吉田 智美 河村 美穂
埼玉大学紀要 教育学部 (ISSN:18815146)
vol.58, no.2, pp.123-134, 2009

The aim of this study is to explain the historical change of indoor shoes and their role in school life.Three points were used in researching about indoor shoes, because there have been no previous studies.(1) Explaining how the use of indoor shoes was influenced by the architecture of the school buildings from the Meiji era to the present, paying special attention to the school entrance.(2) Researching the use of indoor shoes using pictures of Saitama womens' teacher's school.(3) Taking a questionnaire for people above 50 about indoor shoes in their schooldays and explaining the role of the shoes.Japanese students have been removing their shoes at the school entrance for 130 years, from when the educational system started to the present.The custom of removing shoes at the school entrance, putting them into boxes, and changing into indoor shoes first appeared during the Taisho era. This custom originates from everyday life in Japan and was used as a teaching tool.
Abudurousuli Julaiti 野瀬 清喜
埼玉大学紀要 教育学部 (ISSN:18815146)
vol.57, no.2, pp.17-26, 2008

This study is aimed at suggesting adoption of practical ideas from Japanese Judo into the rules of the Uighur wrestling born in Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region, from the viewpoint of appreciating original value of Japanese judo created by Jigoro Kano. This study should reach the final goal of development of Uighur wrestling as a sport, which should be identified with the Uighur race. The followings are the rules made based on the research to 800 Uighur and 600 Uighur wrestlers.
小田倉 泉
埼玉大学紀要 教育学部 (ISSN:18815146)
vol.56, no.1, pp.95-107, 2007

これまで、乳幼児の権利は限定的なものであり、子どもの権利条約成立過程においても、乳幼児の権利への言及は、保護に関わる事項が主であり、意見表明権は乳幼児を対象にしたものではなかった。国連子どもの権利委貝会による「一般的注釈第7号」「乳幼児期における子どもの権利の実施」は、乳幼児が子どもの権利条約に規定された全ての権利の保有者であることを明記している。同委員会が強調しているのは、乳幼児の感情さえも尊重に値する意見である、ということである。コルチャックもまた、乳幼児の「涙と微笑みの言語」に耳を傾け、尊重することを強く要求している。コルチャックの乳児・幼児の権利観は、子どもの権利条約の理念への認乱と理解を深めるものであると考える。Historically the rights of young children were limited. Even in the process of the enactment of Convention on the Rights of the Child. Most of the mentions in young children were about protection and the right to express one's views was not applied to young children. The "General Comments 0.7": "Implementing Childs Rights in Early Childhood" by the Committee on the Rights of the Child describe clearly that young children are holders of all rights enshrined in the Convention. The Committee underlined even feelings of young child are "views" deserving of our respects. Korczak also urgeed to listen and respect young children's "the speech of tears and smiles". In this thesis. I propose that his ideas of young children and their rights can lead us to gain an appreciation and understanding of the philosophy of Convention on the Rights of the Child.
石田 康幸 細田 英次 松尾 政弘 山本 利一 浅田 茂裕
埼玉大学紀要 教育学部 (ISSN:03879313)
vol.55, no.2, pp.13-21, 2006

