松浦 真也
シミュレーション (ISSN:02859947)
vol.26, no.2, pp.107-111, 2007-06-15

We have developed an original method for the analysis of various time series. One of the characteristic features of our method is that it does not assume any specific time series model beforehand. Instead, we derive important qualitative properties of the given time series objectively. This kind of approach leads to the concept of "universal modeling of time series". In this article, we briefly introduce our method from the viewpoint of universal modeling and simulations.
浦久保 秀俊 黒田 真也 相原 威
シミュレーション (ISSN:02859947)
vol.25, no.1, pp.4-12, 2006-03-15

Recent advance in neuroscience has revealed that neurons as information processors are not point nodes, but spatially distributed units, as represented by dendritic arborization. Computer simulation is very effective for analyzing the distributed properties of neurons; however, the implementation as computer programs is quite complicated. Here, we introduce the GENESIS and NEURON simulators, which have been developed for supporting such complex neuronal simulations. We firstly address the mathematical bases for modeling spatial properties of neurons, and then explain how the NEURON/GENESIS simulator handles the properties with sample programs. At last, we show the effectiveness of the simulators by introducing our computational researches about spike timing-dependent plasticity (STDP).
相知 政司 古川 達也 松尾 匡章
シミュレーション (ISSN:02859947)
vol.14, no.1, pp.43-51, 1995-03-15

According to the rapid progress in the performance of the microprocessors and their cost-down, the Engineering Work Station (EWS) and Personal Computer (PC) have been applied to the various problems in the computational mechanics. The finite element method (FEM) is the relatively popular technique of computational analyses among various numerical methods which are aided by the EWS and the PC. The FEM will require the preprocessing to discretize the analyzed domain into triangles. In the paper, we shall present the development of highly interactive and portable pre-processors for 2-D FEM analysis. The present system works on X Window System Version 11 Release 5 (X11R5) on EWSs. Since that tool makes the best use of Graphical User Interface (GUI), even a novice user can make the mesh data and visualize the calculated results readily. The high portability of this GUI is ensured because we adopted the licensefree Athena Widget set as the fundamental GUI gadgets.
岡野 邦彦
シミュレーション (ISSN:02859947)
vol.22, no.2, pp.83-88, 2003-06-15

A simulation for conceptual design of fusion reactors is reviewed. There are a lot of sophisticated plasma simulations for fusion research, but usually those calculation processes are rather heavy to merge into simulations for the design survey of reactor concepts. The simulation system for conceptual reactor design, described here, uses more simplified models and formulae while various constraints from physical and engineering points of view can be taken into consideration consistently.
嶋田 憲司
シミュレーション (ISSN:02859947)
vol.12, no.1, pp.11-20, 1993-03-15

Automated mesh generation is a significant problem in many computer applications such as engineering analysis, computer graphics and layered manufacturing. Although various algorithms have been proposed thus far, their functionality and coverage are limited, in most cases being application-specific. This paper provides a summary of those algorithms by classifying them and pointing out unsolved problems. In reviewing them, it is clear that none sufficiently address the major problem of node placement, that is to say the locating of nodes such that they maintain a specified distance between nodes and create a mesh with minimal distortion. This paper introduces a new, physically-based approach to this problem. The method was inspired by the pattern of soap bubbles floating in liquid which gives topology and geometry similar to ideal meshes. Each mesh node is modeled as a bubble with a point mass and viscous damping. The force field exerts repelling/attracting forces between bubbles much like intermolecular van del Waals forces. The equilibrium bubble configuration is obtained by solving numerically the governing equation of motion to yield the static force balance. After the bubble locations are decided, their center points are connected by Delaunay triangulation to give a complete mesh topology.
渡部 直人 鈴木 浩 野邊 潤 三邊 考志
シミュレーション (ISSN:02859947)
vol.15, no.2, pp.94-97, 1996-06-15

To evaluate the safety of transporting radioactive materials on the road tunnel, we made the risk curve, which is the cumulative probability of the heat quantity of the package. This risk curve was calculated by the simulation on the tunnel fire and the probability density function of parameters (heat generation, duration of fire and etc.)
長谷川 浩志 吉川 向 上原 広靖 川面 恵司
シミュレーション (ISSN:02859947)
vol.25, no.2, pp.144-155, 2006-06-15

