中谷 充 川口 務 竹内 誠
一般社団法人 日本脳卒中の外科学会
脳卒中の外科 (ISSN:09145508)
vol.35, no.2, pp.119-123, 2007 (Released:2008-08-26)

When dural arteriovenous fistula (DAVF) is associated with leptomeningeal venous drainage (LMVD), most cases have venous hypertension and concomitant venous congestion in the same areas due to reduced venous circulation. On the other hand, some cases in the DAVF with LMVD have no low-perfusion area. We studied this phenomenon. The subjects were 25 patients with DAVF. Of them, 16 cases had LMVD. Eleven had a low-perfusion area but 5 had no low-perfusion area. We analyzed this phenomenon in 5 cases. Two cases had anterior cranial fossa DAVF, 2 had tentorium DAVF, and 1 had transverse-sigmoid sinus DAVF. The characteristics of these DAVF are: 1) extra-sinusal type or pure leptomeningeal venous drainage, 2) low shunt flow, 3) existence of accessory route.
中島 義和 山田 和雄 甲村 英二 藤中 俊之 吉峰 俊樹
脳卒中の外科 (ISSN:09145508)
vol.32, no.6, pp.443-447, 2004-11-30

AVMに対する治療として安全に施行されれば外科的全摘出が現在最も確実なものと考えられる.AVMの全摘出の確認には脳血管造影検査がgold standardと考えられるが,術後脳血管造影検査にて全摘出を確認したにもかかわらず再発する例が存在することが報告されている.今回私どもは,開頭摘出術後の脳血管造影検査にて全摘出が確認された小児AVM例で,その後の経過中にAVMが再発した2例を経験した.このような症例への対応,問題点について文献的考察を加え報告する.<症例1> 男児.初発時年齢5歳.昭和62年3月,頭痛発作が出現.翌日も頭痛継続するため近医を受診したところ,左後頭葉に脳室内出血を伴うAVMが指摘された(Fig. 1).脳血管造影検査で左後大脳動脈分枝をmain feederとするparasplenial AVMが認められた.左内頸動脈後交通動脈分枝部に,4mm大の嚢状動脈瘤も認めた.同年4月同AVMに対し摘出術施行するも全摘には至らず,当科にて同年5月残存AVMの全摘出術を施行した.すなわち,feederである後大脳動脈分枝とchoroidal arteryを確認,凝固しAVMを周囲から剥離すると,脳室壁を走っていたdraining veinが変色したので,この時点でdraining veinを凝固切断し,AVMを全摘出した.
内沢 隆充 今田 慶行 鎌田 孝篤 佐々木 都子 目時 典文 萩井 譲士 前田 尚孝 舘山 俊太 畑中 光昭
一般社団法人 日本脳卒中の外科学会
脳卒中の外科 (ISSN:09145508)
vol.39, no.2, pp.127-132, 2011 (Released:2011-07-26)

We report a new computed tomographic (CT) finding of hyperacute ischemic stroke. We examined the CT findings of patients with acute ischemic stroke within 3 h of onset by using a very narrow CT window width. The CT number (Hounsfield unit, HU) of the ischemic area was decreased by only 1 or 2 units. The areas of decreased CT number were larger than the hyperintense areas observed in magnetic resonance imaging diffusion-weighted images (MRI-DWI). These areas were not detected as so called “early CT signs” of acute ischemia on conventional CT. We examined 3 patients of hyperacute stroke, and treated them with tissue-plasminogen activator within 3 h of onset. Their narrow-window CT examination revealed low-density areas that were not detected in the conventional study. After arterial recanalization and resolution of ischemic symptoms, these low-density areas reduced and the CT number was normalized. When recanalization did not occur, these areas showed signs of infarction. A low-density area in a narrow-window CT study may be a hypo-perfused area and include reversible ischemic area (or penumbra).
小林 繁樹 佐藤 章 古口 徳雄 水流 京子 和田 政則 宮田 昭宏 中村 宏 渡辺 義郎 八木下 敏志行
一般社団法人 日本脳卒中の外科学会
脳卒中の外科 (ISSN:09145508)
vol.32, no.1, pp.13-18, 2004 (Released:2007-06-12)
6 7

Indication of early treatment remains controversial for patients in poor clinical condition (Hunt & Kosnik Grade 4 or 5) after subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). Since 1997, we have adopted endovascular treatment using Guglielmi detachable coil (GDC) as a treatment option for these patients. In this study, we compared clinical courses of the cases treated in 1990-1996 to those treated in 1997-2002 to evaluate the efficacy of changes in treatment strategy. Between 1990 and 2002, 130 cases with SAH in Grade 4 and 5 underwent angiography as candidates of early aggressive treatment in our hospital. For the 63 cases in 1990-96 (Group 1), treatment options were early and intensively delayed craniotomy surgery and conservative management, while for the 67 cases in 1997-2002 (Group 2), GDC embolization at acute stage was added to these 3 treatment options. We compared the 2 groups of patients in terms of clinical courses and outcomes, assessed with Glasgow Outcome Scale Score (GOS) at discharge. The percentage of the patients in which aneurysm was occluded at acute stage increased from 67% in Group 1 to 87% in Group 2 for Grade 4 and from 33% to 52% for Grade 5. In Group 2, 44% of Grade 4 and 83% of Grade 5 patients were treated by GDC embolization. The outcomes of the cases in both Grade 4 and 5 were better in Group 2 than in Group 1. That is, for Grade 4 cases, the percentage of Good Recovery (GR) significantly increased from 7% in Group 1 to 27% in Group 2. And for Grade 5 cases, good outcome (GR or MD) increased from 5% in Group 1 to 18% in Group 2. Two patients recovered completely from Grade 5 in Group 2, both of which were treated with GDC while none in Group 1 recovered completely from Grade 5. The incidence of symptomatic vasospasm was not changed between Group 1 (20%) and Group 2 (16%). The introduction of GDC embolization extended the indication of early treatment for severe SAH patients because it was less invasive and, as a consequence, improved the outcome of those patients.
案田 岳夫 米倉 正大 馬場 啓至 馬場 史郎 吉田 光一 小野 智憲 鎌田 健作 戸田 啓介 陶山 一彦
脳卒中の外科 (ISSN:09145508)
vol.32, no.6, pp.426-430, 2004-11-30

宇野 昌明 里見 淳一郎 鈴江 淳彦 中嶌 教夫 佐藤 浩一 永廣 信治 米田 和英 森田 奈緒美 原田 雅史
脳卒中の外科 (ISSN:09145508)
vol.32, no.4, pp.262-266, 2004-07-31
1 1

米国では脳卒中は心臓発作と同様にbrain attackとして認識され, 発症からできるだけ早く脳卒中専門の施設に搬送することを国民に啓蒙し, かつ国をあげてのキャンペーンを展開している. 本邦では必ずしも脳卒中の診断から治療までがスムーズに施行されているとはいえず, 急性期治療の遅れが指摘されてきた. われわれは脳卒中急性期の診断と治療を迅速かつ正確に行うために1999年11月よりstroke care unit(SCU)を開設した. 今回SCUに入院した急性期脳卒中患者に対して, 24時間体制でstroke MRIを施行し, 脳卒中, 特に脳梗塞の診断と治療成績について分析したので報告する. 対象と方法 1999年11月より2002年9月までに当院のSCUに入院した急性期脳卒中患者295例のうち, 脳虚血と診断した175例(59.3%)を対象とした. 175例の脳梗塞の病態別症例数はアテローム血栓性脳梗塞44例(25.1%), 心原性脳梗塞70例(40%), ラクナ梗塞57例(32.6%), その他4例(2.3%)であった.