found in any other place. The content of this book is the biographies of Minamoto Raikô’s Shitennô, directry taken from Zentaiheiki.
小川 剛生
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of The National Institute of Japanese Literature (ISSN:03873447)
no.30, pp.53-94, 2004-02-28

艶書文例集とは、さまざまな恋の状況における懸想文を掲げ筆法を解説した書札礼の故実書であるが、その包摂する範囲は広きに及んで、艶書文学というべきジャンルを形成している。たとえば『堀河院艶書合』も艶書や艶書歌の手引きとして読まれたし、室町物語や仮名草子には登場人物の艶書のやりとりによって筋が展開するものがある。東山御文庫に蔵される『思露』は中世に成立した艶書文例集である。やはり艶書の「書様」と「文例」からなり、艶書をしるし相手に贈る際の、さまざまな知識を解説した書物であるが、その成立・作者については、これまではっきりしたことは知られていなかった。本稿において、本書は南北朝末期、二条良基が著したもので、公武の間で広く読まれていたことを述べた。さらにその内容は文学的にも見るべきものがあり、当時の『源氏物語』をはじめ王朝物語への理解を示し、また仮名文をいかに書くべきかを初めて具体的に説いた書物として注目に値することを指摘した。続いて、代表的な艶書文例集として知られる『詞花懸露集』はこの『思露』を後人が改編した本であること、また『堀河院艶書合』の伝本の一部にも『思露』を吸収したものがあることなどを述べ、中世の艶書文学作品に『思露』が与えた影響が甚だ大きいことを明らかにした。附録として東山御文庫蔵本の全文を翻刻した。 A collection of love letter examples is an ancient customs book that was printed love letters written under various situations of love and it was commented on style of writing Kojitusyo (the protocol or events in the imperial court and Bu-ke) of Shosatsurei. It was widely subsumed and formed a genre called the love letter literature. For example,”Horikawain-ensho-awase”(堀河院艶書合)was also read as a guide book of Enshouta in Muromachi-monogatari(室町物語) or in Kana-zoshi(仮名草子), the plot was developed by exchanging love letters of the characters. “Shiro”(思露) which belongs to the Higashiyama Library is a collection of love letter examples formed in the middle ages. Though this is also a book composed with the way of writing and examples about various knowledge for people who wrote love letters to their lovers. Regarding to the time of establishment or about the author have been uncertain so far. In this paper, it is mentioned that this book was written by Nijo Yoshimoto and read by the imperial court and the shogunate. In addition, the content contains the specific character in literary terms showing to appreciate Japanese imperial tales including “Genji-monogatari”(源氏物語) in those days. It also pointed out that it is worthy of notice as the book explained specifically how should the kana texts were written for the first time. Then “Shika Kenro Shu”(詞花懸露集) known as a representative of a collection of love letter examples is a book which was revised by later hands, there is also something which absorbed “Shiro” in the part of handed-down manuscript of Horikawain-ensho-awase were mentioned. It was shown that “Shiro” greatly influenced the medieval love letter literary works. The whole text in Higashiyama Library reprinted as an appendix.
松野 陽一
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of TheNational Institute of Japanese Literature (ISSN:03873447)
no.16, pp.155-205, 1990-03-25