渋谷 治美
埼玉大学紀要 教育学部 (ISSN:18815146)
vol.58, no.2, pp.217-232, 2009

本論考は2008年11月15日(土)に九州大学文学部にて開催された日本カント協会第33回大会の一般研究発表の部で口頭発表した研究を文章化したものである。口頭発表時の題は「『観念論論駁』再論」であった。「再論」ないし「再考」と題した所以は、筆者はこれまで再三再四カントの「観念論論駁」について論文等で論じ、また各種研究発表の機会に口頭で論及し、またカント研究の同志とのあいだにおける私信においても意見を取り交わしてきたからである1)。それらを踏まえたうえで、上記した昨年の口頭発表と本稿とによってこの論題での研究に一区切りつけたいと思う。今回の学会での口頭発表の制限時間は25分であった(その後の質疑に15分が宛がわれた)。これはおよそ400字詰め原稿用紙にして25枚分に当たるが、今回これを大幅に上回って文章化する。Über Kants Widerlegung des Idealismus probiere ich in dieser Abhandlung zwei folgende neue Interpretationen zu zeigen.(1)Der Satzgegenstand des Lehrsatzes von der Widerlegung lautet:"Das blosse, aber empirisch bestimmte, Bewußtsein des meines eigenen Dasein"s( B275). Nach meiner Interpretation wird er von zwei Elementen komponiert, die um das Bewußtsein des meines eigenen Daseins betreffen. Sie sind nämlich A)das bloße Bewußtsein meines eigenen Daseins, und B)das empirisch bestimmte Bewußtsein meines eigenen Daseins. Das erste bedeutet, hier auch meiner Interpretation nach, die reine Apperzeption, und das letzte die empirische Apperzeption. Warum bindet Kant diese zwei Bewußtsein von verschidenen Arten mit"abe"r ? Hier können wir finden den Prozeß von〈Entstehung des Erscheinungs-ich〉und den von〈Entstehung der Erscheinung〉. Diese zwei Prozeße haben gegeneinander gegensätzliche Richtungen, und aber sind parallel. Der erste Prozeß zeigt〈die Bedingungen der Möglichkeit der Erfahrung überhaupt〉, und der zweite〈die Bedingungen der Mög lichkeit der Gegenstände der Erfahrung〉. Hier können wir den ursprün glichen Charakter der Vergegenstän dlichung des Menschen bei Kant finden.(2)In der Widerlegung finden wir 7Male das Wort"etwas Beharrliche"s und nur einmal dasihm verwandtschaftliche Wort "die Beharrlichkeit". Was bedeuten diese zwei? Bedeuten sie vielleicht das Ähnliches? Nein! Etwas Beharrliches ist Materie oder Ding im Raum außer mir, unddagegen spielt die Beharrlichkeit im inneren Sinne gleichsam die Rolle von Repräsentant der Kategrie von Substanz.Natürlich trreffen(1)und(2)einander am Ende an dem denselben Punkt von Kants Gedanken.
吉田 智美 河村 美穂
埼玉大学紀要 教育学部 (ISSN:18815146)
vol.58, no.2, pp.123-134, 2009

The aim of this study is to explain the historical change of indoor shoes and their role in school life.Three points were used in researching about indoor shoes, because there have been no previous studies.(1) Explaining how the use of indoor shoes was influenced by the architecture of the school buildings from the Meiji era to the present, paying special attention to the school entrance.(2) Researching the use of indoor shoes using pictures of Saitama womens' teacher's school.(3) Taking a questionnaire for people above 50 about indoor shoes in their schooldays and explaining the role of the shoes.Japanese students have been removing their shoes at the school entrance for 130 years, from when the educational system started to the present.The custom of removing shoes at the school entrance, putting them into boxes, and changing into indoor shoes first appeared during the Taisho era. This custom originates from everyday life in Japan and was used as a teaching tool.
神月 朋子
埼玉大学紀要 教育学部 (ISSN:18815146)
vol.58, no.2, pp.249-260, 2009

This article will consider the acceptance of the French modern music by the Japanese music society in the nineteen twenties which was on the way to create the tradition of the art music. The French music had become a matter of their concern from the three points : refuse of the predominance of the German classical music ; flourishing of the French music at that time and its own characteristics ; and charm of the city of Paris, the forefront of the arts.After a brief survey of the acceptance in the fields of(1)composition,(2)concerts and records, (3)music books,( 4)periodicals and books(including Japanese translations),(5)education and(6)symbol of the anti-German music, it will be indicated that the Japanese music society recognized the characteristics of the French modern music not only as light, gorgeous, simple but also as inseparable of sensation from consciousness or conception. These are independent from the German sense of value and not its contrary. Such music is created by the French people, réalist and idéalist, as the Japanese people is.The reflection of Paris in twenties is also an important factor for Japanese musicians : at that time Paris was filled with various music from the various countries, a center of the world music. French music, especially like Debussy or Ravel, is regarded as their mixture and as source of the oriental/Japanese expression. This problem of expression, the creation of our own music, must be examined not from the acceptance of the church mode or the pentatonic scale, but from the point of the world music, or the network of music from the different culture. This may be also an importanttheme of our time.
石田 康幸 細田 英次 松尾 政弘 山本 利一 浅田 茂裕
埼玉大学紀要 教育学部 (ISSN:03879313)
vol.55, no.2, pp.13-21, 2006
