中安 直子
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.45, no.1, pp.1-10, 1997-06-25 (Released:2010-04-30)

Most of Japan's grasslands are thought to be the result of the human interruption of vegetational succession. In the Akiyoshidai National Park, a karstic plateau located in Yamaguchi pref., an artificial firing has long been set on every February to maintain its grassland landscape. The firing was one of the agricultural works done by the cattle breeders in old days. But recently, its agricultural importance has diminished as the decline of breeding, the firing is now carried out as the largest sightseeing event. About 1, 000 residents from 31 settlements take part in making firebreaks and firing itself.The motivation of this paper is what emotional change has occurred to the residents in the stream of history. The history of Akiyoshidai is divided into following three stages:1) Pre-modernization stageAgricultural use was active. Residents who were mostly farmers used grasses as green mature and to feed cattle. They cultivated at dolines on the plateau.2) Modernization stageThe post war rapid growth of economy caused the decline of agricultural importance of the grassland. On the other hand, the U. S. Army's maneuvers were planned to be done on the Akiyoshidai in 1956, and the opposition movement took place. This movement brought out the national interest on Akiyoshidai's landscape and its preservation.3) Tourism prevailing stageAs Akiyoshidai became a famous sightseeing place, the number of tourists has much increased after new traffic methods like Shinkansen were available. Thus the firing became important sightseeing event.From the interviews with residents, the author noticed several features as follows:1) Although the importance of tourism has increased, they are not very interested in it. For some residents the Akiyoshidai is recognized not as a nature-preserved area, but still as the open field to gather some plants.2) Although the firing work faces the excessive aging of residents and the lack of successors, they conservatively have no idea but that work must be done by them as long as possible.3) They seem to be unconscious of the purpose of the firing. It is concluded that the firing is to no more than their custom kept from days when they were cattle breeders, and is now what reminds them what they were.
朝倉 隆太郎
The Geographic Education Society of Japan
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.30, no.3, pp.52-55, 1982

地理教育は地理学と教育学との交界領域にあり, これまで地理学又は教育学の応用面とみなされてきたが, 1960年代以来地理教育を学問として定立させようとする機運が高まってきた。<br>地理教育の研究方法には, 理論的研究法, 歴史的研究法, 調査的研究法, 実験的研究法, 比較的研究法の5者があり, これらは相互に補完し合うものである。<br>理論的研究では, 地理教育の目標・内容構成・カリキュラム・学習過程・学習形態・評価, 地理科担当教員の養成, 児童生徒の地理的意識の発達などが対象になる。<br>歴史的研究では, 明治以後の地理科教授要目・教科書戦後の社会科学習指導要領, 地理教育思想に関する歴史的研究が多くの成果をあげている。<br>調査的研究は, 一般に実態把握調査と解決策発見調査に2分されるが, 地理教育に関しては前者が多い。国研・文部省などで全国的規模での学力 (社会科地理を含む) の調査が行われるようになったのは戦後になってからである。また, 読図力, 地名に関する知識, 好きな国と嫌いな国などについて, 小学生から高校生まで各地で多くの調査が行われてきている。しかしまだその結果を体系化するまでにはいたっていない。<br>実験的調査法は地理の指導法・学習形態・学習過程の問題に適用される。1955年ごろから実験の信頼性を高めるための手続きについての論議が積み上げられ, 現在ではさらに統計学の実験計画法が導入されて, 教育実験におけるデータの科学的処理を向上させる努力が続けられている。日本国内ユネスコ委員会『国際理解のための教育実験』の「他国の理解」は, 地理教育の実験的研究の一礎石である。<br>教育の比較研究は, 教育における各種の事象を国, 地域, 学校等の間で比較することによって, 類似性と相違性を発見し, それらの相違を生む原因を究明し, 共通に見られる原理の発見を目指すものである。<br>昭和33年度改訂の小学校学習指導要領第4学年の内容に, イギリスの Sample studies が導入され, 昭和52年度の改訂でその考え方が第5学年の内容にまで広げられた。アメリカ合衆国のHSGP, イギリスの New Geography に採用されている games and simulation の指導法は, 一部を除いてまだ普及していない。小学校低学年の合科教授の参考として西ドイツの「事実教授」, フランスの「めざまし活動」は, 比較的研究からみた目下の研究対象である。<br>国際教育情報センターの外国教科書に関するこれまでの業績は高く評価すべきであり, 教科書研究センターは, 米・英・仏・独・ソ5か国を対象に, 教育課程 (教科書を含む) の国際比較研究を進行中である。
内川 淳
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.35, no.1, pp.14-28, 1987-06-25 (Released:2010-04-30)

