松尾 俊郎
The Geographic Education Society of Japan
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.1, no.2, pp.1-10, 1952

The difficulties of place name interpretation have long been recongnized by leading Japanese geographers. Underlying this problem is the fact that place names may be rooted in natural as well as cultural or man-made phenomena, thus introducing elements of great complexity and diversity. Furthermore, it frequently occurs that place names which may have been fresh in the beginning, later become fossil names often unfamiliar to modern ears. Most certainly, another complicating factor is the infiltration of Ainu, Korean and other foreign terms into the language. On the other hand, it appears that certain names may have their origins in surely local dialects frequently unintelligible to outsiders. Finally, the existence of <i>ateji</i> deserves to be emphasized as one of the major complicating factors in Japanese place name interpretation. With different Chinese characters pronounced alike and applied to the same place names, it becomes quite difficult to reinterpret such names. When binding the significance of place names to the character meanings, far-fetched interpretations often result.<br>In studying the complicated place names of Japan, a grouping based upon certain significant criteria may be employed. Of primary interest in this paper are those place names associated with topography, more particularly, those which concern "escarpment."<br>Not only has the escarpment remarkable topographic characteristics but it is often associated with cultural aspects of significance to human life, for example, its functions as a barrier to communication as well as a limitation upon land utilization. Thus by its very nature, the escarpment often attracts the attention of people and is utilized as a point of origin in the development of place names. Below are ten items concerned with place names related to the topography of escarpments. Various <i>ateji</i> are used for these names.<br>1. "<i>Kura</i>" and "<i>Kake</i>"<br><i>Kura</i> has two meanings. By <i>kura</i> is meant a mountain on one hand and a valley on the other. It often occurs that the mountain or valley having the name of <i>kura</i> is not a common type of either, but has conspicuous escarpments, crumbled valleys or expanses of exposed bare rock. <i>Kake</i> is also applied to the escarment. Many of the mountains termed <i>kurakake</i> have escarpments in them.<br>2. "<i>Mama</i>"<br><i>Mama</i> is another of the names derived from the escarpment. It is distributed throughout Eastern Japan, southern Kwanto being its center, and is a good example of the necessity to be concerned with the pronounciation rather than the meaning of Chinese characters associated with it.<br>3. "<i>Kue</i>" and "<i>tsue</i>"<br>These are found in large numbers particularly in Chugoku, Shikoku and Kyushu. Both terms mean "crumbling".<br>4. "<i>Hake</i>" (<i>Hakke, Bake, Bakke</i>) and "<i>Hoki</i>" (<i>Hokki</i>)<br><i>Hake</i> and others of its group ……<i>hakke, bake</i> and <i>bakke</i>……are distributed over Eastern Japan particularly in the surroundings of Tokyo. <i>Hoki</i> (<i>hokki</i>) is a fossil word meaning "escarpment" and is found mainly in Western Japan especially in Shikoku and Kyushu.<br>5. "<i>Haba</i>"<br>It is found in the Nobi Plain and in areas to the east of it.<br>6. "<i>Nagi</i>", "<i>Kama</i>" and "<i>Nuke</i>"<br>These are often applied to such narrow valleys as radiating valleys on the slopes of a volcano or escarpments of horseshoe type. In addition <i>kama</i> is widely applied to common escarpment or cave topography.<br>7. "<i>Gare</i>", "<i>Zare</i>" and "<i>Zore</i>"<br>Often these are also applied to steep slopes or escarpments having many crumbled rocks and walls. They are distributed all over Japan.<br>8. "<i>Maku-iwa</i>"
