豊田 真穂
ジェンダー史学 (ISSN:18804357)
vol.6, pp.55-70, 2010

Although the 1955 International Planned Parenthood Conference in Tokyo brought drastic change in governmental efforts to promote birth control as a means to control population, little is known about how or why the conference was held in Tokyo. The official story according to the conference proceedings went that it was Clarence J. Gamble, an American philanthropist, who suggested that the conference be held in Tokyo. However, as this paper shows, Gamble merely happened to be in Japan when Yoshio Koya, a Welfare bureaucrat, and others were struggling to find a way to have the Conference take place here.<BR>Gamble, who should not be given very much credit for his contribution to the Tokyo IPPF Conference, was a controversial figure. His main concern was the fertility differential between classes. As a fervent eugenicist, he supported the development of a simple contraceptive method, using salt solution and sponges. He strongly promoted the simple method as a means to control population when he extended his work in Asia. This shows his lack of empathy for Asian women. His arrogant acts in Asia, where he ignored local autonomy, led the board of IPPF to harshly criticize and finally to expel Gamble.<BR>Nonetheless, Gamble was credited for his service to Japan. It impressed him that it was the Japanese birth controllers who appreciated his work. As a result, the Japanese birth control movement, already funded substantially by Gamble, was able to continue receiving financial support from him. However, by accepting Gamble's money and publicly praising him as "the Benefactor of the Family Planning Movement in Japan," the postwar birth control movement in Japan proclaimed its agendas of population control and eugenics.
堀川 修平
ジェンダー史学 (ISSN:18804357)
vol.12, pp.51-67, 2016

飯田 未希
ジェンダー史学 (ISSN:18804357)
vol.14, pp.21-38, 2018-10-20 (Released:2019-11-01)

千葉 慶
ジェンダー史学 (ISSN:18804357)
vol.2, pp.5-19, 2006

This paper deals with the political function of Amaterasu in the Modern Japanese Imperial State from the perspective of gender theory. What exactly was Amaterasu? First, as the ancestral goddess,she was the legitimating principle of the modern Japanese Imperial State. Second, Amaterasu was a cross-dressing goddess, an androgynous being. Androgyny was used as a sign that pointed to a being that lies beyond Power-Law; at the same time it was this higher being who defined Power-Law. In other words, androgyny was seen as the source of Power. For this reason, the attribute of hermaphroditism was included in Amaterasu as an icon of "Legitimacy" during the Restoration period and its changing social order. However, because the national order was constituted in a masculinist form, this hermaphroditic element came to be seen as threatening to patriarchy. Even so, the state could not let go of Amaterasu as a symbol of the source of authority. In the process of formation of the modern imperial nation-state, while the emperor and the government appropriated Amaterasu, her androgynous attributes were forcibly domesticated through social norms. Amaterasu could not be represented in national textbooks, staging her sacred character. This prohibition of representation symbolized at the same time the attribute of "great womanhood" (her symbolic hermaphroditism).<BR>Despite the Meiji system's consideration of her hermaphroditic attributes to be heretical, these attributes did not entirely disappear. On the one hand, Amaterasu's attributes became the fundamental support of the women's equal rights movement; on the other hand, as the hall-mark of divinity that overcomes the worldly dimension of existence, Amaterasu's attributes were incorporated by cults whose aims were social transformation. Ironically, in the second half of the Meiji period, Amaterasu's hermaphroditism, the source of power, was effaced from the sphere of "Legitimacy," to remain only in the realm of "Heresy."
嶽本 新奈
ジェンダー史学 (ISSN:18804357)
vol.7, pp.43-53, 2011 (Released:2012-10-01)