近世初中期の江戸雅文壇の歌会資料については『文翰雑編』(山本通春撰。寛文三―元祿十を収録)が活字化されて知られているが、諸藩の江戸藩邸で記録されていた詩歌会資料を綜合的に整理する必要があるかと思われる。水戸藩『文苑雑纂』(慶安四―元禄十三~安永八)、仙台藩『公武詩歌聞書』(元禄十六―寛延)などの資料がそれで、本稿で紹介・翻刻する盛岡南部藩『落穂集』もそうした記録の中からの七ヶ度(元禄元―六)の詩歌会の抄出資料である。南部家江戸藩邸(桜田邸、八戸藩麻布邸)、知足院、金地院を「場」とした、将軍綱吉文化圏の南部重信とその一族、毛利綱元、知足院隆光、金地院崇寛、林大学頭、また専門歌人の清水宗川、岡本道寿(宗好男)らの詠作活動の情況をうかがうこととしたい。 As a material of Edo Gabundan(江戸雅文壇)in the early to middle modern ages, “Bunkanzappen”(文翰雑編)(Selected by Yamamoto Michiharu, Included works 1663-1697) is known by publishing. It is appeared to be necessary to arrange materials of a meeting of poets generally in Edo hantei (a residence maintained by a daimyo in Edo) from each domain. Those materials are “Bunenzassan”(文苑雑纂)(1651-1700~1779) of Mito Domain, “Koubushikakikigaki”(公武詩歌聞書)(1703-Kanen period) of Sendai Domain. “Ochibo-shu”(落穂集)kept by Morioka Nanbu Clan which was introduced and reprinted in this article is also a extraction material of seventh meeting of poets (1688-1693) from those records. I would like to examine the situation of composing activity of Nanbu Edo hantei (Sakurada tei, Hachinohe Clan Azabu tei), Nanbu Shigenobu and his whole families in the General Tsunayoshi cultural sphere who made Chisokuin(知足院)and Konchiin(金地院)as “Location”, Mori Tsunamoto, Chisoku Ryuko, Konchiin Takahiro, Hayashi Daigaku no kami and also professional poets Shimizu Sosen, Okamoto Michitoshi (a son of Soko).
神津 武男
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of The National Institute of Japanese Literature (ISSN:03873447)
no.29, pp.189-275, 2003-02-28

本稿は、国文学研究資料館が所蔵する、『古今操便覧』をはじめとした、竹本摂津大橡旧蔵の人形浄瑠璃番付集の、資料紹介である。同資料は、書誌的形態や成立年の異なる、三種から成る。各種それぞれの、成立年や旧蔵者について、報告する。なお同資料群は、『近世邦楽年表』の原資料の、中心をなす部分であった。『近世邦楽年表』原資料発見の意義についても、述べたい。また収録内容を一覧することを目的として、個々の番付のリストを付した。特に、新出の番付については、翻刻を付した。 This is an article to introduce the documents such as “Kokon- ayatsuri –binran”(古今操便覧) owned by National Institution of Japanese literature and Ningyo-joruri lists formerly stored in Takemoto-settsu- no- taijo. This documents consists of three kinds which were written by different form of the biography at various times and reported the year of creation of documents and former owners for each. In addition, the group of documents were the main part of a source document of “Kinsei-hogaku nenpyo”(近世邦楽年表). Also it is necessary to remarks regarding the meanings of its discovery. The list of each program for the purpose of glancing through the contents was attached. A reprinting was added especially for the new one.
中島 和歌子
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulltein of The National Institute of Japanese Literature (ISSN:03873447)
no.28, pp.1-40, 2002-02-20

