井上 真一 佐々木 紀幸 村上 恭二 藪下 和樹 鈴木 勝雄
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
vol.1996, no.180, pp.1-11, 1996 (Released:2009-09-16)

The amplitude functions measured by wave analysis experiment for a ship model are expanded in Mathieu function series in order to obtain the informations of improving the hull form. The expansion gives sectional area curve of the model as assumed as a source generating the measured wave system in linear wave-making theory. The expansion coefficients correspond with the coefficients of Mathieu expansion of the assumed sectional area curve and give the strengths of wave pattern resistance components. In order to reduce the total wave resistance the sectional area curve components corresponding with the dominant wave resistance components is to be subtracted.The amplitude functions measured for three ship models are expanded in Mathieu function series and their wave resistance components are compared with each other at various Froude numbers. The direction of improving hull form obtained by the present method corresponds with the design philosophy of the three ship forms.
新開 明二 万順 濤 小西 陽一
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
vol.1997, no.182, pp.435-444, 1997 (Released:2009-09-16)

This paper deals with a new statistical prediction method for the propeller racing of ships sailing in rough seas. The propeller racing is one of the most important sea keeping quality in relation to the safety of main engine and shafting system. The trend of the racing has been investigated mainly in order to estimate allowable maximum propeller diameter, operability of ocean-going ships etc.. In those studies, the propeller racing generally and mainly means the situation (propeller exposed) in which the relative motion amplitude between ship hull and wave surface would exceed a depth of point in rotary disk propeller. Therefore, it seems that the magnitude of the amplitude and its exceeding frequency have been examined as a principal subject of study as usual. However, the time during which the amplitude exceeds a depth of point, that is, the propeller exposes in the air over sea surface, must be also one of most important factor affecting the trend of propeller racing. Then, this paper proposes a new practical method for estimating the time lasting of exposed propeller related to propeller racing in rough confused seas on the basis of the statistics.
田中 義照 遠藤 久芳
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
vol.1988, no.164, pp.456-467, 1988 (Released:2010-05-07)
17 30

Though a lot of experimental and theoretical investigations on the strength of stiffened plates in compression have been carried out, there are few to suggest the rational correlation between panel and stiffener associated with their local buckling and collapse. The main purpose of the paper is to present a method of analysis which may be effective not only in estimation of ultimate strength but also in mode shape analysis taking account of the interaction between panel and stiffener.The proposed procedure is composed of two parts, elastic large deformation analysis and rigid-plastic analysis. The fundamental concept of method was proposed by Fujitao and it has been developed to be applicable to the problem relating with panel-stiffener interaction. The presented method has been verified through comparing its results with the experiment and FEM calculation and it has been found to be practical for the estimation of ultimate load and post-buckling behavior of stiffened plates with flatbar stiffeners.Through the mode shape analysis, has been obtained a clear scope for the local collapse mode, which had been most commonly observed in the experiment conducted with continuous multi-span models.The critical slenderness ratio of flatbar stiffener has been studied through the analyses. They show that there is a threshold of the slenderness ratio, h/ts, over which the dominant buckling mode in a stiffener changes from a panel-buckling-induced one to an inter-frame overall and the buckling strength rapidly decreases. The critical value is found to be about 18, which indicates the existing rule requirements are a little too conservative.
増山 豊 深沢 塔一 北崎 隆雄
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
vol.1997, no.181, pp.1-13, 1997 (Released:2009-09-16)
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Sail forces were measured in a full-scale sailing boat with the use of a sail force dynamometer. This apparatus consisted of an aluminum frame fixed to the hull by way of several load cells. The sailing boat was modified so that the dynamometer frame could be installed inside the hull. The mast, stays, winches, and other sailing rig were fixed on the frame so as to transmit all the forces acting on sail to the frame. By transforming the measured forces, the lift force, drag force, thrust, side force, or the center of effort of the sail force could be obtained. The sailing conditions of the boat, such as the boat speed, heel angle, wind speed, wind angle, and so on, were also measured.Sail shapes of the boat in the up-wind condition were also measured with the use of CCD cameras installed in the boat. The sail shape images taken by the cameras were transformed to bit-map files, and then processed by an SSA-2 D, a sail shape analyzing software. With the use of this software, sail shape parameters were obtained. The relationship between the measured sail forces and the sail shape parameters is discussed in this paper. Moreover, the measured sail shapes were used as the input data for the numerical calculations.Numerical calculations were performed to estimate the sail forces of the boat. In the calculations, two sails, a mainsail and a jib, were modeled in the form of a vortex lattice. The vortex lattice method was adopted as the numerical calculation method. Step by step calculations were conducted up to attaining the steady state of the sail in steady wind. Calculated sail forces were compared with the measured forces, and the validity of the numerical method was studied.
栗田 義之 秋山 俊弥 北尾 幸市
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
no.146, pp.407-419, 1979