大日方 純夫
ジェンダー史学 (ISSN:18804357)
vol.2, pp.21-33, 2006

Early in its establishment, the modern Japanese state introduced draft and schooling systems and made it obligatory for all of its subjects to get military training and to become educated. When incorporating a gender perspective, the difference between the two is obvious. While schooling was for both men and women, the army was only for men. Discussion of the "myth of the National Army" or the "disciplining the subjects" without recognizing this crucial difference might mistakenly reproduce another "myth."<BR>This article attempts to clarify the structure of masculinity by focusing on the Japanese army after the Russo-Japanese War. Masculinity was constructed in daily life in military barracks. This masculinity was "shown" and "tested" in actual battlefields. At the same time, the soldiers were expected to realize the "men's duty." In the Sino-Japanese and the Russo-Japanese Wars, the soldiers' masculinity was scrutinized, converging on "Yamato Damashii (the Japanese Spirit)" and "Bushido." The new "Bushido" that emerged after the Sino-Japanese War was incorporated in the Japanese military as its spiritual core. The masculinity that was constructed and emphasized in this way contributed to the emergence of extreme irrationality and spiritualism in the "Imperial Army."<BR>The "Imperial Army" depended on the extreme spiritualism to compensate for the scarcity of materials with which to pursue the war, placing too much burden on the concept of masculinity. The spiritualism nurtured "Yamato Damashii" and "Bushido" in the military. At the same time, a kind of familism was introduced into the Japanese army after the Russo-Japanese War. That is, barracks were likened to the family and the military discipline and spirit were fostered through "domestic education." Further, the military strengthened its interference into the national school system after the Russo- Japanese War and watched over the thorough infiltration of militaristic patriotism ("Chukun Aikoku") among students. The concept of masculinity was instilled into the minds of both men and women through ordinary education. Men should become soldiers and discard their lives for "royalty and courage." Such masculinity was highly praised and "Bushido" was utilized to encourage the spirit.
成原 有貴
ジェンダー史学 (ISSN:18804357)
vol.14, pp.39-55, 2018-10-20 (Released:2019-11-01)

「当麻曼荼羅縁起絵巻」(光明寺蔵、二巻、13 世紀)は、貴族女性が蓮糸で浄土曼荼羅を作り往生するという、当麻寺本尊の曼荼羅の縁起を描く。制作意図は未解明である。2014 年の拙稿(『美術史』176)では、女性が当麻寺に奉納するため制作させたとの先学の説に対し、曼荼羅が懸かる下巻の建物が当麻寺ではなく貴族邸宅内の信仰空間であることを論証し、異論を呈した。画中の私的空間での曼荼羅信仰は、京都の貴族邸宅での曼荼羅転写本を用いた浄土宗西山派の布教形態と合致しており、同派の布教のために制作されたと推察した。この結論を元に本論では、曼荼羅の制作過程を描く上巻第二段・第三段を対象として、蓮糸の製糸や染糸を行う主人公を含む女性たちの表現を分析し、制作意図と機能の発展的考察を試みた。上記の場面を、当麻寺寺家の制作とされる「当麻曼荼羅縁起」(当麻寺蔵、以下、掛幅本)の同場面と比較した結果、以下の特質が明らかになった。掛幅本では、蓮糸の製糸を支援する天皇の存在が強調されるが、本絵巻では、支援する側の天皇の存在を仄めかすに留め、女性たちが主体的に行動して天皇から支援を引き出し、製糸を行う。また、蓮糸を染める井戸は、掛幅本では当麻在地のものに描かれるが、本絵巻では、天智天皇に縁の場所に湧いた井戸として表され、その由緒により女性たちの染糸が神秘化され高められている。当時の貴族女性の手仕事は、夫の衣服調整に向けられ、男性を支えるためのものであった。しかし絵では、曼荼羅作成を以て手仕事の日常的意味が反転され、女性たちがその技を用い、男性の支援を得て、祈願を成就する。かかる意味の反転は、殊に女性たちの関心を惹起したと推測される。西山派の布教に関する記録中には、女性が発願したと思しき曼荼羅転写本の例もある。こうした記録と絵の特質から、本絵巻は、西山派の布教の中で、特に女性たちを曼荼羅の転写本制作へと誘うために制作されたと推察した。
野田 恵子
ジェンダー史学 (ISSN:18804357)
vol.2, pp.63-76, 2006

The purpose of this essay is to interrogate the socio-historical background against which malemale intimate relations were decriminalized in late twentieth-century England, focusing on how the perception of same-sex relations changed in response to the rise of the concept of "homo-/heterosexuality," and how this affected the change in the criminal law against male-male intimate relations, which had previously been criminalized since 1885.<BR>Since the 1980s, a number of research projects, highlighting issues concerning the criminalization and/or de-criminalization of male-male intimate relations in England, have been carried out on the history of "homosexuality." Most of the research depicts the process of decriminalizing of such relations in the context of a rise of the so-called "permissive" society based on liberal political thinking. Although this essay does not deny the importance played by the emergence of liberal attitudes towards human sexuality in general, it is argued that there must be other characteristics of this process, which cannot be wholly explained by the emergence of the "permissive" society. That is, there was a transformation of the perception of same-sex intimate relations from an immoral and degraded act to "homosexuality" as an ontological state or identity which claims that the "homosexuals" are individuals who deserve the right to exist just as the "heterosexuals".<BR>This essay examines the historical circumstances under which the concept of "homo-/heterosexuality" was made, and how it circulated and subsequently changed the way people perceive human sexuality, especially male-male intimate relations. Although the emergence of the "permissive" society was a vital factor in laying the framework in which other factors could operate, by itself it cannot explicate whole story of the decriminalization process. Along with the liberalization of the general political atmosphere of society, it is crucial to examine the historical circumstances under which the change in people's perceptions of same-sex relations occurred, as well as how this in turn changed the attitudes of people toward the "homosexual".
金 一虹 大橋 史恵
ジェンダー史学 (ISSN:18804357)
vol.6, pp.5-28, 2010 (Released:2011-10-01)

