堤 一郎 池森 寛
vol.2010, no.63, pp.11-12, 2010-03-15

In this report, a short history and outline of wooden four wheel third class coach built by the Kokura works of Kyushu Railway Company in Fukuoka Prefecture will be explained. This wooden coach was constructed in 1897 and German-made; Van der Zypen & Charlier, same type coach became an example of it. Domestic-made this coach has been preserved at the Kyushu Railway Museum, Kitakyushu-city from 2004. Contents of this report are as follows. 1) A short history and outline of this domestic-made wooden four wheel third class coach. 2) Results of field study and relational analysis on the preserved two wooden four wheel coaches. 3) Significance on the history of technology of this wooden coach and conclusion of this report.
坂本 英俊 松村 道孝 佐藤 健介 山口 敏彦
vol.2005, no.58, pp.9-10, 2005-03

現代社会において、けん銃による犯罪は年々増加の一途をたどっている。けん銃の犯罪において、弾丸がどのけん銃から発射されたものなのかを特定することは事件の解決において最も重要なものである。また弾丸が発砲事件において唯一の証拠となることも少なくない。現在一般的に行われている捜査は、現場から発射された弾丸と薬きょうを回収し、その弾丸の発射痕を調べ、使用された銃器を特定するという方法である。 本研究では、弾丸が対象物に垂直に衝突した場合、衝突により弾丸がどのように変形したのかを見るため、試射実験を行い、試射実験後に回収した弾丸の寸法測定を行った。また弾丸の変形解析および試射対象物の変形形状を調べることにより、変形・破壊挙動の検討を行った。さらにLS-DYNAを用いて銃弾の衝突解析を行い、試射実験後の弾丸の3D計測結果と比較検討した。
福田 悠太 細井 裕貴 片山 雄介 渡邉 聡 津田 伸一 森 義英
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2019, 2019

<p>Cavitation phenomenon in automotive torque converter causes various problems such as erosion, noise and performance deterioration. In this study, the mechanisms of cavitation occurrence and its effect on the torque converter performance are discussed by experiment and numerical analysis. It is found that the inception cavitation number decreases as the speed ratio increases and is less influenced by the pump rotational speed. Since the cavitation locally occurs at the inception condition and the local minimum pressure coefficient obtained by the numerical analysis well correlates with the incipient cavitation number, the cavitation inception based on the naked-eye observation is found to be not significantly influenced by the dissolved air. On the other hand, the performance degradation is found to be strongly affected by the amount of dissolved air. Many bubbles are observed in the whole flow passage at this condition. Since the averaged pressure inside the torque converter flow passage well correlates with the gas equilibrium pressure in the high dissolved air condition, it is found that the density decrease due to the huge amount of gas bubble generation deteriorates the performance of torque converter. However, at low dissolved air condition, the above correlation does not well hold, which seems to indicate that the performance degradation is caused by the local vaporous cavitation.</p>
伊東 繁 一宮 和彦 山本 友和
社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2001, pp.99-100, 2001

いま地球環境の保全問題が、官民を通じて真剣に論じられ、多様な対策が講じられている。なかでも近年深刻な問題である大量廃棄物については、近年様々な努力により、その排出量は抑制されているが、依然多量である。大量消費社会が生み出すこうした資源の大量消費が避けられないならば、できるだけリサイクルしやすくする消費者の知恵と、分別・排出された廃棄物を生かす企業の知恵があいまって、限りある資源の徹底した有効利用を目指し、資源採集→加工生産→回収→再資源化→再加工生産→再消費という、いわば資源循環型の社会を推進していかなければならない。 日々大量に排出される廃棄物のなかでも、ガラスびんは洗浄後再び使われるリターナブルびんと、破砕され『カレット』というびん原料になるワンウェイびんに分かれている。しかし、リターナルびんが99%再利用されているのに比べ、ワンウェイびんのカレット利用率は65%にとどまっている。この低い利用率の原因は様々あるが、その一つに生成コストが上げられる。 そこで本研究では新たなカレット生成法として水中衝撃波を利用した方法について模索した。通常は大規模な粉砕機によりカレットを生成するが、水中衝撃波を使用すると設備コストが低いことが利点として挙げられる。そこで水中衝撃波によってできるカレットの粒径等のデータを得ることができたので、その結果について中心に報告する。
久米 智也 瀬名波 出 依田 欣文
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2019, 2019

