Ryo Ishii Ryuichiro Higashinaka Koh Mitsuda Taichi Katayama Masahiro Mizukami Junji Tomita Hidetoshi Kawabata Emi Yamaguchi Noritake Adachi Yushi Aono
Information Processing Society of Japan
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.29, pp.30-44, 2021 (Released:2021-01-15)

Starting from their early years, many persons dream of being able to chat with their favorite anime characters. To make such a dream possible, we propose an efficient method for constructing a system that enables users to text chat with existing anime characters. We tackled two research problems to generate verbal and nonverbal behaviors for a text-chat agent system utilizing an existing character. A major issue in creating verbal behavior is generating utterance text that reflects the personality of existing characters in response to any user questions. To cope with this problem we propose use of role play-based question-answering to efficiently collect high-quality paired data of user questions and system answers reflecting the personality of an anime character. We also propose a new utterance generation method that uses a neural translation model with the collected data. Rich and natural expressions of nonverbal behavior greatly enhance the appeal of agent systems. However, not all existing anime characters move as naturally and as diversely as humans. Therefore, we propose a method that can automatically generate whole-body motion from spoken text in order to give the anime characters natural, human-like movements. In addition to these movements, we try to add a small amount of characteristic movement on a rule basis to reflect personality. We created a text-dialogue agent system of a popular existing anime character using our proposed generation methods. As a result of a subjective evaluation of the implemented system, our methods for generating verbal and nonverbal behavior improved the impression of the agent's responsiveness and reflected the personality of the character. Since generating characteristic motions with a small amount of characteristic movement on the basis of heuristic rules was not effective, our proposed motion generation method which can generate the average motion of many people, is useful for generating motion for existing anime characters. Therefore, our proposed methods for generating verbal and nonverbal behaviors and the system-construction method are likely to prove a powerful tool for achieving text-dialogue agent systems for existing characters.
Katsuhiro Naito
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.25, pp.23-31, 2017 (Released:2017-01-15)

Technological development in communications and electronics has made the growing expansion of the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT is expected to make a great impact to our society because smart devices in IoT are easily integrated into existing service. As a result, standardization of technologies to support the IoT is becoming more important to realize a smart society through different service domains. This paper presents a survey on the current state of the art of standards for IoT technologies and gives a brief introduction to related standards and recent research areas in IoT. Finally, it also proposes an idea of the future platform of scalable IoT systems. The proposed idea employs IP mobility technologies to realize inter-operability among IoT devices in different networks.
Wei Wei Akihiro Nakamata Yoshihiro Kawahara Tohru Asami
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.23, no.6, pp.835-844, 2015 (Released:2015-11-15)

In this paper, we demonstrate a food recognition method by monitoring power leakage from a domestic microwave oven. Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) is applied as a low-cost spectrum analyzer to measure the microwave oven leakage as received signal strength indication (RSSI). We aim to recognize 18 categories of food that are commonly cooked in a microwave oven. By analyzing 180 features that contain the information of heating-time difference, we attain an average recognition accuracy of 82.3%. Using 138 features excluding the heating-time difference information, the average recognition accuracy is 56.2%. The recognition accuracy under different conditions is also investigated, for instance, utilizing different microwave ovens, different distances between the microwave oven and the USRP as well as different data down-sampling rates. Finally, a food recognition application is implemented to demonstrate our method.
Wataru Endo Shigeyuki Sato Kenjiro Taura
Information Processing Society of Japan
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.30, pp.269-282, 2022 (Released:2022-03-15)

User-level threading or task-parallel systems have been developed over decades to provide efficient and flexible threading features missing from kernel-level threading for both parallel and concurrent programming. Some of the existing state-of-the-art user-level threading libraries provide interfaces to customize the implementation of thread scheduling to adapt to different workloads from both applications and upper-level systems. However, most of them are typically built as huge sets of monolithic components which achieve customizability with additional costs via concrete C APIs. We have noticed that the zero-overhead abstraction of C++ is beneficial for assembling flexible user-level threading in a clearer manner. To demonstrate our ideas, we have implemented a new user-level threading library ComposableThreads which provides customizability while minimizing the interfacing costs. We show that the users can pick up, insert, or replace the individual classes of ComposableThreads for their own purposes. ComposableThreads offers several characteristic abstractions to build high-level constructs of user-level threading including suspended threads (one-shot continuations) and lock delegators. We evaluate both the customizability and performance of our runtime system through the microbenchmark and application results.
Yasushi Hibino Kazufumi Watanabe Ikuo Takeuchi
情処学論 (ISSN:18826652)
vol.13, no.2, pp.156-164, 1990-08-25

