川又 伸彦
社会科学論集 = SHAKAIKAGAKU-RONSHU (The Social Science Review) (ISSN:05597056)
vol.164, pp.97-109, 2021

はじめに1.条約を契機とする国内の人権保障の進展2.子の連れ去りについてのハーグ条約の概要3.子の連れ去りについての日本の状況と課題4.考察 ─子の連れ去りについての憲法学的試論─おわりに
結城 剛志
社会科学論集 = SHAKAIKAGAKU-RONSHU (The Social Science Review) (ISSN:05597056)
vol.139, pp.117-129, 2013

This is a fragmental note for studying the theory of Credit Money and Cartalism. This note includes three fragments. The first fragment summarizes the theoretical understandings of the system of modern inconvertible bank notes. The second fragment describes the precedence studies in the theory of Cartalism. The third fragment introduces and considers the examination of ‘the theories of standard of money’ in “A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy” (Marx [1859]). How to understand the modern inconvertible bank notes is a very hot issue: It has been debated whether the notes are credit money or state paper money. The ‘inconvertible bank notes debate’ proposed a critical point of the theory of credit money that cannot explain the connection of gold money and inconvertible paper money. Traditional money-credit theory explains the credit money as convertible bank notes based on gold money, but the theory does not explain the inconvertible bank notes based on gold or any commodities consistently. The state money theory seems to explain the inconvertible bank notes successfully, but this theory has some theoretical inconsistency, too. In order to understand the modern system of money, this note summarizes the debate and picks up three issues, the concept of commodity, the interpretation of national bond as commodity, and the understanding of convertibility. The second fragment describes other doctrines explaining the inconvertible bank notes named cartalistic money, that is paper money which is not a commodity and contains no metal. The famous cartalist Birmingham school in the 19th century is criticized as ‘inflationist’ by Hawtrey [1928] or determined as ‘the doctrine of the ideal measure of money’ by Marx. The third fragment examines the definition of ‘the doctrine of the ideal measure of money’ and another version of cartalism, ‘the theory of the nominal standard of money’. The former theory is represented by Attwood and other Birmingham school theorists, the latter theory is represented by Steuart. Their considerations imply that these ideal money theories include three conditions of the ideal money: proportion to value, invariability of value, and arbitrariness of fixing a standard. However, we cannot approach credit money theory on this theoretical level, and we still have few clues between simple commodity circulation and the level of credit theory.
植林 茂
社会科学論集 = SHAKAIKAGAKU-RONSHU (The Social Science Review) (ISSN:05597056)
vol.137, pp.57-76, 2012

山形県では, 三隣亡の年は1年間を通して家を建てることを避けるべきであるという迷信が, 現時点においても広く浸透している。この地域的なアノマリーについて分析すると, 山形県の年間三隣亡は住宅投資(持家の新設住宅着工) への負の効果が認められ, 簡単な計量分析を行えば, 三隣亡の年には住宅着工が平均的に15~20%程度減少している。また, その影響は, 庄内地域だけではなく, 山形県全体に及んでいる一方で, 近隣他県においてはみられない。さらに, 三隣亡という迷信が住宅着工に影響を与えるというアノマリーは, プロスペクト理論を使えば, ある程度説明できる。In Yamagata prefecture, we can find the anomaly that most people avoid building residential houses in the Sanrinbou year which exists three times in 12 years (one circle of the signs of the zodiac in Chinese astrology). Econometric analyses show that the dummy variable of “Annual Sanrinbou” of the estimation equation has a 15~20% negative effect on residential investment. This negative effect spreads to all areas of Yamagata prefecture, but the phenomenon can’t be found in other prefectures. The mechanism of this anomaly can be explained mostly by the Cumulative Prospect Theory.
戸田 裕美子
社会科学論集 = SHAKAIKAGAKU-RONSHU (The Social Science Review) (ISSN:05597056)
vol.154, pp.15-44, 2018

