神谷 茂保
岡山理科大学紀要. A, 自然科学 (ISSN:02857685)
vol.28, pp.309-318, 1992

この小論の目的は, 日本の代表的な19の河川(図1に位置を示す)の実験的フラクタル次元, 分岐比を求め河川の様相などとの関連についての調査の結果を報告することである。本調査のためには, 昭文社発行の全日本道路地図を用いた。また私たちが直接得たデータ以外は, 理科年表(1987年版)及び文献中のデータを使用した。
松原 孝 猪木原 孝二 川上 雅之
岡山理科大学紀要. A, 自然科学 (ISSN:02857685)
vol.27, pp.325-335, 1991

The purpose of this study was analysis on the results of the effect of darts training by the basketball player of high school students. The subjects in this study were group A (12th grade), group B (11th grade) and group C (10th grade) of high school students. The effect of training was analysis on the results of points during darts training of 12th. The following results were obtained : 1) The points of darts training were higher with the group C than those with group B. (p<0.025) 2) The points of darts training were higher with the group C than those with group A. (p<0.005) 3) The points of darts training were higher with the group B than those with group A. (p<0.05) 4) The points of darts training by the throw of right hand were higher with shoot at a target of the both eyes than those with shoot at a target of the left eye. (p<0.025) 5) The points of darts training by the throw of left hand were higher with shoot at a target of the both eyes than those with shoot at a target of the right eye. (p<0.05)
神谷 茂保 カミヤ シゲヤス Shigeyasu Kamiya
岡山理科大学紀要. A, 自然科学
vol.28, pp.309-318, 1992

この小論の目的は, 日本の代表的な19の河川(図1に位置を示す)の実験的フラクタル次元, 分岐比を求め河川の様相などとの関連についての調査の結果を報告することである。本調査のためには, 昭文社発行の全日本道路地図を用いた。また私たちが直接得たデータ以外は, 理科年表(1987年版)及び文献中のデータを使用した。
堂田 周治郎 逢坂 一正 ドウタ シュウジロウ オオサカ カズマサ Shujiro Dohta Kazumasa Ohsaka
岡山理科大学紀要. A, 自然科学
vol.17, pp.57-74, 1981

In this paper, by means of the numerical experiment, the laminar jet behaviour in an attachment fluidic device with small aspect ratio is investigated. The numerical solution for the three-dimensional, imcompressible, unsteady and viscid flow is calculated by solving the primitive Navier-Stokes equations by use of the predictor-corrector method. The results obtained can be summarized as follows : 1. In the case of smaller aspect ratio, the numerical solution can be obtained to the extent of the higher Reynolds Number. 2. Near the bounding plates more fluid flows into the separation bubble than that at midplane and then this flows toward midplane, and finally is entrained by the main flow. 3. The flow along the side wall, also, enters the bubble near the bounding plates. This results in a longer attachment distance near the bounding plates.
仁木 滉 加藤 常員 鎌木 義昌 小沢 一雅 ニキ ヒロシ カトウ ツネカズ カマキ ヨシマ オザワ カズマサ Hiroshi Niki Tunekazu Kato Yoshimasa Kamaki Kazumasa Ozawa
岡山理科大学紀要. A, 自然科学
vol.21, pp.1-15, 1985

This paper presents an associative restoration system that creates the restoed shape of a given distorted ancient pottery in terms of its plane figure (silhouette). The system has been implemented on the VAX11/780 computer system, based on a mathematical modeling of the associatve memory and additional processing techniques. One of the aims is to reduce archaeologists' labor spent in drawing a huge number of plane figures corresponding to finds given by excaticns. In our computer simulation, we use 14 types of silhouttes of the "Sueki", Japanese ancient potteries, as the test figures. The results of the simulation are presented and also are discussed in relation to the system performance and archaeology.
"大倉 充/塩野 充/橋本 禮治" "オオクラ ミツル/シオノ ミツル/ハシモト レイジ" "Ohkura Mitsuru/Shiono Mitsuru/Hashimoto Reiji"
岡山理科大学紀要. A, 自然科学
vol.30, pp.319-327, 1994