This essay will examine the complex influences on the movement to create Iron Girls during the Cultural Revolution, evaluating the impact of the political campaign and accompanying administrative intervention on the gender division of labor. The analysis will consider the underlying economic motivations for the intervention, the ideological implications of the mobilization, and their relation to gendered social relations."Iron Girls" are one of the best-known artifacts of an extreme form of gender equality promoted during the Cultural Revolution, expressed under the slogan "men and women are the same." This essay examines the origins and decline of the movement for Iron Girls, asking why the government encouraged women to challenge the traditional model of the gender division of labor, why women responded so enthusiastically to the campaign, and whether their actions were carried out with a conscious recognition that they were struggling for equality with men. This essay will provide an objective and historical evaluation, considering whether the movement for Iron Girls was able to transform the traditional gender division of labor, whether it led to the liberation of women, and how in our own day we look upon the slogan of "men and women are the same."
林 葉子
ジェンダー史学 (ISSN:18804357)
vol.5, pp.35-49, 2009

The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between Isoo Abe's pacifism and his recommendation that 'weak' men be sterilized. We are here concerned with the problem of manliness in Isoo Abe.<BR>Little attention has been given to Abe's argument in the 1920s about the necessity for sterilization of the weak. However, it is important to note that Abe was a pacifist and recommender of sterilization in 1920's. In his view, sterilization and 'peace' were inseparably related; American society as 'civilization' was the model for Abe's image of a 'peaceful' society.<BR>Abe was influenced by the American birth control movement of Margaret Sanger, and by the American eugenic movement of Paul Popenoe and Eugene Gosney. Abe insisted that the nation should exclude immigration and 'improve the race (jinsyu-kairyo),' in order to maintain homogeneity of the 'race.' That is to say, he attached importance to the 'race' problem in order to obtain 'world peace.' To solve the 'race' problem, he introduced 'birth control' to the Japanese people, and sterilization was one of the most important means for his theory of 'birth control.'<BR>Abe promoted the sterilization of weak men, because he attached importance to manliness. He believed that it was possible to create an 'ideal' society which was based, like an army, on strong people who have 'strong bodies' and 'masculine spirit.'<BR>This issue of Abe's image of manliness is surely not irrelevant to the issue of manliness in America which was examined in the studies about American history. For example, Gail Bederman has argued that there is a strong connection between ideas of 'civilization' and 'race' and the construction of manliness in America, and therefore it is not at all strange that one of the Japanese intellectuals who had been influenced by American culture also drew a connection between the notion of manliness and 'civilization' and 'race.' Further we can identify intellectual influences of this stream of thought on the international eugenic movement that includes the problem of eugenics of Nazism.
アーナンディ S
ジェンダー史学 (ISSN:18804357)
vol.4, pp.5-16, 2008 (Released:2011-12-20)