In this paper, the author investigates the philosophical development of Dr. Seijji Tsutsumi's theory of distribution industry and criticism of consumer society. Dr. Tsutsumi was a president of Seibu Department Store and was a founder of the huge Seibu Distribution Group (later renamed as Saison Group), which consisted of approximately 200 companies in numerous industries. He also wrote many economic articles and books on the Distribution Revolution in Japan, in addition to poems and novels. He had a rare distinction of having a high reputation as a practitioner and also as a writer and novelist. This study illustrates his business background as a leader in the retail sector in Japan, dating back to the mid-1950s. Further, the author analyses his writings, including Tsutsumi (1963, 1976, 1977, 1979a, 1979b, 1985, and 1996) and interprets the significant elements of his unique theory of distribution industry. As a conclusion, the author discusses that the Muij business, which is one of the businesses created by Dr. Tsutsumi, has inherited the core concept of his theory and philosophy based on ‘logic of humanity’.
杉山 敏啓
社会科学論集 = SHAKAIKAGAKU-RONSHU (The Social Science Review) (ISSN:05597056)
vol.167, pp.7-29, 2022

預金取扱金融機関の国内有人店舗数の推移を過去半世紀にわたって振り返ると,およそ期央にピークがあった。店舗数は下り坂に入って四半世紀が経ち,近年では減少ペースを強めている。金融機関の店舗配置行動に影響する要因は複数あるが,かつては銀行店舗行政が強力なコントロールを発揮していた。しかし店舗通達が撤廃された頃には,金融機関の出店意欲は停滞しており,店舗規制緩和が出店を喚起した示唆は過去データ分析からは得られなかった。他方,金融機関合併が店舗数減少に影響していた有意な示唆が得られた。これは近年,地域金融機関の再編と店舗削減が同時並行的に進んでいる事実と整合的な結果であった。1.研究目的と先行研究2.金融機関数と国内有人店舗数の長期推移3.店舗行政と規制緩和4.国内有人店舗数の変化の要因5.業態別の店舗配置行動6.店舗増減数に影響を及ぼす要因分析7.まとめ The aim of this paper is to review the changes in the number of domestic bank branches in the past half century and to study the factors that influenced the number of bank branches. The number of bank branches was formerly controlled by bank regulations, but by the time the regulations were completely abolished, the activity by Japanese banks in opening new branches had already stagnated. Historical long-term data suggested the significant effect that the merger of banks affects the reduction in the number of bank branches. These are consistent with the fact that regional banks have been reorganized and the number of bank branches has been reduced in recent years.
松本 正生
社会科学論集 = SHAKAIKAGAKU-RONSHU (The Social Science Review) (ISSN:05597056)
vol.164, pp.5-32, 2021

小泉政権当時の2005 年に、無党派層に代わる、新たな概念として筆者が措定した「そのつど支持」は、その後、日本人の政治意識として広く定着した。「そのつど支持」とは、「特定の支持政党を持たず、(選挙のたびに)そのつど政党を選択する」態度を意味する。2009 年の民主党への政権交代以降は、とりわけ、中高年層の「そのつど支持」化が顕著であった。いわゆる無党派層や浮動票とは、若年層の政治意識や投票行動を表象する概念として用いられてきた。こうした意識や態度は、むしろ、中高年層の特性へと転化している。 有権者の「そのつど支持」化は、また、「選挙ばなれ」と表裏の関係にあった。2012 年に自民党が再び政権に復帰してからは、地方選挙で先行してみられた「選挙ばなれ」が国政選挙にも波及してきた。投票率の低落には、政治不信や政党不信と通称される一票のリアリティの消失に加え、社会の無縁化に起因する地域社会の変容も介在している。 本小論の論述スタイルは、仮説-検証の演繹的手法は採用せず、各種の調査結果や統計データの単純比較を通じた経験的解釈に終始する。諸兄のご批判を請いたい。 The term “sonotsudo-shiji” (new independent voter) that I defined at the time of the snap general election in 2005, now seems to have become widely generalized as the political mindset of the general Japanese population. The “sonotsudo-shiji” tendency is significant, especially among middle-aged and elderly voters. The term “independent voter” or “swing voter” has been used to describe the political attitude and voting behavior of young people. However, it is now better used to describe the middle-aged and elderly voter. Their tendency of being “sonotsudo-shiji” is inextricably associated with apathy toward elections. The general election in 2012 showed us that disinterest in local political elections has now spread into the national elections. The decrease in voting turnout in the 2012 general election was caused by a lack of involvement with the local society, and the feeling that a single vote did not count. This is reflected in a distrust of politics and political parties, born out of indifference toward other people. In this report, I present data in support of this hypothesis. I would like to thank you in advance for your comments on this report.
泉 正樹 結城 剛志
社会科学論集 = SHAKAIKAGAKU-RONSHU (The Social Science Review) (ISSN:05597056)
vol.146・147合併号, pp.43-58, 2016

