山根 清宏
日本労働社会学会年報 (ISSN:09197990)
vol.15, pp.59-81, 2005 (Released:2020-11-20)

The aim of this paper is to investigate the youth labor process of temporary jobs and to explain factors to prevent a transition from temporary jobs-“freeter” to permanent jobs- “seisyain” in the case of “Movers” in Yokohama city. In particular, this investigation is focused on a social norm, a manner of action and a peer group. Young men in temporary jobs have a manner of action in connection to a social norm and a status of temporary jobs and have a peer group in a labor process. Temporary jobs are located in a differential status from permanent jobs. And young men in temporary jobs are understood as a deviance from a social norm. Accordingly their experiences in temporary jobs and against a social norm bring them a manner of action in a labor process. In this case, that is a differentiation against old men and inexperience men in same temporary job, and is a opposition to regulations in an office and men in a permanent employment-“seisyain”. And through their unique actions they become absorbed in jobs more and more. But, when they have an intention to get permanent jobs-“seisyain” by reason of an unstable employment, they can't get it smoothly. A manner of action and a peer group prevent them from getting it. For them this is an unexpected result. In this case, factors to prevent a transition from temporary jobs-“freeter”are brought by not only changes of labor markets or a lack of vocational trainings but also a manner of action and a peer group which is an adaptation to temporary jobs.
小村 由香
日本労働社会学会年報 (ISSN:09197990)
no.19, pp.63-81[含 英語文要旨], 2009
小谷 幸
日本労働社会学会年報 (ISSN:09197990)
vol.12, pp.147-178, 2001 (Released:2020-11-20)

Japanese society has been characterized as “company-orientated” society. But it begins to be reconsidered owing to confronting white-collar dismissals. As a result of the situation like this, Tokyo Managers' Union was established in 1993. The dismissed white-collar managers and workers join the union to solve their problems. This has a tendency to form the anti-company orientated character. This paper, which reports the research consisting of the interview with fifty one members of Tokyo Managers' Union, has two main purposes. One is to show Tokyo Managers' Union as a labor union and its activities. The other is to demonstrate the member's alteration of consciousness that affects the connection with “company-orientated” society. In the paper, “company-orientated” society means the society where companies have control over their employee's entire life. First, this paper reveals that the philosophy and action policy of Tokyo Managers' Union are opposed to the system of “company-orientated” society to suppress labor union and workers. The leaders of Tokyo Managers' Union not only place emphasis on fulfilling the demands of workers throughout the consultations, but also try to profit from supporting individual initiatives of them through the mutual cooperation among the members; therefore the union has anti-bureaucratic tendencies and emphasizes the independence of union members. Second, the paper also gives an account of the member's alteration of consciousness. Most of the people of Tokyo Managers' Union have had a sense of loss on labor problems, a need-disposition like financial compensation, and a sense of morality to set their company’s unreasoning act right as initial motivation. They have cultivated the anti-company orientated consciousness, which set a higher value of the responsibility of self-determination and the equivalent relation, through the union's problem-solving activities. Some members leave the union after settling their problem. The others who have strongly the consciousness still stay and support the activities of the union for a prolonged period. This alteration of consciousness can be evaluated as the valuable attempts to redefine “company-orientated” society. Also, it is the future subject for me to determine the position of this survey in theoretical labor union researches.
矢野 晋吾
日本労働社会学会年報 (ISSN:09197990)
vol.11, pp.63-89, 2000 (Released:2020-11-20)

This essay aims to re-examine Japanese “Dekasegi” labour migration and to point out a new framework for case-studies. “Dekasegi” workers leave their villages to earn income for a temporary period. In preceding studies, the term has been applied to several different types of labour migration without clearly addressing certain important points in the respective definitions. Among these are the “attitude” and “behaviour” of the workers and the “term” for which workers are away from their homes. In this essay, “Dekasegi” will be re-defined from the viewpoint of workers’ subjective logic. Then, “Dekasegi” apart from daily labour migration, will be classified into 1) modern labour’s type of “Dekasegi” and 2) the traditional type of “Dekasegi”. These two types mainly differ in two social characters, the relation of 1) the social structure of the village and 2) the management of the “ie”, or household.