浅井 得一
The Geographic Education Society of Japan
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.10, no.4, pp.1-31, 1963

泰緬鉄道については, はじめて耳にする人もあると思うので, 正編とやや重複のきらいはあるが, その概要についてしるすことにする。<br>泰緬鉄道は太平洋戦争中に日本軍がタイとビルマの間に建設した延長415kmにおよぶ鉄道である。<br>日本軍は昭和17年5月のビルマ全土の占領をもって, 南方進攻作戦を成功のうちに終了した。しかし連合軍の日本軍占領地域に対する反攻は, インド洋方面においてまず開始され, 昭和17年の後半になると, ラングーン-シンガポール間の航路は, 連合軍の航空機と潜水艦による攻撃のために危険となって, ほとんどとだえてしまった。このため17年6月から安全な陸路としての鉄道の建設が始まったのである。<br>ビルマとタイを結ぶ鉄道の建設は, イギリス側でも調査をしたことがあり, トングーからチェンマイに至るもの, モールメンからビサヌロークに至るもの, メルギーからチュンポンに至るものなどのルートが考えられていたが, のちに日本軍が鉄道を建設したサム・オン峠 (いわゆるThree Pagodas' Pass) を越えるタンビザヤ-ノンブラドック間のルートについては, 工事が困難であるとして, 具体的な計画は何も立てていなかったようである。 (第1図) タンビザヤ-ノンブラドックのルートは, 地形的に見ればそれほどけわしいものではなく, 最高点のサム・オン峠も海抜450mしかない。イギリス側が困難なりとしたのは, おそらくここが世界的に名高い悪性マラリアの浸淫地であつたからではなかろうか。そして日本軍がここを選んだのはこのルートがビルマ側およびタイ側の既設の鉄道を結ぶ最短距離であったからである。<br>このルートのタイ側はメクロン川およびその支流ケオノイ川の谷に沿っており, 雨期には川を利用すればビルマ国境に近いところまでさかのぼることができる。ジャングルの主体は竹で, 株をつくってはえているから, 株と株の間は自由に通行できるが, 1つの株の竹と他の株の竹は上方で互にからみ合っていて, 道を開くために下方を切っても, 竹は倒れず, また焼いても燃えない。工事にはこのような思わぬ困難が待っていたのである。雨量は年に3,000mm内外であるが, その2/3は5月から9月までの雨期に降るから, ケオノイ川は氾濫の危険があり, またビルマ側は多くの川がこのルートを横切っているので, 流木を伴う急流のために, 橋が流失するおそれがある。<br>工事はビルマ側およびタイ側から同時に始められ, 昭和18年10月17日に東西の軌道がタイのコンコイターで連接され, 1年余りで完成した。日本軍の鉄道2個連隊を基幹とする部隊のほか, ジャワ, シンガポール, ビルマから集めたオランダ, オーストラリア, イギリスなどの連合軍の俘虜と, タイ, ビルマ, マライ, ジャワ, 仏印などの現地人の労務者がこの工事に従った。俘虜は昭和18年8月には47,737名 (うち患者27,053名, 就業率42%) に達し, 現地人労務者は多いときには10万名ぐらいいた。<br>工事に従う者の多くがマラリアにたおれたほか, 昭和18年の初めにはコレラがビルマ側で発生し, 4月にはタイ側に波及, マラリアやコレラのために日本軍1千, 俘虜1万, 現地人労務者3万の死者を出している。雨期には食料の輸送が不円滑となり, 奥地方面約100kmの間は, 栄養失調のための犠牲者も出た。<br>軌間はlmで, 日本からC56型機関車および貨車 「トム」 が送られビルマ, タイ, マライ, 仏印からも機関車, 貨車が集められた。軌条はラングーン-マンダレー間の複線およびイェ線の一部をはずしてもってきたり, マライの東部線をはずすなどおもに現地のものを利用したが, サイゴンに集結してあった大本営手持ちのもの120kmも使った。<br>鉄道は完成したが, 最初の計画の1日の輸送量1方向3,000tは, 工事をいそいだためその1/3の1,000tに変更された。すなわち1列車100t (10t貨車10両), 10往復20列車という案で, これは5個師団分の常続補給量であり, 絶対に欠くことができないものであった。しかし開通後間もなく空襲が始まって, 昼間輸送は困難となり夜間を主として1日に3列車の運転がせいいっぱいというところであった。停車場には必ず密林内に待避線をつくり, 昼間は列車をここへいれておくのである。また輸送は主として貨物と患者のみに限り, 健康な兵員は線路に沿って歩かせた。列車の時速も20kmにすぎなかったが, 航空路を除けば, これはビルマ-タイ間の唯一の連絡路となり, ビルマにおける20万の日本軍への補給は, 細々ながらこの1本の鉄道によってささえられていたのである。<br>敗戦後は日本軍の引揚げに使われたのち, こんどはイギリス軍に指揮された日本軍の俘虜の手によって, その大部分が撤去されてしまった。シンガポールの繁栄を守るため, あるいはビルマ, タイ2国の接近を警戒するためにイギリスがとった処置は, 大きな犠牲をはらって建設したこの鉄道をふたたびジャングルの中にうずめてしまったのである。
天井 勝海
The Geographic Education Society of Japan
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.15, no.3, pp.21-30, 1967

(1) 東京大都市圏における人口変動の型の構成は, 明瞭な同心円的圏構造として捉えることができ, H型-C型-H型と展開されている。<br>(2) C型地域の拡大は, 東京 (23区), 東京周辺の都市の郊外化人口の結果である。<br>(3) C型地域の拡大は, もとH型地域をくみいれたものであり, その前線はまさに大都市地域化の進行しつつある地域として位置づけることができる。<br>(4) C型地域の拡大に伴い, 都心部においては人口の空洞化現象がみられ, H型地域の副都心方向への拡大傾向にある。<br>(5) H型からC型へ, C型からH型への変移地帯にA型, B型の分布が認められ, H型, またはC型への移行する前段階と考えられる。<br>(6) 人口流動から得た都市圏度の値は核心都市との結び付きを示す尺度として有効であるが, C型地域のほとんどは都市圏度500以上の地域であり, 東京 (23区) との関係を維持しながら人口の郊外化を起し, 大都市圏の拡大を行っていることを示すものである。<br>(7) このようにして捉えられた東京大都市圏は, 東海道線方向→東北, 高崎線方向に拡大化が進み, 現在では東武伊勢崎線, 常磐線方向への拡大が顕著である。<br>地形的には台地の都市化→沖積低地の都市化の傾向がみられる。