(1) The Himekawa drainage area is one of the most heavy snow area in Japan with annual cover of 1.5-4.0m. This area is divided into two sub-areas, the northern and soutern parts, at Nakatsuchi, Otari Village by the depth of snow and the time of melting. In the southern part, the snow is very dry because the altitude is very high with very low temperature. The snow cover is the deepest in late February or early March and last to the middle of April. On the other hand, in the northern part, the snow is very wet because the altitude is very low with higher temperature than the south. And the snow cover is the deepest in late January or early February and it lasts to the early April, a month earlier than the south. For these reasons, the ways of removing snow on the roofs and of melting snow on the field and the kind of decorations for the New Year are different between two parts. Furthermore, the way and tools of snow treading to keep paths in the snow are different between two parts by the snow depth and topographic conditions.(2) Agricultural land utilization of this Himekawa area is restricted very strongly by the continuous show cover duration which reaches 120 days per year. Therefore, people in this area keep watching Yukigata (the shape of snow patches on the mountain high slopes) and common sayings which predict weather condition very valuably to make their original agricultural calendar by their traditions. Furthermore, they melt snow artificially to advance the season of seeding ricer and they contrive the way of seeding and cropping wheats which does not adapt to this area. From the viewpoints of the land utilization for forestry, the snow decrease the values of wood by bending trunks and breaking branches. On the other hand, the snow cover gives advantages for forestry such as preventing frost heaving, supplying water and preparing the roads to transport lumbers by sledding.People use snow as insulation for storing vegetables and as fields for sledding and skiing. Ski industries have been growing quickly since the middle of 1960's by developing and improving ski grounds, facilities, and accomodations in this area and by increasing numbers of trains on Oito-Line, Eastern Japanese Railways. As a result, industries and structures of population in this area have greatly changed.(3) It is recongnized that some cultures have been spread into this Kita-Azumi area from Toyama and Niigata prefectures. Technology of production such as Ecchu-Shibari (a way of bundling up harvested rice straws) and the way of making a charcoal kiln and life styles such as tree fences for wind breaking are spread from Toyama Prefecture. On the other hand, cultures for food such as Sasa-Zushi and Sasa-Dango (a kind of regional Sushi and dumpling wrapped by dwarf bamboo leaves) and Iwashino-Tsukedome (a salted sardine for preserving), a way of building houses protecting heavy snow cover and some technology of manufacturing sleds and skies are spread from Niigata Prefecture.Because of same natural environment of deep snow, the characterized local culture of this Kita-Azumi area was created by cultural interchange to Niigata Prefecture. Especially, in the settlements of Oami Todo and Yokokawa, Kita-Otari districts, Otari Village, which are located very close to the boundary to Niigata Prefecture, there are very strong effects of the Echigo (Niigata Prefecture) Culture.
今井 英文
The Geographic Education Society of Japan
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.51, no.1, pp.19-31, 2003

The aim of this study is to clarify distribution and flow patterns of air passengers from Okayama to Shanghai in the Chugoku and Shikoku District. The data on air passengers for this study are based on the survey in 2000by the author. The results of this study are summarized as follows:<br>(1) There were many air passengers for Shanghai in big cities located around Okayama Airport, such as Okayama and kurashiki. The passengers were also generated in Kagawa Prefecture. Therefore, Seto-Ohashi Bridge expanded the sphere of the influence of Okayama Airport. Some passengers came from areas which may compete with Hiroshima Airport, such as Fukuyama and Hiroshima.<br>(2) After getting off planes at Shanghai Airport, all passengers moved to the cities located in the eastern part of China. There wasn't any passengers moving to other countries. Many passengers moved to Shanghai. Some passengers visited Beijing or Nanjing. And, analyzing the relationship between the destinations of passengers and travel purposes, the author made it clear that there were two types of cities: one was the cities that passengers visited on business, and the other was the cities that passengers visited for sightseeing.<br>(3) Finally, analyzing the relationship between the number of the destinations of passengers and travel purposes, the author made it clear that the passengers for sightseeing had many destinations and passengers on business had one destination.
齋藤 之誉
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.53, no.3, pp.20-37, 2005-12-25 (Released:2010-04-30)

The aim of this study is analyzing the process of making up a teaching method for regional geography education on Kanichi Kagawa, which includes his practices, to make clear fundamental principles of teaching method.The contents of this paper are as follows;I. IntroductionII. The essence of theory and practice for regional geography education on Kanichi KagawaIII. The process of making up a teaching method for regional geography educationIV. Analyzing the practice for the Chugoku District as a geographical education unit on Kanichi KagawaV. ConclusionThe Teaching method on Kanichi Kagawa has four specific features. The first is to be developed a original immediate map-drawing method. The second is to be developed a teaching model to make students look at geographical regions. The third is to be developed a new method to construct contents to introduce the theory for teaching geographical region. The fourth is to be developed a new method to divide the geographical region in Japan for making up subject matter unit.
小林 秀世
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.33, no.3, pp.10-24, 1985-12-25 (Released:2010-04-30)