In view of safety design against fatigue failure in cylindrical storage tank of low temperature use, low cycle and low temperature fatigue behaviour of shell to annular tee-fillet welded joint in tank was investigated experimentally and analytically, in case of liquefied propane gas tank, using a displacement-controlled bend test of model specimens. The experiments and analyses were done either by strain and displacement measurements around weld toe in annular plate under cyclic deformation or by finite element analysis mainly to clarify quantitatively the effects of type of weld joint as well as dimensions of weld joint, including the effects of annular plate thickness, on the fatigue crack initiation life of tank. Principal results obtained are as follows. (1) In bend test of model specimen, a distribution of strain range in front of weld toe indicates that its maximum value is found at weld toe as far as the deformation range examined, although maximum value of strain distribution is found at 5-10mm distant from weld toe under large extent of deformation. (2) Experiments and analyses show that there is no difference practically between fillet weld joint and full penetration joint in cyclic deformation as well as in fatigue strength. (3) The expression of evaluating the fatigue crack initiation life in the displacement controlled bend test of model specimen was derived in terms of weld joint parameters, which is [numerical formula] where N_c,._p, t. SL denotes fatigue crack initiation life, weld toe radius, displacement range at the loading point, annular plate thickness, and leg length of shell plate respectively. (4) By introducing a parameter _<s-A>, an angle which defines an extent of deformation around weld toe, the fatigue crack initiation life in tank is predicted from the results on model specimen. (5) The finite element analysis shows that as to the bend test on model specimen, the increase of annular plate thickness decreases the initiation life in displacement controlled test, and increases it in load controlled test. However, the incorporation of the results on model specimen to the behaviour in deformation of the tank indicates that these two express-ions are essentially the same as far as the fatigue crack initiation in tank concerned. As of now, it seems that the thicker the annular plate becomes the longer the fatigue crack initiation life in this type of tank.
金井 一彦 森鼻 英征 山崎 敏樹 寺田 邦夫
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
no.132, pp.269-279, 1972

In order to obtain the collapse strength data on the spherical shells suitable to the pressure capsule of DSSV, collapsing tests were conducted using spherical shell models by means of MHI 1,200kg/cm^2 hydrostatic tank. These models were made from several kinds of materials including ultra-high yield strength steels such as 18% Ni maraging steel, 10% Ni dual-strengthened steels etc., and machined into near-perfect spherical shape or spheres with initial imperfection of various thicknesses. From these experiments the following conclusions are obtained : (1) Collapse pressure of relatively thick shells (h_a/R_<10>≧0.03) agrees to the theoretical inelastic buckling pressure by Gerard et al. (2) The effect of initial imperfections are evaluated by local radius in case of relatively thick shells. But for thinner shells, this method is not sufficient and nonlinear elasto-plastic analysis will be required. (3) Present results will not always agree with Krenzke's data, especially in thinner shells with flat spot. (4) Fracture appearance of collapsed shells are closely related to the fracture toughness of materials.
隆杉 憲行
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
vol.1991, no.169, pp.123-134, 1991 (Released:2009-09-04)

The automatic position and the attitude control for the underwater vehicle staying still or moving at dead slow speed becomes non-linear, because the acceleration or the deceleration motion must be applied using thrusters, while the linear control system can be applied to the underwater vehicle cruising at high speed.In the previous paper, the linear approxmation of this non-linear system and a linear design method were proposed.This paper describes the results of the sea tests of the experimental underwater vehicle, and the evaluations made by the test results which proved the thory and the design method proposed in the previous paper to be applicable to the control of these underwater vehicles.
隆杉 憲行
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
vol.1990, no.168, pp.283-295, 1990 (Released:2009-09-16)

This paper treats the automatic position and the attitude control for the underwater vehicle staying still or moving at dead slow speed.The motion control of the underwater vehicle cruising at high speed is rather easy and now in practical use successfully, because the hydrodynamic characteristics and the dynamics of the vehicle can be assumed to be linear, which allows application of linear control system using control surfaces.But the position and the attitude keeping control of the underwater vehicle staying still or moving at dead slow speed becomes non-linear system, because the speed of all degrees of freedom becomes comparable and the acceleration or the deceleration motion must be applied using thrusters.This paper describes the linear approximation of this non-linear system, and presents a linear design method.
山北 和之
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
vol.1985, no.157, pp.119-125, 1985 (Released:2010-05-07)