『枕草子』には陰陽道に関する記事が少なく、仏教関係のそれの多さ、多様さと対照的である。一方『栄花物語』正篇は、『枕草子』と重なる時代・人物を描く部分を含めて、陰陽道に関する記述が多く、禁忌を重視し陰陽師を信頼する様子が描かれている。『枕草子』には、官人の陰陽師は固有名詞が見えないだけでなく、ほとんど描かれていない。その理由としては、視野の問題もあるが、出産を含む定子の危機そのものを一切記していない為に登場の機会がなかった、実際に道隆が兼家や道長・頼通ほどに禁忌を遵守し陰陽師を重用していなかった、験者や法師ほどには身近でなかった、といったことが考えられる。但し、記事は少ないものの、陰陽師に従う小童部や法師陰陽師、更には式神まで、陰陽師の周辺にいるものは取り上げられていた。これらは院政期の説話などには散見するが、陰陽道関係の記事が多様である『字津保物語』を含め、仮名にはあまり見られない。何かの理由で文学作品に取り上げられなかった風俗や言葉が、『枕草子』によって垣間見える一例である。また、『呪詛』の明記も珍しいが、伊周や高階氏による道長方呪詛の史実を考慮すると、記したことに挑発的意味あいが感じられる。物忌・方違については風俗としてそのまま受け入れる様子が見え、口実として利用することもない。しかし、呪誼、凶会日、物忌札や物忌の描き方においては、禁忌意識は薄い。また、これらの記事は連続して出てくることが多い。特定の物忌は、一条天皇四例、村上天皇・伊周・繁子・清少納言各一例で、定子の物忌は無い。伊周や清少納言の物忌は、定子との心の繋がりの確認の契機となっている。『蜻蛉日記』や『和泉式部日記』と愛情の種類は異なるが、表現方法は同じだと言える。 Not a lot of articles regarding Onmyodo in ”Makura-no-soshi”(枕草子) exist. It is in contrast to the varieties of Buddhism ones. On the other hand, in the main part of “Eiga-monogatari”(栄花物語), there were many descriptions about Onmyodo that taboo was taken very seriously and Onmyoji was trusted, included the part which overlaps with the era and the characters of “Makura-no-soshi”. Onmyoji who worked for government official were not only seen but also rarely written in “Makura-no-soshi”. Possible reasons for it were, the crisis of Teishi including her delivery were not written down at all, therefore there was no opportunity of the appearance, actually compared to Kaneie, Michinaga and Yorimichi, Michitaka had not complied with taboo and had not given Onmyoji to the important position, it was not closer than trained Buddhist Priests and Hoshi. However there were few articles about Kowarawabe who served Onmyoji, Hoshi-onmyoji, furthermore, also Shiki-gami around them were taken up. These occasionally appeared in Setsuwa in Insei period, it was uncommon in kana including “Utsuhomonogatari(うつほ物語)” which had various Onmyodo-related articles in it. This is one example to catch a glimpse of the customs and words which were not referred in some reason by “Makurano-soshi”. And specifying imprecation of ‘Juso’ is also rare and when the historical evidence of cursing Michinaga by Korechika or Takashina-uji were considered, it is possible to feel the provocative implications from there. In regards to Monoimi, Katagae, they were accepted as customs as they were, no use for excuse. However, regarding the way of describe Juso, Kuenichi, Monoimi-fuda, or Monoimi, there was less conscious of the taboos. Also these articles were often written repeatedly. As special Monoimi, four examples for Ichijo-tenno, one for Murakami-tenno, Korechika, Shigeko, Sei-shonagon each of them and none of Teishi’s. Monoimi for Krechika or Sei-shonagon became the opportunity to connect with the heart of Teishi. Although the kind of love varied from “Kagero Nikki”, (蜻蛉日記)“Izumishikibu Nikki”(和泉式部日記), this might be the same way of expression.
古川 清彦
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of The National Institute of Japanese Literature (ISSN:03873447)
no.7, pp.33-44, 1981-03-30

