貞包 英之
山形大学紀要. 社会科学 = Bulletin of Yamagata University. Social Science
vol.43, no.2, pp.93-110, 2013-02-15

In this paper, we elucidate how suicide related to life insurance has played a crucial role in the social life of Japan since World War II. In particular, since Japan’s period of high economic growth, it has been observed that suicides by middle-aged men, who tend to have higher life insurance subscription rates than other people, have drastically increased and that economic problems have occupied a more important role as the cause of such suicides. This transformation has a significant connection with the rapid spread of life insurance, which has been caused by the growth of the finance systems of small- and medium-sized enterprises, as well as the development of the nuclear family during the postwar period. Life insurance has supplied a large amount of capital for these enterprises and has enabled families to survive after a loved one’s death. As a result, suicide in connection with life insurance has been deeply imbedded in contemporary Japanese life. This reason for suicide has been utilized as a major means of donation to others and a symbolic challenge to the wealthy. Although it is estimated that suicide in connection with life insurance is now decreasing due to the transformation of economic conditions since 2000 and the changes in life insurance agreements, this sociological significance of suicide has not been lost.
山田 浩久
山形大学紀要. 社会科学 = Bulletin of Yamagata University. Social Science
vol.39, no.2, pp.63-82, 2009-02-15

はじめに:近年の観光開発は、開発業者による大規模な土地改変を伴うリゾート開発に代わり、自然環境の保全を前提とする体験型、対話型の観光を提案する開発が主流になっている。体験型、対話型の観光は、環境論的な観点から肯定されるとともに、開発費用を大幅に縮小することから、 主に地方の地域振興策の一つに採用される場合が多い。また、原則的に「人の手を加えない」 開発であることから、地域内の歴史的遺物や文化資産と絡めることが容易であり、街並保有や 文化伝承に関わる議論にまで展開させることが可能である。体験型、対話型の観光は、ローリスク、ローコストであるがゆえに、提案しやすく、受け入れられやすい開発であるといえる。しかしながら、観光を産業としてみた場合、産業の育成には資本投下が不可欠であり、投下 資本量に応じた生産性の向上が利潤を増加させ、地域経済を活性化させる。体験型、対話型観光の提案者は、ローリターンであることに触れず、環境保全や地域アイデンティティ創出の重要性を強調する。もちろん、それらが重要な案件ではあることは明らかであるが、地域政策を 立案する大前提は地域住民の生活向上にある。地域住民はローリターンの開発であることを認識し、開発の努力が実を結ぶまで耐え続けなければならないというのは閣発者側の論理であり、住民は分かりやすい短期的な成果を期待する。観光政策の実施に伴い、観光客のマナーの悪さや地域住民の負担過多といった問題も指摘さ れている。目標到達までの時聞が長期化するほど地域住民の意識は希薄化するであろう。地域振興策あるいは地域活性化策のーつとして観光開発を挙げる以上、経済的な効果を明確にし、短期の目標を積み上げることによって、地域住民の観光開発に対するモチベーションを維持する工夫が必要であると考える。
浜中 新吾
山形大学紀要. 社会科学 = Bulletin of Yamagata University. Social Science
vol.37, no.1, pp.35-51, 2006-07-31

The rentier state theory gives us the best explanation about a success of authoritarian regimes in the Middle East. Some theorists extend it to non oil-producing countries, like Jordan or Syria, which had gotten workers remittance or official development assistance as a rent. So they can survive their own regime as semi rentier states. However, we should not do this easy theoretical extension. Instead we would get lots of good implications from another approach. The purpose of this paper is to build the formal model of sub categories for authoritarian regime, then to do a positive analysis. I adapt Survival Analysis as the numerical method in the paper. The analysis gives three results to us; (1) higher economic growth stabilize authoritarian regime, (2) oil rent contributes to survivability of regimes, especially monarchies, (3) both monarchies and mixed regime of personal-military-party are stronger than other type of authoritarian regime.
綾部 誠 楊 帆
山形大学紀要. 社会科学 = Bulletin of Yamagata University. Social Science
vol.44, no.1, pp.27-43, 2013-07-31

“Career Development Program for Foreign Students in Japan” pertained to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry has been carried out by the MOT project in Graduate School of Science and Engineering in Yamagata University from October,2008 to September, 2011. This program is devoted to the Japan society education including skill education and Japanese language education for foreign students in order to enable them to find a job in Japanese corporation after the end of graduate school. A remarkable performance and achievement has been realized in this program in Yamagata University, and well learned around the country. Herein, the features of this program for foreign students via Industrial ‐ Academic ‐ Government cooperation will be elaborated, in conjunction with the review of the work of last few years. This research aims to show the achievements of foreign student education based on the local specialty of Yamagata area, and the remarkable influence on the globalization of local corporations by means of Industrial ‐ Academic ‐ Government cooperation in this program.
田村 幸男 高橋 俊一 赤平 有子 笠原 龍司
山形大学紀要. 社会科学 = Bulletin of Yamagata University. Social Science
vol.38, no.1, pp.67-106, 2007-07-31

The university entrance examination is a venue that takes the form of an agreement between the university and the applicant that the latter may become a member of the university. In order for such examinations to proceed such that there is mutual satisfaction on both sides, in addition to the test itself, another item of importance is the nature of the test-performing organization. The present paper focuses on an aspect that has not been considered much hitherto, namely ”university entrance examination organizations.” The paper does not present the system overall, but rather places its focus on response policies of individual universities. Quantitative investigation was made of the actual status of university entrance examination organizations, and qualitative understanding was gained by means of on-site visit-based surveys. Also, via comparison of the history of the entrance examination system of Japan with these systems of other major countries, elucidation is made of the basic points of the contemporary Japanese entrance examination system. On the basis of these surveys and research, with Yamagata University used as the model, suggestions are made regarding the ideal nature of entrance-examination organizations. The present paper is a joint paper of four persons, Tamura,Takahashi,Akahira, and Kasahara Chiefly, it was Tamura who provided the overall summary as well as Chapters 2 and 3, which Takahashi,Akahira, and Kasahara were in charge of data collection, on-site visit surveys, and Chapter 1. The present paper can be characterized as a continuation of ”Research on dispersed campuses in Japan” of Tamura Both papers take as their starting point concrete problems of Yamagata University, perform survey and analysis of structural aspects of Japanese universities, and clarify characteristics, problem points, etc. Based on these results, presentation is made of problem resolution policies for Yamagata University as based on its own unique conditions. The more than 700 four-year universities in Japan are not only divided into national, public, and private universities, each university also has its own history, its own numbers and arrangements of school departments, its own determined student numbers, and its own unique university culture. Thus, even for those problems shared in common by universities, a general solution can concern a policy related to the number of universities. Herein, while seeking for common elucidation of problem points, the search for a unique solution within Yamagata University is thought to also represent an effective general solution proposal as well.
金井 雅之
山形大学紀要. 社会科学 = Bulletin of Yamagata University. Social Science
vol.38, no.2, pp.107-128, 2008-02-15

We examine how two management policies of Japanese-style hotels in a spa resort, capital and hospitality, would contribute to improving achievement, using our social survey data. We show three findings. (1) The structure of the cause and effect between the management policy and the improved achievement differ greatly between low charged hotels and high charged hotels. (2) According to the high charged hotels, hospitality as the management concept contributes more to improving achievement than capital. (3) On the other hand, according to the high charged hotels, as the management effort, capital contributes to improving achievement rather than hospitality. Key words : social survey, cluster analysis, path analysis キーワード:社会調査,クラスター分析,パス解析