鶴藤 鹿忠
The Geographic Education Society of Japan
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.9, no.4, pp.294-300, 1961

As the objccts of present study the writer has selected Bittschu area, lying the west of Okayama Prefecture and having the Takahashi River in its central part. He has studied its rural houses from the point of materials for thatching, roof forms, the arrangement of rooms and the difussion of techniques in thatching.<br>1) Materials for thatching roofs<br>This area can be classified into miscanthus thatching, miscanthus and straw thatching and straw thatching areas. Miscanthusthatched houses are found in the Chugoku Mountains and in the northern part of the Kibi Tableland, where miscanthus can be most easily obtained. Miscanthus grows in the tracts commonly owned by the people. They make it practice to co-operate in thatching their houses. In most of the Kibi Tableland where a straw is grown better than a miscanthus and a miscanthus alone is not sufficient for thatching, miscanthus and straw thatching can be seen, while in the plains of the south where there is no miscanthus but plentiful straw, straw thatching is generally practiced.<br>We can find a close connection between the geographical features …………… the Chugoku mountains, the Kibi Tableland and the plains in the south ………… and the materials for thatching roofs.<br>2) The roof forms<br>There are three classes of roof forms ……… <i>irimoya</i> roof, <i>yosemune</i> roof and gable roof. In Okayama Prefecture, many <i>irimoya</i> roofs mixed fewer <i>yosemune</i> roofs, and here and there tiled gables, but hardly straw-thatched ones are seen. <i>Irimoya</i> roofs are chiefly found in the Chugo kuMountains and the Kibi Tableland, while in the middle and southern section of the Kibi Table-land <i>irimoya</i> roofs are mixed with <i>yosemune</i>. The further toward the south wego down, the smaller gables become, and in the Kojima Peninsula, the extreme south, only <i>yosemune</i> roofs are found. In regard to the roof ornaments, they are simple in the Chugoku Mountains, complex in the Kibi Tableland and simple again in the plains of the south. The most striking ornaments of gables are openworks of a letter "water" or of a family crest found in the Chugoku Mountains and the north-west section of the Kibi Tableland.<br>3) The arrangement of rooms<br>Ordinarily four rooms are common, but here and there irregular ones are also found. In the north there is a hearth. In the central part also, once there must have been a hearth. That is testified by the presence of a wooden floor. Formerly a barn was established within a house. But later, it was built independently outside the house, leaving a large earth floor behind. A wooden floor was fixed where the earth floor had been. Thus the hearth, which had been in the middle room, was moved to a newlymade woden floor.<br>In Okayama Prefecture cattle have been kept in a main house except in the central and southern parts of West Bittschu.<br>As for pillars in a house, chestnuts are chiefly used as materials in miscanthus and straw thatching area as well as in miscanthus area, while Japan ceders or pine trees are used in straw thatching area. Pine trees are generally used for the upper part of a house. An old style buildig, in which pillars are directly erected on the foundation, still remains along the coast of the Inland Sea.