飯田武郷は『日本書紀通釈』の著者として有名であるが、幕末期の国学者としての地位は必らずしも明らかではなく、地味な存在である。しかし国学の実践活動においては権田直助・落合直亮・相楽総三らと結んで多面的であり、岩倉具視との関係も興味深いものがある。そして権田・落合・相楽と異なる学者としての道を歩んで、明治維新後の時代に身を処した点に特色があるが、詩歌の道にも優れていた。最近、幕末の志士における詩歌の重要性が説かれるが、武郷はそうした面で志士としての活動とともに詩歌文章によって歴史の変革期の記録を行った文人としての面も備えている。本稿においては、家系・学統・国学活動などを周辺の情況・人物などに触れながら考察した。そして文人としての意味からは『蓬室集』に注目したのである。 Ida Takesato was famous as an author of "Nihonshoki-tsushaku" (the explanation of the oldest chronicles of Japan), however the position as a Japanese classical scholar of the end of the Edo period was not necessarily clear and had a simple existence. In the practice activity of the study of Japanese classical literature, he multilaterally allied with Gonda Naosuke, Ochiai Naoaki and Sagara Sozo, the relations with Iwakura Tomomi is also interesting. There is characteristic at the point that he followed a different paths as a scholar from Gonda, Ochiai, Sagara and behaved in the times of the Meiji Restoration. He was also superior in the way of the poetry. Importance of the poetry written by Shishi (a historical term describing a commoner in the late Edo period who actively contributed to the country) was explained recently. In such a behavioral aspect, he possessed a side as a literati who recorded the revolutionary period of the history by a poetry sentence with the activity as Shishi. In this article, family lineage, academic lineage, activity of a study of Japanese classical literature were considered while mentioning neighboring situation and people. From the meaning as a literati "Hoshitsu-shu"(蓬室集) was noteworthy.
渡辺 守邦
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of The National Institute of Japanese Literature (ISSN:03873447)
no.15, pp.135-165, 1989-03-25

むかし、祖母の語った安倍の童子の咄は、歳月のベールに隔てられて、記憶もおぼろげである。それゆえであろうか、かすかな太棹の三味の音を伴って甦ってくる。この一話の世上への伝搬に『蘆屋道満大内鑑』のはたした功績の大きかったことは疑いないが、それだけではなかった。江戸時代を通じて、演劇とは双子の関係にあった小説の分野にあっても取り上げられ、数々の作品の刊行をみている。また、明治の御代にいたるまで盛んに行われた、仏教講釈の演目の内にも含まれていた、という。暦数書の注釈に発した清明伝承が、さまざまなジャンルに文芸化されたありさまと、作品相互の間の関りについて調べてみることは、われわれの持つ清明像の依ってきたる所以を明らかにすることにもなるはずである。 A memory of a story of Abe-no-doji (childhood name of Abe no Seimei) which my grandmother told me long time ago is vague separated by a veil of time. That may be why it is associated in my memory with the faint sounds of Futozao (broad-neck) shamisen. There is no doubt about the great achievements that “Ashiya Doman Oouchikagami”(蘆屋道満大内鑑)produced as for propagation of this story to a public, however this was not all. It was taken up for the field of novels which had a twin-like relation with field of the Dramatic Arts, many works were published. In addition, it is said to be included on the program of a Buddhism lecture carried out actively up to the reign of the Emperor Meiji. To investigate the state that a legend of Seimei which had its beginnings in explanatory notes of the Rekisusho (the number of years book) was changed into literary arts in various genres and to try to investigate about the mutual relation with each work should be going to clarify the reason of the image of Seimei that we have.
中川 博夫
国文学研究資料館紀要 (ISSN:03873447)
no.22, pp.143-176, 1996-03
小峯 和明
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of The National Institute of Japanese Literature (ISSN:03873447)
no.14, pp.31-62, 1988-03-30