This paper describes a 32-bit LISP processor chip developed for the AI workstation ELIS with the multiple programming paradigm language TAO. The objective of this microprocessor is to realize an S-expression machine that can match the speed of conventional machines for compiled code execution. Architectural features are a repetitive structure for VLSI implementation of the tagged architecture and a dedicated datapath for list manipulation. All the processor functions are realized on a single VLSI chip that uses a 2-micron CMOS process. ELIS supports not only LISP but also multiple programming paradigms. The ELIS interpreter has a higher performance than that of any other dedicated machine on the market.This paper describes a 32-bit LISP processor chip developed for the AI workstation ELIS with the multiple programming paradigm language TAO. The objective of this microprocessor is to realize an S-expression machine that can match the speed of conventional machines for compiled code execution. Architectural features are a repetitive structure for VLSI implementation of the tagged architecture and a dedicated datapath for list manipulation. All the processor functions are realized on a single VLSI chip that uses a 2-micron CMOS process. ELIS supports not only LISP but also multiple programming paradigms. The ELIS interpreter has a higher performance than that of any other dedicated machine on the market.
Yuta Sugimoto Atusi Maeda
Information Processing Society of Japan
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.26, pp.335-344, 2018 (Released:2018-03-15)

Packrat parsing is a recursive descent parsing method with backtracking and memoization. Parsers based on this method require no separate lexical analyzers, and backtracking enables those parsers to handle a wide range of complex syntactic constructs. Memoization is used to prevent exponential growth of running time, resulting in linear time complexity at th cost of linear space consumption. In this study, we propose CPEG - a library that can be used to write parsers using Packrat parsing in C language. This library enables programmers to describe syntactic rules in an internal domain-specific language (DSL) which, unlike parser combinators, does not require runtime data structures to represent syntax. Syntax rules are just expressed by plain C macros. The runtime routine does not dynamically allocate memory regions for memoization. Instead, statically allocated arrays are used as memoization cache tables. Therefore, programmers can implement practical parsers with CPEG, which does not depend on any specific memory management features, requiring fixed-sized memory (except for input string). To enhance usability, a translator to CPEG from an external DSL is provided, as well as a tuning mechanism to control memoization parameters. Parsing time compared to other systems when parsing JavaScript Object Notation and Java source files are given. The experimental results indicate that the performance of CPEG is competitive with other libraries.
Ayako Akiyama Hasegawa Takuya Watanabe Eitaro Shioji Mitsuaki Akiyama Tatsuya Mori
Information Processing Society of Japan
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.28, pp.1030-1046, 2020 (Released:2020-12-15)

Online service providers exert tremendous effort to protect users' accounts against sensitive data breaches. Although threats from complete outsiders, such as account hijacking for monetization, still occur, recent studies have shed light on threats to privacy from insiders. In this study, we focus on these latter threats. Specifically, we present the first comprehensive study of an attack from insiders that identifies the existence of a target's account by using the target's email address and the insecure login-related messages that are displayed. Such a threat may violate intimates' or acquaintances' privacy because the kinds of service accounts a user has implies his/her personal preferences or situation. We conducted surveys regarding user expectations and behaviors on online services and an extensive measurement study of login-related messages on online services that are considered sensitive. We found that over 80% of participants answered that they have sensitive services and that almost all services were vulnerable to our attack. Moreover, about half the participants who have sensitive services were insecurely registered on them, thus could be potential victims. Finally, we recommend ways for online service providers to improve login-related messages and for users to take appropriate defensive actions. We also report our responsible disclosure process.
Keita Miura Shota Tokunaga Yuki Horita Yasuhiro Oda Takuya Azumi
Information Processing Society of Japan
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.29, pp.227-235, 2021 (Released:2021-03-15)

In recent year, autonomous vehicles have been developed worldwide. ROS, which is a middleware suitable for the development of a self-driving system, is rarely used in the automotive industry. MATLAB/Simulink, which is a development software suitable for Model-based development, is usually utilized. To integrate a program created with MATLAB/Simulink into a ROS-based self-driving system, it is necessary to convert the program into C++ code and adapt to the network of the ROS-based self-driving system, which makes development inefficient. We used Autoware as ROS-based self-driving system and provided a framework which realizes co-simulation between Autoware and MATLAB/Simulink (CoSAM). CoSAM enables developers to integrate the program created with MATLAB/Simulink into the ROS-based self-driving system without converting into C++ code. Therefore, CoSAM makes the development of the self-driving system easy and efficient. Furthermore, our evaluations of the proposed framework demonstrated its practical potential.
Yasuichi Nakayama Yasushi Kuno Hiroyasu Kakuda
Information Processing Society of Japan
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.28, pp.733-743, 2020 (Released:2020-11-15)

