柳 幹康
印度學佛教學研究 (ISSN:00194344)
vol.65, no.1, pp.516-510, 2016

<p>This paper reports a careful investigation of the citations of the <i>Zongjing lu </i>宗鏡録 (Record of the axiom mirror) in the <i>Kōzen gokokuron </i>興禅護国論 (Introducing Zen to protect the nation), with special attention to the background and intentions of Eisai's 栄西 (1141–1215) use of the <i>Zongjing lu</i>. </p><p>There are four examples of citations of the <i>Zongjing lu</i> in the <i>Kōzen gokokuron</i> which use can be roughly divided into three. (1) In the first two citations, Eisai uses the <i>Zongjing lu</i> to refute the criticisms of the Tendai sect that Zen "has an evil misunderstanding of the doctrine of emptiness" (悪取空) and are "falsely enlightened" (暗証). (2) In the next example, Eisai cites the <i>Zongjing lu</i> to differentiate himself from Nōnin 能忍, who "lacks practice and cultivation" (無行無修), and to refute Tendai, which oppressively viewed them as the same. (3) In the last example, Eisai uses the <i>Zongjing lu</i> as a skillful means for entering Buddhist practice based on the point that it collects important phrases from the Buddhist canon. </p><p>From the above it can be seen that Eisai, under the specific conditions of the Tendai sect suppressing Nōnin and Eisai, used the <i>Zongjing lu</i> to prove that the new Zen he brought was an orthodox Buddhism not in contradiction to Tendai or the other then-extant sects of Japanese Buddhism.</p>
神居 文彰
印度學佛教學研究 (ISSN:00194344)
vol.68, no.2, pp.719-723, 2020

<p>Buddhism Painting can easily be considered from the angle of handicrafts and the aspirations of the common people in early modern Buddhism.</p><p>There are many connections between images of Amida coming to meet the dying and Genshin 源信. Thanks to the efforts of artists and related stories, as well as wood-block prints, images of Amida coming to meet the dying portrayed on silk fans were widely distributed. Such images were valued by people as relics.</p>
有働 智奘
印度學佛教學研究 (ISSN:00194344)
vol.66, no.2, pp.703-708, 2018

<p>Research on Shintō shows that the ideals of <i>ōharae</i> (大祓) meaning "great purification" and hojō (放生) meaning "release of wildlife" were influence by the <i>Yakushi Sūtra</i>. However, the original text of the <i>Yakushi Sūtra</i> was included in the <i>Kanchō Sūtra</i>, which mentions the method of preventing national disasters. It also explains the benefits of <i>gonju</i> (禁呪) being the treatment though magic. It is relevant that Yakushi beliefs were accepted in ancient Japan to further Shintō ideologies.</p><p>First, there is a record of <i>jugonshi</i> (呪禁師) who came to Japan from Paekche (百済) in 577. <i>Jugonshi</i> were holy men who cured sickness through incantation of the <i>Kanchō Sūtra</i>'s Mantra and Mudrā. Second, there is a record of the priest Toyokuni being invited to aid the Emperor on his sickbed. Buddhism and magic prospered in the ancient Toyokuni region. The <i>Daitōrikuten</i> (大唐六典) names these Buddhist magicians <i>jugonshi</i>.</p><p>From this, it can be concluded that Yakushi beliefs were introduced into Japan by the <i>jugonshi</i> from Paekche.</p>
水野 荘平
印度學佛教學研究 (ISSN:00194344)
vol.55, no.1, pp.77-81, 2006-12-20
藪内 聡子
Japanese Association of Indian and Buddhist Studies
印度學佛教學研究 (ISSN:00194344)
vol.55, no.3, pp.1136-1139, 2007-03-25 (Released:2010-03-09)

ポロンナルワ時代, スリランカ史上最大の英雄と称される Parakkamabahu I 世 (1153-1186 A. D.) は, それまで Mahavihara, Abhayagiri, Jetavana の三派に分かれていたスリランカのサンガに対して, Mahavihara 派の受戒のみを承認してサンガの統一を断行したが, それが可能であったのは, アヌラーダプラ時代に遡り, 政治的概念として菩薩王思想が受容されて浸透したからであることが, 史書や碑文資料により認められる.菩薩王思想は, アヌラーダプラ時代初期については Abhayagiri 派と関連して発展したが, アヌラーダプラ時代中期以降は派とは関係なく独自に進展を遂げ, 政治的イデオロギーとして, 王の存在を限りなく仏陀に近い存在にし, 王権の正当性を強化して, サンガに対する行使力増大に寄与した. ポロンナルワ時代には, 南インドからの侵略のために, ことに王は軍事的頂点の存在として英雄性が重視されるが, 菩薩王思想は英雄性と混在し, サンガ統一により Mahavihara 派のみが存在するようになった後も, イデオロギー化して Mahavihara 派と同化して存続することになる.
麥 文彪
印度學佛教學研究 (ISSN:18840051)
vol.62, no.3, pp.1101-1105, 2014-03-25

西岡 祖秀
印度學佛教學研究 (ISSN:00194344)
vol.55, no.1, pp.474-468,1230, 2006

The Country of Shambhala is an ideal Buddhist kingdom described in the <i>Kalacatantra</i>. The 25<sup>th</sup> generation Raudracakrin king of this country is said to win the final war with Islam, and revive Buddhism. When the <i>Kalacakratantra</i> was introduced to Tibet after the 11th century, it was widely accepted by Tibetan Buddhists. 'Jam-dbyangs-bzhad-pa (1648-1722) and Sumpa-mkhan-po (1704-1788), who were great scholars of the dGe lugs sect in the 18th century, wrote Chronological Tables of Tibetan Buddhism. The enthronement of the king of Shambhala is stated in both chronological tables, and the revival of Buddhism by the Raudracakrin king is predicted. This paper provides a general description of the Country of Shambhala from the <i>Dang po'i rgyas dpal dus kyi 'khor lo'i lo rgyus dang ming gi rnam grangs</i> of Klong-rdol-bla-ma (1719-1805), who was a great scholar of the dGe lugs sect.
西岡 秀爾
Japanese Association of Indian and Buddhist Studies
印度學佛教學研究 (ISSN:00194344)
vol.55, no.2, pp.1007-1004,1288, 2007-03-20 (Released:2010-07-01)

Sanboji in Settsu Nakajima is a temple built by Nonin in order to spread the Dharma sect. This article traces the origin of the temple by referring to literature of the Middle Ages and old maps.Recently, the origin of the Sanboji temple has been traced to Daido-the second and third wards of the neighborhood of the Osaka University of Economics in Daido district. However, topography and medieval documents connected with the Sozenji, Monoi family, and so on, suggest that the origin of the temple is not restricted to Daido, but extends to the wider-ranging area of Komatsu Zuiko and Osumi district, spanning the whole territory. Although the time of existence of the temple is still unknown, it is believed to have existed until the third year of Onin (1469), based on the “摂州中嶋三宝寺六祖舎利大慧袈裟伝来記” of the Shoboji historical records. Furthermore, its existence during the time of Daiei (1521-1526) or Kyoroku (1528-1531) is questioned. Even though the temple disappeared, the Komatsu and Nishidaido districts located to the north from the origin of Sanboji were called Sanboji, and remained so until the first half of the 20th century.