安居院流の唱導書の一である国文学研究資料館蔵『澄印草等』(鎌倉写)の紹介と翻刻。内容は安芸前司義盛逆修表白と養和二年二月の仁和寺宮五部大乗経供養(法会次第・表白)とからなる。前者は転法輪鈔(十二)密教上の一部に合致。台密の教義にもとづき、法華経と大日如来・両界曼陀羅との顕密不二を説く。後者は後白河院と守覚法親王が覚性法親王の菩提供養を仁和寺大聖院で行ったもの。吉記・玉葉によれば、講師は澄憲であり、この表白が彼の手になることが証明される。表白は対句の修辞を駆使した力作であり、院政期の法会文学として貴重であるばかりでなく、中世の文体形成の礎としても注目される資料である。 This is an introduction and a reprint of “Choin soto”(澄印草等)(reprinted in the Kamakura period) which is one of books of Agui school sermon stored in National Institute of Japanese literature. The contents consists of Hyobyaku (supplications) of gyakushu (holding a memorial service prior to one’s death) of Yoshimori, the former official of Aki Province and five teachings of Mahayana Buddhism memorial service in Ninnajinomiya (programs for the Buddhist mass・hyobyaku) in February, 1182. The former is equal to a part of “Tenborinsho”(転法輪鈔)(12) in esoteric Buddhism. Based on a doctrine of the esoteric Buddhism of the Tendai sect, it preached the nonduality of Kenmitsu between the Lotus Sutra and Dainichi Nyorai・Ryokai Mandara. Contents of the latter one is that Goshirakawa-in and Shukaku houshinno held a memorial service for Kakushohoushinno in Ninna-ji sanctuary. According to Kikki(吉記)・Gyokuyo(玉葉), a lecturer was Choken. It is proved that he wrote this hyobyaku. It is the masterpiece which made full use of the rhetoric of the couplet, and it is not only valuables as Buddhist ceremony literature of the Insei period, but also is the material which attracts attention as a foundation of the writing style formation of the Middle Ages.
小川 剛生
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of The National Institute of Japanese Literature (ISSN:03873447)
no.29, pp.53-169, 2003-02-28

『百寮訓要抄』は、二条良基(一三二○~一三八八)が著した朝廷官職制度の解説書で、二官八省以下の大小の官衙とその職員を列挙し、沿革・職掌・任官の慣例等を仮名書きで説明したものである。同じく南北朝時代に著された北畠親房の『職原抄』とならんで、官職制度理解のためのよき手引きとされている。しかし本文批判は殆どといって良いほど行われておらず、そのまま利用するには問題が多い。本稿では五十本ほどの伝本を調査し、大別して二類六種に分類される諸本の性格と本文の形成について、ほぼその見通しを立てることが出来た。そうして得られた本文をもとにして、室町期を中心とした流布の様相を述べつつ、その官職制度書としての特質について考えた。附録として陽明文庫蔵慶長三年(一五九八)写本を底本に、簡略な校本を作成した。 “Hyakuryoukunyosho”(百寮訓要抄)is the manual of the system in the imperial Court government officials written by Nijyo Yoshimoto which enumerated the big and small Kanga(官衙) less than the Two Departments and eight Ministries, explained the history, duties, customs of investiture written in Kana. It is regarded as a good guide book along with “Shokugensho”(職原抄) written by Kitabatake Chikafusa. However, as the text was hardly criticized, there are so many problems to just use it. In this paper, as about 50 biography books were investigated, it was almost possible to make the prospect about the character of books which categorized as group2 type6(2類6種)and the formation of the text. Based on that, while stating an aspect of circulation mainly on Muromachi period, regarding the specific character as a manual of the system of the Imperial Court government officials was considered. As an appendix, a simple variorum based on the manuscript in 1598 owned by Youmeibunnko was created.
久保木 秀夫
国文学研究資料館紀要 = National Institure of Japanese Literature (ISSN:03873447)
no.31, pp.171-192, 2005-02-28

国文学研究資料館蔵の伝藤原為家筆歌集断簡は、有吉保氏によって現存するいずれの系統とも異なる『道真集』と指摘された伝冷泉為相筆断簡(MOA美術館蔵手鑑『翰墨城』所収)のツレである。書写年代は鎌倉時代後期頃。ほかに個人蔵のもう一葉のツレが知られる。記載歌はすべて他文献にも見出されるが、断簡独自の内容もあり、他文献からの単なる抜粋などではなさそうである。従来『新古今集』ほかの出典となった道真の家集の存在が想定されており、あるいは当該断簡はそれに該当するかもしれない。また藤原定家自筆『集目録』記載「菅家」との関連も注目される。The National Institute of Japanese Literature collects a fragmentary manuscript of the collection of 31-syllable Japanese poems. This material may correspond to "Michizane Shu" which became the source of "Shin Kokin Waka Shu" and has been lost now.