This study analyses the major approaches to frameworks for understanding money. These approaches include those taken by the Marxian, post-Keynesian, and neo-classical schools, and sociologists. The theory of money and credit involves deeply controversial issues. Since the 1970s, financial speculation has been spreading more deeply within global capitalism. The sub-prime mortgage loan problem in the United States was one consequence of this phenomenon. The situation demands an inquiry into the basic question, ‘What is money’ ? In the 2000s, the journal Economy & Society presented an interdisciplinary exchange of opinions and criticism with respect to the traditional understanding of money in mainstream economics, that is, money as the medium of exchange. From a sociological viewpoint, Zelizer(2000) emphasises that money has ‘special’ implications when viewed with regard to different situations, thus it cannot be encapsulated by any single concept. On the other hand, from the viewpoint of post-Keynesian economics, Ingham(2001, 2004) insists that money is the social relation between debts and credits as represented by the money of account. However, from a Marxist viewpoint, Lapavitsas(2005b) understands money as the ‘monopolization of the ability to buy’. Thus, the concept of money has been interpreted in various ways by researchers in different disciplines. Nevertheless, these researchers all conclude that ‘fiat money’ is one of the conditions of money. However, some Japanese Marxian political economists have developed an alternative view which states that pure ‘fiat money’ cannot be explained in principle and does not exist in practice. On the basis of these Japanese studies, we analyse the relationship among these views and attempt to unravel the basic question, ‘What is money’ ?
金子 秀
社会科学論集 = SHAKAIKAGAKU-RONSHU (The Social Science Review) (ISSN:05597056)
vol.146・147合併号, pp.59-73, 2016

This research examines the relationship between target costing and profit management. Target costing is very closely linked with a company’s long-term profit and product planning. Target costing is a comprehensive strategic profit management system. To accomplish this research, we chose to analyze the case of Fanuc. Target costing is introduced as a technique that aims to manage product costs throughout the design stage. Since a large portion of costs are incurred in the design stage, manufacturers are advised to focus on the design process to lower the costs. When manufacturers need to focus on the profitability of products, ROS(Return on Sales) provides a better measure. The desired profit is determined on the basis of the company’ s desired ROS. ROS includes break-even point ratio. Therefore, we divide total costs into variable costs and fixed costs. In Fanuc,“Weniger Teile”(which means to reduce component parts) is a tool for reducing variable costs. The ratio of variable costs is 50% and the ratio of fixed costs is 15%. Fanuc sets 35% for ROS and 30% as its break-even point ratio. Thus, the second set of ratios should be realized if one to accomplish the first set. Fanuc succeeds in combining target costing with profit management.
土川 信男
社会科学論集 = SHAKAIKAGAKU-RONSHU (The Social Science Review) (ISSN:05597056)
no.142, pp.99-110, 2014

This paper examines the attitudes of the Minseito Party towards issues concerning the emperor and the imperial household at the time of the TANAKA Giichi Cabinet when the party was an opposition party. The paper takes this theme as part of the study of party politics during the period of party cabinets, and intends to rebalance the evaluation of the Seiyukai Party and the Minseito Party.At the beginning of the TANAKA Cabinet, the Minseito Party advocated the parliamentary government and the party cabinet, and it maintained that the emperor should not take practical part in politics. The party also criticized the political influence of the house of peers and the privy council.Later, the Minseito Party took issues concerning the emperor and the imperial household to attack the TANAKA Cabinet. The basic logic used by the party coincided with the attitude of the party at the beginning, though the manner of arguments was rather restrained. The party also sided with the house of peers and the privy council when they blamed the cabinet with issues concerning the emperor and the imperial household.
土川 信男
社会科学論集 = SHAKAIKAGAKU-RONSHU (The Social Science Review) (ISSN:05597056)
vol.142, pp.99-110, 2014