<br>4) Diffusion of the technique in thatching roofs<br>It seems that they thatched their roofs in co-operation. Since Meiji Era so-called Geishu Roofers, ……… most of them were natives of Hiro village ……… have been working all over Okayama Prefecture away from their home. Some of them have settled down and been training their apprentices. Carpenters also diffused all over the prefecture. Many of the shrines were built by Shiaku carpenters, who, the writer supposes, have had some effect upon rural house type. However, only small number of them have penetrated deep into the north, so
朝倉 隆太郎
The Geographic Education Society of Japan
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.30, no.3, pp.52-55, 1982

地理教育は地理学と教育学との交界領域にあり, これまで地理学又は教育学の応用面とみなされてきたが, 1960年代以来地理教育を学問として定立させようとする機運が高まってきた。<br>地理教育の研究方法には, 理論的研究法, 歴史的研究法, 調査的研究法, 実験的研究法, 比較的研究法の5者があり, これらは相互に補完し合うものである。<br>理論的研究では, 地理教育の目標・内容構成・カリキュラム・学習過程・学習形態・評価, 地理科担当教員の養成, 児童生徒の地理的意識の発達などが対象になる。<br>歴史的研究では, 明治以後の地理科教授要目・教科書戦後の社会科学習指導要領, 地理教育思想に関する歴史的研究が多くの成果をあげている。<br>調査的研究は, 一般に実態把握調査と解決策発見調査に2分されるが, 地理教育に関しては前者が多い。国研・文部省などで全国的規模での学力 (社会科地理を含む) の調査が行われるようになったのは戦後になってからである。また, 読図力, 地名に関する知識, 好きな国と嫌いな国などについて, 小学生から高校生まで各地で多くの調査が行われてきている。しかしまだその結果を体系化するまでにはいたっていない。<br>実験的調査法は地理の指導法・学習形態・学習過程の問題に適用される。1955年ごろから実験の信頼性を高めるための手続きについての論議が積み上げられ, 現在ではさらに統計学の実験計画法が導入されて, 教育実験におけるデータの科学的処理を向上させる努力が続けられている。日本国内ユネスコ委員会『国際理解のための教育実験』の「他国の理解」は, 地理教育の実験的研究の一礎石である。<br>教育の比較研究は, 教育における各種の事象を国, 地域, 学校等の間で比較することによって, 類似性と相違性を発見し, それらの相違を生む原因を究明し, 共通に見られる原理の発見を目指すものである。<br>昭和33年度改訂の小学校学習指導要領第4学年の内容に, イギリスの Sample studies が導入され, 昭和52年度の改訂でその考え方が第5学年の内容にまで広げられた。アメリカ合衆国のHSGP, イギリスの New Geography に採用されている games and simulation の指導法は, 一部を除いてまだ普及していない。小学校低学年の合科教授の参考として西ドイツの「事実教授」, フランスの「めざまし活動」は, 比較的研究からみた目下の研究対象である。<br>国際教育情報センターの外国教科書に関するこれまでの業績は高く評価すべきであり, 教科書研究センターは, 米・英・仏・独・ソ5か国を対象に, 教育課程 (教科書を含む) の国際比較研究を進行中である。
今井 英文
The Geographic Education Society of Japan
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.51, no.1, pp.19-31, 2003

The aim of this study is to clarify distribution and flow patterns of air passengers from Okayama to Shanghai in the Chugoku and Shikoku District. The data on air passengers for this study are based on the survey in 2000by the author. The results of this study are summarized as follows:<br>(1) There were many air passengers for Shanghai in big cities located around Okayama Airport, such as Okayama and kurashiki. The passengers were also generated in Kagawa Prefecture. Therefore, Seto-Ohashi Bridge expanded the sphere of the influence of Okayama Airport. Some passengers came from areas which may compete with Hiroshima Airport, such as Fukuyama and Hiroshima.<br>(2) After getting off planes at Shanghai Airport, all passengers moved to the cities located in the eastern part of China. There wasn't any passengers moving to other countries. Many passengers moved to Shanghai. Some passengers visited Beijing or Nanjing. And, analyzing the relationship between the destinations of passengers and travel purposes, the author made it clear that there were two types of cities: one was the cities that passengers visited on business, and the other was the cities that passengers visited for sightseeing.<br>(3) Finally, analyzing the relationship between the number of the destinations of passengers and travel purposes, the author made it clear that the passengers for sightseeing had many destinations and passengers on business had one destination.