広瀬 玲子
ジェンダー史学 (ISSN:18804357)
vol.2, pp.35-48, 2006

In Japan, the expression "New Women" is often applied to those women who published the magazine <I>Seito</I>. The women, including Hiratsuka Raicho, wanted to improve the lot of Japanese women, and they criticized the "good wife, wise mother" ideal taught at girls' schools at the time, an ideal which effectively relegated all females to the status of servants. Among the women, Hiratsuka Raicho's contribution stands out. She identified the marriage system as "a woman's life-long subjection to a husband's power." She pioneered and advocated what came to be known as "partnership life," in which a woman would never have to depend on her partner, and Raicho dared to become a "single mother."<BR>It has been pointed out that Raicho's courageous behavior was influenced by the works of the early feminist Ellen Key. Key's ideas were initially introduced to Japan at the end of the Meiji era. Raicho read some early works as soon as they became available, and she started to translate <I>Love and Marriage</I> in 1913. It took some two years to complete the translation. At the same time, she physically took up "partnership life." In 1919, she further translated and published <I>The Renaissance of Motherhood</I>.<BR>Perhaps surprisingly, a Japanese man, Honma Hisao, was also active in translating and introducing Ellen Key's works during the same period. Initially appearing in the liberal period of "Taisho Democracy," Ellen Key's thoughts were welcomed not only by women but also by men. However, it is debatable whether or not Ellen Key's ideas were really understood and accepted in the same way that Raicho embraced them as a guiding compass in her life. In this paper, we will try to clearly define the characteristic differences concerning the understanding of western women's liberation as it was interpreted by both Hiratsuka Raicho and Honma Hisao.
佐藤 文香
ジェンダー史学 (ISSN:18804357)
vol.12, pp.37-50, 2016

<p>本稿は、軍隊を魅力化する資源として「平等」と「多様性」が用いられるという動向を批判的に吟味するものである。近代国民国家は「国民皆兵」を原則として誕生したが、実際にはこの「国民」は人種化・ジェンダー化・セックス化されたものだった。国民国家が市民権と兵役をセットにすることで、軍隊に参与できる者を頂点に「国民」は序列化されたのである。人種、ジェンダー、セクシュアリティを理由に軍隊から周縁化された人々はこのヒエラルキーの下位におかれ、それゆえ、軍への完全なる包摂を主張してゆくこととなった。</p><p>本稿ではアメリカをとりあげ、第一節で、軍への包摂を求めた黒人、女性、LBGT の歩みを概観する。包摂を求めて闘ってきた人々の歴史は「勝利」のように見えるが、一方で、彼らの運動は「軍事化」されたということもできる。</p><p>このような視点にたって、第二節では米軍における現状を批判的に検討する。今や各軍のウェブサイトは「多様性」と「機会均等」を言祝ぐ言説であふれかえっている。だが米軍は、貧しい若者や先住民、市民権を欲する移民たちからおおむねなりたっており、彼らのアイデンティティをアメリカ人ではない発展途上国出身の民間軍事安全保障会社の低賃金労働者たちが支えているという実態がある。</p><p>こうした米軍の事例を手がかりとして、最後に日本の現状に対するささやかな示唆を提示する。2015 年の女性活躍推進法成立を受けて、防衛省は戦闘機パイロットの配置を女性に開放することを決定した。わたしたちはこの決定を、現政権のおしすすめるジェンダー化された政治の文脈のなかで考えてみる必要がある。「平等」と「多様性」を活用しながら社会の軍事化がひそやかに進行していくというこの事態は、今まさにわたしたちの足元で進行中の出来事でもあるのだ。</p><p></p>
アーナンディ S
ジェンダー史学 (ISSN:18804357)
vol.4, pp.5-16, 2008

王 丹凝 王 政 徐 午
The Gender History Association of Japan
ジェンダー史学 (ISSN:18804357)
vol.10, pp.45-56, 2014

要旨中国女性学協会(CSWS)は非営利団体として1989 年以来、中国のジェンダー研究および女性学の発展に積極的に関わってきた。CSWS は世界中の優れた研究者の協力を得て学術的資源を蓄積し、ジェンダー理論、フェミニスト実践および女性開発のフェミニスト批判の議論を中国本土に紹介してきた。またフォード財団やヘンリー・ルース財団など著名な財団による資金援助の下、本土とディアスポラのフェミニスト研究者やアクティビストらの情報交換や相互の学びをサポートしてきた。本論は、トランスナショナル・フェミニズムの枠組みを通じてCSWS の経験を理解し、その歩みを振り返る。第一に、国家の関心事がいかにグローバルおよびトランスナショナルな性質を持つのかを考察する。第二に、国境横断的な経験がいかにディアスポラと本土の中国人フェミニストたちのアイデンティティの一部を構成するようになったかを論じる。第三に、最も重要な課題として、ローカルな利益とグローバルな重要性の両方を備えた社会活動・社会運動としてのCSWS の経験がいかに重要な国際的協働の事例であるかを検討する。「大きな出来事や変化過程は本質として確かにトランスナショナルであるが、それらは特定のローカル/ナショナルな文脈を介した方法で知覚され、経験され、交渉される。」リーラ· フェルナンデスディアスポラの中国フェミニストの活動に20 年以上参与し観察してきた者として、この紙面を借りて、独自性のあるトランスナショナルな女性組織、中国女性学協会(Chinese Society forWomen's Studies / CSWS)の発展の歴史を振り返ってみたい。このように批判的に回顧することで、中国と世界のフェミニズムをさらに発展させるための道筋を模索できればと願っている。言い換えれば、この願いはローカルな特有性をそなえつつ、明らかにトランスナショナルな展望をもっている。私たちの分析のレンズのほとんどは中国製ではない。さらに、私たちが批判的な検証を行う対象は、国境によって規定されるものではない。このことはすでにグローバル時代の特徴を示しているといえよう。つまり、私たちはローカルとグローバルな文脈の両方に同時的に属している。グローバルな趨勢というものは多様な地点を横断し、まったく同じかたちで経験されることはないのだが、私たちディアスポラのようにトランスナショナルな媒介者たちは、明らかに類似した現象をグローバルに共有することができる。
広瀬 玲子
The Gender History Association of Japan
ジェンダー史学 (ISSN:18804357)
vol.10, pp.17-32, 2014

