土川 信男
社会科学論集 = SHAKAIKAGAKU-RONSHU (The Social Science Review) (ISSN:05597056)
vol.142, pp.99-110, 2014

This paper examines the attitudes of the Minseito Party towards issues concerning the emperor and the imperial household at the time of the TANAKA Giichi Cabinet when the party was an opposition party. The paper takes this theme as part of the study of party politics during the period of party cabinets, and intends to rebalance the evaluation of the Seiyukai Party and the Minseito Party.At the beginning of the TANAKA Cabinet, the Minseito Party advocated the parliamentary government and the party cabinet, and it maintained that the emperor should not take practical part in politics. The party also criticized the political influence of the house of peers and the privy council.Later, the Minseito Party took issues concerning the emperor and the imperial household to attack the TANAKA Cabinet. The basic logic used by the party coincided with the attitude of the party at the beginning, though the manner of arguments was rather restrained. The party also sided with the house of peers and the privy council when they blamed the cabinet with issues concerning the emperor and the imperial household.
Pontell Henry N. Geis Gilbert 小西 暁和
社会科学論集 (ISSN:05597056)
no.123, pp.49-63, 2008-01

日本では, 強盗・脅迫・不法侵入のような街頭犯罪は賞賛すべき低い率にあるが, ホワイト・カラー犯罪は高い率にある。日本文化の諸特徴が日本社会に見られる違法行為の水準を説明してくれると期待している者達は, 二つの犯罪率の食い違いによって試されている。本稿は, 日本社会の上層にいる者達の犯罪に関するエピソードを概観し, 街頭犯罪を抑制している共同体主義のエートスがこの国の商業や政治の領域にまでは及んでいないことを示す。The discrepancy in Japan between the admirably low rate of street crimes, such as robbery, assault, and burglary, and the elevated rate of white-collar offenses challenges those who look to the characteristics of Japanese culture to explain the levels of law-breaking in the society. The article reviews episodes of upperworld crime in Japan and suggests that the communitarian ethos that inhibits street offenses does not carry over into the country's commercial and political realms.
加藤 秀雄
社会科学論集 = SHAKAIKAGAKU-RONSHU (The Social Science Review) (ISSN:05597056)
no.148, pp.81-111, 2016

Ⅰ 桐生市産業の変遷と現在の基本的特質1.工業統計調査からみた桐生市産業の変貌2.桐生市繊維関連団体データからみえてくる特徴3.周辺3市域からみえてくる現桐生市域の特徴Ⅱ 桐生市産業の発展の歩みと諸課題1.和装織物業の挑戦2.アパレル産業を構成する桐生繊維企業の取り組み3.その他の繊維関連企業4.工業団地に立地する機械金属工業等Ⅲ 地域産業の発展に向けての分析視角1.和装織物企業の発展課題と産地問題の行方2.日本アパレル産業と桐生繊維産業の比較分析3.地域産業の発展に向けての立地政策の課題
加藤 秀雄
社会科学論集 = SHAKAIKAGAKU-RONSHU (The Social Science Review) (ISSN:05597056)
vol.148, pp.81-111, 2016

After the Second World War, the Kiryu textile production region developed as a production center and exporter of textiles. Kiryu then underwent great changes caused by various events including the Textile Industry Problem between Japan and the United States and the Nixon Shock. It is known that during the same period, the neighboring regions of Isesaki, Ota, Tatebayashi, Ashikaga, and Sano were quick to attract automotive and electrical industrial factories. However, Kiryu was able to undergo only a small degree of industrial development. This difference was due to geographical constraints of Kiryu, and the influences of the formerly powerful fiber production industry. This historical difference is the cause of the modern challenges to Kiryu City’s industrial development. These points will be further researched to present the current condition of Kiryu City’s industry and challenges for future industrial development. This paper will analyze the current condition of industry in Kiryu City and determine analytical perspectives for future research.
田中 恭子
社会科学論集 = SHAKAIKAGAKU-RONSHU (The Social Science Review) (ISSN:05597056)
vol.140, pp.31-39, 2013

牛嶋 俊一郎
社会科学論集 = SHAKAIKAGAKU-RONSHU (The Social Science Review) (ISSN:05597056)
vol.139, pp.1-18, 2013

While over the past several decades the Okun's law has been applied to the Japanese economy in various ways, a few attempts had been made to create time series of potential output and GDP gap by utilizing the Okun's law. One reason behind this may be a seeming instability of the Okun's law coefficient in Japan. Furthermore there are many economics professors and researchers who regard the Okun's law as too volatile to get reliable evidence for analyzing important topics like GDP gap, potential output, and unemployment. However, the seeming instability of the Okun's coefficient can be removed by appropriately taking into account a change in potential growth and important structural changes during the estimation period. This paper aims at showing the usefulness of the Okun's law in the Japanese economy for analyzing price development and considering ways to overcome deflation by demonstrating how accurately can Okun's-lawbased GDP gap follow inflation/deflation development in the past 30 years.
漆畑 春彦
社会科学論集 = SHAKAIKAGAKU-RONSHU (The Social Science Review) (ISSN:05597056)
no.143, pp.159-195, 2014

はじめに第1章 国外金融機関の積極買収策1.1980年代の経営課題2.国外金融機関の積極買収策第2章 モルガングレンフェルの買収と国際投資銀行業の展開1.モルガングレンフェルの買収と背景2.1990年代の投資銀行部門の業務体制3.国際投資銀行市場における業務活動第3章 米投資銀行市場における業務展開1.米投資銀行市場における業務体制の整備2.C.J. ローレンス/ ドイチェバンク・セキュリティーズの業務展開3.ドイチェ・モルガングレンフェルの業務展開おわりに:1990年代の国際投資銀行業務の評価
金子 秀
社会科学論集 = SHAKAIKAGAKU-RONSHU (The Social Science Review) (ISSN:05597056)
vol.140, pp.61-86, 2013

