山本 直人 YAMAMOTO Naoto
名古屋大学文学部研究論集. 史学 (ISSN:04694716)
vol.56, pp.59-67, 2010-03-31

Compared chronologically between the cooling periods and the calibrated dates of earthenware typesfrom the late phase of the late Jomon period to the early Yayoi period in the Hokuriku District, it can befound that: (i) the boundary dates (1350 cal BC) between both the cooling period of 1400 to 1350 cal BCand the Inoguchi II /Yokaichi-shimbo types closely correlate to each other; (ii) the boundary date (900cal BC) between the cooling period of 900 cal BC and the Nakaya/Shimono type are also correlated;and, (iii) the boundary dates (800 cal BC) between the cooling period of 850 to 700 cal BC and theShimono/Nagatake type also show a similar correlation. Cooling resulting from decreases in solaroutput seriously affected the livelihood of the Jomon people. I have hypothesized that in the criticalsituation described above, the Jomon people changed the patterns earthenware, patterning tools, andthe positions onto which print/patterns were inscribed as part of their prayers for regeneration; and,consequently that the types of earthenware changed chronologically. However, there are three boundary dates in which no evidence of the occurrence of a cooling periodwas found, despite changes in earthenware types; one is the boundary date (1300 cal BC) between theYokaichi-shimbo type and the Okyoduka type, another is the boundary date (1100 cal BC) between theOkyoduka type and the Nakaya type, and the other is that (600 cal BC) between the Nagatake typeand the Shibayama-demura type. Changes in these earthenware types conceivably resulted from othercauses which are yet to be determined.
江村 治樹 EMURA Haruki
名古屋大学文学部研究論集. 史学 (ISSN:04694716)
vol.58, pp.17-47, 2012-03-31

在河南省的中心地区,到龙山文化中期小规模军事城堡大量出现。到了新砦、二里头时期,王城岗大城、新砦古城、二里头遗址等带有宗教设施的大型城市开始出现,这些都可以与夏王朝的都城联系起来。这个时期从规模来看,城市正分化为若干等级,可以认为在中心地区的核心城市,新的支配系统正在逐渐形成。 到了商代出现了巨大的城市。早期、中期发现了建造有外廓的偃師商城以及郑州商城,后期早段的洹北商城也建造有高大城墙。上述城址全部被认为是商王都。但是另一方面也发现了不具备高大城墙但是规模宏大类似于王都的小双桥、殷墟遗址。王都的形态发生二极分化。至于王都以外的地方城市,只是在河南省中部地区发现了望京楼城址・孟庄城址和府城城址。而西周时期的城市遗址由于衔接了商代城市遗址与春秋战国时期的城址,变得十分重要,但是在河南省中部的王都,地方城市的详细状况基本上都不清楚。 关于商周时代的城市遗址问题,大家在与春秋战国时期的城市遗址进行比对后发现存在很多问题。第一、外郭以内,宫城以外的居民与手工作坊的性质并不清楚,与统治者的关系需要明确。第二、那些引人注目的没有城墙等防御设施的王都问题。若是按照特例考虑的话,其数量并不少,其原因的考察不应该单纯的只局限于军事理由,城墙不必要的积极因素也需要考虑。第三、地方城市的性质及与王城的关系问题。现阶段地方城市遗址的事例十分匮乏,对研究而言,资料的收集是必需的。
周藤 芳幸 SUTO Yoshiyuki
名古屋大学文学部研究論集. 史学 (ISSN:04694716)
vol.57, pp.1-17, 2011-03-31

Since 2005 the author has been conducting archaeological investigations at the open-air limestone quarry at Zawiat al-Sultan in Middle Egypt on the east bank of the Nile, where an impressive Ptolemaic quarry is located. These surveys led to the discovery of vast number of Greek and Egyptian demotic, often bilingual, graffiti left on the walls and ceilings of the quarry. The chronological sequence of graffiti on the upper part of the valley indicates that these sections were quarried under the last years of Ptolemy II and the beginnings of the reign of his successor Ptolemy III. As for the lowest level of the quarry, the sequence of graffiti strongly suggests that the activities here should be dated to the last years of Ptolemy III and the early years of Ptolemy IV. This chronological observation of the graffiti reveals that the phenomenon of linguistic Hellenization seems to have advanced in relatively short time in third-century BCE Middle Egypt. Although we must appreciate the long process of cultural contact between Greeks and Egyptians beginning with the Saite restoration, the pace of cultural change in the local society seems to have been not so much constant as highly variable, and there must have been several cataract where Hellenization progressed rather drastically.
周藤 芳幸 SUTO Yoshiyuki
名古屋大学文学部研究論集. 史学 (ISSN:04694716)
no.57, pp.1-17, 2011-03-31