In this paper, Authors proposed a hybrid meta-heuristic method for the integer optimization of multi-peak problems to support the engineering field. For the search ability of the optimal process, the proposed method did not define a traditional combination, i.e., combining global search ability and local search ability, but newly defined the combination of multi search ability (MSA), local search ability (LSA) and neighborhood optimal search ability (NOSA). For NOSA, this proposed method introduced direct search process which self-changes design variables with reflecting recognition of dependence relation among design variables automatically. The proposed method was applied to some benchmark functions to estimate its performance, and was confirmed that it improved amount of computational cost and convergence up to the optimal solution.
村井 康二 林 祐司
シミュレーション (ISSN:02859947)
vol.25, no.4, pp.289-296, 2006-12-15

Recently, the environmental destruction problems are international social problems. The transport systems are important elements for the conservation of the air environment. The environmental parameters are CO_2, NO_x and SO_x from the transport systems. This paper describes the effects of the reduction for CO_2, NO_x and SO_x by systematizing ship's navigation schedule planning (Eco-navigation systems: Eco-navi) which can utilize the tidal current and the wind in inland sea. The Eco-navi consists of three sub-systems: "Cell decision system", "Current calculation system", and "Wind calculation system". We define 'Cell' as the minimum unit for calculating the hours underway. The cell, latitude: 1' ×longitude: 1', has the current and wind information. We can calculate the hours underway by utilizing the current/wind effects. We calculated the hours underway for the neap tides, ligging the tides and the spring tides of 'Kobe' to 'Hesaki' by using the data of training ship Fukae Maru, and its time saving ration is 5.1%, 9.6%, and 14.8% respectively, even if we reduce the system errors (3.8%). We proposed about 5% reduction of air pollution (CO_2, NO_x, SO_x) from the vessel in inland sea.
宮内 康行 桝田 道夫 清水 正亜 藤田 恵一 矢川 元基
シミュレーション (ISSN:02859947)
vol.2, no.2, pp.105-113, 1983-07-15

Two advanced methods for 2-dimensional finite element analysis of natural convection were developed and explained in this paper. The one method, based on the stream function-vorticity formulation, could get rid of numerical errors and constraint of perpendicular mesh subdivision by excluding a finite difference approximation of vorticity on no-slip boundaries. The other method, besed on primitive variables and the penalty function method, could reduce the number of independent variables by excluding pressure terms from basic equations, and economize computer memories considerably. A strong stabilizing effect of upwinding was observed in both methods. These methods were successfully applied to problems of natural convection around a horizontal hot cylinder.
和泉 潔
シミュレーション (ISSN:02859947)
vol.23, no.3, pp.183-190, 2004-09-15

This paper introduces an artificial market approach, a new agent-based simulation approach of financial markets, and overviews artificial market researches that test economic theories of financial markets. First, we introduce our study that rethought efficient market hypothesis from a viewpoint of complexity of market participants' prediction methods and market price's dynamics, and examined the hypothesis using simulation results of our artificial market model. Then, we review other artificial market studies. Finally, we show some future directions of artificial market studies and their requirements.
姫野 信吉
シミュレーション (ISSN:02859947)
vol.12, no.4, pp.262-267, 1993-12-15

The Rigid Body Spring Model (RBSM) is extended and applied to prediction of muscle contraction forces around the human hip joint. A cadaver is disected to measure weights and lenghts of its muscles. Every muscle bandle is modeled as a spring, whose stiffness is proportional to its cross-sectional area. Boundary conditions are given to solve as ordinary way of RBSM. Every muscle contraction force is given as a tensile force of its relative spring. Muscle forces and their resultant joint force vector are thus obtained quite easily. This method is expected useful to analyze locomotion systems of living bodies.
矢吹 太朗 伊庭 斉志
シミュレーション (ISSN:02859947)
vol.23, no.3, pp.177-182, 2004-09-15

Swarm, a software package for multi-agent simulation of complex systems, is introduced. This library supplies researchers with varieties of graphical user interfaces and a useful scheduler for discrete time step simulation. We first explain tutorials for beginners of complex systems and Swarm. We then show two practical simulation examples implemented on Swarm, e.g., percolation on a two dimensional tetragonal lattice and Turing's model of morphogenesis. For the readers' information, we give the installation manual of Swarm in Windows system in the appendix. We also discuss some Swarm's defects and possible extensions for the purpose of future research.