1945 年の敗戦時日本帝国の支配は東アジア・東南アジア・太平洋地域に及んでいた。朝鮮半島もその一地域である。そこに約75 万人の日本人が移動・定着して家族を形成し、植民地での特権的生活を送った。35 年間の植民地支配の過程で、植民者一世・二世(あるいは三世)という世代形成がなされた。<br>本稿は、朝鮮で植民者として暮らした日本女性に焦点を当てた。被植民者に対し抑圧者・支配者であった女性に関する研究は少ない。まず、朝鮮における日本女性の人口・職業構成を明らかにし、彼女たちの植民地での位置を概観した。続いて、女性たちのあり様を、一世の経験としての愛国婦人会の結成と活動を通して考察する。朝鮮における愛国婦人会の結成は併合以前の1906 年であり、それも内地の愛国婦人会結成と歩みを揃えて行われた。これは日本の支配層が植民地化推進に女性の力を不可欠としたことを示している。愛国婦人会は「文明化の使命」の理念を掲げ、朝鮮王室や支配層の女性の多数を組織しながら活動を展開していった。<br>さらに女性たちのあり様を、二世の経験としての女学校生活という側面から明らかにした。具体的には京城第一公立高等女学校生の植民地経験をとりあげた。朝鮮で生まれ育った彼女たちは高等女学校生として「幸せな」学園生活を送るが、それは支配者としての特権の享受のうえに成り立っていた。彼女たちの大半は、自らが「植民者= 侵略者」であるという自覚なしに生活した。そこには支配を支配と感じさせない暴力、被植民者を不可視化する暴力が働いていていた。日本の敗戦により、「自分が侵略者であった」とつきつけられ、引揚げたのちに、内なる植民地主義をいかに解体するのかが課題となるが、いまだに果たされたとは言えない。<br>さいごに、少数ではあるがこの課題に応えようとする女性植民者の事例を紹介し、植民地主義解体の可能性について考察した。
板橋 晶子
ジェンダー史学 (ISSN:18804357)
vol.5, pp.81-93, 2009

This paper examines the images of women used in cosmetics advertising during World War II in the United States. Under conditions of full-scale war, the question of whether women should continue to be "glamorous as usual" by using cosmetics was a controversial subject. The national concern for applying makeup reflected the changing conditions of women and the public uneasiness about the ever-expanding role of women during the war.<BR>Advertising for cosmetics frequently depicted women war workers as doing "man-sized jobs," and performing a crucial role in the war effort. Despite such rigors, however, the women in the advertising kept their femininity intact by using cosmetics. Promoting their products as morale boosters, especially for women war workers, these advertisements often suggested to women the possibilities of being more self-assertive, self-confident, and of joining the war effort more actively, even transgressing the limits set by traditional gender norms.<BR>At the same time, women wearing makeup in public spaces often implied a sexually independent character, and could be seen as a challenge to conventional norms of acceptable sexual attitudes and behavior. Although sexually attractive women were required in wartime to provide entertainment to servicemen, the appearance of women in such overtly sexual roles was sometimes seen as "promiscuous."<BR>Nevertheless, cosmetics advertising during the war carefully circumscribed the limits of the traditional notions of gender and sexuality by appealing to women to buy and use their products in order to attract men, especially service men, holding out the hope of eventually finding a marriage partner. Although cosmetics had come to stand for a new meaning during the war&mdash;highlighted as essential for women's well being and good morale&mdash;they conveyed contradictory messages to women, and never offered a consistent answer to the question of why women should have continued to be "glamorous as usual."