川村 藍
イスラーム世界研究 : Kyoto Bulletin of Islamic Area Studies (ISSN:18818323)
vol.7, pp.320-336, 2014-03-14

Most of the Gulf States have been working on strengthening their financial industries in order to develop another sector that would provide an alternative to their oil industry. In this phenomenon Islamic finance has expanded its province in the financial sector, especially in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The Islamic financial market grew around 20% on average from 2000 until the global financial crisis in 2008. The Dubai shock attracted massive attention from the world as Islamic financial products were involved. However, the Dubai shock has been overcome by the initiatives of the UAE and Dubai governments. This paper will study how the Dubai shock was overcome by the process of validating the "Dubai Approach", a new dispute resolution system for dealing with disputes related to Islamic finance in Dubai. Accordingly, this paper will examine the progress and effectiveness of the "Dubai Approach".
小杉 泰
イスラーム世界研究 : Kyoto Bulletin of Islamic Area Studies (ISSN:18818323)
vol.5, no.1-2, pp.175-191, 2012-02

The Study of Islam, or what is often called Islamic Studies, is a research field where the value system of Islam as well as its ideals and ideas throughout history are studied. While Islamic history and studies of contemporary Muslim societies are more concerned with the realities of societies within the Islamic world, either historical or modern and contemporary, the Study of Islam is centered on the religion of Islam as such and its ideas in religious, ethical, theological, philosophical, mystical and legalistic writings of authors of notable, and lesser, calibers. It has been, however, mostly concerned with the pre-modern eras, because Islam had been long considered as a glorious religion before the advent of modernity, and therefore, as a closed system, until the manifestation of the Islamic revival in the last three or four decades. The globalization of the last two decades or so has also added a wider importance to the Islamic revival as the Islamic world has proved to be a force to be reckoned with in international relations. The Islamic revival has caused renewed interest in Islamic affairs, and has promoted research and studies on the contemporary Islamic world, and there have been substantial academic developments in this regard, including the ambitious launch of Islamic Area Studies in Japan. The Study of Islam focusing on the contemporary religious ideas, however, has not been sufficiently pursued against the need to expand its scope from the pre-modern to the contemporary eras. Islam has proved to be a vital religion with its own ideas in the global age, so the Study of Islam should study such dimensions, with its wealth of resources coming from the accumulated research achievements on the pre-modern eras. This means that Islam should be treated as a system open to the present and the future, not just as a closed system in the past, to understand its current and prospective dynamics. Since any study on a current Muslim society requires intellectual resources from the textual studies in the Study of Islam, new studies in this field can and will contribute to studies of all related fields. The major subfields in the Study of Islam, which need immediate attention, are: (1) Tafsīr, or interpretations of the Qur'an; (2) Hadīth studies; (3) Creed, theology and firaq studies; (4) Philosophy; (5) Jurisprudence, including fiqh of politics and governance; (6) Tasawwuf, ethics and mystical metaphysics; and (7) New sub-fields such as Islamic economics and Islamic bioethics.
山本 直輝
イスラーム世界研究 : Kyoto Bulletin of Islamic Area Studies (ISSN:18818323)
vol.7, pp.362-368, 2014-03-14

This paper examines previous studies about ʻAbd al-Ghanī ibn Ismā‘īl al-Nābulusī (d. 1143/1731) and clarifies how research on him has progressed so far. Al-Nābulusī was one of the most distinguished mystical scholars in 18th century Ottoman Syria. He belonged to the School of Ibn al-‘Arabī and was known worldwide for his writings on waḥdat al-wujūd (the Unity of Existence). Nābulusī was a traveler, and his works on his travels give us a rounded understanding of the history and cultural conditions of the Ottoman Empire in the 18th century. From the mystical aspect, Nābulusī is remembered as the scholar who untangled the complicated thoughts of Ibn al-‘Arabī into a simpler form. Despite his caliber in the world of Islamic philosophy, studies on the characteristics of his mystical thought remain limited. Recent studies have revealed that Nābulusī may not have been merely an annotator of Ibn al-‘Arabī for the following reasons; first, He emphasized the human's sin (dhanb) against Allah in the doctrine of his waḥdat al-wujūd. This may be a new approach in the history of the School of Ibn al-‘Arabi. Second, he focused on using the word denoting Allah's command (amr) in his Sharḥ on Ibn al-Fāriḍ's poems, even though Ibn al-Fāriḍ himself didn't use this term himself. By focusing on these specific terms, it is believed that studying Nābulusī's waḥdat al-wujūd can present us with a new perspective towards the understanding of both inherited and developed thoughts in the School of Ibn al-‘Arabī in the Ottoman Empire.