古田 睦広 尾崎 元昭 原田 禹雄 高橋 俊一郎 村上 元正 松本 繁雄
一般社団法人 国立医療学会
医療 (ISSN:00211699)
vol.26, no.2, pp.139-144, 1972 (Released:2011-10-19)

Histopathological examination of tuberculosis was done on 107 autopsy cases in Komyoen Leprosarium from 1962 to 1970. Seventeen cases showed pulmonary tuberculosis, including healed and calcified lesions. The average age of these cases was 66.6. Active pulmonary tuberculosis was found in 10 cases; half of them formed tuberculous cavity. Only 2 cases showed remarkable extension of the disease to the other organs. This was quite different from the formm of tuberculosis before 1900 which was predominantly accompanied with direct or miliary type extension. Gaseous pneumonia of 4 cases between 1967 and 1666 suggested possibility of reinfection on the aged. Active tuberculosis on the aged seemed to have a tendency to become caseous pneumonia. There was no correlation between the types of leprosy and tuberculosis. We deny any specific relation of tuberculosis to leprosy patients.
田村 幸男 高橋 俊一 赤平 有子 笠原 龍司
山形大学紀要. 社会科学 = Bulletin of Yamagata University. Social Science
vol.38, no.1, pp.67-106, 2007-07-31

The university entrance examination is a venue that takes the form of an agreement between the university and the applicant that the latter may become a member of the university. In order for such examinations to proceed such that there is mutual satisfaction on both sides, in addition to the test itself, another item of importance is the nature of the test-performing organization. The present paper focuses on an aspect that has not been considered much hitherto, namely ”university entrance examination organizations.” The paper does not present the system overall, but rather places its focus on response policies of individual universities. Quantitative investigation was made of the actual status of university entrance examination organizations, and qualitative understanding was gained by means of on-site visit-based surveys. Also, via comparison of the history of the entrance examination system of Japan with these systems of other major countries, elucidation is made of the basic points of the contemporary Japanese entrance examination system. On the basis of these surveys and research, with Yamagata University used as the model, suggestions are made regarding the ideal nature of entrance-examination organizations. The present paper is a joint paper of four persons, Tamura,Takahashi,Akahira, and Kasahara Chiefly, it was Tamura who provided the overall summary as well as Chapters 2 and 3, which Takahashi,Akahira, and Kasahara were in charge of data collection, on-site visit surveys, and Chapter 1. The present paper can be characterized as a continuation of ”Research on dispersed campuses in Japan” of Tamura Both papers take as their starting point concrete problems of Yamagata University, perform survey and analysis of structural aspects of Japanese universities, and clarify characteristics, problem points, etc. Based on these results, presentation is made of problem resolution policies for Yamagata University as based on its own unique conditions. The more than 700 four-year universities in Japan are not only divided into national, public, and private universities, each university also has its own history, its own numbers and arrangements of school departments, its own determined student numbers, and its own unique university culture. Thus, even for those problems shared in common by universities, a general solution can concern a policy related to the number of universities. Herein, while seeking for common elucidation of problem points, the search for a unique solution within Yamagata University is thought to also represent an effective general solution proposal as well.
高橋 敬蔵 坂本 勇人 高橋 俊一 奥富 信博 山中 郁男
日本臨床麻酔学会誌 (ISSN:02854945)
vol.2, no.3, pp.130-138, 1982

Pancuronium およびその生体内代謝産物は Spectrofluorimetric metbod によれば overall として測定される. また Pancuronium は蛋白結合, 脂肪溶解により不活性化される. したがって血中 Pancuronium の濃度そのものが効果を示すと解釈することは困難である. 著者らはマグヌス法において蛙腹直筋の Acetylcholine による収縮に及ぼす血清量 (蛋白量) ならびに Pancuronium の影響を検討した結果, 血清蛋白量の増加に伴って Pancuronium の不活性化が著しく, 蛋白濃度が1.4g/dl以上では72%以上の抑制がみられた. 成人に4mgの Pancuronium Bromide を bolus に静脈内投与後5分に0.48, 30分0.4, 60分0.3 (μg/ml) に相当する生物学的活性濃度を認めた.
村上 恵一 花田 光雄 高橋 俊一 宮田 吉郎
窯業協會誌 (ISSN:18842127)
vol.64, no.718, pp.7-12, 1956-01-01
1 1 2

The results are summarised as follows:<br>1. The chemical formula of Calcium sulphite was found to be CaSO<sub>2</sub>⋅1/2 H<sub>2</sub>O.<br>2. The heat of oxidation of crystalline and amorphous CaSO<sub>3</sub>⋅1/2 H<sub>2</sub>O are 60.51 kcal/mol and 62.95 kcal/mol respectively.<br>3. Crystalline calcium magnesium sulphite was discovered and its chemical formula was determined to be CaMg(SO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>⋅7H<sub>2</sub>O.<br>4. The dehydration temperature of crystalline and amorphous CaSO<sub>3</sub>⋅1/2 H<sub>2</sub>O are 400°C and 375°C respectively. The compound CaMg(SO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>⋅7H<sub>2</sub>O dehydrates stepwise at 110°C and 200°C.<br>5. The calcium sulphite when suspended in water is easely oxidized with air bubbles to good gypsum crystals.
高橋 俊一 今野 晃市 金野 哲士 千葉 史
映像情報メディア学会技術報告 (ISSN:13426893)
vol.32, no.34, pp.25-28, 2008-07-31