There is a great need to evaluate and/or test programming performance. For this purpose, two schemes have been used. Constructed response (CR) tests let the examinee write programs on a blank sheet (or with a computer keyboard). This scheme can evaluate the programming performance. However, it is difficult to apply in a large volume because skilled human graders are required (automatic evaluation is attempted but not widely used yet). Multiple choice (MC) tests let the examinee choose the correct answer from a list (often corresponding to the “hidden” portion of a complete program). This scheme can be used in a large volume with computer-based testing or mark-sense cards. However, many teachers and researchers are suspicious in that a good score does not necessarily mean the ability to write programs from scratch. We propose a third method, split-paper (SP) testing. Our scheme splits a correct program into each of its lines, shuffles the lines, adds “wrong answer” lines, and prepends them with choice symbols. The examinee answers by using a list of choice symbols corresponding to the correct program, which can be easily graded automatically by using computers. In particular, we propose the use of edit distance (Levenshtein distance) in the scoring scheme, which seems to have affinity with the SP scheme. The research question is whether SP tests scored by using an edit-distance-based scoring scheme measure programming performance as do CR tests. Therefore, we conducted an experiment by using college programming classes with 60 students to compare SP tests against CR tests. As a result, SP and CR test scores are correlated for multiple settings, and the results were statistically significant. Therefore, we might conclude that SP tests with automatic scoring using edit distance are useful tools for evaluating the programming performance.
Geeta Yadav Kolin Paul Alaa Allakany Koji Okamura
Information Processing Society of Japan
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.28, pp.633-642, 2020 (Released:2020-09-15)

The lack of inbuilt security protocols in cheap and resource-constrained Internet of Things (IoT) devices give privilege to an attacker to exploit these device's vulnerabilities and break into the target device. Attacks like Mirai, Wannacry, Stuxnet, etc. show that a cyber-attack often comprises of a series of exploitations of victim device's vulnerabilities. Timely detection and patching of these vulnerabilities can avoid future attacks. Penetration testing helps to identify such vulnerabilities. However, traditional penetration testing methods are not End-to-End, which fail to detect multi-hosts and multi-stages attacks. Even if an individual system is secure under some threat model, the attacker can use a kill-chain to reach the target system. In this paper, we introduced first-of-its-kind, IoT-PEN, a Penetration Testing Framework for IoT. The framework follows a client-server architecture wherein all IoT nodes act as clients and “a system with resources” as a server. IoT-PEN is an End-to-End, scalable, flexible and automatic penetration testing framework for discovering all possible ways an attacker can breach the target system using target-graphs. Finally, the paper recommends patch prioritization order by identifying critical nodes, critical paths for efficient patching. Our analysis shows that IoT-PEN is easily scalable to large and complex IoT networks.
Kosuke Nakamura Takashi Nose Yuya Chiba Akinori Ito
Information Processing Society of Japan
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.28, pp.248-257, 2020 (Released:2020-04-15)

In this paper, we deal with melody completion, a technique which smoothly completes partially-masked melodies. Melody completion can be used to help people compose or arrange pieces of music in several ways, such as editing existing melodies or connecting two other melodies. In recent years, various methods have been proposed for realizing high-quality completion via neural networks. Therefore, in this research, we examine a method of melody completion based on an image completion network. We represent melodies as images and train a completion network to complete those images. The completion network consists of convolution layers and is trained in the framework of generative adversarial networks. We also consider chord progression from musical pieces as conditions. From the experimental result, it was confirmed that the network could generate original melody as a completion result and the quality of the generated melody was not significantly worse than the result of a simple example-based melody completion method.
Christoph M. Wilk Shigeki Sagayama
Information Processing Society of Japan
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.27, pp.693-700, 2019 (Released:2019-11-15)

This paper proposes automatic music completion - the automatic generation of music pieces from any incomplete fragments of music - as a new class of music composition assistance tasks. This is a generalization of conventional music information problems such as automatic melody generation and harmonization. The goal is to turn musical ideas of a user into music pieces, allowing users to quickly explore new ideas and enabling inexperienced users to create their own music. This principle is applicable to a wide variety of music, and as a first step, we present a system that automatically fills in missing parts of a four-part chorale, as well as the underlying harmony progression. The user can input any combination of melody fragments, and freely constrain the harmony. Our system searches for harmonies and melodies that adhere to music-theoretical principles, which requires extensive knowledge and practice for human composers. Accounting for the mutual influence of melodic and harmonic development in music composition, the system is based on a joint model of harmony and voicing. The system was evaluated by analyzing generated music with respect to music theory, in addition to a subjective evaluation experiment. The readers are invited to experiment with our system at
Ryosuke Matsumoto Kenji Rikitake Kentaro Kuribayashi
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.27, pp.650-657, 2019 (Released:2019-09-15)