"Handwritten HIRAGANA characters are classified according to whether they have DAKUTEN (or HAN-DAKUTEN) or not by the 3-layer neural networks. The input data to the networks is 25-dimensional local mesh-feature extracted from an original character pattern. The numbers of units of three layers are 25 (input-layer), 25 (hidden-layer) and 2 (output-layer). The numbers of training and unknown samples used in a classification experiment are 6900 and 5000,respectively. The average classification rate of 94(%) for the unknown samples is obtained."
"鄭 実生/本安 竜平/萬本 義徳[他]" "テイ ミナル/モトヤス リュウヘイ/マンモト ヨシノリ" "Tei Minaru/Motoyasu Ryuhei/Manmoto Yoshinori"
岡山理科大学紀要. A, 自然科学
vol.30, pp.103-113, 1994

"The anomaly of transverse relaxation rate of YBa_2Cu_3O_<7-δ> is mainly observed at 35K and near superconducting transition. The anomaly at 35K can not be explained by dynamical factor. It is considered that the static factor causes the anomaly and it is the change of anisotropy of indirect interaction between nuclear spins because the change of shape of decay curve accompanies with the anomaly. If the interaction between electron spin and nuclear spin obeys Mila-Rice theory even in superconducting state, it is considered that the change of the anisotropy is owing to change of electron spin correlation. As for the anomaly near superconducting transition it seems to be owing to an extraordinarily slow motion such as softening."
堂田 周治郎 逢坂 一正 立石 佳男 ドウタ シュウジロウ オオサカ カズマサ タテイシ ヨシオ Shujiro Dohta Kazumasa Ohsaka Yoshio Tateishi
岡山理科大学紀要. A, 自然科学
vol.19, pp.131-146, 1983

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of the nozzle shape on the jet behaviour by means of the numerical experiment. The calculation was carried out for the three types of the fluidic devices that have different length of the nozzle throat. The flow was regarded as unsteady, three-dimensional, incompressible, viscous and laminar flow, and the primitive Navier-Stokes equations was calculated by use of predictor-corrector method. The obtained results are summerized as follows : 1. For a small aspect ratio, the jet attaches strongly when the length of the nozzle throat is shortened. On the other hand, for a large aspect ratio, it can be considered that there is no effect of the length of the nozzle throat. 2. The flow shows the symmetrical behaviour with respect to the nozzle, that is, in the upper stream, there exists a fluid flow from the midplane to the bottom bounding wall, and in the downstream, there exists a fluid flow from the bottom wall to the midplane. 3. When the length of the nozzle throat becomes shorter, the jet behaves in the similar manner to the case of higher Reynolds Number. This is closely related to the velocity distribution at the nozzle exit.
"大亀 衛/加藤 泰治/槇原 義典" "オオカメ マモル/カトウ ヤスハル/マキハラ ヨシノリ" "Ohkame Mamoru/Katoh Yasuharu/Makihara Yosinori"
岡山理科大学紀要. A, 自然科学
vol.26, pp.41-54, 1990

"かえでの種子は最初不規則な落下運動をするが, まもなくそれは自転運動と公転運動とにじり運動をあわせた規則性のある落下運動に変わる。この規則運動をしながら落下する種子の運動方程式がつくられ, 数値解析が行なわれた。規則運動を始めたところの高さや羽根の長さを種の長さで割った比が大きいほど種子の滞空時間は大きく, 羽根の長さの方向の傾きや種の厚さと密度の積や羽根の厚さと密度の積が大きいほどそれは小さくなっている。種子の自転の角速度の大きさがπ1/sあたりより大きいと, 種子の滞空時間はこれの影響を受けない。さまざまの滞空時間で落下するこれらの種子はいろいろな速さの風に運ばれて広く飛散する。これは自然淘汰にうちかってかえでが繁殖できた理由の一つであろう。""The equations of motion for a maple seed are made, and the flight duration of maple seeds is investigated by means of numerical calculation. The flight duration is generally different from each other. Therefore, the seeds are carried down extensively on the wind. This is one of the reasons why maples grow well in spite of natural selection."