In this paper, the auther intend to analyze the development of land utilization and farming of the Matsukawa Alluvial Fan, Nagno Basin where was orchardized very rapidly after the Second World War. In order to discuss these subjects, the fan was divided into three parts; the apex, middle, and base of the fan.The results of this study are summarized as follows.1) Predominant crops on the Matsukawa Alluvial Fan are deciduous tree fruits such as apples, peaches and so on. This extensive cultivated land on the fan is an intensive full-time fruit farming area where the farmers coming from the settlements outside of the fan cultivate along with inside farmenrs. Apples, which is the main crop of the fruits growing, are cultivated very widely under favored physical condition of this area. Grapes, its production was increased very rapidly in recent years, are cultivated mainly in the middle of the fan because of restrictions of physical condition such as micro-topography and micro-climate. Principal land utilization at the apex of the fan is apple orchards; however, there are some ordinary upland field which are cultivating some kind of vegetables.2) Befor the Second World War, the first change of land utilization on the Matsukawa Aluuvial Fan was transtion from ordinary upland fields to mulberry fields with the development of sericulture since the 1890s on the middle and baseof the fan. Thereafter, mulberry fields gradually shifted to apple orchards which made verygood profits since the economic crisis of the 1930s. Furthermore, until 1960, growing applesrapidly increased after the Second World War. But during the 1960s, the production of apples stagnated because the farmer started the multimanagment of fruit growing caused by the introduction of cultivating apricots, peaches, and “Kyoho” grapes. However, production of apples increased again because cultivation usingdwarfized apple trees became very popular since aroud 1976.3) Typical farming on the Matsukawa Alluvial Fan is multiple orchard management which growp rincipally apples and complimentally grapes, peaches, and cherries. Generally, following three types of farming cau be recognized between settlement; a monoculture of apples, apples and grapes, and apples and peaches. Moreover, some farm housholds in the settlements on the middle of the fan are growing cherries complimentally and some others on the apex are multimanagement of apples and vegetables.
竹内 淳彦
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.38, no.2, pp.23-36, 1990-09-25 (Released:2010-04-30)

Located adjacent to Tokyo, the Kawasaki Coastal Industrial District, has a number of massive steel and petrochemical factories accumulated on reclaimed land and forms an industrial district characterized by Japan's largest heavy chemical industry. with a number of factories being connected by pipe line to the Ethylene Center at the core, this district has been characterized as a typical “Konbinat” where production activities are integrally carried out. It has also been regarded as a nucleus of the metropolitan industrial region centering about Tokyo.However, investigations made of the industrial activities show no linkage indispensable for the operation of the factories connected by pipe line. Taking the system of the petrochemical industries surrounding the Ethylene Center, there is no integral organization nor one single control system observed, and the factories are vigorously competing with each other. This industrial district is formed by independently participating factories of enterprises belonging to different capital groups, and the linkage between these factories is weak. Therefore, it is incorrect to regard this district as a “konbinat”. Also, the Kawasaki Coastal Industial District functions only as a terminal for the supply of materials to the Metropolitan Industrial Region centering around Tokyo, with the coastal location as a common condition and is, therefore, not the nucleus of the region.
中丸 和伯
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.7, no.3-4, pp.244-255, 1959-03-25 (Released:2010-02-26)
成田 聖子
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.20, no.2, pp.24-34, 1972-09-25 (Released:2010-02-26)

Kumano, 20 kirometer from Hiroshima City, is an agrarian village surrounded by mountains and dependent on small scale paddy fields. Village people had to work away from home for housekeeping out of seasen of farming in the late Edo era, before brush manufacturing was introduced in 1846.In recent days the manufacturing is an important side job of the village farmers, especially women. They produce about 80% of the national amount. After the Meiji Restoration the manufacturing has been managed under the control of the wholesale merchants. The handicraft of painting brush is the principal occupation for some villagers, though they are a few. The production mainly still depends on farmers leisure season and much amount of product are sold for a new year or the begining of school semester.Although the materials of manufacturing all are brought from other districts, the handicraft develops and demand and supply of products keep balance.