For large-scale certificate management of multi-tenant web servers, preloading numerous certificates for managing numerous hosts under the single server process results in increasing the required memory usage because of the respective page table entry manipulation, which might be a poor resource efficiency and a reduced capacity. To resolve this issue, we propose a method for dynamic loading of certificates bound to the hostnames found during the SSL/TLS handshake sequences without preloading, provided that the Server Name Indication (SNI) extension is available. We implemented the function of choosing the respective certificates with the ngx_mruby module, which extends web server functions using mruby with a small memory footprint while maintaining the execution speed. The proposed method was evaluated by a web hosting service employing the authors.
Yuya Kono Hideyuki Kawabata Tetsuo Hironaka
Information Processing Society of Japan
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.27, pp.87-94, 2019 (Released:2019-01-15)

The type class mechanism, which introduces ad-hoc polymorphism into programming languages, is commonly used to realize overloading. However, this forces programmers to write many type annotations in their programs to resolve ambiguous types. Haskell's type defaulting rules reduce requirements for annotation. Furthermore, the widely used Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC) has an ExtendedDefaultRules (EDR) extension that facilitates interactive sessions so that the programmer avoids problems that frequently occur when using values like [] and Nothing. However, the GHC EDR extension sometimes replaces type variables with inappropriate types, so that, for example, the term show.read that is determined to have type String -> String under the GHC EDR extension does not exhibit any meaningful behavior because the function read in the term is considered to have type String -> (). We present a flexible way of resolving ambiguous types that alleviates this problem. Our proposed method does not depend on default types defined elsewhere but rather assigns a type to a type variable only when the candidate is unique. It works with any type and type class constraints. The type to be assigned is determined by scanning a list of existing type class instances that meet the type class constraints. This decision is lightweight as it is based on operations over sets without using algorithms that require backtracking. Our method is preferable to using the GHC EDR extension since it avoids the use of unnatural type variable assignments. In this paper, we describe the details of our method. We also discuss our prototype implementation that is based on the GHC plugins, and the feasibility of modifying GHC to incorporate our method.
Valentina Dagiene Gabriele Stupuriene
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.24, no.4, pp.732-739, 2016 (Released:2016-07-15)

Informatics or Computer Science is important subject in nowadays school education. Informatics can be presented as a discipline for understanding technology in a deeper way - the understanding behind computer programs. Bringing Informatics to schools means preparing young people to be creators of information technology - not only to be users of technological devices. To achieve that, we need to introduce Informatics concepts to primary, basic (K-9) and secondary education (K-12). From the other side, we need to help people to solve problems by using technology and developing computational thinking in various areas. The paper presents a short overview of Informatics education at schools of Lithuania with focus on future modern Informatics and Information Technology curriculum for K-12 education. The importance of informal education of Informatics concepts and computational thinking through contests is discussed as well. Few examples of short tasks for understanding Informatics concepts and developing computational thinking skills are presented.
Katsuhiro Ueno Atsushi Ohori
Information Processing Society of Japan
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.24, no.1, pp.141-151, 2016 (Released:2016-01-15)

This paper presents a scheme comprising a type system and a type-directed compilation method that enables users to integrate high-level key-value store (KVS) operations into statically typed polymorphic functional languages such as Standard ML. KVS has become an important building block for cloud applications because of its scalability. The proposed scheme will enhance the productivity and program safety of KVS by eliminating the need for low-level string manipulation. A prototype that demonstrates its feasibility has been implemented in the SML# language and clarifies issues that need to be resolved in further development towards better practical performance.
Yoji Yamato Yoshifumi Fukumoto Hiroki Kumazaki
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.25, pp.317-320, 2017 (Released:2017-04-15)

Recently, progress has been made in IoT technologies and applications in the maintenance area are expected. However, IoT maintenance applications are not widespread in Japan yet because of the one-off solution of sensing and analyzing for each case, the high cost collecting sensing data and insufficient maintenance automation. This paper proposes a maintenance platform which analyzes sound data in edges, analyzes only anomaly data in cloud and orders maintenance automatically.