This paper examines the attitudes of the Minseito Party towards issues concerning the emperor and the imperial household at the time of the TANAKA Giichi Cabinet when the party was an opposition party. The paper takes this theme as part of the study of party politics during the period of party cabinets, and intends to rebalance the evaluation of the Seiyukai Party and the Minseito Party.At the beginning of the TANAKA Cabinet, the Minseito Party advocated the parliamentary government and the party cabinet, and it maintained that the emperor should not take practical part in politics. The party also criticized the political influence of the house of peers and the privy council.Later, the Minseito Party took issues concerning the emperor and the imperial household to attack the TANAKA Cabinet. The basic logic used by the party coincided with the attitude of the party at the beginning, though the manner of arguments was rather restrained. The party also sided with the house of peers and the privy council when they blamed the cabinet with issues concerning the emperor and the imperial household.
加藤 秀雄
社会科学論集 = SHAKAIKAGAKU-RONSHU (The Social Science Review) (ISSN:05597056)
no.148, pp.81-111, 2016

Ⅰ 桐生市産業の変遷と現在の基本的特質1.工業統計調査からみた桐生市産業の変貌2.桐生市繊維関連団体データからみえてくる特徴3.周辺3市域からみえてくる現桐生市域の特徴Ⅱ 桐生市産業の発展の歩みと諸課題1.和装織物業の挑戦2.アパレル産業を構成する桐生繊維企業の取り組み3.その他の繊維関連企業4.工業団地に立地する機械金属工業等Ⅲ 地域産業の発展に向けての分析視角1.和装織物企業の発展課題と産地問題の行方2.日本アパレル産業と桐生繊維産業の比較分析3.地域産業の発展に向けての立地政策の課題
加藤 秀雄
社会科学論集 = SHAKAIKAGAKU-RONSHU (The Social Science Review) (ISSN:05597056)
vol.148, pp.81-111, 2016

After the Second World War, the Kiryu textile production region developed as a production center and exporter of textiles. Kiryu then underwent great changes caused by various events including the Textile Industry Problem between Japan and the United States and the Nixon Shock. It is known that during the same period, the neighboring regions of Isesaki, Ota, Tatebayashi, Ashikaga, and Sano were quick to attract automotive and electrical industrial factories. However, Kiryu was able to undergo only a small degree of industrial development. This difference was due to geographical constraints of Kiryu, and the influences of the formerly powerful fiber production industry. This historical difference is the cause of the modern challenges to Kiryu City’s industrial development. These points will be further researched to present the current condition of Kiryu City’s industry and challenges for future industrial development. This paper will analyze the current condition of industry in Kiryu City and determine analytical perspectives for future research.
田中 恭子
社会科学論集 = SHAKAIKAGAKU-RONSHU (The Social Science Review) (ISSN:05597056)
vol.140, pp.31-39, 2013

牛嶋 俊一郎
社会科学論集 = SHAKAIKAGAKU-RONSHU (The Social Science Review) (ISSN:05597056)
vol.139, pp.1-18, 2013

While over the past several decades the Okun's law has been applied to the Japanese economy in various ways, a few attempts had been made to create time series of potential output and GDP gap by utilizing the Okun's law. One reason behind this may be a seeming instability of the Okun's law coefficient in Japan. Furthermore there are many economics professors and researchers who regard the Okun's law as too volatile to get reliable evidence for analyzing important topics like GDP gap, potential output, and unemployment. However, the seeming instability of the Okun's coefficient can be removed by appropriately taking into account a change in potential growth and important structural changes during the estimation period. This paper aims at showing the usefulness of the Okun's law in the Japanese economy for analyzing price development and considering ways to overcome deflation by demonstrating how accurately can Okun's-lawbased GDP gap follow inflation/deflation development in the past 30 years.
漆畑 春彦
社会科学論集 = SHAKAIKAGAKU-RONSHU (The Social Science Review) (ISSN:05597056)
no.143, pp.159-195, 2014