This report presents the longitudinal dynamics of underwater towed body system.Firstly, the longitudinal equations of motion of underwater towed body system were derived by treating the cable as lumped parameter system of discrete masses.Secondary, hydrodynamic characteristics of the hypothetical towed body, which is necessary for the analysis, were obtained experimentally. Utilizing above results, the longitudinal equations of motion of underwater towed body system under external disturbances were solved numerically.As the result, dynamic characteristics of underwater towed body system, mainly towed body response to the heaving towing point, were made clear.
永松 哲郎 児玉 良明 角川 明 高井 通雄 村上 恭二 石川 暁 上入佐 光 荻原 誠功 吉田 有希 鈴木 敏夫 戸田 保幸 加藤 洋治 池本 晶彦 山谷 周二 芋生 秀作 山下 和春
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
no.192, pp.15-28, 2002-12
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This paper is the second half of the report on the study on microbubbles carried out by the SR239 project of the Shipbuilding Research Association of Japan, and describes the full-scale experiment using "SEIUN MARU", a 116m-long training ship that belongs to the Institute for Sea Training. Using numerical analysis and the experimental data obtained in the preparatory study described in the first half of the report, the net energy saving of SEIUN MARU by microbubbles at 14kts was estimated to be 2%. In the full-scale experiment, the trajectory of the generated bubbles was observed using underwater TV cameras and was found to shift more upward than predicted. The local skin friction was measured at several locations on the hull surface, and the skin friction increase as well as decrease by the bubbles was measured. The local void ratio was measured at one point on the hull surface, and the bubbles were found to travel slightly away from the hull surface. The change of the ship speed and shaft horsepower by microbubbles was measured, and the decrease or increase of engine power at constant ship speed was analyzed. In the most cases of the experiment the ship speed decreased by the bubble injection, mainly due to the increase of ship resistance and the decrease of propeller efficiency caused by the bubbles going into the working propeller. But, by carefully choosing the bubble injection location and thus avoiding the bubble entrainment into the propeller, the 3% power saving at a constant speed of 14kts was obtained. By taking into account the power needed to inject bubbles against hydrostatic pressure due to water depth at the injection point, this corresponds to the net power saving of 2%. Thus the net power saving by microbubbles was measured on a full-scale ship for the first time in the world.
野原 勉 松浦 正巳
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
no.183, pp.115-121, 1998-06
1 1

This paper describes the generation of the irregular wave specified by the spectrum of the wave envelope using a wave maker in a test basin. An effective generation algorithm for the irregular wave specified by the wave envelope spectrum is proposed. The design for mooring systems of a vessel in a port as well as a floating offshore structure is important because the long period wave happens to cause the break of mooring lines in spite of relatively calm ocean conditions. In very large floating structures, such as the mega-float case, especially, this problem will become a severe one due to no past experience in real design. The long period wave can be induced by the irregular wave specified by the spectrum of the wave envelope. The proposed algorithm is verified by the computer simulation. The experiment results using a pontoon model are also presented.
白石 隆義
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
no.125, pp.437-445, 1969-06

Japanese National Reilways has developed a new type berth fender for railway ferry berth, The fender is mainly composed of a box shaped steel slab whose front surface is smooth, and several water pressure shock absorbers which are made or rubber bags and attached to the back surface of the slab. The shock absorbing and damping properties of the absorber were proved excellent by half scale model tests. The results of the tests were compared with the results of approximate calculation.A trially constructed fender of this type (size=8 m×4 m) was fitted on a railway ferry berth in Uno port. Full size shock tests were carried out on this fender, and the results indicated the allowable breth touching speed might be doubled.
越賀 房夫 田中 甚吉 栗田 義之
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
no.129, pp.267-276, 1971-06