1 0 0 0 OA 正誤表

新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.25, no.3, pp.80-80, 1977 (Released:2010-02-26)
若生 広子 高橋 伸夫 松井 圭介
The Geographic Education Society of Japan
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.49, no.3, pp.12-33, 2001

The purpose of this study is to investigate the spatial structure and characteristics of tourism activities of women living in northern residential area of Sendai City. What we are concerned particularly here are the changes in women's tourism activities by life-stage. A questionnaire survey on one-day recreation, lodging tourism and overseas tourism in the past one year was held in July, 1999 for this study.<br>The results of our study can be summarized as follows.<br>All the destinations of one-day recreation concentrate within a sphere with 180km radius from home. But, the spatial structure of lodging tourism presents different patterns according to the time periods. The destinations of one-night lodging tourism concentrate within a sphere with 350km radius from home, while some destinations of two-nights lodging tourism distribute in the nationwide range. On the one hand, destinations of two or fewer nights lodging tourism concentrate along the south-north axis composed by the Tohoku Expressway and Shinkansen. On the other hand, the destinations of three or more nights lodging tourism distribute throughout the whole country.<br>We can find the relationship between destination selection and purpose, companion, transport approaches and seasons. Furthermore, women's intention such as for shopping and food can also be found in destination selection.<br>There exists a significant relationship between women's tourism activities and their life-stage, which is divided by marriage, the birth of the first child and the age of the youngest child. With less domestic constraint, both unmarried women and childless married women have a kind of higher frequency and wider space tourism activities. And most of unmarried women take tour with their friends.<br>Compare with it, the tourism activities of married women with children present a kind of lower frequency and narrower space pattern if their youngest children are still infants. And the majority of their companions are limited to their family members. Although their tourism activities become higher in frequency and wider in space as their youngest children grow up, their companions don't change. This phenomenon suggests that the tourism activities of married women with children have been influenced greatly by childcare.<br>The tourism activities of married women with children begin to change when their children entered junior high school. Their tourism activity spaces turn to be narrower and they always tour with their husbands or friends as their children grow up. They can decide their tourism purposes by themselves. It can be thought as a result of the independence of their children.
池 俊介 有賀 さつき
The Geographic Education Society of Japan
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.47, no.2, pp.1-22, 1999

In recent years, coastal regions in Japan have been used as not only sea bathing resorts, but also as spaces for marine sports. This study clarifies processes and factors that lead to the formation of the tourist resort in the settlement of Osezaki in Numazu-shi, Shizuoka prefecture, as a typical case of the tourist resort for divers that located around the metropolitan area. The results are as follows.<br>1. Scuba diving was introduced into Japan in 1947, and has become widespread rapidly after 1980's. With the increase of divers, 178 diving spots have been opened until now. They can be classified into two types; the first type locates near the metropolitan area and the second type locates on islands in low latitudes. Osezaki as a diving spot is the typical case of the first type.<br>2. The inhabitants on Enashi-ku have depended upon coastal fishery, farming and production of firewood until 1950's. But with the rapid development of orange farming in 1960's, most of inhabitants became more dependant upon farming which utilized on terraced fields and made a comfortable income. For that reason, most of inhabitants were not interested in the operation of recreational industry on Osezaki in 1960's.<br>3. With the improvement of traffic means and the decline of orange farming that was caused by the sudden fall of the price of oranges, some inhabitants of Enashi-ku started to operate the minsyuku (cheap lodging house in tourist resorts) as a principal occupation after 1970's. Enashi-ku as the community also started to operate the car park for tourists, using their common land.<br>4. After the opening of diving spot of Osezaki in 1985, the number of divers has rapidly increased. And now, divers who visit to Osezaki amount to 85000 a year. As a results most of minshuku come to put diving service shops in their buildings and the settlement of Osezaki as the minshuku region changed to the tourist resort for divers.<br>5. The superiority as a diving area (shortness of the time distance from Tokyo, beautiful landscape under the sea etc.) is important as fundamental conditions of the formation of the tourist resort for divers. On the other hand, managers of minshuku have positively offered special services for divers, because of maintaining their stability of operation. Divers who visit to Osezaki throughout the year were attractive for managers of minshuku as customers.<br>6. The fishermen's cooperative of Uchiura has levied the charge (330yen per day) on each of divers since 1985, and about 50 percent of their income have distributed to Enashi-ku. Enashi-ku also has gained some income by the operation of the car park. These profits have been distributed to inhabitants of Enashi-ku directly or indirectly. But one of divers entered a lawsuit against the fishermen's cooperative of Uchiura on the grounds that levying of the charge by the fishermen's cooperative was unfair (it is pending in court now.) Local inhabitants are apprehensive that it may be a menace to the base of the enormous income. The desirable relationship between local inhabitants and divers is groped now.
岡田 真
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.25, no.1, pp.27-36, 1977-06-25 (Released:2010-02-26)
小田巻 滋
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.46, no.1, pp.41-55, 1998-06-25 (Released:2010-04-30)