はじめに第1章 国外金融機関の積極買収策1.1980年代の経営課題2.国外金融機関の積極買収策第2章 モルガングレンフェルの買収と国際投資銀行業の展開1.モルガングレンフェルの買収と背景2.1990年代の投資銀行部門の業務体制3.国際投資銀行市場における業務活動第3章 米投資銀行市場における業務展開1.米投資銀行市場における業務体制の整備2.C.J. ローレンス/ ドイチェバンク・セキュリティーズの業務展開3.ドイチェ・モルガングレンフェルの業務展開おわりに:1990年代の国際投資銀行業務の評価
金子 秀
社会科学論集 = SHAKAIKAGAKU-RONSHU (The Social Science Review) (ISSN:05597056)
vol.140, pp.61-86, 2013

The Japanese government suggests that the health industry is a growing industry.In particular, pharmaceutical and medical equipment industries are significant sectors of the health industry.The author agrees, but can Japanese pharmaceutical companies compete? This paper looks at two companies (Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. and Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.) and examines their profitability between 2004 and 2011. The paper focuses on management capital which is a value driver of total capital. The findings are as follows.Takeda is based on small molecule drugs which are not related to unmet medical needs. As a result, the Rate of Return on Assets (ROA) for Takeda is in an alarming decline.On the other hand, Chugai is based on big molecule drugs which are related to unmet medical needs. Chugai is under the control of F. Hoffman-La Roche Ltd., and it introduces bio drugs. Therefore, the ROA for Chugai has been constant for 8 years.Why is the Takeda ROA in decline? This paper researches the factor of profitability (profitability analysis).In Takeda, both the ratio of profit to net sales and the rate of management capital turnover are in decline. Takeda has not developed new innovative drugs. In the case of Chugai, not only the ratio of profit to net sales but also the rate of management capital turnover are generally constant because Chugai introduces bio drugs through the Roche group.In the future, the success of the two companies depends on their R&D capability to develop innovative drugs.
牛嶋 俊一郎
社会科学論集 = SHAKAIKAGAKU-RONSHU (The Social Science Review) (ISSN:05597056)
vol.133, pp.89-120, 2011

In Japan, the GDP gap has been estimated by the production function. This approach reveals a long-term trend of Japanese economy, in which the GDP gap fluctuates within a narrow range, and shows the GDP gap does not closely correlate with price development. The aim of this paper is to estimate the GDP gap based on the Okun's law and show that deflation in Japan has a close relation with the GDP gap development in the long stagnation after the asset bubble burst. Unlike existing studies based on the Okun's law, this paper uses potential growth rates, a byproduct of the Okun's law coefficient instead of coefficient itself, to estimate the GDP gap due to the fact that the Okun's law coefficient is not stable over time in Japan and varies according to the estimation period. A new GDP gap estimation tested in this paper clearly shows that the Japanese economy has been suffered from a large GDP gap after the asset bubble burst and deflation is closely related to the GDP gap development.
結城 剛志
社会科学論集 = SHAKAIKAGAKU-RONSHU (The Social Science Review) (ISSN:05597056)
vol.152・153合併号, pp.41-60, 2018

Generally speaking, the Marxist approach cannot explain the modern banking system because of its stand on metallism. We find that this misapprehension occurs not only in Schumpeter’s summarization of monetary doctrines as metallism but also in Marx’s critique of Attwood’s ideal account of money. The former can be rectified easily by analyzing the concept of the commodity, but research on the latter has been limited. In Zur Kritik der politischen Ökonomie(1859), it seems that Marx supports the ‘real’ concept of money or money as metal since he obviously denies the ideal or nominal concept of money. However, this study provides another interpretation―that the notion of ‘ideal’ does not necessarily signify nonvalue nor need it be unrelated to the commodity economy in Marx’s sense ― by reconsidering the historical understanding of the debates regarding the ideal account of money. We focus on two letters from Attwood to the Earl of Liverpool indicating that Attwood’s concept of the ideal has three purposes. The first is to move the monetary system from the gold standard of value to the real value of the pound because economic subjects commonly have fine gold in mind when they present an ideal account of money rather than gold coins circulated as sovereigns. The second is to treat monetary value as inter-temporal because artificial changes in the standard of value can cause confusion in the credit-debt relationship. The third is to raise prices and promote national wealth by extending the Bank Restriction Act because reverting to the gold standard can lead both to depreciating prices and to a shrinking national economy. The result of the examination clarifies the linkage between the value of the ideal account of money and the commodity economy and considers inconsistencies in the concept of value in the two letters.