Effects of stress-relieving heat treatment on brittle fracture initiation in welded structures are quantitatively discussed in terms or fracture mechanics. The basic concept employed for discussion is that brittle fracture should initiate when tensile yield zone formed ahead of a pre-existing crack attains a critical size depending on the material. The critical zone size as a function of temperature is predictable from Charpy-V transition temperature. Metallurgical information on welding residual stress and Charpy-V data for various conditions of heat treatment is compiled and put into the proposed logical frame of fracture mechanics. There is a divergence of conclusion for every case of steel type. Cases studied are those of an ordinary mild steel, two kinds of quenched-and-tempered high strength steels and a Mn-Mo steel for nuclear pressure vessels.
豊貞 雅宏 藤井 英輔 野原 和宏 川口 喜昭 有持 和茂 井坂 和実
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
vol.1987, no.161, pp.343-356, 1987 (Released:2009-09-16)
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It is well known that fracture toughness value is affected by strain rate. As for strain rate, the dependency of fracture toughness on fracture parameter rate has been usually studied. In the linear fracture mechanics, fracture parameter rate (dK/dt) is directly related to strain rate. However, in the non-linear fracture mechanics, the relation between fracture parameter rate (dδ/dt, dJ/dt) and strain rate has not yet been made clear. Therefore, in the safety assessment of real structures, non-linear fracture parameter can not be applied in case of which the effect of the strain rate on the fracture toughness needs to be considered.In this paper, fracture initiation point is assumed to be the tip of the intensely deformed non-linear zone defined by Rice, which is considered to show the maximum triaxial constraint. Then the strain rate at the supposed fracture initiation point is given in connection with remote strain rate which corresponds to the strain rate in non-cracked plate. By use of the newly difined strain rate, strain rate-temperature parameter is determined, which represents the effect of strain rate on fracture toughness. Compact tension tests and COD tests with different strain rate and temperature, as well as KId tests are carried out to verify above conception.
小林 英一 末田 高嗣 西村 好之 大江 清登 池上 国広 山瀬 晴義
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
no.189, pp.347-356, 2001-06

本実験の結果をまとめると次の通りである。<BR>(1) ガイドフェンス部のテンションメンバ材に剛性の高い鋼製を用いると計算条件の2kn航走時に最大曳航荷重が380kN程度と相当過大になるが,剛性の低いナイロンロープを用いると110kN程度にまで軽減でき,実用性が高まる。<BR>(2) またトラップブームに作用する波浪荷重も剛性の低いナイロンロープを採用すると100kN程度にまで低減できる。<BR>本研究では, 具体的な製品開発に必要なオイルフェンスに作用する波浪荷重計測を行い, 構造設計に必要なデータを取得するとともに, 波浪中の挙動把握を水槽実験で実施した。また荒天下で安全にオイルフェンスを降下揚収できる装置を開発設計するために必要な諸データ取得のためハンドリング予備試験を実施すると共に, オイルフェンスの波浪強度を把握するためのフェンス主要部分模型を製作し, 引っ張り強度試験を実施した。さらにこれら等に基づいて, フェンスシステムの基本設計を行った。<BR>次に高波浪中でも安全かつ効率的にオイルフェンス等をハンドリングできる昇降装置等, およびオイルフェンスの自己膨張メカニズムの基本設計を行った。主要な成果を次にまとめる。<BR>(1) ガイドフェンス部のテンションメンバ材は鋼製を採用すると荷重が多大となり索径が大きくなりハンドリングが難しくなるが, 伸び剛性の低い材料の採用により, 波浪荷重が低減され実用的な設計が可能であることが判明した。<BR>(2) ガイドフェンス曳航力, 油回収装置の係留力等設計に必要な諸データが取得された。<BR>(3) 上記実験結果に基づき曳航索がナイロンロープ, ガイドフェンスがポリエステル繊維材から構成されるオイルフェンスシステムの試設計が完了した。<BR>(4) オイルフェンスを安全に投下・回収させるハンドリング装置設計のための水槽実験を実施しシュータ方式の有効性を実証した。<BR>(5) この実験結果に基づきフェンスの等をハンドリングする展張装置の基本設計を行った。<BR>(6) さらにオイルフェンスの自己膨張メカニズムの基本設計を行った。<BR>(7) 以上により最大波高6mの海域においても十分な滞油性能を有する実用的なオイルフェンスシステムの設計が完了し実用性の見通しが得られた。
平松 秀基 豊田 政男
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
no.190, pp.591-598, 2001-12
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The importance of investigations of ductile crack initiation characteristics increases in the evaluation of the structure of integrity and the plastic forming of metal materials. A lot of examinations shout ductile crack initiation behavior for ferrite-pearlite steels have been carried out. However, for other structural materials, enough examination has not necessary been carried out. In this study, ductile crack initiation characteristics of SM 490 A, stainless steel SUS 316, high tension steel HT 950 and aluminum alloy A 5083(O) have been investigated by using notched round bar specimens. Dynamic tensile test has also been conducted for SUS 316. And the critical equivalent plastic strain as a function of the stress triaxiality at ductile crack initiation has been estimated by using FE analyses (ABAQUS ver. 5.7). The ductile crack initiation is triggered by the microvoid nucleation for SUS 316 and HT 950, and it was controlled by the void growth for SM 490 A and A 5083(O). The influence of stress triaxiality to critical equivalent plastic strain varies in the material. That relates to the process of ductile crack initiation of the material. The microvoid nucleation is seemed to be affected by stress triaxiality more strongly than the void growth.
下村 芳弘 北沢 孝宗 乾 崇夫 梶谷 尚
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
vol.1979, no.146, pp.27-34, 1979 (Released:2009-09-04)