Since 2005 the author has been conducting archaeological investigations at the open-air limestone quarry at Zawiat al-Sultan in Middle Egypt on the east bank of the Nile, where an impressive Ptolemaic quarry is located. These surveys led to the discovery of vast number of Greek and Egyptian demotic, often bilingual, graffiti left on the walls and ceilings of the quarry. The chronological sequence of graffiti on the upper part of the valley indicates that these sections were quarried under the last years of Ptolemy II and the beginnings of the reign of his successor Ptolemy III. As for the lowest level of the quarry, the sequence of graffiti strongly suggests that the activities here should be dated to the last years of Ptolemy III and the early years of Ptolemy IV. This chronological observation of the graffiti reveals that the phenomenon of linguistic Hellenization seems to have advanced in relatively short time in third-century BCE Middle Egypt. Although we must appreciate the long process of cultural contact between Greeks and Egyptians beginning with the Saite restoration, the pace of cultural change in the local society seems to have been not so much constant as highly variable, and there must have been several cataract where Hellenization progressed rather drastically.
伊藤 伸幸 ITO Nobuyuki
名古屋大学文学部研究論集. 史学 (ISSN:04694716)
vol.63, pp.47-71, 2017-03-31

En Mesoamérica, es común encontrar ejemplos de varias combinaciones de animales representados en el arte prehispánico. Se considera más acertado interpretar la presencia de una criatura sagrada dentro de su contexto cultural, como en la Costa Sur de Mesoamérica, a la cual región cultural pertenecen las Cabezas de Jaguar Estilizado, debido a que hay varios complejos de una amplia gama de este tipo de fauna, representada en forma de una criatura sagrada. El concepto ideológico de la Cabeza de Jaguar Estilizado se ha identificado en el área Occidental de El Salvador. La mayoría de estas esculturas comparte las mismas características, como los ojos huecos, y un objeto saliente en las fauces. Por esta razón, es de esperarse que el Occidente de El Salvador pudo formar una región homogénea en la cual la sociedad compartía una misma ideología del cosmos plasmada por medio del concepto de la Cabeza de Jaguar Estilizado. Por otra parte, en la zona arqueológica de Chalchuapa se mantenía para ese entonces una tecnología de alta calidad y un sistema de escritura estructurado, que también destacaba políticamente en el Occidente de El Salvador, por la presencia del denominado “Altar Tetrápodo” o trono. A través de esta visión de las esculturas que representaron el poder y la ideología, Chalchuapa pudo haber sido la capital del territorio Occidental de El Salvador.
伊藤 伸幸 ITO Nobuyuki
名古屋大学文学部研究論集. 史学 (ISSN:04694716)
vol.62, pp.101-123, 2016-03-31

En la zona arqueológica de Chalchuapa, hasta la fecha, se han encontrado más de 30 monumentos, y en ellos, se puede observar varios estilos escultóricos, tales como olmeca, Izapa-Kaminaljuyu, Maya, Tolteca o Azteca entre otros. También se encuentra un estilo local de Cabeza de Jaguar Estilizado. Durante la 2ª Temporada de Campo, se encontraron dos cabezas del mismo estilo en el área de El Trapiche, Chalchuapa. Estas esculturas de piedra estaban colocadas o incrustadas al frente de la estructura E3‒1, en el piso con la cara hacia el cielo. En la parte inferior de la Cabeza 1 se encuentran diferentes características. Y en la parte superior de la Cabeza 2, se tienen distintos ojos, como muerte y vida. La Cabeza 1 tiene diferencias en la parte inferior o hacia abajo, mientras la Cabeza 2 en la parte superior. La colocación de la Cabeza 2 sugiere tener relación u orientación hacia el sol naciente y la Cabeza 1 hacia el sol poniente u ocaso. En ambas cabezas, se puede observar una representación de la dualidad en el período de Preclásico.
梶原 義実 KAJIWARA Yoshimitsu
名古屋大学文学部研究論集. 史学 (ISSN:04694716)
vol.63, pp.25-45, 2017-03-31