<p>The influence of photosynthesis on the growth of red algae <i>Agardhiella subulata</i> was investigated. First, changes in photosynthetic activity due to the amount of light irradiated on algae and changes in photosynthetic activity due to addition of CO<sub>2</sub> were tested under a total of 6 conditions including a seawater temperature of 25 °C, light intensity of 75, 150, 250 μmol/(m<sup>2</sup>·s) and CO<sub>2</sub> addition amount of 0, 15 mg/L. Next, the change in photosynthetic activity by seawater temperature was tested in total 3 conditions including CO<sub>2</sub> not added, light intensity of 150 μmol/(m<sup>2</sup>·s), seawater temperature of 20, 25, 30 °C. Measurement of the maximum quantum yield <i>F</i>v/<i>F</i>m, which is an indicator of photosynthetic activity, uses chlorophyll fluorescence measurement PAM. <i>F</i>v/<i>F</i>m with the continuous light period <i>L</i>24 h, CO<sub>2</sub> not added, the light intensity of 75 μmol/(m<sup>2</sup>·s) was the highest, and <i>F</i>v/<i>F</i>m decreased in a short time as the photon quantity increased. The maximum slope was 0.55 at sea water temperature of 25 °C and 30 °C, but the maximum value was 0.44 at 20 °C. In the continuous dark period <i>D</i> 24 h, <i>F</i>v/<i>F</i>m increased by about 0.10 at <i>D</i> 9 h regardless of the number of photons when CO<sub>2</sub> was not added and increased by about 0.10 at <i>D</i> 3 h at a CO<sub>2</sub> addition amount of 15 mg/L. <i>F</i>v/<i>F</i>m is an indicator of photosynthetic activity. It is thought that maintaining this high will lead to the growth of algae. Experimental results show that <i>F</i>v/<i>F</i>m is maintained high by setting the light period to 12 h and the dark period to 3 to 6 h. It was also shown that <i>F</i>v/<i>F</i>m is also affected by the photon quantity and CO<sub>2</sub>. From the above it is considered that growth of seaweed can be expected by balancing the light period and the dark period.</p>
中山 友裕 松田 昇一 棚原 靖
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2019, 2019

<p>TIG welding is one of the welding methods widely used in industries for high reliability of joints, little occurrence of spattering and high convenience of construction. However, compared with other arc welding methods, there is a disadvantage that depth of penetration is sallow. To solve this problem, the authors propose a new ECMP (Electromagnetic Controlled Molten Pool Welding Process) method which controls the molten metal flow by using electromagnetic forces generated in the molten pool by a magnetic field perpendicular to the unidirectional current.</p><p>Incidentally, although the conventional ECMP method has mostly prevented the molten metal from sagging downward by using an upward electromagnetic force, the authors propose the use of a downward electromagnetic force in this study. When the direction of the magnetic field is reversed from the conventional method, in principle it is possible to obtain a downward electromagnetic force in the direction of gravity. Utilizing the downward electromagnetic force, improvement of the weld penetration in the TIG welding process of thick plates can be anticipated.</p><p>In this paper, the authors describe in detail their investigation of the influence of the generated downward electromagnetic force on the molten pool flow, the molten pool surface temperature, and the final bead shape when using the new ECMP method which forcefully uses such a downward electromagnetic force.</p>
塩谷 隆二 金山 寛 淀 薫
vol.2000, no.53, pp.103-104, 2000-03-13

For 3-dimensional large scale finite element analysis, automating of mesh generation is one of important process for automating of whole finite element analysis system. But for 3-dimensional automatic mesh gemeration method with internal boundary surface has not been developed unlike for 2-dimensional one. In order to solve this issue, in this study we developed an automatic generation mesh system with internal boundary surface using 3-dimensional Delaunay triangulation.