尾池 和夫
京都大学防災研究所年報. A = Disaster Prevention Research Institute Annuals. A (ISSN:0386412X)
vol.13, no.A, pp.133-140, 1970-03-01

The mechanism of earthquake swarm that occurred at Mt. Yakedake on November 8, 1968, have been studied. The swarm began at Olh3Om and terminated at 14h51m. 43 shocks wererecorded at Kamitakara by the vertical component seismograph for the observation of micro-earthquakes. The frequency distribution of the P-IS interval times of the swarm corresponds toone of four peaks in that distribution which were observed at the station during four monthsbefore the occurrence of the earthquake swarm.The foci of these shocks have been determined from the P-IS times observed at the near micro-earthquake observation stations. They are confined within a small volume whose dimensionis about 500 meters.The time variation of the S/P which means the ratio of the maximum amplitudes of P and Swaves have been investigated. The push-pull distributions of the initial P motions have beenalso studied. The results show that the focal mechanism changes in relation to the activityof the earthquake swarm and seems to approach the stationary state at the end of the swarm.It is supposed that the occurrence of the main shocks disturbed the stress field around theirfoci and gave the great influences upon the mechanism of the smaller shocks.This earthquake swarm is separated into four sequences. In the first sequence the large shockof M=~3.4 occurred in isolation. The main shock of M=3.3 and many aftershocks took placein the second sequence, the main shock of M =03.1 with some foreshocks and aftershocks occurredin the third one and the swarm of some smaller shocks occurred in the fourth one. This variationof the characteristics of the activity of each sequence seems to be related to the development ofthe fractures in the focal region.
佐藤 忠信 東原 紘道 小長井 一男
京都大学防災研究所年報. A = Disaster Prevention Research Institute Annuals. A (ISSN:0386412X)
vol.34, no.A, pp.63-80, 1991-04-01

This is a survery report, in which the damage to structures done by the 1990 Philippin Earthquake and the intensity of ground shaking during the earthquake are discussed. No strong motion acceletographs were available for areas 100 to 150 kilometers from the epicenter.We therefore calculated the theoretical distribution of maximum accelerations in the region near the earthquake souce. The calculated intensty of gruond motion was compared with the estimated maximum acceleration levels from fallen religious statues in churches. The survey results on heavily damaged bridges especialy failure modes are discussed.The slope filures along the falut extent are also discussed.
京都大学防災研究所年報. A = Disaster Prevention Research Institute Annuals. A (ISSN:0386412X)
vol.10, pp.77-111, 1967-03-01

ペルー7チリ両国内の計13ヵ所において, 京都大学防災研究所とペルー地球物理研究所, サン・アグスチン大学地球物理研究所, チリ大学地球物理学・測地学教室との共同による長期の地殻変動連続観測が, 1965年10月から1966年1月にかけて開始された。この共同観測の正式名称は, 「地震に伴なう地殻変動の国際共同観測」といわれる。序報では, 共同観測の目的と意義を明らかにすると共に, 観測対象地域である南米太平洋岸の地体構造や地殻変動に関連の深い地球内部の諸現象と, それらを考慮して配置された地殻変動観測所の分布, 各観測用横坑の状況, 観測器械の種類・性能, などを詳述して, 今後逐次公表予定の観測報告に関する基礎資料に供したい。末尾にはこの共同観測を開始するに到った経緯と過程を参考までに附記した。For the purpose of researching the relations between crustal movements and seismicactivities and finding out some clues for earthquake prediction, the international cooper-ative observations of the crustal movements were planned to execute by the three countriesof Japan, Peru and Chile.The eight of thirteen observation stations are distributed in Peru and the five in Chile, and the observations in Peru and Chile were commenced respectively at the end of 1965and the beginning of 1966.In this preliminary report, the significance of the observations, the process from planto practice of the observations, the main contents of agreement on the cooperative works.The locations and conditions of the observation stations, the equipments and methods ofthe observations and the like are described in some detail.
光田 寧
京都大学防災研究所年報. A = Disaster Prevention Research Institute Annuals. A (ISSN:0386412X)
vol.10, pp.377-383, 1967-03-01

本研究の目的は雨滴あるいは海面より舞上った水滴が空中に混在している場合・暴風の機械的破壊作用がそれを含まない場合に比して増大するかどうかということを再検討することにある。暴風雨の中に立てば顔に当る雨滴は我々に痛みを感ぜしめるし, また窓ガラスを打つ雨滴は非常に激しい音を立てる。しかし, その強さが我々が構造物を設計したりする時に考慮しなければならないほどの破壊作用を有するものかどうかということについてはあまり詳しく調べてられいなかったのが実情である。The effects of rain or Water drops on storm damages are studied. The increase ofmean air density from rain water contained in the air is negligibly small and wind forceexerted on the structure does not increase even in heavy rain. However, the momentumof each droplet is estimated to be large enough to destroy a small part of structures, such as coating surface.