In this paper, I carry out research as part of an integrated study on the roof-tile organization of old Japanese provincial temples. In it, I focus on the three provinces of Shinano, Echigo, and Sado, which have a deep geographical relationship, and discuss the formation and development of roof-tile organization. With respect to the Shinano provincial temple, although the construction of its buildings took place around the year 770, which is considerably later than in other provinces, I argue that perhaps prior to that time, temporary structures were built that used the same variety of temple roof-tiles as found in the local area. Regarding the tiles of the Echigo provincial temple, because there are not many related materials, I only introduced the specific characteristics of its roof-tile manufacturing technique. As for the roof-tiles of the Sado provincial temple, I organized their many types by lineage, and presented the possibility that the founding roof-tiles may have originally come along with the Sue pottery makers from Owari via Shinano and Echigo. I also pointed out the possibility that its founding period dates back to the late eighth century.
周藤 芳幸 Suto Yoshiyuki
名古屋大学文学部研究論集. 史学 (ISSN:04694716)
vol.60, pp.1-16, 2014-03-31

This paper aims at elucidating the historical settings of the great uprising of the native Egyptians against the Ptolemies, lasting from 206 BC to 186 BC, in the wider Mediterranean context. This internal affair has traditionally been interpreted as a symptom of general decline of the Ptolemaic rule, though close observations of the course of the revolts strongly suggest that both foreign and domestic policies of the Ptolemaic court as well as that of the influential political body of Egyptian priests toward the rebels had recognizable relations to the political situations outside Egypt, the advance of the Romans into the East Mediterranean in particular. The mutual agreement between Ptolemy V and the Egyptian priests (Memphis decree) was announced just after the battle of Cynoscephalae and the Ptolemies mounted s senous counteroffensive against the rebels only after the treaty of Apamea, which removed the direct threat from the Seleucids. The fact that diplomatic activities of Komanos preceded his final suppression of the rebellion in 186 also corroborates the view that the foreign and domestic affairs of this period were closely interrelated under the Ptolemaic rule.
和田 光弘 Wada Mitsuhiro
名古屋大学文学部研究論集. 史学 (ISSN:04694716)
vol.60, pp.17-40, 2014-03-31

This paper investigates several interesting aspects of 18th century America utilizing a little over fifteen historical ephemera privately owned by the author. First, as an introduction, the section 1 of the chapter 1 deals with three items concerning George Washington (GW) in their historical contexts: a pocket watch, a medal, and a cameo. An analysis of GWʼs pocket watches from his portraits is an epilogue of the former three articles written by the author in this bulletin on GWʼs timepieces. Historical meanings of a famous memorial medal (“Comitia Americana medal”) issued by the U.S. government in 1780s and dedicated to GW, and a precious “Berlin casting” iron cameo, on which the bust of GW is engraved and had been owned by a descendant of William Floyd, a revolutionary general (now owned by the author) are also analyzed. The section 2 of the chapter 1 treats three valuable ephemera written by relatives of GW: a receipt issued in 1769 by John Washington, a distant relative of GW and an overseer of the Dismal Swamp Company, a check issued in 1839 by Lawrence Lewis, GWʼs favorite nephew, and a check issued in 1846 by George Washington Parke Custis, GWʼs adopted grandson and the original owner of Arlington House. The section 1 of the chapter 2 is an analysis of the “texture” (physical characteristics) of the seventeen ephemera dealt with in this article and other historical documents dealt with in the former articles, which induces interesting facts on the size-system of documents used at that time. The section 2 of the chapter 2 analyzes the text itself of fourteen ephemera such as receipts, promissory notes, and bills of exchange including a receipt for the repayment by Thomas Penn, a son of William Penn, the founder of the colony of Pennsylvania.