若生 広子 高橋 伸夫 松井 圭介
The Geographic Education Society of Japan
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.49, no.3, pp.12-33, 2001

The purpose of this study is to investigate the spatial structure and characteristics of tourism activities of women living in northern residential area of Sendai City. What we are concerned particularly here are the changes in women's tourism activities by life-stage. A questionnaire survey on one-day recreation, lodging tourism and overseas tourism in the past one year was held in July, 1999 for this study.<br>The results of our study can be summarized as follows.<br>All the destinations of one-day recreation concentrate within a sphere with 180km radius from home. But, the spatial structure of lodging tourism presents different patterns according to the time periods. The destinations of one-night lodging tourism concentrate within a sphere with 350km radius from home, while some destinations of two-nights lodging tourism distribute in the nationwide range. On the one hand, destinations of two or fewer nights lodging tourism concentrate along the south-north axis composed by the Tohoku Expressway and Shinkansen. On the other hand, the destinations of three or more nights lodging tourism distribute throughout the whole country.<br>We can find the relationship between destination selection and purpose, companion, transport approaches and seasons. Furthermore, women's intention such as for shopping and food can also be found in destination selection.<br>There exists a significant relationship between women's tourism activities and their life-stage, which is divided by marriage, the birth of the first child and the age of the youngest child. With less domestic constraint, both unmarried women and childless married women have a kind of higher frequency and wider space tourism activities. And most of unmarried women take tour with their friends.<br>Compare with it, the tourism activities of married women with children present a kind of lower frequency and narrower space pattern if their youngest children are still infants. And the majority of their companions are limited to their family members. Although their tourism activities become higher in frequency and wider in space as their youngest children grow up, their companions don't change. This phenomenon suggests that the tourism activities of married women with children have been influenced greatly by childcare.<br>The tourism activities of married women with children begin to change when their children entered junior high school. Their tourism activity spaces turn to be narrower and they always tour with their husbands or friends as their children grow up. They can decide their tourism purposes by themselves. It can be thought as a result of the independence of their children.
池 俊介 有賀 さつき
The Geographic Education Society of Japan
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.47, no.2, pp.1-22, 1999

In recent years, coastal regions in Japan have been used as not only sea bathing resorts, but also as spaces for marine sports. This study clarifies processes and factors that lead to the formation of the tourist resort in the settlement of Osezaki in Numazu-shi, Shizuoka prefecture, as a typical case of the tourist resort for divers that located around the metropolitan area. The results are as follows.<br>1. Scuba diving was introduced into Japan in 1947, and has become widespread rapidly after 1980's. With the increase of divers, 178 diving spots have been opened until now. They can be classified into two types; the first type locates near the metropolitan area and the second type locates on islands in low latitudes. Osezaki as a diving spot is the typical case of the first type.<br>2. The inhabitants on Enashi-ku have depended upon coastal fishery, farming and production of firewood until 1950's. But with the rapid development of orange farming in 1960's, most of inhabitants became more dependant upon farming which utilized on terraced fields and made a comfortable income. For that reason, most of inhabitants were not interested in the operation of recreational industry on Osezaki in 1960's.<br>3. With the improvement of traffic means and the decline of orange farming that was caused by the sudden fall of the price of oranges, some inhabitants of Enashi-ku started to operate the minsyuku (cheap lodging house in tourist resorts) as a principal occupation after 1970's. Enashi-ku as the community also started to operate the car park for tourists, using their common land.<br>4. After the opening of diving spot of Osezaki in 1985, the number of divers has rapidly increased. And now, divers who visit to Osezaki amount to 85000 a year. As a results most of minshuku come to put diving service shops in their buildings and the settlement of Osezaki as the minshuku region changed to the tourist resort for divers.<br>5. The superiority as a diving area (shortness of the time distance from Tokyo, beautiful landscape under the sea etc.) is important as fundamental conditions of the formation of the tourist resort for divers. On the other hand, managers of minshuku have positively offered special services for divers, because of maintaining their stability of operation. Divers who visit to Osezaki throughout the year were attractive for managers of minshuku as customers.<br>6. The fishermen's cooperative of Uchiura has levied the charge (330yen per day) on each of divers since 1985, and about 50 percent of their income have distributed to Enashi-ku. Enashi-ku also has gained some income by the operation of the car park. These profits have been distributed to inhabitants of Enashi-ku directly or indirectly. But one of divers entered a lawsuit against the fishermen's cooperative of Uchiura on the grounds that levying of the charge by the fishermen's cooperative was unfair (it is pending in court now.) Local inhabitants are apprehensive that it may be a menace to the base of the enormous income. The desirable relationship between local inhabitants and divers is groped now.