The Japanese government suggests that the health industry is a growing industry.In particular, pharmaceutical and medical equipment industries are significant sectors of the health industry.The author agrees, but can Japanese pharmaceutical companies compete? This paper looks at two companies (Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. and Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.) and examines their profitability between 2004 and 2011. The paper focuses on management capital which is a value driver of total capital. The findings are as follows.Takeda is based on small molecule drugs which are not related to unmet medical needs. As a result, the Rate of Return on Assets (ROA) for Takeda is in an alarming decline.On the other hand, Chugai is based on big molecule drugs which are related to unmet medical needs. Chugai is under the control of F. Hoffman-La Roche Ltd., and it introduces bio drugs. Therefore, the ROA for Chugai has been constant for 8 years.Why is the Takeda ROA in decline? This paper researches the factor of profitability (profitability analysis).In Takeda, both the ratio of profit to net sales and the rate of management capital turnover are in decline. Takeda has not developed new innovative drugs. In the case of Chugai, not only the ratio of profit to net sales but also the rate of management capital turnover are generally constant because Chugai introduces bio drugs through the Roche group.In the future, the success of the two companies depends on their R&D capability to develop innovative drugs.
牛嶋 俊一郎
社会科学論集 = SHAKAIKAGAKU-RONSHU (The Social Science Review) (ISSN:05597056)
vol.133, pp.89-120, 2011

In Japan, the GDP gap has been estimated by the production function. This approach reveals a long-term trend of Japanese economy, in which the GDP gap fluctuates within a narrow range, and shows the GDP gap does not closely correlate with price development. The aim of this paper is to estimate the GDP gap based on the Okun's law and show that deflation in Japan has a close relation with the GDP gap development in the long stagnation after the asset bubble burst. Unlike existing studies based on the Okun's law, this paper uses potential growth rates, a byproduct of the Okun's law coefficient instead of coefficient itself, to estimate the GDP gap due to the fact that the Okun's law coefficient is not stable over time in Japan and varies according to the estimation period. A new GDP gap estimation tested in this paper clearly shows that the Japanese economy has been suffered from a large GDP gap after the asset bubble burst and deflation is closely related to the GDP gap development.
結城 剛志
社会科学論集 = SHAKAIKAGAKU-RONSHU (The Social Science Review) (ISSN:05597056)
vol.152・153合併号, pp.41-60, 2018

Generally speaking, the Marxist approach cannot explain the modern banking system because of its stand on metallism. We find that this misapprehension occurs not only in Schumpeter’s summarization of monetary doctrines as metallism but also in Marx’s critique of Attwood’s ideal account of money. The former can be rectified easily by analyzing the concept of the commodity, but research on the latter has been limited. In Zur Kritik der politischen Ökonomie(1859), it seems that Marx supports the ‘real’ concept of money or money as metal since he obviously denies the ideal or nominal concept of money. However, this study provides another interpretation―that the notion of ‘ideal’ does not necessarily signify nonvalue nor need it be unrelated to the commodity economy in Marx’s sense ― by reconsidering the historical understanding of the debates regarding the ideal account of money. We focus on two letters from Attwood to the Earl of Liverpool indicating that Attwood’s concept of the ideal has three purposes. The first is to move the monetary system from the gold standard of value to the real value of the pound because economic subjects commonly have fine gold in mind when they present an ideal account of money rather than gold coins circulated as sovereigns. The second is to treat monetary value as inter-temporal because artificial changes in the standard of value can cause confusion in the credit-debt relationship. The third is to raise prices and promote national wealth by extending the Bank Restriction Act because reverting to the gold standard can lead both to depreciating prices and to a shrinking national economy. The result of the examination clarifies the linkage between the value of the ideal account of money and the commodity economy and considers inconsistencies in the concept of value in the two letters.
野村 正實
社会科学論集 (ISSN:05597056)
no.143, pp.1-18, 2014-11

After graduating from the Graduate School of Economics at the University of Tokyo in 1980, KAMII Yoshihiko got tenure as lecturer of labor economics at Saitama University, a national university near Tokyo. He was promoted to associate professor in 1983, and to professor in 1994. He was elected to dean of Faculty of Economics in 2002, serving six years. In 2008 he was elected to President of Saitama University and served six years until March 2014.Judging from his career, his life seems to be a typical academic success story, but in reality, it is a long story of severe setback and dramatic comeback. In this essay I examine what his career means to Japan's labor studies and evaluate his contributions to labor research.
江崎 康弘
社会科学論集 (ISSN:05597056)
no.142, pp.65-97, 2014-06

This study is reviewing the business strategy of Hitachi which is leveraging its leadership in the packaged-based infrastructure export business in the global railway market. The study is also trying to identify the best way for all Japanese companies seeking success in the field. The advantage for companies in the railway market is that it requires total solutions and thus a comprehensive range of expertise from heavy electrical machinery to parts. However, as far as hardware and software are concerned, only qualified companies can enter the market. Japanese companies already have technological capabilities but still lack sufficient total solution experiences and field records required in the global railway business, including planning, financing, EPC, O&M, and management. For the companies to be successful in the business and to enjoy a global share, they should learn from the European Big 3 and cooperate with global companies to form a team to achieve positive results as a strategic alliance.
田中 恭子
社会科学論集 (ISSN:05597056)
no.140, pp.31-39, 2013-11