The low speed wave resistance theory developed by Baba4) and Maruo5) seems to be a promising theory to predict the wave resistance of conventional ships, because it includes the nonlinear effect of the free surface condition. The wave resistance curves calculated by the low speed theory, however, have large humps and hollows, and they do not agree with the measured7) 10) .In this paper, a refinement of the low speed theory is discussed by imposing the more accurate hull surface condition. The wavy source distribution added to satisfy the hull sruface condition is obtained numerically, and the wave resistance, the hull side wave profiles and the velocities around the hull surface are evaluated. The results coincide fairly well with the measured values, especially the humps and the hollows of the calculated wave resistance curves are remarkably reduced.It is ascertained that the added source distribution plays an important role to improve the low speed wave resistance theory, in spite that its strength is one-order smaller than that of the double model source.
平松 秀基 道場 康二 豊田 政男
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
vol.2002, no.192, pp.563-571, 2002 (Released:2007-05-30)
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Significance of investigation of ductile crack initiation characteristics in the evaluation of structure of integrity is on the increase. It is significant to predict ductile crack initiation in plastic forming of metal materials. A lot of examinations about ductile crack initiation behavior under high stress triaxiality for structural steels have been conducted using notched round bar tensile specimens. Satisfactory examination under low stress triaxiality, however, has not necessary been conducted thus far.Ductile crack initiation characteristics of aluminum alloy A 5083-O and high strength steel HT 950 under low stress triaxiality have been investigated using plate tensile specimens in this study. The critical equivalent plastic strain as a function of the stress triaxiality at ductile crack initiation has been estimated using FE analyses.The ductile crack initiation is triggered by secondary void nucleation under low stress triaxiality, and it is controlled by initial void growth under high stress triaxiality for A 5083-O. The ductile crack initiation is triggered by void nucleation under the wide range of stress triaxiality. The critical diameter of void at ductile crack initiation varies with stress triaxiality for both materials. The critical equivalent plastic strain at ductile crack initiation under low stress triaxiality is seemed to be overestimated by extrapolation using curve fitted to test results under high stress triaxiality on the assumption that critical void diameter would be constant.
山内 重樹 手塚 研治
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
no.178, pp.707-712, 1995
4 6

Nesting in shipbuilding is work that complicated parts of various sizes are arranged in steel plate as many as possible. The work has been done by experts. We have developed the automatic nesting system by use of Genetic Algorithm (GA) and new algorithm which are introduced from heuristic rules which the experts have. We call the algorithm "geometrical simplification of parts pairing algorithm" and "grouping algorithm". This paper describes that the combination with GA and new algorithm which we propose is effective to the processing speed of the system and the scrap ratio of nesting and that the system is available for practical use.
金 相賢 大和 裕幸
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
vol.2000, no.188, pp.211-223, 2000 (Released:2009-09-16)

In this paper, the longitudinal control system for full-submerged hydrofoil based on wave prediction was proposed to exclude human operation and to improve the performance of contouring waves. The proposed control system consists of optimal preview servo system, Kalman filter and generation of future reference input and future wave disturbance.In the proposed control system, the wave disturbance and the wave elevation were filtered and predicted by using sensor signals, Kalman filter, 30th linear prediction model and the augmented system. Then the future reference input and the future wave disturbance were generated by using predicted wave disturbance and wave elevation, and were used to calculate the feedforward control input in the optimal preview servo system. And also the future reference was modified based on the significant wave height for ship height control.The simulation results show that the proposed control system has good performance of contouring waves in the follow sea and the hydrofoil regulates heave and pitch motion in low significant wave height and contours the waves in high significant wave height without human operation. And also the experiment was performed to confirm the algorithm of filtering of wave disturbance and hydrofoil motion, and calculation of wave elevation.