高井 昌吏
vol.51, no.1, pp.31-71, 2017-10-20

In the late 1960 s, Hiroshi Kawaguchi, the former movie actor and TVpersonality, felt challenged by the documentary film “A Dog’s Life” (originaltitle: Mondo Cane) produced by Italian film director Gualtiero Jacopetti.While pursuing the ‘authenticity’ of documentary, Kawaguchi alsoperformed as an actor and was involved in the production of a televisionprogram. The program of Hiroshi Kawaguchi was different from JunichiUshiyama’s television documentary ”Wonderful World Travel”, as theformer tried to represent the ‘authenticity’ of documentary whileemphasizing the impact of the image, whereas the latter pursued‘education’ and academics through his program. This is, in a sense, a resultof focusing on creating a program from the perspective of the ‘masses’instead of from the perspective of ‘modern citizens’. Their directions weredifferent, yet their educational background, parents’ occupations andcultural capital were related to each other. In the mid-1980 s, however,“Kawaguchi Hiroshi Adventurer Series” directed by the former actor whoplaced great emphasis on ‘authenticity’ became viewed as a parody ofadventure and exploration by the audience amid a rumor that the programwas ‘staged’. In other words, although Hiroshi Kawaguchi’s documentaryprogram began as a pursuit of ‘authenticity’, it was ironically criticized interms of its ‘authenticity’ and ridiculed. This was due to changes in theattitudes of TV viewers, especially of the audience of documentary shows.In the meanwhile, Junichi Ushiyama also entered the academic world, suchas the “Visual anthropology”, and as a result, his television documentarybecame accepted as an ‘educational program’.
松澤 俊二
vol.49, no.2, pp.69-86, 2016-02-25

This paper is intended to study the proletarian tanka which rose during about 5 years from 1928 and declined immediately. Evaluation of proletarian tanka is not high so far. There are two reasons of low evaluation. First, because the tanka have been considered as politics, not Literary work. Second, the representation of tanka is a roar and vilification against the government and the capitalists, and this is because it is not individual, and mannerism and critics thought. However, it must be noted that such evaluation having been made from modern tanka's sense of values which considers that expression of individuality is the most important. Therefore, it is impossible from the sense of values to discuss the proletarian tanka which appeared as an antithesis of a modern tanka from the start. In the light of this fact, It is necessary to reconsider old research of a proletarian tanka and tanka work itself. In this paper, I gave priority to that I took up the expectations of the proletarian poet at that time. For this purpose, I chose "Proletarian Tanka poetics" as a research material. And it was clarified why the rut expression was repeated Tanka work, social circumstances surrounding its Tanka movement, and how was thought to increase the fan proletarian Tanka. In addition the existence of the proletarian tanka confirmed that it becomes a ruler to measure the political character of the modern tanka that attention had not been applied to until now.
竹内 真澄
vol.49, no.2, pp.87-117, 2016-02-25

「経済成長」の歴史的起源Historical Origin of `Economic Growth'竹内,真澄TAKEUCHI,Masumiキ-ワ-ド:経済成長,スペンサ-,社会成長,社会有機体,競争的個人主義Keywords : economic growth, Herbert Spencer, social growth,social organic body, competitive individualismThe concept of `Economic Growth' of modern economics was made in around 1950s. But we can trace it back to the concept `Social Growth' in Herbert Spencer. He used it in the first volume of `Principles of Sociology' at 1876. `Social growth' means the process of evolving societies in which massive population compound or recompound from hords to relatively bigger societies. He thought a society as an organism. Therefore he thought an analogy between society and organic body like plant and animal. The idea `growth' comes from the analogy. I analyze the two influencial lines in economic theories. One is the process from Spencer, thorough Carl Menger and Friedrich von Wieser, to Friedrich Hayek and Milton Friedman. Another is the process of evolutionistic philosophy given by Spencer who directly visited U. S. A. in the end of 19 th century. It seems that even W. W. Rostow accepted the evolutionistic view about national economy from American context after Spencer's visit. We can understand economists in these two lines share an idea that market is an organic body. On the one side market consists of competitive individualism. On the other side market consists of organism. These can be not in contradiction. Originaly this view of market was built by Spencer. We can conclude that the idea of social organic body originaly made in sociology have been penetrated in economic theory after WW II. until today.
中西 啓喜
vol.56, no.1, pp.1-15, 2022-09-28

Although the use of shadow education has been positioned as aneducational investment strategy for children, mainly in the sociology ofeducation, recent discussions of relative poverty and child poverty suggestthat it is also a necessity for daily life. However, much of the previousresearch has discussed shadow education only in the context of educationalinvestment strategies and poverty studies, respectively.In this paper, we analyze data from a questionnaire survey of parentswith middle school children conducted in 2019 and matched with eighthgrade academic scores. The results revealed that(1)middle schoolstudentsʼ use of shadow education is divided into two aspects: “educationalinvestment strategy” and “necessities of life,” and(2)academicperformance of children from families with poverty as a reason remainslow. Having been able to present such evidence, this paper will havesignificance as a basic resource for examining the need for out-of-schooleducation vouchers.
中西 啓喜
vol.55, no.2, pp.117-136, 2022-02-23

Class size reduction is a hot topic in policy.Since2021,elementaryschools will gradually be phased in to35students per class for all grades.However,most sociological studies examining the effects of class sizehave been set on students,such as the correction of academicachievement gaps.It is not only students who are affected by thereduction in class size,but teachers as well.In particular,it would bemeaningful to examine whether the reduction in class size has a positiveeffect on the busyness of teachers,which has become a social issue inrecent years.Therefore,I will empirically clarify the question “Does classsize reduction reduce teacher work hours? “by analyzing elementary schoolteacher data from TALIS2018.In this paper,I used decision tree analysis as the analysis method.Byusing decision tree analysis,it is possible to extract non-trivial informationfrom the data.The analysis of constructing hypotheses from previousstudies and testing them is often prone to manipulation,but it is expectedthat decision tree analysis can present findings that have not been obtainedbefore.Furthermore,decision tree analysis can be read like a flowchart,making it easy to interpret the results.Therefore,even non-experts caneasily interpret the results of the analysis,and the knowledge can beeasily shared between experts and non-experts.The following two findings were obtained from the analysis.(1)Thesmaller the class size,the shorter the working hours of the teachers.(2)There is no statistical relationship between teachers’working hours andthe number of children with low Socio-economic status in their classrooms.Japanese schools do not have as many students with economicallydifficulties,students with limited native language skills,or immigrant andrefugee students as their European counterparts.Nevertheless,if theworking hours of Japanese teachers are the longest in the world,it is aproblem of work culture.Solving “child poverty” is a very importantsocial problem,however perhaps even if this problem is solved,thebusyness of teachers will not go away.A fundamental reconfiguration ofthe work culture of teachers is needed.
竹内 真澄
vol.55, no.1, pp.23-64, 2021-09-28

Modern social theory, from Hobbes to Simith, is based on the concept of“private man. ”According to Hegel, private man appears after the decline ofcommunities. It refers to the atomistic type of human being in modernsociety.From the point of view of young Hegel, private man lost the totality, buthe also recognizes the value of private man in history in a definite sense.Then, he establishes the schema, that is to say, community-society-highlevel of community. Correspondingly, human beings move from Individuumvia Einzelne to a high level of Individuum.Hegel examines the experimental thoughts about dialectics in the Jenaerperiod (1801-1807). Through works preceding The Phenomenology of Spirit,including The Spirit of Christianity and its Fate, The Difference betweenFichte’s and Schelling’s Systems of Philosophy, The Critics of ModernNatural Law, and Jenaer Real Philosophy, he analyzes the self-formationfrom Einzelne to general Individuum, which is the main purpose ofphenomenology.I examine that Hegel adds the concept of private man to the context ofdialectics between Individuum and Einzelne. He establishes the base forthe dialectics Allgemeinheit-Besonderheit-Einzelheit.However, he identifies Einzelheit with Individualität at the end, on thesame condition of private property, regardless of categorical distinction ofthe two. This brings about the criticisms of Kierkegaad and Marx.
宮本 孝二
vol.48, no.2, pp.1-26, 2015-02-27

Anthony Giddens published Capitalism and Modern Social Theory in 1971 and Politics and Sociology in the Thought of Max Weber in 1972 on the base of his studies on Weber's works. This paper, which is a part of my research project Giddens and Sociologists, aims to examine how Giddens used products of his studies on Weber's works in constructing his social theory since 1973. First, introducing his interpretations of Weber's works in Capitalism and Modern Social Theory, I depict the entire structure of Weber's social theory. Second, introducing his examination of relationships between Weber's political ideology shown in his political works and social theory shown in academic works, it will be made clear that the strong interest in contradictions brought by economic and political rationalization was consistent in his politics and sociology. Third, I research how Giddens has tackled central problems in social theory by learning much from Weber's social theory and politics.
本間 栄男
vol.48, no.2, pp.63-104, 2015-02-27

Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) included an evolutionary psychology in his synthetic philosophy. In this paper I treated the development of theory of emotion in his psychology. Spencer had four sources in his theory of emotion: Lamarkian theory of evolution, phrenology, association psychology, and theory of moral sense. Though association psychology which comes from empiricism is opposed to moral sense which is an inherent ability, he was able to dissolve the opposition through the Lamarkian theory of evolution which admits that an individual can hand down the ability he got to the next generation. From phrenology, he socceeded the opinion that psychological functions have their seats only in brain and nerve. Spencer gave a brief account of emotion in his early work (The Principles of Psychology, first edtion, 1855), but in the late 1850s he gradually considered it important. Through his reading Alexander Bain's The Emotion and the Will (1859), emotion occupied an important place in his system. In the second edtion of The Principles of Psychology (2vols. 1870-1872) he discussed the formation of social sentiments which is the base of social morality in his evolutionary way, and made it possible to engage psychology with sociology and ethics.
山本 順一
vol.51, no.2, pp.189-220, 2018-02-28

This paper deals with public libraries and their workers in comparisonbetween Japan and US.Japanese central government has made localgovernments conduct designated manager system from 2003 now on.About15per cent of municipal libraries are run by certain designatedcompanies or joint ventures.This Japanese designated manager systemapplied to public libraries is unusual in the world,and this way ofmanagement has produced lots of precariat librarians and extremely poorlibrary assistants.This paper shows Japanese unbelievably miserable workplace inJapanese public libraries,taking,as a representative example,AdachiWard Takenotsuka Branch Library(run by a small local metal processingcompany)case.The extremely low wage and terrible labor conditions ofthe female vice director in this case is closely connected with the wholepresent socio-economic-political framework in Japan.The author’sworkplace is the same.